News Scrapbook 1959-1962


lcala Guild


/,(Af/(})/ lie Named USD Ba ketball Coo h hay ar<>a. Anrl. lhis 11,t in, All-AmPrir•a, flrnver .A a

fashion ·how apon ored by the Alcala Guild of e, nlversity o! San Diego were mapped at a recent luncheon meeting in the home of Mrs. Eugene ·De li'itlco. The evenl has been set for 12:30 p.m. aturaii.y, Ocl.aber Hi, in the Unhersit,.v Amphitheater, Mrs. Danie.I K Kerr, pn?l!i

rludP.s surh pla~·<'r~ as Jra11J· high schoo playl'r 111 Lowell Luisr.tt1. Jim Pollaf'


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This h11~kPlhall lrawl<"i' al. collrrl<'d mor<> r<>ad,1· harl b<><'n nam<>rl lo ti!<' ph1e and mPdals.

Mlglf 19~,9.


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thl' t!'flll1 1011 c·orn,. lh<' ! ()ir hnmP towns. L<'slll' has . plaJ Pd for "llOllgh \\'inn!'rs during thP .,pan of 17 Y<'ars. MayhP his winning touch will ruh off on th<' Pion<'l'l'S tl1is SC'8SOJ1, lliltlll'all\' hp.


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By ROLLA WJLLIA.'lfS The ,. an Diego Union's Outdoor WritPr

A big, trapping printer from .San Bernardino pickE'd up mo ·t of the marbles yes- tl'rda at the 0 YP1low- tail Der by 1lshoff.

reeJ; Dll'k Zyl~tr,., Arte~ia, 16·12, rod and reel; Nell ~1-1. man, Glendale, 16-9, rod and reel; Klau~ Hubenthal, Phoenix, Ariz., 15-9, week- end for t'wo at resort mo- tel. Jack l\'ool,•n, 5171 Carls- bad Blvd., Carlsbad, 15-8, spinning rod. Hubenthal won the Derhv day opener in 1954 with ~. 24 - pound 6 • ounce yello\\. Then in the navy here, he now works with an el<'ctro- nics firm in Arizona. Adams winning fish meas- ured 42 Inches In length and 24 inches around the mid- dle, The f i h, he said, stripped off nearly 150 yards of line its first run. He fish- es with a conventional Rod- dy rod, a Penn 500 reel, 20- pound test monofilament line, a No. 4 hook and a sardine 1or bait. Skipper McLeod's fisher- men cornered the first two places. Third, fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth went to anglers aboard :\lei Shears' Nl'w Mascot. Bill Reed's Klaora chipped in with the fourth ~nd sixth place wJn. ners. * * .. The overall c.a.l


. USD To Play five Games In ~i!~2!t ~?!~, football team \\ill play fh·e o! its even horn game at Westgat Park, Re\'. J. Wais! Mur ay, thlct1c mod- Th!' Pio c rs \\ ill open their fifth ea on ndc new coach ;\like P ro\ 1ch against \\'hit• tier <'olleg" at Balboa Stadi- um !Sept. 7. lJSD 11 ill me t cw :<.Iex- lco \\'l'ste the folio ing week . ept. 23 at Balboa Stadium , nd me)\ to \\'e.,t, gate for the 1.i•xt fi\,. home stands. Th P gam Include Azusa Colli:ge. Oct 15; outh- ern Cahfo n a allege, Oct. 22: )far!nc Corp Recruit De- pot , Oct. :!9, Cal Poly of Po- mona.• 01. J9, and Arizona State of F!agcttlff. ·ov. 26. The mo, c wa made be- cau~e of 1e parking ad. ,·antag and convenience of locat1on, a U...:D pokesman said. rso played several games m 1957 at the old Lane Field, the former home of the San D ego Padres ba e- ball team. ThP playing f!rld '\ I b.- .-ituated along tt-e third base line. The Pioneer arP e p~tted to opf'n 'Practice • ept I at :'IICRO s olf range.

Bob Adam, 34-y ear-old pressman, landed a 30, pound 13- ounce y e J. lowtail at the Coronado rs. lands middle-

MN!. J Richard Wol!, ho te s chairman. ed by Mme•. K William Buckley, Ii m M Burke, Cosimo Cut • Jr Howa,·d S. Dattan, J ~ph Dohva, Thomas Fleming, Joseph .Magu re, Mar- tin J, .Montroy, Jam Mul- vaney, R Falck ~~~e•en.. Harry J Ragen, Frank Re.gen, Charles Rizzo, P teJ· he , Thomas G; Tieman. John A .en, John J. Well&, R l)'lan ail. K. M. Bara er, Robert 'T'erry Logan and Rlch11rd l •'el on John le s,o. C hente ov. ner pre nted 1 rs Thomas W. Keelin, wdll ry president, with a donation from the track as well as the proceeds from the ticket sales. The r,roceed~ will b1mef1t the Unive ity of San Diego Library and scholal'ship !unds.


