News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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In Hands

State's Future Up To Dr. Love r.y JIO\\AHU H Gl;N ; n D1cgo State could have years. ' Kerrigan added, "It a st ongcr football pro"rnm would be worth it." If pr idert 1alcolm ,\ Love Governal! r~plied that I?r. wart d It, two • an D ego Love has md1cated a desire port Ian told the nlon- to pla • USD and Cal W!!stem 'frihune Quart rback CI u b "\I. h c n lea ·iblc," and Al ycstrrday noonl at Mis Ion Le\\ ls, We tern gr Id Valley Inn. coach, said hr> has held con- "It' the same ·Ituatlon as vl'r.atl ns with Bill T r r Y, the ol'fircr commanding a 1 0 • Aztec dire!'lor of ~thlchcs, on <"ai Mtlitary In tallation." •aid a football game m the near lloh Brei'ha1 d, found('r of the future. _ . Hrrltbard Athletic Foumla- Gene Greg ton, ex;cutive tlon and former • an Di,.i: 0 sports Nl1tor of the E, go lied Reuland • a \ cry 1 · i-: C'ondido coach Ch I ck di coura •In"' de~.olopment San F:mhrey's teams a I ways Olego ju t hasn t any th mg_ at throw the ball well, and they the collegl Ir !eve! r mhlln" completed 17 ol 30, with a few \ good t m. dropped. when they beat us. In rebuttal Aztec c o a .: h Last year we won non


Bull Trometter, the practlclng pessimist who found rea- son to fret when he was coaching Marine Corps Recruit Depot's all-winning football team, stlll has problems, but of a different variety. His University High squad can't do anything'but lose. "The transition from men to boys has been difficult," he poii;ited out at yesterday's Quarterback Club luncheon. .,I don't know who'.s getting an education, the boys or me. I think I put in too much too soon." University Wgh, only three old, fs fielding its fir t varsity football team after two years of jayvee com- petition. "W• have 12 sentors whO played only jayvee," said Bult 'They've had three coaches In three years. Some- times they get confused. The boys haven't played the game enough to know how to react when they win or lo e although they haven't won yet. "In time," he continued In an unusually optimistic vein, "we might be able to compete on a level with other teams An this rea." ob Tomll n was In a position to sympathize with ache" Hilltop High, which is in its second year of c<>mpetf Ion after S,I>lltting of! from Chula Vista High. aid Tomlinson, •• o th re was ome room for Improvement. Thb year we're 2-2. We 11 in a few mor before we're through. We have some pre y tough bo s defensively and I think we'll get our often rolling. "The main prob! m," he added, ''Is for the kids to stop being Spartans and start being Lancers. The old achool Trornett r. He !'W had an 0-9 ;record I yeM,"

carries over its traditions, which the new school doesn't have. At a rally last week, the fheerlead<1rs yelled, 'Come on, Spartans.' " George Schutte, San Diego Junior 091141"! mentor who was called on to compare high sch6ol tea 1n Southern is played in the schools outside the city In t~ LQ:i Angeles area." Junior high programs and ''greater ~'p tn high school football In that area" were cited «s rea ons 1or their excellence. California, said "In my opinion, the be .1oolball

f Dr. Love ( ontinuPtll of transltlor r: k ng w1t'I mr'l


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ru1t D pot J '1as been g cal r on mj pla) <>rs cir mysplf WI' have 50C boys n h gh chool hl't near,, 200 re fre hlT'cn not aliowed to l'0mpete m \ ar ·1ty ports ;\l) top II crral'\ Is 180-pound Basil 1 I 1, a ro\lege p ospl'r.t \V 1e1 our tud£'nt bodr anti pla) ers start taking the game mote ~er10u I, il' possible l n erslt Hlgh v. 111 h<> h to compete athletically wi h other local high .·chool,. <11 • touchclowns \\" sro ed a t Fall brook, Ii\ r \\ ere ('II !Pd back. 'om(' of ollr Pn• t P ver had pla,cd fool II 1>cfo1 • to boj

