News Scrapbook 1959-1962

ftJC"C'frfitllrf Naming Due In Oct9Jl»r.v Kerr Favors Second Meeting As Earliest Time Dr. Cl rk Kerr, prrsirlenl o! the Univl'rslty of Cahfornia, said yesterday 1hat rr.g<'nts will dPtid , !X> slbly In Or- lober, on thr nam of Lqe new campu hPre "WP'd Jlke to end th confu- lon that r.xists over the name as soon as posslb!P," Kerr told Thr San Di "o Union In a t!'IPphone mtl'rview, 'lhrer. pos ibilltiM have bPen ml'ntioned most oft •n as u name for th<' campus • the University of California at San DiPgo. at La Jolla or at Torrry Pine , Roth the City Council and the county Hoard of 'upr>rvi- sors have pa d resoluttons ur ing :r<>gent to u ,, S a n Di<>go ln the name of the campus. :'IU:J~TI. 'G ST..ATEJ> Although the urnver tty's regents w lll meet Ppt 23 on the campus or tlrn Univer ·tty of California at Los Angeles, Kt>I'r doubt<'d whether the de- cision will be made then Ht> said a bl.'tter time would be Oct. ;1.4 at a mee<'tlng of r<'gent on the D;nls cam- pus.


America, .la.pan, Ca.nad

1------------··~York, New Jersey, M,1•1~1-!rl,

lllinob, low&, V.'l5eonam, iana, and Texll.8 IUI ·ell cout atatea are repre1eJI the .enrollrn~nt for first clll.8llee. Att•r the a.rrtval of re student.a, a 7 p.m. Sunday together will bpen the pha,,e ot a.ctivltlea at .More In order that all Big- B and Slatera may become qua.lntecl w l t h the In frellhmen.Glory Mullen and chael Ferl!On are co•cluilrrA or the evenL ln a.cMlt1on to dancing a.nd re!reahmenta, Gary Michaela trio Md be.Ill'-(! alnger H11.dley Batchelder will entertaJn. A pl&eement teat tor new atu- dents will b held at 9 a.m. Monday, while the llftemoon la r-rvect for treahman orienta- tion. At 7 p.m. Monday, Rogers and Hammerstein's "The King and T" will be shown ht the Col· lege tor Women Theater. Stu- denb! from both colleges arP. In- vited and refreehments will be served. Tueaday a.tternoon registra- tion at the women's college will be followed by a beach party at La Jolla Shores. At 7:30 p.m. Tuesday In the C o l I e g e for Women 'rhenter, a fashion show will be presented to Introduce the student councils of both the men's and women's college.1 as well 11.S other student officers. Under the chairmanship nr Marci1t We~t, stu

'(}UARTERBACKS OPEN SEASON ~fa'~?J~~9o?~ h<'1P, which m<'an.· the re birth of thP Quarterback Chb. Ev,.ryone is invited to at• t P n d the fir t weekly Junrhcon mePling of th e group at Mbsion Valley Inn al noon Monday. Fans will he introduced to thl' club's r"gular p a n e l m<'mhers coaches Paul Governnli, Snn DIPgo State College; George Schutte, San l)J('go Junior College; Al Lewis, Cal Western; Mike P c-arovich, t:niver ity of San Dirgo, and C a p t. Hans Jacob en 1 a r i n e Corp !l<'crutt Depot. Tn addition, il~e h I g h school mrntors will be on hand. Th<'Y are Charley Popa, San DiPgo H i g ~; Birt Slater, Kc•arny; Al Gt!• b<'rt Chula Vista; Art Fil- son, .;I.far Vista, and Glenn Forsythr, Ramona. The Quarterback Club Is sponsored by the U n i o n• Tribune Publishing Co.

• • •

• • •

Janel Lee E,WkZy.~~!1 ~~-~,. of Emil Henry Zumateln, Jr. 1 ln nupUaf rites August 27 In SS. Faith, Hope and Charity church here. Rt. Rev. :ht gr. Thomas J. Burke officiated. Toa bride ts the daughter of r and Mrs. Ralph Beck, a.nd 1 the brld ,. oom Is the son of I · l>lr. and l\11'1!1. Emil HPnry Zulh- B II Vll.n li<>om of !lJl Diego, I Hurley or Chica- m tt.e, Ill , wu maid oC honor. go, Pet r Ahem of EV8.rulton, Bridesmaids were M1fses An• Ill, a I Pol , Jr., or nett e Van er of ~an D ego, Chic~o. {Aureen Aggelt:r of De ver, Th• de a gra4uatn of Colo., ol Bl&lr of W Ilk an, the ego College for\ 'om• IJL, Virg Digglna o! P)lca• en. ., b degroom 1, a radu- go. and Kathleen Runkle ot: ate ot. st. AugusUn HI g h Wilmette chooJ and the Un1ver111ty of Virginia II P • ,;la Johnson San DleE,o. were flower After motpr trip lo Cali- James Monah or San Diego !omia, t newlyweds v.ill re- wu best man. Ushers were side in Los Angeles. ------ stein IJ! ValleJo, Cahf. Joe lfrlt:i:enkotwr of La Jolla, lll ss Pam la Condon or W1I- Ens

