News Scrapbook 1959-1962
n Diego
, i LI spo or U 1verslty pie. J1ic today at ..Q Mente Park. a r c i a West, College for Women social chairman, is in ch a r g e. Chartered buses will leave the campus at 11 a.m. following breakfast on the patio at 10 a.m. 1 Following the USD-Newl Mexico Western game last n i g ht, a dance was held at the College for Women. The ,Junior class, under M a r y Bahan, president, sponsored the event. Decorations chair- man was Mary Megow. Mar- garet Bangasser w a s in c h a r g e of refreshments. Judith Bremner was respon- sible for the music, and pub- licity was handled by Karen Rf'rmlin. Resident at~dents will hold open house toriM!rrow for t h e faculty and i,ent b o d y. The event 1s under the direc- tion o! the residence co u n. 1 cil, Gloria Mullen, chairman. Other council members ar"I Karrn Warren, Colleen Con- way, Elaine Crane and Mar- gar1>t Bangasser. Mf'mbers of thr freshman class awarded honors a I <>n- t1·anc·c Wf're announced I a s ti weC'k at the opening convoca.. tion. Receiving awards were Donna Dubler, Clairemont High School, California Statej ! Scholarship; Margaret Mor- gan, Convent of the Sacred· Hrnrt, El Cajon, Stephanie 1 Mayfield, Academy of Ou r: Lady of Peace, and M a r YI Frances PolakfowlC7,. Cathe- dral Girls High School, partial cholarships from the Unjver.ll lty of San DiPgo College for Women. Joanne Urnezis, 1 c11demy of Our Lalfy of c e, was a\\ ardiro aj cl olllrsl,ip from the don. al , I and Shiphulldln Co. J\ o ling company aw I ded olarship to Dian\! Wilson, ac Vista High School, and Lorraine Rusnak was the re- cipient of a Soroptlmlst Club scholarship. 'Humboldt Eyes 12th Straight C
Pionee s Hopelul Of Scoring Repeat
-..nrun.•Q RECEIVER-Joe ~sc}mig (21) gathers w 1exico Western pass m first quarter to s~t ~ersity of San Diego's second touchdown m m up DEFENSE IS DOWNFALL OF USD
game at Balboa Stadium. Ed Heinsi~s (86) ~nd other ~ustang~ arc powe"l s to stop mtel'ceptwn. ew l\lexim We! l€m came back to n, 29-20.
team anrl the all..P h o e n I x
Th Coll • !or Women'• Al- cala Park Player,. und•r the rtirectJon of their pre • ldent, Ro~emary Jone •, pre11ented a pre,1~w of cnrrlng attractlona for the 1960-1061 theatncal aea on last ond~ September 26.
et H t, But Mus angs Hott
Pi neers
with a , t' " score at 2Q ~1 a1.ul E H 111s1us' nt pul th, Mustang 'T'lU:!ttlith t, 21-20, , l the half ti7 yard two points g av e the M~stnr gs th<;ir final nin . pomt margm. Summary: New Mexico Western • 1 ~ 1i g 8=~6 u~ ~:1~~e,scokif1ef~d!1g~~ Helnslu!. PAT'!-Kleindolph (pass~, Hts~~s T{g!~~r~~>,2,vi~~1:~ f!Xl•s -T ssery (pass). ,--..- :!9-> ard f om W early in Vasquez' run fo 'line Berth Freshman Pat Long, a 205. pounder from Brophy Prep In Phoenix, ha~ rar~ed a start-! ing assignment with the Uni- versity of San Diego for s:it• •urday night's tu s s 1 e with Humboldt Stale at Eureka. Long, who was one two line- 1 men who were singled out for praise in last week's loss to! , ·ew Mexico Western, re- places Gray Elliott. Apparently the stories from Phoenix about the ll-1, 18- year-old are all trut'. He was named to two All-Conference teams, one All-City club and an All-Phoenix team last sea- son as c a p t a i n at Brophy Prep. . Otherwise, thr USD lmeup will remain much the same as last week. Mike McDevltt and Jim GabriPI are slated to open at •ends Wayne Bourque will bel ,the ~ther tackle, Mike Gur- rola and Wally Joos w!ll be 1 at guards and Jim O'Leary], at center. Jan Chapman, who is ex- pected to give contact lens a try, will open at quarterback! witli Joe Gray and Joe Loe- schnig at halves and Jim De- Santis at fullback. . DeSantis a n d Loeschmg have the best running aver- ages but Gray has the only two touchdowns made on thel ground. Desantis has carried[ for 115 yards and an average of 4.5 yards while Loeschnig has picked up 54 for 4.9. Gray has carried for 63 yards andl 3.5 average. f l Chapman, despite b el ow' lpar performances in the fir!!t1 two gamP.s, is not far from, the .500 mark. He has com-1 pleted 17 of 35 for 188 yards and .485. He has had only one interception. j The 32-man squad leaves \ Lindbergh Field by plane for A r c a t a, Calif., tomorrow !night at 7:30. I Earn tarting
