News Scrapbook 1959-1962

,-.__ Requiem Of ered ~l.{1i~1:~~ 150, the Most Reverend Bi•hop•~ housekeeper in he Adminis- tration Buildlng, University of San DiPgo. Mr.s. Lynch dlPd ln .Mere y Hospital June 30 after a long illnesR. A nal!ve o( Bl'OWnRvJlle,

Rev. John Bremner, Univer- sity of San Diego, preached th P eulogy. Rev. DaniPI O'C:allaghan, pastor or St. Mary. of the Wayside, was master or ceremonies. Masses were offered daily In lhe Bishop's Chapel, Ad• ministration !ding, where 1 he bodv state until Interment

Pa., and a menih,•r o! a I r e fam!ly, MrR. L_vml la univrd by four brot thrPe sisters One .b t 1 ,~ a medical doctor and a ieter is I


Falco, cha_um ~l~~n:~~~!Lni 1 ul?Cr:~JO~r f~r new facility. The 6,(~-;e~t sttchu~~~ expected to be co'.11_P c e 111 me 1he fall football ~c,1son. t rda 's

cv. ,J. Wal. he • iun av, right, _mod• tor ?f ~t~i:l~~eat~!~~ Yt:1~~,:.t ~:dium and athletic' facllitit>s to lost Rev. Charlcs Buddy, left, Bishop of San Diego, and Louis De- er the

wer, Mgr. ,x:1111!11111T(r Gomez of Rive • sid ev. William Spain, University of San Diego.



''All llfy Sons." by Arthur Mil- ler, will be produce

C. E. Critton, I rt, or Huntington Reach, who topped the winning weight ~et up in the tun a di\ i ·on of th Boo»ter's Bonr..nza with a 32-pound, 10• HEAVY RUN CONTINUES

11 Diego wa the wc•dding

ounce albacore, rceives congratula- tio from JI a r rv IIir t, Rive1 ·ide, ,Im had a 30-6 albacore but lo t the $384.50 cash award to Critton's fish.


the setting June 25 of

fary Ro~a, daugh- Mrs. Antonio

Fishermen Bag


PLAYERS -'"'i. PRESENT ~s;zJJ/l!n? 1 by 11ller, will be stagPd

The p, Broadway


Donald Gi~ ti role of : 1~ lher o!' the con- flict-riddPn Keller family af- ter World W · ll. arty Mur- phy will da tl ole of his son. who finall • ~cove the war- time trea<--1·e I is father has been guilty ot Capulet-Montague Simone Gennette plays the mother of the !amil~•, and Denise Belson and Charles Wil- liams establish the Capulet- Monta uc overtones between l the two nbghboring families involved. Dennis Halloran, Su- san Monahan, Grantt Richard- son, and Colleen Lynch com· prise the other members of the Rev. Leo F. Lanphier, USD drama professor, is di- recting. Miller's drama nas a tremen- dous unity of impact and has been des<.ribed as electrifying in its intensity. Ed Begley and Arthur Kennedy created the lead roles of father and son on Broadway, and Erlward G. son and Burt Lancaster earned them over into the Hollywood ve.rsion. the lead



by e University of San Diego summer th ater gr'>up starting uly 29 in campus little theater. The pla.; will be repeated J u1y 30 nd 31. Donald G ng and !I y Mu I las the I rol th production 0- ,, t-


ev. Leo F.



and Edward G. Rc- Burt L~castPr c Into the H



IIN,o;J '1/1/60~ 1 wo eer 1censes Granted Over Protes s Copley Press Strvlct ~ACRA:\TF:NTO, Ju I y 7 J Th<' d<'pa1 lm<'n sustained ProtC".,ts against granting two prolPsts ga n.s an on. salc- ~an DiC'go off salP hl'Pr and bar Ii sc at ?77 .A .usa St. \\·inP licenses w<>re overruled to L01s 1. Dcrrtnan nn the today by the stale Alcoholic ground the premi~C's ar, t

EVENING TRIBUNE a 50 ~AN DIEGO, CkLIFORNIA _ • ~hursday, July 7, 1960

, ~1~~~~rra, the lead role of the father in Arthur Miller's drama "All My Sons'' to be performed by the Summer Theatre Mas- quer · of the l'Piversity of San Diego Theo play, MUler'8 i rs t Bro11dw.ay hi will be on the even g Qf Joly 2 ~.O and 31 at tie 'J.'h t r on t: h e

The Jic!'nses are for 1201 W. Lewis St. and 3726 Mission Bl\·ct.. according to Malcolm Harri , d<'partment director. P. t e ts \\ <'re lodg<'d rm, 1 llamas J. is st is-

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA l\lon., July Jl, 1960


UP-Officially breaking ground San Diego football stadium at AI- from left, Rev. J. Walsh Murray,

moderator of athletics; Louis DeFal , chairm 1 tn of USD Boosters, and the Most Rev. Charles Buddy bishop of San Diego. '

\'ern Valdez former University of San Diego and ::VICRD st;tr will be among the rookie candidates when the Los Ani:;ele~ Rams' early camp convenes next Wednesday. Valdez will try to make it at either quar- terback or defensive back and in 1959z e 2ams could have used more of both..~/ LJ 7 /, ~o

ace Track Sattir-

Races" at Caliente

DAY AT Tirn R.\C • . S.-Mrs. Thomas w. K eelin, IPft, pre. idPnt o_f_ the Uni• versity of San Diego Aux11Iary, an Mrs. John Athaide, chairman of the ct

day, look as if th~y _had just sele~te a winner at the 'thud annua! eve1_1t. .lvlllrc than 600 attended the ~f_fau·, ,,..ith raises money fol' ihe auxiliary.

~h~i~g~h!_ll)~'_::s~u~c~ce:_:s::;s~·f~u!..l..'.:b'..'.:e~n=e~fi;!:,t_•~•o~ay~a~t:_:_-th.:::e:__~.;;..:.~ --~~-

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