News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Campus Huffis i:Q ew AcCld • em1c
Alcala Park Enrollment Nears 2,000
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!oll !odE.' d1• Pa1·ls'' University of San Diego's e&rnpllll hummed with new l!!e this week wh'en the studenta returned for the 1960-61 academic year. Groups on the grounds, the din Md chatter, the M on Manan Way and-Qn the parking Iota, profeasora ~th books, heralded the at· al of the new school year. Queues for reglstralion also attracted th eye and left the Impression that more than ever IJOllght adfnl'8ion to the university's vatlolls schools. The unusually long academic proc iona to the lata for the Muses that formally opened the new academic year indicated., e,•en thout count, the ma.rked increase in enrollment. A auggesla that thia y•.a.r'a enrollment of atudent.s l1 pushing 2 000. • Ii Students Affen d Mass On Tuesday re tha.n 500 11tudentAI of tha College :ror Men attended in the Imma.culata... Very Rev. Russell Wilson, preside , was celeb~t of e Mass. The Mort Reverend Bishop prr~ldett and preached. In h aermoli; Fils ~cellenc;y exJ?lained the !mporta.nce of ethica in educ n a.nd da.lly 11 e .d urged devotion to the S.,Plrlt ot Wfsdo a powertuJ. aid to study a.nd academic no how fash 111 and will be chscussell • •acoz b ttl ot he fre h• an 1 University ol t New m 1cxlco Heart SemlOArY on the per cent. Students now number In the Dtoc~e Bergin. l'emina.ry . ·a- TO BL '1E.D-.Ir . • ·ewton of La the en• than -San Otego Union Staff Photo. face New Mexico Western at Balboa Stadium. This will be the Pioneers' second game of the young season, Hard-charging Jim Desantis will open at fullba k for the University of San Diego P10neers tonight when they ost N.M. Western eek st Victory Pioneer Toni h • I By ,JOHNNY ;\IcDONALD University of San Diego hopes to rebound tonight when it tackles New Mexico Western in it. second foot- ball combat this season at Balboa Stadium. Kickof! is scheduled for 8 o'clock. Although beaten twice, the Mustangs cannot ,be taken lightly by the ·ounit Pioneer squad. It was just t •o years ago when a stronger USD club had to battle back in the second half to gain a 13-10 decision. And, too, one o! the boys who was a thorn in USD's side that night is back to give the club trouble. He's fullback Juan Vasquez, a hard-plunging 200-pounder, who is co-captain with half- back Chris Voris and center Bo'..> Hatler. Unlike the Pioneers' first opponent, Whittier, the New Mexicans rely heavily on a running attack and use pass- es Whittier pene rated USD's porous pass defense for 289 yards while gaining 132 yards on the ground. Jan Chapman the veteran signal-caller with the Pio- neers, hopes he can improve upon his initial showing this season. He is capable of coming up with some out- standing Jobs and after this wee,- ,; 11ard workouts he ma.y be ready. If he should falter, coach Mike Pecarovich said he in- tends to send freshman Nel- son Murphy into the impor- tant slot. (Continued from l'ai;e I) rector, has announced. Studenta of Uni ·erslty Boys High School numbered 540 at the Mass Monday, Septt'mber 12 f.or their. l!!Ch,ool Thee years ago. wllen the school wu opened the enrollment 'l'l'llli 65, :M 'I&~ elebl'&led by the Mo•t Reverend l3tSbop. H1s Excellency also addressed the students and a• sect the courage that thPy should bring to ha.rd and eer:lo smdy. Father John Cad\len, p clpaJ ol U , 1ty High, d hi• faculty of 20 a.lso atttnded the !us. · To provide accommodation• for the e"• enrollment, classrooms have b•en added to the school. Univer- sity High now has 15 classrooms and three laboratories. y still be a trial and t'r or game with both clubs trying to get as much use out o! ma ny freshmen on the squads. IUSD has 25 fresh- mrn on too team white New Mexico Western can count JS on the roster. N. M. Western Pos. USO tf ~~~reqvJ~t l~$i ~r~se (1~}5) William, A 180) LG Gurrola 185 Joe Gray and Joe Loesch- nig again will open at the halves and Jim DeSantis gets the call at fullback. The Mustangs, who have dropped two amcs so far, will be lighter in the line and backfield. However, in backs Nat Halsomc 055) and Chris Voris (165) they'll have plenty of speed. Oscar Diaz will open at quarter and Vasquez, a two- time Fron tier Conference se- lection, will be at full. r~Jl~~Ja 5 /200) Word (210) Heinsius (185) 01oz (185) Halsome (155) Voris (165) Vosquez (200) 228 185 217 215 180 190 190 O'Leary Joos Elliott Gabriel ChaPman Gray Lo~schnlg C RG RT RE QB LH RH F B Desantis (185 ntlnu('d • e~o.nd q arter Nat Ila1some sklrtetl 64 ards ,flallt1rne lead. for the touchaown and a Walt as more 'like Winkowskl to with each side pass added two points y Rleiridolph and IN GORTON'$ MEMc .