News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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(;O ...1~- ooch Declares USO xp To Beat MC By BOB ORT'IA.. -San ieg9-area football fans wcr(\ shol'l,M by Univer- 1uty of San Diego's 21-20 victory over l!IT'lne Corps Re- cruit DPpot Saturday, a reaction which rr,th 1' shocked Pioneer oach Mike PrC'arovich. "Wl' exprctr! the '1:arlnes, even the number of filllng11 in thclx teeth. "Thr Marine Jayo!! was in our favor. It tough to g were licked by a hall club that wanted to win that game. In the last quarter t ey playrd on nothing but desil'e. "If J I arned anything," he cuncluclt•d, ''i i that 011 c:nn't umlcre-,tlmate any k11111." . Ro E1 gl , whose Hoover High tea01 _U 1 , eek plays San D1t•go Hiflh which lost to St. Augustrne, wh ch bowed to Hoov"'r last w ek {do you follow ? J. said his Card were a good three quarter club which had bc>en "pooping out" rn lltfl final peuod. the l0Ut~h. I hope we can piny _equally a" wen this week. The kids hav tasted victory; now they will be better to ~vork with. We'll be at top strength and it sh uld be an 1_nterestl~g game. But San Dil'go can score at Ill. You make a mis- take and It costs you six points." Jim ErkenlJi>ck, whO~e J<,I CaJ)itan ~lgh team. Is !led for first plar1• in the ;\li>tro L1;>ngur',. orthern D1vis1on, was reluctant to 1·rawl too far out on a limb In fol'e- ca ting the future. "We are extrcmt'ly l\lrit) ," exr, amed E ki>nb,•ck. "EV• erything good haJJpen1,; to us and nothmg bad-so far. V.e have a green club; there are o!lly five 1ors on it. But our motto ls 'havP fun' and 1f w co1 t1 • to get good breaks and the ball takes thu tl[lht boui '. we'll hav good footba11." Governali Denies Aztecs Get Worse Paul Governall, San Diego State College coao.:11, blunted a couple of pointed questions fired at m. He ~enled the Aztecs "get worse as the season prG l'SSe and the "Aztecs get worse each year although h ch ·dule is softer.'' ' "We ~eem to play the tougher team f I he lath,r half of the i;ea,011," he pointed out. "'file rc,ulfs might indicate the team is playing mor,• poor) • bttt thdt l1 not true.'' E rkenbeck Won't Go Out on Limb "Last week," ke added, "we diiln'l tin 11,

plains how his University of San Diego football team beat Jacobsen's Marine Corps Recrui! Depot club Saturday. Engle is coach at Hoover High.

SUCCESS SECRET-Capt. Hans Jacobsen, and Roy Engle center, listen at yesterday's Quar- terback Club l~cheon while Mike Pecarovich ex- left,



In r egat·d to the toughness of the scht'dnle, Go\ ernali said that while such teams as COP have been dropped, "the )eag~e itself is getting stronger." In two weeks the Aztecs meet the "deflated" 11-Iannes.

-son Diego Un en Staff Photo

D WEEKEND Erkcnbec c, El Can;tan High, ~nd Mike Pec.1rovich, ·nin~rsity of San n;ego. Erkenbeck's team downed Hillto last Y,cekend and USD upset the then-un- beaten Marine Corps Recruit Depot, 21-20.

Tlmie winnc!rs getting together at Union-Tribune Quarterback Club meeting yesterday were, left to right, outfielder Bob Skinner of world baseball champion Pittsburgh Pirates; football conches Jim

The an Diego Un ·on's Gridiron Selection·s

, .


L JTF..-Lt.