By BOB ORTl\lAN The fans have spoken. Their verdict? President Malcolm A. Love holds the kef to San Diego State College's foot- ball future. "I! Dr. Love definitely wanted a iOOd football team,"

"We're reaching a point of bet the city and county schools i Schutte. "When you have balanc will Improve." In answer f,o IWlOther qu tlon, an injustice" to send teams whl Ing staffs, as at San Diego high which have three and four coaches Trometter himself raised the no junior high football program h re, "The principals won't ha\e it," said rector of physical education for the r~

said Bob Breltbard yesterday at the Quarterback Club lunch• eon, "they could have one, without lowering their high ac-· ademic standards.'' Breitbard, Tom Able-s a n d B o b Kerrigan discussed San Diego-area football - Hs ail- ments and "possible cures - at the Mission Valley Inn gather- ing. "Dr. Love has said publicly that he expects and intends to have an athletic program on the same plane with other de- partments in the colle1e," re- marked Ables. "This leads a person to W(lnder whether the other departments are In this condition. The other alterna- tive Is that lie doesn't mean what he says."

bools Smith point('d out the basketball and track programs, which were instituted at the junior high level thn·e years ago, will be discontinued. "In high school," said Trometter, "you spPnd the first two years teaching the kids how to block and tackle to 'protect themselves. In college the boy11 from the Ea11t have 10 or 12 years' experience to our boys' five or six."

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,1AU'Ol,:U 'LOVE

>( Uni High Scores 6,· Gets Credit for 1 By RICK )IITlI

Ahles expressed a feeling of discouragi>ment In the fact that "San DiPgo State ls lucky to come out with a. 0-0 tie again~t Redlands, USO has a team (Azusa) on its ,schedule which plays such teams as the Pomona Frosh, and this city of a half-million pas no major football team. "San Diego Slate played a Z7-27 tie with San Jose State 1n 1956," Ables added. "Last Saturday San Jose beat Stan!ord and San Diego tied Redlands." Other Schools Surmounted Obstacles Breitbard, while deploring the trend toward Qlphasls of acadP.mic programs at the expense of aft.!:1tltlea, int- d· out that "San /ose, Frrsno and 0U1er schoewi" have the same problems as San Diego State, but they naves~• mounted them. Breltbard ob erved that the tenure system ~y have something to do with the athletic slump at SD$C. "If you want to relax," he safd, "yoa Paul Gov~rnall, San Diego State "would like to work both school-. in •"ThP pr sident has Indicated a desire to ule U D and Cal Western) whenev continued. "Feasibility is the proble in the league and we pick up two more :mon. In addlflon we are Involved with dine and MCRD In all sports. Maybe we c USD and Cal We5tern in alternate years." Governall al~o explained It Is wrong to char Lo\ with a disinterest In Aztec athletics. "In i956," he said, "we had no acholarshlps, no ob program. Through Dr. Love's encouragement, it now is possible to help 33 varsity and 15 frosh players. This is becau~e of his willingness to siphon some campus jobs to athletics. Also he formed a faculty committee to stud Al Lewis, Cal Western coach who had been complimented by Ables for the "sound program" of the Westerners, de- clared: "We are not a football power and do not want to be. We just want to field good teams. ''We have upgraded our competition a Uttle each year. Soon we will be playing all teams In the Southern California Intercollegiate Conference." The Westerners set their goals and are achieving them. What are the goals at SDSC and USD? f hapinan' s''f>U"nt Back Up USD Foes .Jan Chapman's toe, not his . ded last week with a 14-6 arm'. has been one of the Uni- \·1ctory over Azu~a College. I vers1ty of San Die o',s biggest :Southern California College assets this season. v.p1 be on the l"PCi'iving end The PJoneer quarterback O Japman's punts tomorrow has punted 21 timrs for 902 lllf al Westgate Patk as yards for an avf'rage of • 2 9 tU~Dt seeks its second straight the Vanguards, the enemy in . cvPraI holes who.bowed last year, 38-14, and saved the PionC'ers' from, Halfbacks Joe Gray and .Jo!' worse defeats. Whittier bcat'Lorsch?ig and fullback J 1 111 them, 20-6, • 'ew Mexico West- Desantis ran well against Azu- ~rn, 29-20, and Humboldt sa last week with 269 yards State, 20-0. 'l'he losing streak bet ecn them. Azusa beat Southern . Cali_fornia College, 114-0, eal'her in the season The Vanguards have a 3-2 season l'ecorct. k ' k ic ,. .. V Cur,.,- a to rank as one of the "· nation's top ptmters. Tho PJoneers are given an Chapman:s boots han• put edge 0 \"er tlu.. 're. I think wi. have a little of that." "I'd like to sec a rivalry between the sc KeITlgan. "It would create a lot of in help bul(d the programs of all three sch ver lty of $an Diego and Cal Wei.tern) ... the possibilify or more jobs for athletes.'' 'Just Want to Field Good Teams'