.RI IJ.iT-Jnn Chapman, Univer- sity of San Diego quarterback, wa~s V ;9/ilfj; 'iff 1Ct~~h}'"d;~ P'f he Key o Pioneers' Foot~all Hl!P 1 Jan Chapman Isn't very big er, booting 33 times for 1,4401il7 yards and 1 l -5-10, 170 pound but b I g yard· to rank as the third In the p~nti thing ar ex ted from him best small college punter m Chapman kick 1 by University of San Die o·s the nation. 802 yards and an iwerage ot tootbnll coaching stnl! and Chapman's pass Ing and 40.1 per cent. Jan Wa.s punt- • bo t~rs. punting were a1most as im- Ing ~nder pre~ re st of h Uk pressive last year for a los- the t•~~• too, 'n 1th f\lon~er ~faca t 1~ c ~,ing ball club 11-5). He com- !me failing. to provide coru;1st- l h i pleted 49 of 101 passes jor ent protection. n t a-:;______ Chapman plaved wp years 011 and that' wh r Chap- at Naval Training Ce ter aft. an, 23-ye r-old s nlor from er an outstanding h gh chool rkan as City, K n , comes career in Arkansas wh re he In. I! apm n's arm can't was an all-stater. H led his e ball, t'1 n hi 'foot team to the state tltl~ In his n handy as he is a to ! 1 ht pun er. Chapm n h thro"nn 200 pa 11.rlng t\ o years with fl: D v r ty and has com- pl t d 1 3 or n average comp hon mark o! 51 per cent. in 1958 when the Pioneers njoyed a Winning season 18 2) undr.r 11 ry o c l\lcCutchcon, Jan Jn ae counted 1 rar a el& t tou wn H plc o 99 a 54.4 nt Chapman v- craged 43.8 yards as a punt- ylng USD. c cheon's , m Paul Platz' Slot• ast year and now will play a key role in Pecarovich's multiple oflense. -P,C. for Pioneers' opening game. against Whittier College. H ll be key ept. 17

r RED PERIL l/,.A//0,,f) C . • Pl.?/to ew ,t,ze'rf" Class Hears Assurances (Continued from a-19) ter, added congratulations to the new citi2ens. California law

\ 1'hen the chip are down . . • we r to see that no one is go n to dc.sti"o) this gr t govcm c :t ' Carter mpha d tlia tot ct ''people we don't like, people we disapprove of." But, he added, it would be short- th Constitution

-San O,ego U~ion Staff Ptioto w, native of Shanghai, China, an flag on Jacques Femand Pous- umur, France, at naturalization

Tsaih-wa Ja!lll'

set, a na ve,_,of ceremonie.,;. Qlow

a Scripps Institution of Oceanography geocheil'ust, Fausset a senior elec- tronic research engineer at Convair Astronautics.


Diego U •

's Gridiron Selections

)1AINST, YS--Guard Wayne Barque, left, and Mike Gurrola work up a sweat as University of San Diego Pio- USDI POETS IN OPENER ~1:~~DVc&,t~ and Whittier College, which kirk off thf' college football season ~aiurday night at Balboa Stadium, have some- thing in common.



ball opener with Whittier Colh ge in Balboa Stadium.

Howard Hagf.'n ~ittler

/Bill Hollohan W1iTttier

Jerry ..Hagee

'Johnny :ucoonald


'Harry l:uonahan


(huck Sawyer


r lurphy



Whitt-ie-,___, bv 19

Whittler by 20

bv 6


Whittler by 10



Wh/1tler by 1'.


Whittier by 1

by 1


by I


NEW COACHES JOI '\£-.n f~t~fJ~~!!r~acl'le's Will jo!n thr regular panl'[ for the !ir t mcc ng pf the Qna t"t'- haek Club tomorrow noon at Mis ion Vall v nn They are Capt Hans Jacohson of l\larine Corp cruit D('pot, who !!'l1cc-!'ed d Bull Tram ttC>r , s at of San Dil'go. OthPr panPII t who will be on hand ti) an ~er ues- tlons from !ans are Paul Govl'l'n at head coach_; George Schutte, Sa D go Ju ior Colic c and Al Lewis, Cal West<'m. • _Guest coach~?S t?morrow wnr be harley .f:'opa, an Diego High; Birt Slater. Kearny: Al Gilbert, Chula Vis- ta. Ai;~. Fllson, ar v· ta, a GICJlll Forsythe, Ra- mona. r h~ guests represent the 1959 champions in the co11nty s prep leagues mentor, nnct Mike Pecarov lch, 11ew coach t Uru ersity

Barbara and Rumbolt State by close scores. The Pio- neers won only one and lost five last year. The big question mark for thP Pione£>rs 1his year 1s their running attack. Jop Gray, TPturning lette1 man right halCbark, and Do Dorkowski, a 19,3-pound tuU hark transfer from C,•n it Junior College, m:iy retie~ Pecarovich of ·ome of Ju-, worries about hi~ groun game. They've impressed 111 practiee. The pas~ing is in the


The Pioneers and Poets haH' ne\\ coaches an


Cnlike Pecarovich though, pable hands of Jan Chap! Godfrpy takes over after a man, a candidate for Little \,inning season. The Poets All-America honors. Jim Ga- \,011 eight and lost two last briel, a 205-pound end, and


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