News Scrapbook 1959-1962

. -'I hi burly line has pl_a~ cd key

Carswell, Tony Anderson and Nick Gcrmanos. Devildog , who ~re w1beaten in 21 games dating

IF1 n row

back to 19'.i , are favored to make il 22 against USD Saturday night in Westgate P r .



me Corps Rcl'ruit Depot's five



GINE GltEGSTON MCRO --Fresno SI. bv 32

October 2f JI\CRO ,._ USO --_;;.-;;a ~t.


bV 4" Ftesno St. by~

"'· S 0. State

* * 1-20






ws ..Al 10/30/t,~


Chop •


USD Upsefs 1 Marines, 21-20, Chapman ero (Continued) 'c/. /, 0 dr ve which 'resulted In a fa.' r ine touchdown, USD vas able to contain the running of Marlin, Hall and Walt Kelly. Chapman put the nece ·sary ,<;park in the underdog <'Ol- Jegian~ that took thC'M to the • 111rine 23. Howe,·er, nn in- completed pass stopped USD on the Lcathl'rneck 23. USD capitalized on half. back Kelton Winston's fumbl e on the Leatherneck Z1 a nd on the first play Chapman hurled to end Jim Gabriel who hauled the ball in on the six and went o,·er untouched. Larry Tessary addPd t h e• placement and USO Jed, 7-0, witl1 10 seconds gore 1n the second period. Noticeabl dlstu, bed by their miscues, the Marines marched 60 yards m nine plays for a score with Hall slanting oft the left slde from the threc. Bobby Raney tied it with a plarcmant. A third Mar'!Je fumble on USD's 39 ignited •the col• legians again, A 41-yard pa1s play from C h a p m a n -to Gabriel put USD on the Ma- rine 20. Unable to make yard- age, Joe Loeschnig tril'd a field goal but the ball went ur.rkr the cross bars. !urtin electrified the crowd when he ran 8'2 yards !or a touchd0\\11 on lhC' opening ickoff of thl' sceor- half and before the fans could settle in their seats MCRD \' s o " t front, 14-7, But this was not lo b a ?ifa- rine runaway this tim • The Pioneers finished t h I! shocker m the fourth p riod liy driving 4l yards in 10 plays with Chapman being pushed into the end zor.e from th one by his teammates. Chapman passed to Gabriel who j ll s t made the end zone for the all important two points. MCRO . . . 0 7 13 ._20 U\~orlng: . lJSo·....:Gabrie1 t1J Chapmon)" Tessorv Ide • • i\'1CRD-Ha11 (3, run> Ronev kc)( MCRD-Mart1n (B:2, kick-off return) R't,10 k~:Cly (58, POSS from Ct,ai,ma, ) MCRD-Holl, (4, run). USO-Chapman QB ,meek 1 Yd. Chop- mori f'o Gabriel, ~ss. Atl-6, 00.


2 Sc

Passe , Third ByJOHN YMcDONALD es



Jan Ghapman, a gutty little qua~ter back :"'ho r_nany felt had lost his touch, J.P rkcd a fired up Umvers1ty of San :Diego foo all team to what might be regarded as one of the major lo I upsets of the last decade. The 5-10, 180 pounder from ----- Arkansas City, Kan ., pa sed for two touchdowns a 'n d

toor. and dlri Hotel, gate

scored the clincher on a quar. tcrbaC'k sneak to snap power- ful Marine Corps Recruit {ll>t's long win streak, 21- 20, efore 6,100 fans at West- gate Park. The Marines had traveled throu_l!h and over 21 straight opp~m ts both service a n d * * * STATISTICS Fir'sr downs • Yard, rushing , Yards POSSIR9 • ~:::! lntercePftd by Punts • MCRD USO 15 11 138 88 89 147 7 16 8-1~ 0 1

ta d versity o! Sa football game


Rcc.rult D po

rine Cor

Remaining overn t the Mission Valley Inn, t will again enjoy b in their room be.fore e their weekend 111th tour o! the San D They will junket ab on Yellow Cab ~c Roseanne Book r esenting Miss Sa got the homecom1 end off to a g Rog r and Schultz ing with them for photographers. All three quite willlngly cooperated with photogra• phers who posed the kiss•