Heart Church where


bride, th




were married Saturday,

Loui e Zolezzi,

leave officers form an arch of swords. S anley-Zolezzi Rites R ad in Ocean Beach . Miss Amelia Louise Zolezzi, in Sacred Heart Ca th o 11 c daughter of Mr. and }I rs. Church, Ocean Beach. A re- ohn B. Zolezzi, was married 1 . f ll d . Ad K' 'aturclay to Lt. John Norman cep ion o owe m m. 1dd Stanley, USN, son of Mr. and Club. !rs. J. N. Stanley of Stockton. • The brlde wa gowned in Msgr. Francis Di 11 0 n of. ivory satin and lace, en train. f cated at the 1 p.m. ceremony Her six-tierl'd veil was held by ,___ ____...;.._____; pearled crown from Bavaria and she carried a cascade of orchids and stephanotis.


Bob Williams

Howard Hagen

WarrPJl Wilson

Phll Collier

Dave Gallup


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UCLA by 1

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Syracuse bv •

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The bridesmaids were Miss Angel Kraemer of Las Vegas a d Ml s Carol Stanley, sis- ter of the bridegroom. M Is s Nancy Ann Dearth was maid of onor. All wore ice b 1u e satin and carried red roses. Lt. ~eo J, Caffrey served as b!'st man. Ushers were Lts. Harry J. Buck, Timothy K. Hall, John P. Sheehan, Robert B. Browning, Ltjg. Harlan Ho\'.ard and Ltjg. Randall H. Waldron. The bride is a graduate of an Diego- College for Women ncl received her master's de• gree In mathematics ! r o m Fordham trniversity, Ne w York. Her husband attended Stockton College and the Col- lege of Pacific. The) v.11, r 1de In Imperial Bach.

the College Entrance Examina- tion Board in carrying out tJus

Workshop for high schobt selors will be held Thursda .

r., ·USD Sets Mass


a worthwhile

G1tu;p,-._ Ice," Parker said. "I am glad that this program, which Wll,S



the Univ

F~r Craih Y,is~liJPJ ~th~,ts'b 1olf/i,.:,{q~d has ar1·anged for a. Requiem Mau to be offered Saturday for th~ Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) players who crashed and died last Saturday. • 1,u,s will be offered at 9 a.m. in St. Joseph's Church, 0th and Howard, San Fran- cisco. in which city USD la scheduled. to play San l•'ran- clsco State on Saturday 11.flen1oon. • <;elebl'ant o! th Masa will be Rev. J Walshe Murray, USD athletic director. Sixteen members ot lhe Cal Poly qu11.d lost their lives t in Toledo, Ohio, when their r red pl!\ne crnshed and b d n takeoff,

College for Men.

It will be sponsored trial basis last College Entrance Examination year, is being done on a nation• Board. wide scale this year." Counselors from 4.9 pu0ljC Represenl.atiYes from Cath• and pr1va.te high schools in San olic high schools wi.11 include: Diego and lmperial counties are Rev. John A. Dickie, Unh·ersity expected to pa.rticipa.te. !High School; Patrick L. Wolff, Among officials who will at- .St. ugustlne's; Sister Evelyn tend T. Leslie MacMitchell, 'Josep , uur Lady of Pea.ce: College Entrance Examination Sister Mary Teresa, Cathedral Board western regional direc- High School; S l s t er Lillian. tor; Robert G. Cameron, CEEB ~osary High School; a.nd Moth• assistant regional director; Ar- er Virginia, Sacred thur Marma.duke, California Heart, El Ca.Jon. sta.te scholarship Commission; _ _ carried on a.

George W. Banks, coordinator of the S&n Diego City Schools' gifted student program; and the Very Rev. Russell Wilson, College 0 for Men president. Irving W. Parker. College for Men dea.n of a.drrussioM, will chair the sessions. Registration v.'1IJ be 9 :SQ to 10 a.m.; a workshop on aom • sions cases from 10 to noon; luncheon at 12:30; and general Se$ ion after lunch. Marmaduke will discuss ·the newly expanded &!ff ia. StaLP Scholarship Program at an attemoon session, .1-'IJ'l

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