News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Pionee'rs to Clash /~it.-~ '.~l~ ~~::!~?~, Y!ctory ot the aeaaon, mee e UntvP.rslty ot San Diego llt 8 p.m. t.hia Friday &t Balboa Stad um. New Mexico and USO. both n the proceasa or rebuilding, luwe attracted the attention of An1aJI college football fans with their rupectlve youth mo\'e• menll!. • •ew Mexico ha • 18 son, a 10-y ar veteran with 44· fr hmen; USO ha., 2,, !reah· 3:1--3 re<:ord, ha aelected nine men, Both, )10wever, have a lettermen to 11tart In FridllY'• atrorig- nu c I e u a of relurn!nglgame a.galn,~t USO. vetPrans. Three 1ta.r~ra who will • ee ;-;ew Mexico f i hd third In action Saturday night were the Frontier Conference Md sta.rter• on th., )958 New Mex- had ,. 4-3-1 record In 1959. New !co team. The three are co-cap- Mexfco, lllways a strong 110uth- taJns Christ Vori , halfbaclt; weal 11mall collel'e football •n• Juan Vuquer,; and try, has compiled a 51-38 record Bob Ha.tier, center. since 1949. Va.sques, probably th• Mua• The two schools have had one ta.nga' top performer ts a junior previous meeting. The Univer- Md a. two-time tU-ll'rontier 111ly of San Diego 1t.ormed l!11ck Conference and a.11-NAIA dia- from a 10-0 deficit and defeated lrlct tullback. He 14 IU\ out- u,e New Mex I e o Mustangs, •tan~ runner and gained 13-10, In 1958. morerthan 150 yarda In hi.a 1958 Bolh clubs were 5haky In eb\lt in San Diego. their 1960 openers. New Mex!- UH, a 200-pounder who co Western dropped a 20-7 de- ._O, p!·ked up 79 yard• ci Ion io tough Sul Ro • (Tex• carri•s ln the UI oaa
ce St e Juniors
The Junior clau ot th San Di~go Colleg~ for Women will spo!l80r a dance after h~ I SD-Np,w Mexico game this F Id September 23. r ay, Chairman i~ Mary Bihan, junior das., p1·e~ident. Assisting her w,11 be Mary M.-gow, d•c-------------- oraUons; MargarPt Bangl!.$8er, refreshments, Judy Br mner, mt1!1c, and K a re n R<>emelin, publlc1ty. • • •
~AYS PECAROV/CH: V/fo,t/ Same USD Stb~~t; Get Another Chance Ry .JOH:","."\• .HcDON\U) HPad coaeh :,tike Pccaro hi' h 1 vich ,said he would give last nlg_ 0 ; 0 ~ 1 ; 0 1;?k~~~t• !Liesch. eek _s start"" a ,n o t h r r "Y wllf sub for DeS n~1s. own- chanu, tomonow mnht when "\\' l , 11 h1 u 1 • • • 0 • " in, c a good chanc<' S ll VCI s1ty of S11n D1Pgo again t Nnw •1 · W . Pion(' r 1 • l r '' " PXICO PSI· , .• n \ Pay iost lo • e W rrn." PPcarnvkh said "At , x1co V<'slrrn al B O J ti o a 1 • . k · Stadium. .. <'a~t wr. now more about .. I them than wr did Whittier·. h Jan Chapman admittN! he And, by scouting Humboldt _ad a bad night against Whlt- State, wp"ll know even more llt'r and that he was t!ghtt'ncd j for our third game."
