News Scrapbook 1959-1962
'MCR "5 s E sfer,n N. M. As Grid Foe /4
PrieSfufes Red Threat In Viet Nam
ar1nes • lot Pass
II 'I ace Waves Affer Losing 35-0 Nod It '"'in str,•ak snappPd by ThP St ate rs gained 313 San Franc!. ro State, 35.0·, .Sat• yards rushing and 63 through urday in the Bay City, Uni- the air and made 16 first vPr ity o! • n DiPgo will be downs to seven tor USD. 1 ry!ng lo quarP 1l!! season •
rl'cord at 4-1 whc>n it ta k I's on l'Ppp<'rdlne's WavPs Satur- day night at Ingll'WOOd. A young man by thP name of Chu<'k Fuller prov<'d th I' undoing of th,• l'ion<'PM at San .FranC'iSf'O. He talJIPd thr<' timl' , giving him 16 and a school rN·orcl for the cam- J>algn to dat1•, Full<'1 gainr•d 199 yards In J8 <'arrl<'s, Ile turn<'d in runs of 34 aml 5:i yards to help thl' Gators hag thPir '<'VPnth win in eighi gam<>s. His TD ga llor,s ram .on J:l and 15- yard run· nnd on a 25-yanl pass. USD's pa. sing attack, so brilliant In the, 21-20 win ov<>r :Mann<' Corp Recruit Dl'pot tlw wePk belore, wa. stopped ,·old by 1lw Gators. They lim- itl'd the> Pion<><'l'S to four com- pletions in 12 tries for 18 yard~.
1ealnArrives To Study USD Accredit~lj 9 9.q A ul'\·ev team on aecredi- tntion from the WPs(ern Col- lrge Association arrived ·at the Unlvr>rsity of Snn Dl~o College for Men !or a three. ac- e,t po:rlodical 1. 1,: oth- c'r c f'e. Chafrman of the accrl'dita- tion committee is D\' -Mark .Tack 'mith. dean of,t!;" facul- tf at th University of ed- lands. Member arn W Ray Newsom of th~ chJ! 1 ry e- partmC' t at Whitt(<> liege; Dcay Thoma A Little, of the En Tl h Depax:t1l'I nt, La Sler• ra lege; Edwin T. C man, librarian, University o! Cali- fornia at Riverside, and Alex D. Aloia, counselor at Loyola University. ·x
rs Meet Strong Foe estgate rk Satur ay rd p !ion 1960 FOOTB LI,
USD leading ball packt>rs are Jim DeSanUs, Y,i h 400 yards In 66 carries or a 5.99 av rage and Jo Gray, with 3(,1 y~rd In 49 tries for 5 38. G y al i th team's lead- ing scorer with S'1C TD's for 3S points, 22 m re than Jim Gabriel, an end who has caught 13 pa ses for 121 yards. The M a r I n c s yesterday ~chedul1>d Eastern •cw Mex- ilo Unlve sity of Portales, .:V.M., tor ll f me here Tov. 26. EarliC'r, MCRD had sched. led Wh tm n Colle ! o r , 'ov. 19.
Jim Gabtiel from hap
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ed to be at full st rcngtb Satur- both South da · n,ght. USD celebrated foot- He
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:-~ .... . , Rene al of ACCreJiiation Due in Spring The Uiuvera1ty ot s an Die o:s College !or Men Will be VWted by &n accreditation 8 u r v e Y committee of the W tern College A -'Oeiation Nov. 1, 8 &nd 9, the Very Rev. RUMell Wilson, college president, announced today. The college ha.s been ac- credited by th association for the two Ye11n1 but llkl'J every other Americ~ college, ft ha• to be re - accredited periodfcall,>. Dr Mark Jack Smith, delltl ot the !8.('Ulty at the UnJ- veralty of Redlands, f.s com- mittee chairman. , Other members are w. Ray Newson o! ~e chemistry de- partment, Whittier College; Dean T!:~,iu A. Llttle ot the Engltm department, L& .Sierra College: Edwin T. Coman, , Unlv11rsicy of Cali! at Rf aid • d AleK Aiola, c el: Ing, Y nl itv.