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wit't ·an Fernando State and \\ zttier plu several member of th!' ~outt-crn Confrrcnre )like I'en\ro, kh. Lniver- il) of an Di go, 11 6 "inner OV!' AL sa "Our r. w sta- d U'Tl will seat about 6,000 a d '-"<' hope It will b ready bv n t fal . \ '<' \\(' e atis- tied \\ 1t:i ou game th oth"r night <'~pecially th,. de- lens ." an Otego St te,

By ROGt.R CO. 'LEE The A,oeado Leai:-uP. foothall r n e e starts Friday and it's po slblc the cham- p.onship could be determined In the first \\'C'ek. \'ista and San Dicguito, which appear the two strongC'st schools o!f nonleaguc games, run Jieadlong Into each other at \'ista in what could be the Arncado's gamr t ."o th rn D1\ Qn lead with 2-0 rec~1:d p.nd ti e \\ r will be in gqQd 110 1tion to go on and take tile tit], . Thi' La Mesa'i\rea rivalry J)lllcs back to 951 with GrosS111ont IVllding a 6-3 edge. A typical example ul the .fierce- ness of the scrlrs: In 1956, Helix blastPd Grossmont, 52-6, b u t th Foothillers roarf'd back to win, 47-25 In 1957 The winner gets the '°Fdudbuster 0 " an old Civil War musket, for one year. '

er lty High Is in its first football and the Dons arc l1avlng their

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.\. pos !bit• replay or on" of la,t year', top City .football games is ln the offing at Hoover l'rlday nl"ht. San Diego High nd St. Augustine will meet for th!' first time since their thrilling, 1'.!-12 battle 1n Balboa Stadium last sc-ason. The Saints went into last year t!.! as underdogs. But fullback Carlton Blcd- oc scored twice and ·was in the middle of the defensive JIM helping the Salnls' forward wall contain the potent Caver runn ng attack. Thrre former area prpp star~ saw cor. 1dcrable action In liniversity of ·outbern California s ,-10 triumph ov 'r Cali!orma I wrrk. Hal Tob.n, who w the SCH''s le dt g scorer \' 14;, ro.nts in 1917 a Coro- nado, spca head d the s~ \\ with a touchdown ,nd gained 113 ) ds r.1 hin" in 17 c..rries. Pat ~hea r • Iis- sion Bay tackle, played q e bit and Luther Hayes, a thrC<>-year ,e ., a• SC from Lincoln High, ot 1r for the fir t time since being injured again t Oregon State in the Trojans' opener. Hayes, how- ever, reinjured his leg and may be out for quite some time.


