News Scrapbook 1959-1962

Mrs. Die Ho

,. Plays Hos o N~.tiOily~ 1

ch Meet 321 Students In 31 States Seek La rels The nation II finest high school dem.t r, and public epeak- ers ha\'e taken over the University of D ego's Alcala. Par]f campus th a week. The occasion ia tht atlonal Sp ch Tournament and National student Congress ponsored by the National Forens League. The annual event has 11ttracted 3" participants, Including-! 47 from Califonll!. lt is !d to be e largest held by the National Forensic Lea;,ae, with studentf 11,1111 ~oaches commg from 165 schools in 31 Ttat , , I Fiut Time in San Diego \ It is the first time San Diego h en the holl~ t'lty ln the 29-year history of th events. Tl e lournammt also · s being staged in Southern California n c the 1951 event was held at Pepperdlne College in Los AnJ, le . Rev. William D. Spain, ,ice president of the CoUeg~ !CYl' Men, and Rev. I B. Eag n, mcmbc ot the college !acuity, aided in arrangeinenta. Contestants are being housed on the Alcala Park campus. Priests, Sisters and Brothers are ;h4;'ro with thelr conte&- tants from throughout the United States. Catholic Schools represented include Bellarmlne Prep, Jun.-poro Serra, and Notre Dam~ high schools, Califom!a; St. Francis de Sales, Oolorado; Tampa Jesuit, F1orida; Loyola, Mt. Cannel, St. Grt:gory, and St. Patcick'a, Chicago; Bishop Noll, Indiana; Cadiz, Kentucky; Not e D e, Massachuset~; St. 7'homas Military, M nt>.sota; Roclthurst and St. Loms University High, Mis ouii · Fq.l s Catho!Ic, Montana~ Creighton Prep. Nebraska; Camden C I lie, Red Bank Catho- lic anct St. Luke'~, N w .Jer.ey; Carn II and M!l,l'' Lom~e , demy, New York; ~ayton Cham}na.d.e, Magmficat, SL Ignatius, and Youngstown Ursuline, Ohio; Jotinstown Catho- lic, Pa, and North Catholic;, Sacred lirart, ano S • Justin, Pittsburgh, an


quiem mas at 11 a.m Immaculata




The Sodahty o'f. of Mary, of wh ch . Lynch was a mrmbl'r, will rcc!te the rosary for he at 8 p.m. ~un- day in the Bi hop's private chapel. Children

Interment will be at ll ·30 a.m. Tuesday m Holy Cross Cemetery, Lo Angeles. Ryan- Sullivan and Bradley Wool- man Mor,t\!ll 'I ts 1n charge. Mrs. Lyn 11, Wi.dow ot John Paul Lynch, was hor.n in Brow,is\'111<>, Pa. She ·s ~ur• vived h four l>ro!hc five sisters. [);'f;Jcf Wed~


St. Charle

olie Churcl noon S: riage o{,MJaa;,'.l"lil Smith, ila ard F. lark Rane 1, Eugene Agoslirk

cFnlco, ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Eu1wne II. D<'FalC'o of 14G2 Carleton Sq. The bride's lac,• gown was fashioned v. ilh a tin apron drapp forming a bl tl1•, bouf- fant skirt and hort train. A juliPl cap o! lace edgPd In SP<']d lw1• fingl'i·llp veil •

Son D

to be awarded at the 1 ·a- ournament ar , irom left, ahil Pet-

over trophi

c en, I nfelter, Fitzhugh, debaters from S\\ rley


peech Tou ney Universi 'X 0

San Diego d n' { In the Alcala =~...... ' The lJre wm be A ,ari!~ 1 bronze medals also Enter~lnment yesterday tW cs,! with w es g

y night.


The cl:-Ml~l~$,l:g}l)t,llat;;; 1

cheduled !or 7 p.m. Friday

SD .campus.

d.s th n wi!J be 2n4de. Trop cond place scho9Js in all events. ent winnerE. Gold, s,lver, and picnic at the San Diego Zqo e Navy was 11 st f;o tho del • e carrier Ben!tington today •:i. rded.

-embly will

gares and coachcs aboard

(Thursday). , Thu~ tha l:niversity of San Diego a rep tatl9n with another outstanding achievement _!~vin_g_l_i5_t t>f th:.

e..:y:.:o:::u:::· n:::g:_s_ch_o_o_l_. -------:a::::;t.:;:!:::::


F~ $34,~66 1. s~~ttan sued the University of S a n Diego in Superior Court yes- terday for the $34,666 which he says is the balance due on his contract as dean of its law school. Dattan, who said the Rev. Martin J. McManus, the school's regent, has taken over his duties, denied tnat his law 'practice would preclude accreditation of the school by the American Bar Association. He said the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego Catholic Dio- cese, which operates the uni- versity, gave that vason in terminating Dattan's $16,000 a year contract Mav 31. Dattan said he countered a proposed $6,000 settlement with an oiler to continue teaching in night school at the same salary without the po- sition o:rdean. Dattan said, in a letter from his attorney to the bishop's at- torney filed with the suit, he offered to give up his "token" law practlce to remain as dean, or remain as dean tem- norarilty under ABA approval until other accreditation re- quirements were satisfied.

e 1960 debate question is: 'll1 ed; that the federal rnment should substan-

,...,.....,,...,.· tially increase Its regulation

p arancc 1ornla mce was he d at

t of labor unions.