of LSD's aerial rdag,• on nme completions In 17 a • tempts. Total yard g fa. vored the Mustangs 307 to 2";,8. Vasquez gave t!le :\1. u S- tang. a 6-0 lead \\'.ih 9 .22 to p I a y In the f1rst half when Ire ci;lmlnated a 66· vard d,.!ve to score om e i g ht yards out. ,,:uruga's recovery of a fumble on thP Mustang 10 set up USD's first tally. Gray romped 26 yards to score. A pass interception by J_oe Loeschnig g a v e the Pio- neers their second chance to seo c and they did with 2:37' to play in the first quarter Gray went 11 yards th 1 s time and Chapman passed to Larry Tessary !or the t o-point conversion and a 14•6 lead. :it I a J s o m e took a V:1de p tt ch out and ran througtt th USD defenses 62 ,a d for New Mexico at the et of the second Walt Winkowski's R Kleindolph for
th clubs knuckled down c,n defense and pr<>vented
By PAUL COUR If the U ·versity from fl'C'Orrls any scorini: being brokPn. The loss was tht' second for the Pioneers. Their next start should be their tough- - Un:fo unately agamst Humboldt Mike Beca1ovich and his State at Eureka next Satur- Pioneer hen the offense day night. · was good e defense 'Yas •·we fou d out we could bad. When the defense im- move the ball, but th e Y proved, the Qftense tapered moved it, too. Defense is of!. The result was a 29- 20 our big problem," ~aid Pe- loss to New Mexico We st ern carovich after the gamP. in Balboa Stadium. What the Pioneers needed It was quite a track meet was about 11 Zunigas for the first half. The Mus- last night. The ru ed, 5- tangs went to the dressing 10, 195 . pound nebacker room wtth a 2 1 · 20 lead; 11 ~ made 12 tackle , r oo ·ered everyone expected th e B ':t a fumb e-- to t up USD's score to be In orbit. firisl to 4 a,nd short- for coach est llU 198 185 228 215 180 1190 190 185 USD Pos McDov ti Bourque Gurrola O'Leary Gabriel Chapmon loesc:hnig Desantis Gray LTE LG ~T RE LH RH F B 8 S er,ro,l m er Mustang Zuniga or alt Joos, on defons • gaps at uising Juan most of his' was the top grou/1d-gainer circuited e.n touchdown. his co,.,....,...,,-. • • • The 1oUowing evening the 1eniors will 1ponsor a mixer tor juniors an \ who couldn't tacklPs Vasquez- 95 yards. Jim D P i o n e r with 65 y rd In 13 carr.ies for a 4.5 • yard aver a g e. · Joe Gray Jugged 13 times for 55 yards and a 4.3 mark and scored two touchdowns. The P I o n e e r s finished with l~ yards rushing to New Mexico's 223. Jan Chapman accounted for 100 the score. turn apman passed Dan Bodle in P,i.oneers' ...............-1:ied the flat fo a 43-yard play for the TD. The pass for the extra points failed and USD led, 20-14 Winkowski hit Kleindolph To First Love-'feacln11g ~umboldt Ey 12th Straight Against USD (Continued) gainst New Mexico Western last week. r ne \\ as a\ ay from thr the urge to return OOM J. Rauch, a sen- \ engtne('r a• Cor , enter at Willo e carrh Run. In 9.;i3 he joined Con va1 r. Ft. Vorth. as a senior ' re;·C'arch engineer and trans- ferred m l.'156 to Convair-A;- lronaut1c:s. 'I was very pll'aSC'd with the ec me more intense. ell," he sald, book filled o•• , sty. "An:1, ha,c ac el,nurat d WESTERN WINS OPENER~ t- >( NewMexico Tops Pioneers, 29-20 'f /).. 