This Sundlly, SepLembt,r 25, men and women from the uni- versity will board buses at 11 a.m. fur a day o! picnicking al El Monte Pa1 k. St.iden ts will' attend Mass in Tbe , lata, followed by breakfast on the College tor Women patio before traveling lo the park. • • • Members of the Stude!1t Coun• cll will meet with Reverend Mother Hill for the first time th 1 s year Monday afternoon, September 26. The council In• eludes st.1dent body officers, Carol Kupl!Jk. Children of Ma~· president: Sand1·a Cusell, ASB president; Barbara Jordan, vice president; Su M Monahan, re- cording • ecretary; Sandra Lou• bat. corresponding ecietary, Md Marcia West, oc1al chair- man. Others are Mary Jitne Tier- nan, s en I or els .• president Mary Bahan, junior class presi- dent; Sally Tool<>y, aophomorn cla.~s president; Herlinda Rodri- quez, ed!to1· of the year book• Lillian Jurik&. editor of Unum' and Martha Sple1·s, co-editor of the Pioneer, During the evening 26 resi- dent student will opPn thei rooms io the fa ufty and other tudents for housewarming,
asJ St.ate College September 10. The Pioneers lost their op- en•r to Whllller Colle e :Ill-~ la•t Saturday .night. N~w Mexieo le t t ),.da • State (Colorado) College, :rT st Sliver City, N.M., Sat• I New Mexico Coach Al John- urday night.
lco w~ t~r-n In BaJhoa . · t:ulium thl8 nre. left to rlr;ht. ""d rn~rh liPor~11 ~rge Rado\lch and Bob ·ext-On.
d Wh.itU r'a bl ger and more p rlenced tellm caned out • 20-'5 victory. The gllffie wa pla.qu~ by penalties a.nd flrat- Whittier quarterback BI 11 Vail. who lut year pla ed blnd Poet all-Amerlc (;a Campbell, made his o bid or night miscues.
and. too ten fl," Pecaro-
the Pion- to worr passfn~
111~. "So w 'II go with eers may not hav
Mm again at quarterhaC'k but a~ much
WU! be ready to u e man ,:" elson Murphy
tomorrow but fullb ck n;- Juan yasquez: will 1ave to be
ft"t>sh- ga,n
.,...,,...;;;i;;;; 19 ---:;;-;.-;,-;.-;_-;.-_-:,-~.,-.-.-... -_-_;-,;..,-.,.~·-----~ .;,
. Pxton
i t, nt Bob
furphy, an excell nt caU<"r from Plus X ot. Down- he ignal
atness. Va!! comple 26 pus a attempted rda and one touchd ored twice himself o one and 15 yard8. Greg Rlako kicked t !,, .aJ'ld miS$ed on
trio cd third
I a
b<"ea operating w II qua l rback John Lanza to
~Y, ha
sate long with Don Bodle foL• pa s prot<'ction and that
m. ,~orko~1ts.
laff con-
I he USD coaching
lders this a "mu t" game there 1.
ibility that
a po
for the Pionn•rs before their Gray Elliott would be re- encount"r with tough Hum- plact'd at tackle by <'ither boldt State at Eureka n ext Fred Widmer of Lynwood or week. Ilumholdt Is con idercd Guy Selleck of Del Mar. one or th<' trongest small col- leges on the west coast.
nt~ pt.
USD ac:ored
m ut er when quarterback Jan Chap• man hit right and Jim Gabriel who knifed through U,e It- tier secondary for a touc tn the
"The changes will come In the defensive unit," the head man add<'d, •·and we won't use as many fre.shm,, 11 ." Joe Gra} and Joe Loeschnig w!ll get the starting <'all a the halfba<'k SJl ts whilP Jim DeSanlis will go at fullback. Al Borza, a frc hmnn from Norwalk. \\ ill spC'II nrny and Howard Williamson of AncJior- agc, Ala.-ka or Pat Heming- er o! Fort Wayne, Ind., will
pla.y covered 10 y
Th 0
The line-ups· N,.W M,xleo 0. Ro ' T. J. Kln& (190j J . WilU&ma •1801 LO B. H•Uu UU• C Cut ane!1a <2001 RO L. \\afd •llOl RT E. P..,.:,!! us 11&5) JU, o . Dlu (lail N. Jhlaocne 116' • LH t '1
l!loUf(l e
W. 3001 '1 ~, 0. ihlo\· J. Gabr1d <21!>1 ,:71 ,1aoi Q :ii J. Chanma J. Gray tlfO, Loeschlng 11901 J"B J , DeSantl& f185) RH
C. \:or
,·asqun (200)
So .... tlwi-n C ,...:...s:
FOE BOASTS 11 STRAIGH Pioneers F ce Toug est est The situation \\on't im- prove for Mike Pec-aro- vich's University of San Di- ego Pioneers this aturday night at Eureka.