Fears Upset . lvl-,J/<.t'!. Kreping Iarmc torps Re- cruit Depot's gtiddets up for tomorrow mght' ontest wlll:I University uf $an :Oi o a1 Webtgate Pa.1:k has be'eli. coach Hans Jacobsen's big pro tern thl5 week. "They were1 up fo l t night's wo1kotlt \miler th e lights,•• the coach a d · 'l)ut I don't

07.7 8-3'.1 89 lS 3 0

Yard, perialii:ed F"mbles, loit *

CQIJege match in until th<'Y met their signal call<'!' who had possibly h i s fln t hour for the Blue and Wllite o! USD. ~nsidered at b ~t a three QJ' four touchdol'm underdog us~•s aroused fore;es o u t- qyed the bruising Leather. eek 1ine and 'ved last night that he slill "the No. 1 boss in the USD h;ick field. Earlier this season it was found that Chapman had trou- ble seeing his tnrgcts and thl' use of contact Jens was pre- sC'ribed. llis coa ·h, Mike Pc• carovlch, was so concerned that he was groo . mg freshman Nelson Murphy for the No. 1 assingment. The battling Pioneers had a 7-7 standoff with th<' strong Leathernecks after two pe• riods. the sc-nior


U D 21, MCRD 20

• I Fa ( t>, Kan., picked himself oU h turf several timC's after being ,;haken by tack- les but the Iarine chargers failed to disrnurage him He passed for two talli s and s Orl'd the last touchdO\\n on a wedge-hkc quarterback Sn<'llk. Pecarov1 h, th , ct an strategist ,, ith manv s a- ons at Gonzaga and Loyola behind him. praised Chap- man for his sci ctlon of play·. "They




elirious Pecarovich

to, '


Al Ball and BiJly Martin. lartin did escape 'for 8'2 )ards and a touchdown on tJ,e opening kickoff of the eco d half but othcrwi,;c the tourth Chicago B a r draft <'hoi e wh had a\'• C'ragcd b t<'r than !l yard!< per cru:ry was J--~ld to 3.1 ard n Q_ ,imes. Hall. a . The night, however, be- lo1;1ged to Chapma and a fired-up Pioneer lme. Chap- (Continued on b-7, Col. 1) four-yPar and Lo A Rams property, ga1 ards in nil)~ carr1 d only '.r7

Bishop Gives 7O · Cit at ions \ft !t~!Zf.-v/4 cesan citations Wednesda a the close of the annual C

said ·r tave nothing but prais<' for ou ho),;. "Joe Gray pla, d ' u u- al great ball game ,,, 1Je Larry Tes ary and Jim Ga- hn I d d the Job I :pc d them todo" Gra) haJlcd ir. a b a I j. ful p , over 'h l"oul ew i'l the third penqd tr, <'O:vt· plete a 58-yard t'lU<'l-tJown PlllY 1or !,SD a d did au outstand ng running job Tcssary and Gal)riel per- formed at th<' ccrnerba k S{lOts on defense and held the vaunt<'d Manne runners


Page b,

10/;i.Ji,o tflJJo~J 1 Accreditation unit Plans Colle e Visit An accreditation survey tl'e chairman. The findings of committee of the Western Col- the committee will be pre- !ege Association will visit the t d t th 1ri.. tl College for Men, University ~en e a e spr " mee ng of San Diego, Nov. 7.9 the of the Western Asso- Rev. Russell Wilson, college ciation's Commission on mem• president, aid yesterday. bership and standa,ds, Father The official slt to the Jo- Wilson said. <'al college Is a periodic sur- He added that a Tecently vey. _The college has _he.en ac- issued progress report of the credited by the association for college, covering the period the last two years. since the last accreditation Dr. Mark Jack Smith, dean committee visit in January of the faculty at the Univer- 1959, revrals the Increased sity of Redlands, ls commit- growth of the college.



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