~·r~,D;i -.. I /Go e ·Fo ,\ $1 000 sPl10l· rship for olars i I C 0 nst. al Th me a tra · !getting off some long runs. It tied the gam(' at14-all. 'lcertai ly wuft't a battle of I defen Bodle covered 43 ,yards for New Mexico marched easily USD's third touchdown _but in 10 plays t9 score the first an_other pass for two p,,omts touchdowl'\ with 5:38 gone in fa1le . USD led, 20-14. the first period, Fullback After an exchange, New Juan Vasquez and halfback Mexico edged ahead by mov- Glen Fielder ook turns slip- ing 65 yards in six plays with ping through the USD line. STATISTICS Vasquez found a big hole on tL':rt,n~o~~a.. 1 J 2 J the left side and went eight Pa55ing yardage 11, 14 yards for the touchdown. ~~!:rs Intercepted ·by .. : 1 0-2\' 3 1 Quarterback Oscar Diaz pass ~~~ties tost""' . " • Hf for l\vo points failed. Yard• pooaliud 45 45 USO capitalized on two Kleindolph going over from breaks in the first period to the three. Ed Heinius added a 14-6 advantage. the conversion point. First, Al Zuniga covered In the third period both a fumble on the Western 3 clubs forgot how to get points. and four plays later Joe Gra Action was conducted within went around the right side J the 35 yard stripes. The New Mexicans put the Gray was stopped in an at-I game out of reach in the final tempt to get two points and tperiod when Winkowski fooled the score remained, 6-6. the Pioneers with a long Then, a few minutes later, touchdown pass o Heinsius. The Mustangs were on their Diaz pass on the New :vlexico 33 when Winkowski ran to his ill and returned it to the 19. left and fired downfield to the F ur plays later Gray went rangy end who gathered the over from the 11. This time ball in on the USD 42 and out- J an Chapman passed to Lar. sped the defenders. Vasquez ry Tessary for two points and:crashed through the two it was 14-6. 1 extra points and it was 29-20. In the second period, it was Mexico . . . 1 t 1: g t:~ New Mexico's turn. Halfback 1 aN:f Mexico Vasquez (B, run). Poss 8f8=8~g~ H~: ~~~1>_ (Chap. man to TeS30rY). from the 26 tor the score. Joe Loeschnig intercepted a A Chapman pass to end Dan sparingly. Last week, 1 low time to C'omplele anc,• r quiremcnts for in Brif·ain. The scholarship is tributP to r.orto 's I S \ o k amon;r gtoups and pf. forts on behalf of foreign student:. Patrick said. , 1, it k•acletship n stud, at a Britis11 UJ.i\"('l'• sit~ .wa. a 'lnouricpd YI"- !Pl'· clay in JT1emo1·y of MacAr• thur Gorton .Jr, Snn Diego inst rancP and c· i ,~ i r lPacler who di ·d l\larch 28, 19:l~. The srholarship will b<.' offered to a loral coll<'ge or uni\'<'r ity s<.'nior or gracl- ua tr student by the San Di<'go branch of the Eng- lish Sp,.aking l-nion. Pr1,f- rrr.1ce will go to humani- ties or ~oclal science stu- drn1 s. Wing <'nc 1 r P. R. Pal- riek, RAF (ret , hr an <' h pre,id nt. said only studi>nts at San n·ego :=.t;, Cali- fornia Westerr1 'I. l1l\'Cr~1t} am, tht> t rh cr lty of San DiPno al t>li,:1hlP Patrick said applications shoulcl be rompleted bcfor<' Oct. :.!l 1o permit election of he r , ip,.,,t hy m id- • 'o, < mh<'r, \\hich woulc\ al- EVENING University of Sa has registered rccdtl enro . ments in its four divisions this fall, the registrir's office re- ported. Total enrollment Rt the hlll- top campus is 1,512 ,exactly 50 per cent greater than last year's 1,008 peak. There are 571 students in the day program at the Col- lc0e for Men. compared to last year's 352. Another 104 students in the new e,·ening progeram are added to the total this year. At the College for Women, there arc 367 clay students. D 1 e g o WITH NEIL M RGAN g~"cv/~t"~~'1~'~~~d~,:h>~un). Pass Po~~~~~Jr, 1~~' pass from Chapman). He~::fu-:; - Kleindolph (3, run}. wrnt~w:crxicv°c;;'~ue~~s:~~- (67, pass from TS ... Football EVENING TRIBUNE $AH DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Thur ay, Se1>t. 2Z, 1960 SePI. JH4 L.A Stole V s.o. sta1e New Mex. w~ vs. USO CalW~ VS. Pomona __ Cal Weilern bY 2 Ponoma bY 12 Pomona bv 2 Pomona by U
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