7 I:.,_ 9
r.;_.;.......n.---•-0_11_1_«•...... ~-
' 'Harvey' Features Top New Talent ''He.rve~ " the Fall production lhP lcala Masquer t University-of S n Diego will present October 6, 7 and 'l, features new talert both from the College for Mer. and L"~ for Women. Since the June g1·aduation marked the exits of Huell Jo •
some good news th 1 .s week, howe\'er, when 1t was found that ace halfback J'oe Gray only su~1ained ,a charley horse when he was s l d e- lined by a hard t a c k 1 e against Kew Me 0 West- ern And, Jan Chapman may return to his old form at Eureka after being fittrd with a pa of -0 :ri t a c t glassc.·. Ct.apman r rn to pa sing accuracy u d go a long way tO\\ard keep- ing U. D in the ball g me, USD will leave hy r art- ered plane 7 :30 Friday night for Arcata. It will travel from there to Eureka by bus. bus. "- f' 1:>. V.h,on ('._ 32 Pioneers 'il~i '" Leave Tonight ·1 For Grid Date· 'The 32-man l r ,versity of Sa:i. Oi!'go football squad will leave Llndh!' zh Field by plane tonight at 7 · 30 for Ar- cata, Cali!. \\l: c it will op- pose toug:1 Humboldt State tv;:ee against the Lumb·1 a :cs. who will be bidding for their 12th straiiht. Muc)l of USD's succesg will ride with the pass ng arm of quarterback Jan Chapman and the running of Joe Gray in Mike Pecarovir1i·s pro-T with spread ends and slot bac!,s. Humbl'"dt Stat W I cour.ter witn its \ CJ. on c.: the same offense w I t h quarterback Fred Whi '1').!re JJ 0 incering the clu)). The Lumberjack \\ ill be powe::-ed b two hard-run- ners and if thry ar.? a :ylhing like • ·ew Me:uco Wcstcrn's Juan Vas uez the Pioneers are in for a long e\·ening. Halfbac 1• C" ell te1,hcns, who rolled cy 200 ams and four to(!I;: do-; ri t 25-6 victo~y ov , r:a te W sh- ington ill • w l'k, has avl'r• aged 13. yarda. in 25 carries in two games. --,
standing )tasquer performers " as John Bowman. Ron House, Alex Harper, and Hugo Soto, talent scouting on lhe part of director, Rev. Leo F. Lan• phier, becan1e a musL Recent rehearsals l'1dicat• tha.t the scouting has b~n successful. Fi\'e new com! are ably supporting Oenms Halloran, the lead role in "HarYey" and the only Masquer veteran In the Ca.lit. Bert Degheri, en 1 ol', Is romping through th., rot~ of Dr. Chumley, blust ring psy• . chiatrist, and Herb Sullivan, sophomore, competenUy por• trays his somewhat love-stuck junior partner, Dr. Sandereon. Phil .Burch prom! s Iota of laughs u the im uh! e strong-a.rm orderly 'Chum• ley's Rest." Grant RlchardsOll dou th• crochety f Ja; Ju • Gaffney, a.nd Z :USD grtdder. a e y in hi1 ch&~c~~ of the hard-bolled ~11,~er E. J. Lofgren. Paulette Santos, College for Women a !or, m&kta her de- but In th d .. ,~t hunt," and i w ppo ed by tor- mer Masquer mu ell,} chor- ines, Balli an, Glory Millien, and Llr. rander. With thl1 cut of gay com- ics, "Harvey" Is predicted to be USD'1 funniest comedy since 0 Room Service"• years ago. EVENING
Fact is, the lOUng USD club wil! ha, e one of the three to 1ghcst oppo ents on Its ~chedule to m t 1n the fo rm of HuMb d • tc. beaten 11 straight oppo '.1 I graced with 26 returru g kt rmen. has an excellent pa ~r and runner and v. ill be heavier in the line. At the outset, lluMboldt was regarded as one of the strongest small college foot- ball clubs Jn t e nation. So far, it has manhandled Lln- field, Ore., 33-0, and East Washington, 25-6. Bob Sexton, line coach on the squad, said USO has received a scouting report. It reveals nothing but trou- ble ahead. apparently. Cecil Stephens, a 170- pounder, is the man the Pioneers will ha,·e to stop. Last week, he scored all the touchdowns against E a s t Washington so he seems ready to surpass last year's mark of 48 points. Although he had a b a d night against East Washing- ton, Humboldt quarterback Fred Whitmire can spell ·· trouble with his aerial r,-an I!. Last vear he tos l'd for 15 touchdowns. USO will be out\ e•ghcd up :front with such hrtre as end Mat (200), tac- kles Vester FliJnagan (240) and Manuel Simas (260) and center Parker ,l?olloek (200) parked in the way. The Pioneers received