defeated San Diego 16-H. Saturday
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morning, and the liSD Yarsity ,;~c6:'mnos 119 toppled Southe1 n Ca lfornla A. Am!rsn ,2:re L
· ht D. Crswell (20' t'rdr! S t ·d C LG V J J. ,o Le r fil'i~t~ j,- ~~~i:i\ J. Lschng • lllJI • o. r f .3 :r~: :ni: 190, ollege, o -l a Ill ay nig c Undefeated ~~.~Jk~23~WI f~~t~iih 11 ;1~o) Captain Jacob~en's troops en .. ~-· joyed an open date la.1.t Vi·eek• B. Martin nao, LHB 5 0 ti . .· J. Guy (1801 J. D<'Snt!s oi.;1 );au 1'85• RHB FB 11 5 w. KeC.y end. The .. iaunes are seasod. having d e ! ea. t e d Cal Poly (Pomona). 27-1;1. San ;--~ ·- na.ndo Valley A!l;Stars. 15-6, ( Eagles Rock At~1let!c Club, 20- 15, Fort Belvoir 48-0, and Camp Lejeune Marines. 28-8. :MCRD operates from a plit• T formation, es1~ed by Coach Jacobsen to utilize the .'Spectac- ular running talents of half• backs Billy :\lartin and Al Hall. round draft pick last year of the Chicago Bears. is a 9.6 sprinter and came to the Ma.rine9 after two seasons at the Unh·er.•ity of Minnesota. Martin, de ptte mid- Reason jnjuries last year. gained 233 yards in 41 car11es for a 5.7 average and scored e,ght touch• Hall, perhaps the outstand- ing running back m &e1-vice football. is four- •ear MCRD veteran. Hall, at 185, ill five pounds lighter than l\Iartln, but is- regarded as a e powerful runner. He ~alned 631 ·ards In 92 carrie 9 12 touchdo\v-,g - llf'artin. fourth downs. ,:?001 =!llllllw......._...._,__ eek inti!.. Mooic11., T ., , ,A's ,iuffering thP hands C IeadPr Bakers- tback 11t . . . GovPr• will not be sparing the hors~ year at the Aztec in this fou!'th tilt. ('AI.. _ITT;STf,R SITY will be out to l' 'I\ER- ta]( it,i stra!g-ht " n at the ex• sDelirious (Continued) /('/.s;/4 m411, frlt by some as havingl" lo;;t his touch, completed eight of 16 passe:, for 147 ·ards and wisely toss some away rathe1· than face the possibility of intercep- tions. Gi\ ~n little chanre of \·ic- tory; the Pionf'Pl's sm·- prisingly struck first in the second periocl with Chap- man completing a 28-vard touchdown pass to Gabriel. Tessary adcll'd the conver- sion and it wa:; 7-0. .MCRD came right back to tie it, 7-7, driving 60 ya1·ds in nin<' plays with Hall slanting off the lC'ft side. 1 Bob Y Ra11Py added the •oint =~--......,_;.;_:_:_:_,_ 1 USD STUDENTS 7,._._,.,,.a,ch Pioneer Tilt '(I lJSD' Fro h Scalp Papooses To R,ppos 7c?~ Marine Corp u t G pot has had ar lnjuty p1;oli, !em, but 1he Recruit foot- ballers_ \\ill be hale .ard hearty Saturday night wh •n they bid tor their 22nd con- S!'CUtive victory in a game with University of i;;an 1- ego. "We'll be whole n~ain against USD," Olpt, l'l!lJ).S Jacobsen told the QUP.rt.o.r- back Club yrsterday, "and I'm looklng :forward to a fine game." "We won't be wllbi• ' countert"d USO coach 1ik Pecarovich, "but we'll be there." While on his fPet, Prcaro• vich took advantage -of the situation to answt>r a week- old question as to whether USD plans o upgrade its schedule. "Ye ," he replied, "when ._,.....,_,.ca~t~ch up with the one P~ge 5 , - our toe." Harry poor tackling cost e Vlkings their three • game winning streak last week - "t h e best I've had at La Jolla." Crawford High won, 12-7, b u t that's not what the should have been at hould have bf'en 7-0 according to our til!JIS, ' e,cplained West. 'Both Crawford touchdowns came on long runs in which several La ,ToJla players had their hands on the car- rier, and that shouldn't count. "Wr' e still batting 1.000 ln our league and I hope n ou fa r ....,;===~-----~--' .:..:.=~....!:'---w-_e_c_a~n_s_·t_ay th . .a.-,,roce:..:·c.."__
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