'I/"-~ By JOIDi. )lcDO.NA:CO Ramrodding Juan Vasquez 1 The first half was more riddled the University of San like a track meet, the third Diego line last night to set up pPriod was plagued ,11th mis- sPveral touchdowns as the cues and the fourth stanza fi. New Mexico Western Mus- nally found the clubs settling tangs dealt the Pioneers their down to solid football. second straight loss, 29-20, be. The Pioneers still seem un. fore 1,500 fans in Balboa certain at quarterback with Stadium. Jan Chapman again having a Vasquez, a bull-like charg. bad night, connecting on nine er who weighs 200 pound , of 17 passes and being tossed picked up 95 yards in 18 car- back seHral times. Fresh. ries and accounted for Nelson Murphy was in. touchdown and two "cushion'' serted briefly and had one bit extra points. of glory with ·a 19-yard pass USD had rot•bjn corytalnlng completion. the two-time All-Frontier Con- Fu 11 b a c k Jim Desantis, ferece fullback. To keep the halfback Joe Gray and guard Pioneers loose, howrvN, the Al Zuniga were the high spots 11ustangs made good use of'for USD. Gray accounted for alfback J\iat Halsome who two touchdowns, Desantis tallied on a 64-ynrd run and picked up 65 yards in 13 car. freshman quarterback Walt1ries and Zuniga made many Winkowski who connected on,tackles on defense. three passes, one for 67 yards The Mustangs picked up 13 and the last touchdown. (Contlnu_ed on a-20, Col. 4) ·- H<> trlln from il'..,u try to a C'>llc>ge cam pu to be easy. As he say , he is mr,e]y return ng to a ,va of !if P that he gave up tern poi arily 10 years aro. tarting In •ome- thmg n w and strange ' Dr. Ruuch etplalned n an irter view at l'SD. "My 1 rst Jo, e expects thr First Love "I am not 'Tlic life. I was merely a little late in r turnmg." Dr. Rauc11 for the pa mg with I> lllst1c ml cllitrs, nnd sprc1allzcd J iasc I es t ''! cntrred lndu try bC'cau r saw 111 1t the po 'bllity of appl;.ing mathematical orrd c 1>ntlf1c knowled"e to 1gni "Thi' results havr b en mc;-e h!' than I l'Xpect!'d," he a irl. have had to bring forth all my re ,urces In help n" to solv II", sntelhte and s ce vr- Hc- said, howev r, that each mi hlcle Io, muia n • ha always been the ac-,.de- year h clone re e r (j a of pacP tra, el. f1~nnt problem Dr, RauC'h n (efenc ," xplain d. Urge To Return and young mathem tlcians was born In ,clentists I came into contact Dr. R uch, ,, z nhc,._,Jo,a~ia, try,'' Dr. Rauch ,,e-re very well s a natu~al- with in i!ld ,e,t L s. citizen. He stt i1ed t Citv Coll,..gc of New York, sai · .. t1le Uni\•ers ty of Chicago and qualified ior their work." . 'd "They THE SAN DIEGO UNION t so 1000 <•> b7 Fri., Sep · CALIFORNIA SAN OIEGO, Dr. R, Ch is t-appy that he the University of California. n a position n hep train these II wa~ awardecl his doctorate once Ilg n is mathematics as well as his where h bachrlor's de- ye,urrg .,....,..,~ as•C'r' a'lcl ees from California. At Rutgers teaching last Dr. Rauch's l'lO tlon ¼as a a professor of lfl rr thcma ics at Rutgf'rs lJni• rs1t). he taught from c hacl begun his !<'aching eer .i• s... Ambrose College. Da,enpor , low~. In 1926 and that taught at DePaul iH ~ity, th" lJii ,·er,;ity of ft r to Ul;il. div · lifornia s extf'n 10 ton Hall Collegr, CnlJ,-ge ard We leyan IQll, rshalL ni er- I y, M1ddletown, Conn., wtierr taught mathf'mntics and - 1 physic . Re earch Eng neer left Rut- Whrn Dr. Rauc~ rs Jn l951 he took a job as a res c1rch matht'matician at 'he l nivrrslty of ::l!ichigan's OR, LOUIS RAUCH - ------------------.1 The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selecti (, IUC San O tUO St. •t Cal Poly lo«tl• Aock AC
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