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Higgins (1851, tullba k H Rolx'rtson (175) and sl

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souU1 rn CahfQrnla 8 !me anchored by tackles Dave Eng• Jlsh 0) an d Ch•1ck Bumett (210) an d two-y ar tennan Jerry Ow m, 1190) at right guard.


ioJiee'rTreshriien to Be Busy )< Saturday With 2 Tilts on T Op·




By School of L of U,e Uruve School o! Law start ng- next Febll'tl8a.9':LJi Bi!hop hM an_nounced. His Excellency, o is pres dent San Diego, A bachelor's rlegr admission requirem

Some University of San D i e g o fresbrnen football players v, ill get q u I t e a workout Saturday. The Pioneer Frosh will engage Snn Diego State Col- lege Frosh Saturday morn- ing at 10 in the first ath- letic contest ever held be- tween the two schools. Some of the same freshmen who play in that game will come back at night t.o play on the varsity against Southern California College at West- gate Park at 8. Mike l\lcDevitt, 185-pound end, is listed as a starter for both games. An All- Catholic League player at Loyola High in Los Angeles,

season because of an injury. Coach Mike Pccarovich says he's satisfied with the defe of both the vars,ity and fro , but a d m i t s "we'll have to work on our offense.'' 'The veteran roach hopes· varsity quarterback J a n Chapman's passing will be more effective a g a I n s t

Southern California College than Jt was in a 14-6 win over Azusa. The three-year let.1.erman completed on I y .t1ve o! 12 passes for 18yards. defenses will be gear.ed to stop the Vanguards' Blll Severn, rat- ed one of the coast's outstanding all-around small college quarterbacks. The PiQneers'

Id the require-

to both

ment would apply

said. Enrollment at the School of La\ reached a new high ·of 158 students m Septem- ber. The over-al! enrollment at the University of San Diego this year is 2,022 stu- dents, an increase of 44 per cent over ast year's figure. The School o! Law started in the spring of 1954 with night sessions. Day sessions were added 1n September, 1959,


Quarterback Bill Severn is the chief Vanguard threat. He comp]eted 16 of 22 passes for 273 yards against the s e al Beach Marines as the \'an. g_uards rolled to an impres- sive 56-0 victory.



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of a b i!egree brings ua into line with the leadin&"

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l.(,atherneck Bowl

UnhPatPn Marine Corns

Re c r u it Depot, getti~g with Quantico DPc. 11 in read, for a Saturday night Balboa Stadiun .

One of the u n h ea t c n in the nation, \\hit- team h a · worth has promis<.'d 10 give ~CRD an ans,\er by • 'ov. 2. Whitworth crushed Pa- cific Luth!'ran, 40.0, Satui·- here

date with l ·ty of San Diego at W<' tga•e Park,


t o d av dbrlo sched~led a



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l':O\. 19 with Whil man Col- lege of Walla Walla Wash. The comeqt will be played MCRD. II JI F' d

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Callfoinia College tcu 14, nt w·est"ale Park. Half- back Joe Gray pacecl the win b" scor1·ng threo ti·mns, Or><' more than Jan Chap. .. • L

day for its sixth win.

JHll on quite u sho\\ for the vis1 or~. completing 21 out passes for 181 yards. s nmc C"omplelPd passes out of 13 accourf1ed f · ·1 f 34 uc-n• o · •~


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wit Whitwor!h College of SpokanC' for l\ov. 26 as an-

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0 ~t~h~e;r~v,~•ia~r~m~u~p~;_fo~r~;t~h!e_!la~s~t~two games." The men- ~~shin;. E.K. he San Diego Union's GricITron Selection r-u, 160 The first lhrC'c times they made

By GENE REG TO ..,_~----..:E:.:._:Y~NO TIUBUNI ExtCIIIIYO $pons Edilor

Rob Wllliams w.,r L-s2

,J!'rry ;\lrtgee

BIil Hnllohan W49 L•S4 Pct. ,622

Concrnsus W•IOI L·42 Pct, ,706

' way of tell- It mu t not be 1t prPparf's

w-,1L-s2 Pct, .636__ _fct, .63'1

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