News Scrapbook 1959-1962
·An ~Iv Sons' X Masque s' Drama Seti~ W~e end I 1/.;i,$/&v
pointe I Coac
There will be a matinee at 2 p.m. this Saturday for the benefit of Sisters in the area
rruj\T£HEOJVX AIDES ET Jl,f:~~k{~~fo the "Haut£' Moncle de Paris" lun
Previews Pia Today, Tomo r , At Coll~9 ~ve tl4'ife0{'1 r events at Collef Grove Cen- ter will b held toliay and to- morrow with revenue from ticket sales and a matching contribution _going to spiritual enrichment ot S an Diego County. Today he "All Faiths Bene- fit Preview" at the new Walk- er Scott Co. store will bP at- tended h.Y the member of the Protestant and Jewish faiths wh obtained ticket.: at their churches and synagogues. To- morrow the members of the Catholic faith will attend the i;econd half of the benefit pro• gram. OPEN 2 'TO !IP., T. The store will be open for viewing from 2 to 9 p.m. both da Honus Won had been namE He alread to the A1!•Stm' Franf!JI AAU team fl times, o Pan-American United States, I Mmes. Courtney art; Pant Ve. d AA IJ tourna- :an In en,·er. µ-she starr cat Loy, ell High In San Franc! co, ·.\h•re he tv.1ce wa n d to the all-ctty prep squatl. He al o gained Catholic All-American laurels while perfoanlng wl h the Pioneers. ln all. he has com- peted ln buketball 17 years, winnlng ~e than 50 trophies and medals during that time. Leslie has bad ROmfl (;O8Ch· ing experte1 ce, having served as an a .ut coach ·hilc playing at th Naval TI'alning Center and having helped out with tht lJntve.l'IS.lty Ji I g h School ~quad, ~omotion; !'res, pub- li~lt); and 'trcp, serving. Mrs. DeFalco Is also food chaitman. taJJley iidway Island, back m here to n came to D as baseball l'l 19413. He coached football the n wa coach at Pendleton in 1949 o a He "'"s tt ere until 1951, back ..,~ir"f'l't',. coach io 1952 and 1953, then In 1954 o f er aboard ~hip. mph1bious Ba e ridmen In 1954, and that ht team beat MCRD, 26-19. 1957, Trome ter was at USMC g\on. here Gen. Tom Worn- a de k to return to • 1CRD as I , a col ritten b:v Dr He Has. a ~are Talent in Coaching His 1 o ~--------------~-- iy Wins 'f- 4-Year cholarship llft.f 6 N~~~ 0 Pa.Ul Nacozy, a June honors graduate of St. Augustine High School, has been award- ed a State or California tour- year scholarship and haa been accepted at the University o! San Diego's College for Men. Paul is the YOUll er sor, ot Ip to St. Mary's Col- stot publi~hed la~t.') car. Dr Estok 1s a memb r of. the ucces!I with the MCRD teams that Tromet- head coach at all places is one tie. "Hon•• tly, I don't.'' he It's nke to say I don't and not actually know." be l~ rom Wr t may n k"O\\ '/- Investments Course &· t 25 REPORT IN FALL f/18j6Q 7 St. A!Jgustine Join U D Varsity 1,/N/QA/ ridd rs ad f& 0 !~M4~th- .eball and basketball add five each on the ar. hip program former li tate forward from South d, lnd Oa, e Hind , a 6-9 asfer om the University , an Fr isco, and Jerry · a transfer from St. Mmn., Colle e will be additions to the b k t• Id baseball star at Redlands High. and 1ke Hemln r. an All • A 1er ca j ior college selection while at Trinida , are among the top b newcomers. J;F/'!1:,, Gilho St. A High, ~~~ht.D.._,.._., 0 ,,•• ,1 Robbins, a ne ball squad Pat Dolan, a football ny sati.! factions ln his sen,ice r ne, but he recalls ~e high- ne, the fu Four players n the Prep fo care light On, was grac!M~tirtrom the ll:J l or n i a, o ~1ived his ma tpr's de~ee ,,.,P Nae.Icy IW@r!A.t 526( Prosperity lJd18 rlTheir elder son, Frank, a. 'Qt,re Dame graduate, is a research fellow at the University of Califor- nia at Los Angeles. ' Uni,yerslty w ere he \ "ThP the f1'1e We \\ere ask" d, ' b j know, l'd n v get ln thH . l Bowr, A end. Jim Co Gilham, tackle and fullback C soe. c t In at quarte~back and w won the wa my last game as a regular player. That night I actually felt I did my job. ' The rest of us? We think Trometter's been doing his ob all along. And better than most. game, 6-3. COP , d a fi team and th High. Also listed as excellent prospects were Dick Long, a 5-11, 205-pound tackle from "These players h e appllcations for enrollment and have sent letters of Bern Phoe O'Co b(isoJJa'.J:~0!~ St. Antho Pius i~i;;vor4tJ/l i~ flo,p~rF. 1 sk.i, Cerritoc B~sketball ~{~nno~:'\ou Jel'"l'"Y Halsey, College, Minn fer Dr. Estok Named nY~ 1 l =~r~f book in o aruc che 111try1 haa be n ap.PQ tM to or the U~v ty ot San Die o a College tor Men. The appointment was announced by th Very Re,·. X "1,~~.~ t~ !t>ove HI~~... I from Unrver ty of Son Francisco; t? i~, 1 ,!Y...,. e faculty I f r from St. Johns Baseball-Denn s Augus- tine; Terry Stallard, Pomona Cotholic; :~:, ~~\~7da:ej~ nd Eio~i%~ia~/~~ ~~J:; High. Shlelds, St. I ell \\ 1lso11 roll ge president. Dr. Estok for th last nine year11 tau~ht T, as Tech- nologi al Coll · ~bbock. where he was aq auoc ate proressor ot c~m1 try. He rec vea Ill h or or Scfen e d ni i lauile trom Oy Colleg , • The Pioneer Marching Band, J sponsore<\. ~,Jilp:,cese of San Diego, competed with 10 ban • in tne J'unfor 1b{vl ion of the 'ile~a n Santa Bar iitUI recently M came home lfith a third ~la e trophy and a 5 aware!. The parade was the main attraction of the •'Old Spanish Days" lf'iesfa: ch is held every year lri SiAita. B rbara. Members of the band, along with their d l rec tor, Merle Coady, and rome of the parents J made the tr!p by bus. 1945; Penn sity I ate in Dame! • tok is a member of rican Chemical So- t.he Knights ot e Most He also t St. Vmcent·s Col 1 e g e, Loyola Univer ity of New Orleans, taught ot San the hospitality llop da er Im. tor pressed with the Unh ersity of San Diego, and it has een , a pleasure o meet with the Bishop and the Portuguese immigrants of San Diego.
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