Other e\·ents arc boys' and girls' extel)'lporaneous speak- ing, original oratory, and dra- matic interµ tatlon.


Jet<' in Los.,uu,e,,,.,


Entry Each team will debate af- ~t>mbers who have- won a !irmative and nrgatlve sides 11rst .Plac m rcco d ta!e o! t~ ur ion using cross. or district tourna nt5. said examination sty1e. At the end Jo eph G. Lagnese, Sweet- of two rounds, every team 1\ ater High t e a c h e r and which has lo t both Its rounds tournam~nt C'h:urman. \\,ill b eliminated. ''Thi IS \\hat makes the · tournaml:'nt t 't1ly the biggest TWO-DEFE \.TS and mo ·t important of It· Particip · :tor final de- kini:I in thr notion today," bates will bf' .seJP.cted :from La 'ne~e said the re alrlder .by the two- Jr. •lud<'d mong enynnts to at eliminati¢n process. 11rrlvt- ln tn c-ity Monday e r , re open to the dPbate !rlim c m I I1 Ok ., inn -s <>( 1he '!lfl q oF at d bate champl'>n I cf( + n m~hrT""1~'""- L


· T~tt~,,zlf 1' for • Len wjij t tures p.m. .July 29,



Ill tn~r of the ~·n;, erolly or San Ui~go Au.'-iliary got into the ~J>irit meeting :'' Shelter (~land Inn la~t week when plans llnu,, I •'nit. It \I 111 he ,taged at Uw Caliente Turf Club Satur- "". \Ir., ~,•raid _fr.Uahon, luncheon ho~te,s; ,11,,. ,lohn ;\J.

thre~-act drama, "All My • n , on at 8 :30

, and 31 at the Campus Little Theater,

. . This award-winning play is warm and yet inten ly exciting m its deep drama. Experienced Masquers will play the lead roles Donald Giesing, Marty Murphy, • ' Chuck Williams, and Dennis bearable power. Halloran. along with newcomer, The clim~ SlY!)"iing the re- Grant Richardson. action of a. SQJl w liis guilty T~e female roles will be taken father is a fit ling cqn<;)usion to by Simon Gennette, remembered a play electrlf' ·ing lrt its inten- for her impressive "Betrayal" sity. perfonnances; Colleen Lynch, Rev. Leo F. Lanphier is Sue Monahan, and guest star, directing. Ned Wilson is busi- Denise Belson, who played the ness manager, and Je ry Wil- mothcr in Unh,ersity Hlgh's liams, stage manager. Ro~er 1 "Life \Yith Father" last season.• Mehlbrech, Masquer p·reside~t- The story of "All My Sons" is elect, Is in charge of production.

<'lu11rman, and , Ir~. Daniel Redmond. * • •

• • •

"Day at Caliente' Prog·rarn Preparecl

SlV Aux July l'llrs.•lohtt .\thirnle l man t,f lhc clays p1 ,;;1 Pi"o<"•·eds wlll b n fl University San OJ O's scholarship and lib1·a1·y funds. '. •

concerned with the fortunes of the ~eller and Deever families, i long-time neighbors, During the war Joe Keller and Herbert Deever ran a machine shop I which made airplane parts. Deever was sent to prison be- I cause the firm turned out de- fective parts, causing the deaths o! many m . Keller went free and m de a lol M money. The wm as ectA o His cat tie !tact that he tiJ& Keller ~on w eported i~ dUr\hg tb W d mi- t fib.. and it ~.,ne~s of Ge&i· e D Ar to his fatker' m prison and his father's paitner free all set in a 5tructure of almost retumed from tl!'e n t the a Ion. Tli lov~ of Ch it Keller end Ne th

The mart '-Of Susan 01· Terry E. Barker, sister of the ivia Smith and Eugene Agos- bride. :lfi s Santina DeFalco, tine DeFalco t k place at a sister of the bridegroom, noon, June 25, at St. Charles llfas bridesmaid. Borromeo Catholic Church. IJiatrirk Webb served as best Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. X. • Oliver Owen, Jr., and Smith of San Marcos, are the llRhard Smi h, brother of the parents of the bride. The bride- br1 we{e the ushers. groom's parents ar Mr. and The young couple left for a Mrs. Eugene H. DeFalco o! hone oon in Northern Cali• Point Loma. fornla folloll•ing the reception The attractive brunette bride held at the home of Mr. and was attired in a lace gown Mrs. H. R. Asch fashioned with bouffant skirt They are no a to and short train. The atin ap- their frie at ,tfiu•,-•-•1da r?n drape 1orme,J_ a. . t !!, Her St. Th htid~ was g'l'llil led I fingertip lenf{\.h ;veil was gath- from 1hr Univ<'rsit~ of St. ered to a juliet f.P.P o! lace,/ Louis, Mo. He-r hu~hand is a edged in seed pea s. sPnior 11t the unlv slty of Matron of honor was Mrs. San Di<'go.

. '

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