1 ,! ough Test Face By USD idders
The Unive1s1ty of San Diego PtonE>ers leave the unfriendly atmosphere of Its owu Balboa. Stadium and flies northward to engage powerlul Humboldt State at Eureka thl1 Saturday night. Coa<'h :Mike Pccarovich's 32-man traveling squad will leave Lindbergh Fldd Friday mgl,lt. The team will return to San Diego immediately a f tf r the~---------------- game. from -.191)9 t~ which p011t• The P i o n • e r,. extll~d i1 a cord. • touchdowns In h!gh-~corlng H~ "' a first half ot their game With il.ttchbred by ii.)l New Mexico estern INit 'FI1-- lta.t w,~tem day night bef1> , l()!ltng, '29-20 ' ~~t:er , Humboldt r a c e d ,pallt 6 If d \IN!Jgba Eastern W pg-ton last Satur- by 1'i411agih. :ii day night, 25·6 , Cecil Stet,'bf!N Humboldt State, riding the rip the L rtf\_eld crest of. p.n ll•game Wlnn!n'g yards, streak, s l?·0 this season. Hum•! Halfback ~~Ill netted 127. boldt defeated Unf1eld (bre-,yards in nt:n• a'rrl,,ttor a. 14.1 gon) College, 33·0, In Its season average. White t -pound opener. USD ls 0-2 after two fullbaclj;, rushed few f02 yards games at home. in 15 carrleJ siltl two The Humboldl State L11mber- touchdowns. jacks are (U'Obably one of. l,he New Mexico strongest college football entries Juan Vasquez'·~-~= ii\ Northern California this sea- ly Pioneer ml& son. Coach Phi! Sarboe, who USD'11 bid for f 'boa.sta a brilliant 104-41•3 rec- Friday night. Va.squez rushed ord in 22 seasons at Humboldt, for 95 yards 1n 18 ,ca.rrle1 and has 27 lettennen returninglone touchdown.
p ONEERS DRAW TOUGH FOE l[v~/~q/i;.:1-, 1:....:..::;..:....,:._....:..:.,.~-------------- 0 ugh' USD Landing I
New Mexico had to tight back from 14.-6 and 20-H deficits in the fln;t halt· Ltd won its first ga o! the sea.son. Q rterb11.ek Jan Chapman com I t nine of 1 T passes at- • le ed ·for 100 yard,., Md one iouc C,o m. HaJfb11clc Joe Gray gave & noteworth:v offensive performance with ·26 and 12· yard touchdown runs. Chapman PB.96/'d to freshman end Dan I Bodie for 43 yards and & touch- down for the other score. Guard Al Zuniga turned !n another outstanding defensive performance and freshman tac- kle Pat Long won a starting ruislgnment for the Humboldt gam~ with hi~ sho vlng against NP~- Mexico We tem. c olars ·rp' Announced
I y of San Dlego's'the team whleh won nine and
The Pioneer wj.11 depend on
Un ve
rs fl
\freshman tackle Pat Long to Humboldt S t a t e crushed fill one of th holes at tackle te Washington, 25-6, last this week. I o t ta d-
orthNn lost one last year.
nto the
Calltomla .town of Eurekn _to- E
eld Col• ing defensi
rrow night The reception wePk and buried Li
1 exp cted to bi, friendly at lege, l the airport, but on the foot- Pione rs have lost two start~ Joos. last \\eek agai In its opener. The•guards Al 2lu1uga and
and • 'e w Mexico We.tern..
ball .fie'Icl g turd y n gill, the Whittle ,
- WESTERNERS,. U~~:e(si[n Ofthr~:t• and C a 11 for n i a West- ern football teams will take this weekend off. Both rlubs return to ac- tion next wePk. USD plays its first game ln Westgate Park n<'xt Sat- urday night al 8 against Azll~a College. Cal Western meets La-1 Ve~ne Colllege on the West- erner field the- same night.
