News Scrapbook 1959-1962

AiIPUS uAJ?:;J SDCW Hold B~~P.J'L~f The students at the Unlver- ~lty of San Dl!'go College for Women sponsorc~ a rally In the Lark Friday. The sopho more class pr!' ented a s k I t under the direction or Donna Zuege, class social chai:man. Sophomores In the skit werP Norma Peck, Donna B:ow<'r Patricia Quirk, Rosa Rma d, Turi, Donna Zuege, Veronic:'.1 Nutting, Barbara Brevelen . Eleanor Taix, ~ela •Paler mo Sally Tooley, • ancy But- ler,' Kathleen Day, and Luclll Pry. The Ma quer ot the College tor M~n will pr.e ent a mas querade hall I ti Pa ilion Room or th<' Gra t Hotel tomorrow. ball Will b held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m Grant Richard on ls ch 11]lla or th commltt e. Ill be ponsoi;ed b the Science Cl"b today Stu• dent~ wLII lea ·e tf e -College by car at 10:30 a m. and re- turn at 5 p.m. A picnic lunch will be provided. Martha Fior- ino, club president, Js In charge. A trip to th Palomar Ob, servatory

S{J(>O'l'lm-!. Billy Martin jg one of the MCRD scatbacks who will be turned loose .a;ai~st l;ni- vcrsity of S Diego to- night at Wi tgate Park annual bnHle. rtin h a gain d 402 yards in 43 carries for 8.9 average> for tlnbcaten Marine clcvc.>n.

Marines, Pioneers To Clash By EARL KhLI.LR

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with Marine Corps Recruit_ De- g at w stgatc Park Saturday m~ht. Th~ two iboys may hav~ a bu. Y time in the Pioneers' defensive umt.

a frcshmun h !met on the Univer-

Chuck William a

:!\1arine Corps Recruit D<'pot turns loose its .pl'er! d .mons, Al Hall and 'Billy M a t t n, against University of San DJ. ego tonigl1t at 8 In a 1ooth:t1J brawl at Westgate Park. The )far in es h v b(!('n tabbed by anywhrre rp 21 to 30 points, but MCRD co cl) Hans Jacobsen pred "QI a do gamP. "The PioneC'rS scored points in their last game they're ee1 lain not to be pu overs," the coach ~aid. MCRD won last year' gnm<', 40-14.

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Marines Resist Iemptation; Brace For U


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Billr lart.n and Al Ha · a o! pro-type halfbacks, with a C59 p1.s,;mg aHi a.,e, lend t Recruit DE'pot against th c pa r ar.:I J L z a thro\'. ,,r 1m oren •• ,.


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The P,on e_ s coach d _t 1 hopeful l nl\ e stty of ·an DI- season by Mike Pecar~\ 1 ch ego Pioneer footballers to- had been slow to roun ° rught at\\ ,;tgate Park. form but sct a school scorh1 g l d t 8 record )a,;t week \\hen t ey Kickoff is schedu e a t t led Southern California o'clock for the fo~ti I m 1~; ~1cge, 56-14. This surpa sed ing between the t\'io ns the former mark of 5-1 set in lions. b en the 1957 against Mexico Poly. The larlnc. !lave e th f football 'toast of the town" USD wlll bank on e e · sil' 1956, having upended 30 fectiveness of Jan C?hapma~ f 3:1 opponents during that at quarterbaC'k, rapid Ji° 0 an ard CL r-!'rtly riding a Gray at halfback and, J m ~i-game , irtory string. DeSant1 at fullback. C h a,bo l\lartm the fancy-dan run- man h s a better than • ' t 1' a 9 2 a,· rag,.. in 44 pc rrent hurling average f a r nr r \ 1 ,,ell regarded 81 attempt,; but has had four ~h~rt~: t.1ic"<;o Bears p ckPd intercepted w h ! le De ·ar LI~ m u 1 on the fourth round has p·ckPd up ~a,ds pcl of last \ear's draft. carry and Gr;y ;,.,,. uso Hall ·a four-vear letter• G::~~~os (1951 r~ McDevitt (1851 · • · Le th cks And "'" (2381 LT w Bourque p•s1 v.1nner with the a en; ',Car~,11 (209 LG • • Joos iml has averaged 8.9 yards In 38 Friedrieh <21s1 R~ ?;}~o'i~ ! 1851 1 I rtv of the Kotoske ~1901 RT Elliott 2171 trips and s prope • 1w~~~ie\Jic~ (190l RE Gabriel <2111 Los Angeles Rams. ro,enr (1701 QB th~~g;,~~ l]iii Lorenz a University of Cal- Marrion C190l oe Grav l1ao1 , d Holl (1851 0 s nt·s (1851 'fornia product. has earne Kellv (2001 FB • 0 •

