News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Uso PRooucr1ON WA//oA/
!M-ARINES OPEN DRILLSt;tJ/ 6 o ~:..:.:..:~-=---=-----,-:-r~----UA/!ON
'All M Well
x Alcala
D ooking
Grid Faes
ho te,ses at and dedication nl's new wing 0:30 a.m. :Mr~. lb hosp1tahty ill! be in
the Gross- Auxiliary
-'lPmber,; or
LP, Ami~,. tlc- partment of El Cajon Worn- t'H•nini;-
s{fl~1~tii7ui'/4?,,{~ ment haa etarted a eason ticket sales ce.mpa.lgn or th" Pioneers' !1111 home football g11.mes. Bob S xton, USD athletic coordlnatpr, a a Id yesterday that they' expected to sell more than a thousand season tickets betore the Sept. 17 opener with Whittler COllege. "B purcha Ing • -&On ticket for our ,·en home game--, the buyer "111 ,:,,,t Into onP of th l'Bll1f>.lli frf"P,'' Mid Sr.>.ton. BPside \\ hi tier, th• Pion- ~r • ph,v home gam,,11 with Ne,-· Mrxir.o ' •tern ( epL
23), Azusa College /Oct. 1r,), Southern Call[omla C n II• g e (0<: 22), !-WRD (Oct. 29). CRJ Polv PomnnR fNnv lPl •n
mor" po~- in ., -~:!~!~'.!!~~~,:!~~• s it will The 1..n• Ange Ram• rooktP rostPr al th~lr ~dland!l tr1tln- ing camp -..'!lit tnmmed to H player• la•t we~k M Coach Bob Waterfield relea.!ed flvt defensi\·e back•. Halfha ~!a rtin, 1\1 hPsl .<<'fYiC<' runnc-rs highly r<'SJl<'<'trd BUSINESS NEWS Expert - .. ·- X electronics di- - course. ern Diego. St11-te. o lege, Arizo T.O.P. Chula Vista Pe<' dally WO ing Sept. 2.
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