Jo-e ·cray, Jtm
1ex1co Western. 29-20. The Lumb r
Humboldt ks have a and Joe Loeschnig are U Os I: rj cks m Y handle the Pi- veteran· lir;ic anc'1.0red by all- 1 chle! hopes for )ard JC ou on r mor rou hly NAIA and Western.the ground again t th Lum- Thr Lumbel')a k are on a CooJerence tack 1 e Vester berjacks. Jan Ch a: a , winning treak of l 1 games Fl· naglm, 6 5. 215. He clears $pelled by freshm n elson and f1gur a one of the the way for backs Cecil Ste- :Murphy, w!ll try to loo !'n up strongest all colic e foot- phens' and Ed White who the opposition with the aeri- b JI team h m Cali- ripp!'d the Llnfield line for al thrusts. Probable star. ers: fornln th eh Phil 229 yards. Stephens, a half- us o Pos, Hvml>Oldt s,are a r b ashing- back, ett d 127 yafu · in nine t~~~;:r ,/ml if !l4.5) ton Slat . h~l!~IIICntor who rries for a 14.1 av1;rage 8?[~rr )~il J• tl~l ft,'lc;: n ll{etl cord of 104- and \,\,1lite, a 195-oound full•1l~~ Jm) ~r dM)K~i1::,g~ r , 1 lo and thre tics, back, rushed 102 yards in 15 1~~~ont21f~ 1 ~g n~~ 0 >.,._;;~~= n 27 lettPrm n back from carries aud scorPd •w1ce. G~:'ch~1 ~?l !l90l /~ m 1 \Jl•i~:11~ Soni 1 (185) lo Cl95) While ate lei;e Lu~-
AN During the weel,s before class.-s opf'nt>d, OcPan- side..Carlsbad Juuior College and High School l1ad on dis11lay an illuminat!'d sign: J~DrC, TION I OUR GR.FJ.\TJ~. T NATION.\J., DEFE, ·s:i-;. One of the big swim suit companies rut a sour note. Its line, broui::ht out before 1he cunent popu- lar song, includes te~ny weeny polka dot bikinis in every color but yellow.... The first master': dr- grecs grnnted by the San Diego CollPge for WoJJwn went to a Protestant, Mrs. F.\-nc;sl Ande1·son; two Catholics, Sister Mary Brigid and Si. t r Mary Al- bert, and a Jew, Mr.. Charles Rupferb rg.... Cur- rent fuming over parking m tcrs r-:minds friends that the late Mayor Percy Benbough did his bit to keep motorists happy, though metel'C'd. When meters first ,vere installed hc>re in l!l3S, l\Tayor Bcnbough kept his pockPts ·filled with pc>nnirs and fed everv overtime meter he saw_. _ _ _ IJ!i.!Ll~L Bobby Francisco, vhose recording of "Cu-C11- Ru-C11-Cu" was a big jukebox favorite this year (Carm.-n Records), is Robert J<}studillo Jr., 22, a member of the 11rominent Tijuana famil). . . . Anna Sokolow, ehoreographer here for Fi.--,ta del Paeifil'o, ha<, ,joined l\'Iatt Kel!'men, aho with th Fie~ta. staff herf', and now with Ballet Mexi- 1·a110 in Jle. ·ico Cit~·- (.,. , 0 ,_;t.,t> ... ,,e 1cj,)/1;1
A for summer study at a British u n I v e r s i t y has been an- nounced by Wing Cmdr. P.R. Patrick, RAF ret., president of the San Diego branch of the English Spraking Union. The scholarship will he available to a local collc"e senior or graduate student In memory of the late MacAr- thur Gorton Jr., a former San Dicgan and U.S. Air Force officer. Patrick said interested stu- dents may apply to Or. Wood- row C. Whitten, California We st er n University; Dr. George Lewis Phillips and Dr. Frl'deriek L. Ryan, San Diego State, and the Rev. John B. Bremner, University of San Diego. $1,000 scholarship
TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line
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