the mcreaw


was 279 to 567 studl!l1ts. The report, 110 pages long, als) hO\\S 2G7 fre~hmen en- t r<'d the coll<'gc this f a l 1 and that !res 1men now com. prise 47 per ce ot the tu. dent body. FacuJt,· members have Ir! erPascd ·from 45 almo. two ,Year ·•o to 60 at present, tlw rer1ort says. Tho number I or doctoi-s had inc1:eased from 10 to 18. JIORE Cl,ASSR00:\1S Other advances cited_,ln the · 1'C'port are a division reorgan• ization, stricter entrance re- quirements, more classrooms and laboratories, on-campus housilig, new majors, ~i:,1er sessions, an ev mg d1v1s10n , community servlces, studC'rt societies, auxiliary societies, intC'rcollegiate membersb!ps, j revised athletic pr a gr am. tightened grad ~d.\t'ds, h· brary growtl1, faculty off'ces. and new pron-rams pl/u;in0d for the next aca m·c <'ar. The acc-reditat!on fommi t• tee is beaded ,y D • ark Jack Smith, dean ol the fac• ultv at the University of Hed- lands. Members .a <': W. Ray NeWsQn of th hem• department, Whiltirr College; Dean Thoma A.1.,it- tle a 1 the '.English dcp rtment L; Sierra College; E~win T. Coman, librarian, Upivc.rslt · of California at Riverside, and Alex D. Aloia, courselor at Loyola University. istry

I I . C9JJ¼9e C llege- A sociation it 'the Un etsity of · Colle-g lfor Men mb acctedita• mm1ttee or the

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nounced y P$ter ay. The VC'ry Rev. Ru s s e 11 Wilson, college president, said findings derlwd from t h e thl'C'l!-day VISlt will be pre- S!'ntC'd at th" sprin 0 meC'ting of the assoctation s Commi$• • sion on Memb!'rshi n d Stalldards. . , PREVIOVSLY RATED The collC'ge has •_1 • c- crcdit J by the assoc1at1ot ifd'r two years but, as 1hC' case with every other Col ,:e, it has to be reaccredited pe- 'odica lly Father W i ls on said. In conn<'ct!Jm wlth lie , isit Fath<'r Vilson /innon red the collegt''s enrollment has in• creased 103 per cent since the previous accreditation s u r- vev.



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Tears f 1 a w e d Saturday night at Westgate Park when Marine Corps Recruit Depot had its 21-gaml' w i n n in g streak on the gridiron abrupt- lv cut short 21-20, by an in- spired l'n!ver H • of ·san Di- ego team Which played as if its life depended on \ic- tory. The tPars <.:ame from the Pyes a! the winnns they WPre so h.11ppy "Jan Chap- man

Plated," coach Mike Pecaro- vich said. "He was great, sensational. mentor praised all his players for an out,standing job done in their third s tr a i g h t win, but warned them today th e y must forgN that game and prepare for a rugged San Francisco State team, their next foe Saturday in the Bay City. Mike passed out the biggest orchid~ to Chapman, Jim O'Leary and Wayne Bourque. The ve t e r a n

USO supporters t a b b e d Chapman's performance the best of his career. In com- pleting eight of 16 passes for 163 yards, the scrappy little quarterback hit Jim Gabriel and Joe Gray with touchdown tosses and tallied the deciding score in the 1inal p e r i a d before about 5,000 wildly cheering fans. Jan also gainC'd 42 yards rushing. Gabriel hauled in four passes for 83 yards. He also took a toss from Chai'), man for the extra two points whkh settled the issue. ''No players will bP de- moted, only the coach," Hans Jacobsen exclaimed after absorbing his first defeat since taking over the Marine reins. USO really battled and the win was deserving. We didn't hit hard and we didn't make bloc-ks and we missed tackles. I'm glad I lost to the 'old \\ar- horse' (Pecarovich). Actual- ly, it takes the pressure off my p I a y er s and maybe they'll try harder now. They were too complacent and were riding for a fall. Now I we'll pick up the pieces and start ovl'r and I'm sure we'll come back strong. We have no game next Saturday so ---------~== "Ir we had 1o lose,

we're going to hold a long scrimmage with regular of. ficials." In carving one of the big- gest grid surprises in these parts in many years, the Pioneers stopped MCRD aces Al Hall and Billy Martin - holdinu them to 70 yards gained and cashed in on two costly fumbles by the Dcvildogs. O'Leary recov. <>red both and his teammates W<'nt on to s<'ore soon after. Chapman tossed a 27-yard pass to Gabriel in the second period to put USO ahead. After the Marines took the kickoff and marched to a TD, the first half wound up, 7-7. Martin I aced 82 yards to a touchdown after taking the openmg kickoff in the second half. Chapman fired a 58-yard pass to Gray for the second USD score and he went over on a QB sneak for the decid- ing tally. The exciting tilt wound up in a big brawl. Gray inter- 1· cepted a pass, meant for . Martin, and Billy took a swing at him. Soon they were at it with fists flying. Both team rushed onto the field, but ord('r soon was restored and seconds later tears ~tarting) flowing from eyes of the jubliant Pioneers. 8.K

U;s OVt;J(-Al Hall, 43, croRses goal for Ma- rine Corp· Re<"l'llit D pot in Saturday night's wild football game ,~ilh Uni\ ersity of San Diego Pi-

onecrs surprised with 21-20 triumph. Jim Gabriel, 81, a~d Joe Gray, 42, hang onto MCRD star, but he still manages to chalk up six points.

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