grounds to whip a field of 126 fishoff contenders. A to- tal of 56 yellowtail were landed by the five-b o a t fleet. Adam··, fi hing from the E':ea Boots (f'lmek .\kLeod, kipper), hooked the big yellow, largest lak<'n here in weeks, betwe<>n the dou- ble rock,; in the n i d d 1 e- grounds, He fou ht it 30 minutes "Jt seemed like an hour," he said later before working it clo e enough to gaff. Adams, who is 6-foot 2½- inche l and welgh.s 210 pound \-On a new sta- tion wa on fi st prlz of. fercd b the spon oring J ber of Com- 18 jaC'kpot on

-Son Oie90 Unlori Staff Photo Ken L<'slie, new bask<'tbal! coach at the Univ<>n;ity of San Diego, studies thP roster o( returning lcttPr- rnen. Offi< i;il praC'ti<·<' won't stal'1 until 0,•1. l!), ~- / All My Sons' Offered At University T~,eater SCI iO Thi' 1verx1ty of , nn D1. by <;:;'lLne I' mNte, :'\lartin ego 1 r Summ, r 'l'ht>a- .\1urph3, and Donalad role are taken at the Colkge for Men. j







\ on prize~. h re are


si.>.e of the aught and on umoto, Tor• 1 dlo \1:ail, 15-foot

house a1l,,r; Hank Adams, Atascade10 2'2-5 yellow, 15• cu. ft. deep freeze; Charles Graham, Bell, 19-5, two fish- ing outfits John L. St.ekes, ico Ri, era, 17-12, J'Od and


3 Ta es


1e Lead Spring Valley Angler




Store Preview Ticket Totals f{tt{{cf(~03 tickets wei;e turned in during the two All Faiths_benefit preview days, July 2;1-26, a •he Walk er Scott storti 11 :ollPge Grove Center, Gep:-ge A Scott, pres- ident ~! the !1 r : announced


Lands Ato~. Derby List JJ;'~l&rf'tro1Ino,~nf".fa1fey angler, today w~sl at the top of the qualifying list m e $25,000 ~ello~1l rby with a 38-pound, 8-ounce alb~core to his credit, t his happiness was tempered with an overdose of di ·appQintment. . . . On a dozen or morP earlier tnps, Constanlmo was a egular entry in the Boost- ers' anza, but on this

departments will be,:'J!iffilftt,lJ,': in the fall semester new Evening Divis!on University of San College for Men, Irvtl1\:' W. Parker, the college's d1rl!ctor of educational services, an- nounced this week. for college credit, Dean Parker said, and , the four others are designed as adult education courses. However, he said, the credit courses also are open to those who wish to further eir general cultural e d u c ation without striVing towards a. college degree. Is scheduled for September 8, although the applicants are asked to pre-register before September, Dean Parker l!laid. Tuition s $50 a course, In- quiries should be addressed to the Oft of Admissions, University of San Diego, Col- lege for M , Alcala Park, San D i e go 10, Calif. The co' e offerings are: Business A d m inistration: Person come tax, invest. mentl!I, b iness law. Educa : Philosophy ot education ychology of edu- cation. Eighteen of the courses may be taken Registration Set Official reg i s t ration



ete purchased by members of tOlestant and

27 July , 1960

occasion he nrnJectrd to go through the formallty and .his neglect cost hun a ca h <\_Ward totaling Sl,128. Con t"ntin.o f alb i e, ·aught ron: l3ill Poole s Po- aris t pj:>ect the win n Ing el t albacore di\·i- af Bo nza by 3½ ~hlto r 'Afl My ons Staged Here 2 Mor~ ,Days ll. A//() ,v The three· act drama, 'All My Sons,' by Arthur Miller, j will be given two more per- formance by the University of S n Diego Masquers Friday and Saturday at 8 30 p.m. The play was given an en- thusia ·tic ova t to n by full hou es at rach of Its three pre. entation~ I as t weekend. Popular requ st has prompted Rev. Leo F. Lanphier, director an

oll r for n donated the Uni. 1> for Cath- endlng, the Churches to individ.




colleae For Naai

I bne the pluaiw o arle Po B11ddy, Praidant of tla .er • llennmd Jdul Bt--r t(l) the pn t1 n•idellt of • CoUep F6r Han


t'l)lld cppotnted atataat to th,,

I kaOlf tbat l'J' Breme,: ad vilahlq b1m

Joiu Jl'atJ.r ry ~•• 1a his mw poattioaa,. 1.n cmarstlllati



English: Moil em American Drama, American Literature ot the 20th Century, creative Writing the Bible as Liter- ature.


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