News Scrapbook 1959-1962

PIONEERS AT HOME ?-S:>, -'.' • ,t:-/~"'-"() USD Seeks 2nd Straight Tonight University o! San Diego goes after its second titralght vic- tory tonight ,at W tgate Park when it meets Southern Cali- fornia Cplle,ge. Klckol! is scheduled for 8 o'clock. All high chool and junior' ollege h ad !ootball coachl's yards in 53 carries this sea• in th" area !1av een Invited son, while Gray has collected o the game by Bob xton, l60 In 37 and Loeschnig 160 athletic coordinator at th In 35. unlversltv. Coaches v.111 b s c. coi.LijGE "" Ntlsott (l Introduced 1n a pre-game <:1.'r- "'"' \2 l emony. ;;,,~ti 1in . Farr• 1/~I Southerrr Callforn!a's Van- Ens !h 1,o~l dais will be paced by one of 'hm thP WPSt coast's 0111.Stand!ng ~(~~inr15M• 5 > all-round small coll" e p r.jRoberbon (t7s> formers in quarterback B111 Sevem. Pa'- \ilSO t, w. 'ii LG Joos 185 5s O'Leorv 228 R ., GJJrroJa 182 RT Elllo I 217 RE Gobrlol 217 0B Chapman 180 LH Loeschnlg 190 ~t o~s~~1r. l~ X

TO BE GUESTS neers eek econd • 1n rid Contest Tonight night" nt D, !!U to (one) an

veral or his t,;niverslty ol \\ Ill Ing Ing doubl

S e v e r n, who formerly played at Los Angeles Valley JC, completed 17 of 38 pass- es for 212 yards against the Pioneers last rear In drop- ping a 38-14 decision. Once again, USO will have Jan Chapman throwing for them again with freshman Nelson turphy expected to see plenty of servlrl! Actually, Murphy ard sev- eral o! the freshmrn players will be •el g additional ac- tion In the morning when the USD fro I\ faces Sa I)iC'go State s ear lngs at AztPc Bowl. Kickoff time !or that the Severn. He'll operate the club from the slot-T and will be support- ed In the backfield by haJf. ack Sam Hlgglns (185), iull- back Harold Robertson (185) and slotback L o r e n G r a f (155). The Pioneers will counter with veterans Joe Lo schnig and Joe Gray at halves and Jim DeSantis at fullback. <; nth; ha pickeli up " one i 10 am But, back to

Frosh 1,.'/4~ 't1:'o

Nip Aztecs

'I , nthan D. Newton of Jolla atmu J cc~ th<' gn , me nl o! hPI daugli: I• lorenca F • tc1 , ir • Peter F G ndolll, 4866 Everts, Pa• ci!ic Brae! . The htld1 -elect, a n llv La JoUan, is a gt aduale of. La Jolla High School a i;i enrolled at tha San Olli Colle~ for Wom- Pll. Sh Is chartPr mcm• bPr o! the Pan American .Juniors. :-vrr. Gandolfi is a gradual" of Ml sion n a Y High School and is a sc·mor at San Di o Coll~gc 1 o r Men. o drllng

ray Gets 3 TD's In Easy USD Win


vso 22 :IOI "' "' 0

D HS.O ~la.I 1 l 17 :ro

• • •

f romp over an o_utclass d t n vrr out!ougl:lt Southern Cal!fornln :olleg ll!ven be- fore 3,000 at W stgate Park I st nlght. Th• Pioneers hit quickly f'"•4,(ol.7


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-son Oleoo Union Stoff Ph010 slogans in the Plaza. The students marched from the Civic Center to the Plaza.

Graduate student Alex Harper leads 70 University of San Diego students in chanting anti-Communist

1LJSD STUDENTS [ 70 March To ose ,£2~~f~ University of San D I e g o marched from the Civic Center to the fla7a yester- day, In an anti-Communist demonstration. The march was. timed to coincide with United Na- tions Day. Alex Harper, 23, of 4784 Lotus St., a graduate stu• dent, leii ,the ct'emonstra- tors, some carrying signs with anti-Communist slo- gans.



A group of 70 students from Diego yesterday marched from the Downtown Plaza

1In!ver ·ty of San ivic Center to


Hatp£>r said t ~'J' o u p sou,tht to how- htt college students are not "immature radicals." "We want to set an ex• ample tot other colleges," Harper said. "We want to show we're not ,afraid to show the country we're be- hind it." · Harper said the group wanted to answer by a peaceful and orderly- ex- ample the riots against the House Un-America!) Activi- ties Comm.ittee lrr San Fran. Cisco in which yoQ.11g per- sons participated. STUDE1"TS CHA. T ThP d <> i'n o n s t r a to r s marched up ai,d down in front of the Pacific highway side of the Civic Center, oc- casionally chanting, "Down ':'; I th communism" and, We hat<> communism." The marchers attracted , only a few Civic C e n t e r employes but traffic on Pa- cific highway slowed as motorists satlsfl ii their curiosity. lsturl<'nts south on P c"fic highway and up Broadway to he Plaza for f milar dem\lll• stration. •·w~ lalm that de n- strati11ns like this P.tiice- ful d r< Prly <•an cau e (C on''nned qn 11.-17, Qol. 3) Harper led thc>

in a demonstration against

communism. Signs carried by the students included: "Khrushchev Is a Rude War Monger," "Pray for Peace," "Ask the Poles ;i,nd Hungarians Lecture on Reels In America will be described i a lecture by John Carey a mies," and "Let's Be Pre- Clairemont Adult High School • schools' adult education pro- pared " \ tomorrow as part of c I t y Alex Harper, 23, pf 4784 gram comparing communl m Lotus St., a grnduat£> student, with democracy. Classes led the demon trators. held each Wednesday, are Tell Group's Aim 1 open to the public. =-====.I About Communism," "Let's Have American• ism," "Don't Trust Com· The Communist Party


"We claim that demonstra- tions like this peaceful and

The group marched up and down in front of the Civic Center, then paraded on Pa- cific Highway and Broadway to the Plaza area w h e r e Harper i,oke. Harper aid the demonstra- tion wa an answer to the stu- dents who rioted against the House Un-American Activities Committee in San Francisco earlier this ear.

plaza and in front of the Civic Center yesterday, many of them carrying signs opposing communism.

Diego students in a prates aga'nst communism at the Downtown Plaza. The students paraded at the

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