News Scrapbook 1959-1962


'5',I R.flA/l,5<':,0 c~l!,rt. ,1tors 11 ost Sa11 Diego i H 01i1econ1ing .ij j ("/Jffii SPRJ-.. GER S1eppmg ouc of the confer• ence for the last time this season San r rand co Stale colhde with the Umvcrsity of San Die o P1onel'rs in the college's 68th annual home- coming today in Cox Stadium at 1 4,5 p m. A n ar capaci y rrowrl of 5,500 1s exp ded to be on hand for the first mcclmg of the 1cams The Gators, who have lo t only one contc l in the last 19, go for win ·o. 7 oi the season, San Diego, under new head coach Mike Pcrarov1ch, has a 3-3 season mark. SDU has looked impressive m tls last two outings. The Pioneers d r o pp e d a 20-0 match with Humboldt State which ga\'e S. F, Slate 1t only los•, 21·18. And la ·l week, the south· . ern California team racked up a surprising 21-20 nod over the rough San Diego Marine . Stair, with the bc~t well balanced club in its history, is still the favorite, and it could be because of the Gator touchdown twins-Charlie Fuller and Willie Simpson. SAN DIEGO PDS 5. r. STATE ) McDev,lt (1851 LF. Joy (17 Bouroue 119a) Lr L•u~hlin (2101 Joos 11851 LG K•l•maris 1180 O'Learv <2281 C Lo""" 1210 Gurrola (185) l

SEEK 4TH STRAIGHT I 'Giant-Killer · Pioneers Invade 1 San Francisco SAN F RANCISCO, Nov. 4 San Frnnci. r.o S tntc, a poW<'r- 1ul club that rc ll Ps ·trongly on it ~ ground forces, meets the "giant-killer" Univer sity of San Diego P ioneers here tomor. 1 SNc:Tol to Th• San Oi"o Union

'l)VAl/0,v /.1/~o r1oneers ea e

Tonight For Gator Clash

footbal l nlVl'l





S~n Diego l aw by air to- night for an Fr nclsro whcrr. they \Hll uppo :an .Fran- cisco tale omorrow after- noon The chattered :[1,ght Is ex- 11ected to lc:a\ e Lindbergh c.F!Pld at 7 p m. TI1I' gaml' ls ~ch duled for 2 o'clock to-

rnw aft!'rnoon in Cox .Stadium. The Gaton, wlll be <'ele- hra tlng their 68th home<'om- lng. Thr rontes t w!JJ get un- derway at 2 o'clock. San Francisco, losing but one o! se ven encounters t his season, has gained 1,502 on the ground or its total 1,988 ya rds with Little All-Ameri- can halfback Charlie F uller thP big gun. Fu11, , a shifty 175-pounder, has s<' ored 13 touchdowns and has gained 575 l ards rushing. His running mate , fullba ck Wil!IP Simpson, jg not far be- hind With .505 y a rds. Both clubs have won t hree stralg-ht games with USD's 21-20 trium ph ov<'r h t'avlly favorr d Marine Corps Recruit Depot last week , t he prize victory of th e sea~on. Onre again, the Pioneer attark rest8 squarely on the shoulders of sc rappy quarter- bark Jan Chapman . The 5-10, 173 pound signal-caller re- gained his form last week against the Mari nes a nd if he should have a notht!r hot night, the Gators could have a busy time. Actually, USD's s trength lies in it-i pas Ing game. Chapman has completed 4~ of 97 passes for 580 yard a nd six touchdowns this Sfa son with blg end Jim Gabriel, who has snared 17, as his chief target. l'8D a lso will hank on lie runnin g a n d pass-catching talents or Joe Gray, steadin<'ss of fuUbat'k Jlm Santis and ef1 cfi e ,/oe e-

~i0neers 11 F~te)( Boasts 5•Game Victory String Unlvrr1 Pomonans, h o w e v " r , will be shooting for their sixth straight vktory Against four c-omparabJ(' op- ponent the Cal Poly club ha an edg" Cal Poly d• foaled Whlltlrr, 3>!-11 nnd P1•p1H'rdine, 11, 11, and dropped dccisio11s to Ma• rine Cori,s RP.rruit Dc•pot, ZT- 1:/, and ·an Francl co State, 20-0. USD def ated MCRD, 21-20, and PP.pperdinc, 20,13, and lost to Whittler, 20-6, and San Francisco State, 35-0.

from quarter- 'D 'lt'-Ore

th,, dPd In• t\ o point, a

t'Om rr,,ton pla

a.pman. Th

la t Saturda~ night. USO travel5

n Dt"go Marin

o,l'I' th~

aturda.) aftt-moon l

'-D photo by John D. Peck)

1'1ajor •,~; .., S. e,R, cJ ~/::/_ • • • • Fired by Win Over MCRD, Pioneers Take on Gators The Un1ver111ty of an Diego, (Pomona), 20-0. Lo • .Angeles cls.t ·e touchdown on a one-ye.rd II numb from It 11tunnlng State College. 315-6 Univer111ty plunge. aturday night of , ·evada, 18-7, and the Uni- USO .cored f1111t with 14 ,55 D ego 1 rln ver lty or California (Davia). left In the second quarler, on a enplane from L,ndbergh Field 41-0. The Gatora lost the Ir 27-yard paa1 from Chapman to :J'riday nl ht for lta e with crucial Far We tem Conference end Jim GabrieL Larry TeMary 8an Francl o tate College at opener on· 0 tober 8 to Hum- kicked the extra paint. The 2 pm. Saturday boidt State, 18-21, Marlnu tied the game minutes 'It'• like jumping :trom the The Gators employ a t-!or- later when halfback Al Hall ~ing pan Into the tire," head matlon and have a varied at- scored from the two, after a c:oach tike Pecarovfch II Id to- tack featuring both the wing- sustained :Marine dlive. day, reflecting' on USD'a 21. 20 t and profeasional t-!ormation. The Manne., broke the 7 . 7 ~ctory over the .Marines and Ga.tors have a\'eraged m O r e halftime deadlock when half • ooklng ah ad to San Fran • !-han 23 Q yards a game rush- back BU!y Martin returned the ci!lco'a homecoming game. I mg and more lhan SO yatds In d h If kl koff 72 a. game passing open g 11econ a c USO'• clnd rella performance · yards for a touchdown. Bob turday night was unque Uon- Little all • Ame_:1can halfback Raney kicked his second extra ••ly the eate•t win In the ':ha.rile Fuller (1,5) had scored point and tCRD led, 14- 7. ae}lool' • flve-y~r footb 11 hlsto- nine touchdowns a nd had rushed uso sco1 ed 46 seconds later .,,. Pre-gam odd • t by local for 434 ye. rd.s and an aarage when C"l-apman Mt halfack Joe • norta "-'rlteni r n ed f 28 7.8 yards p r carry through a1x G 58 _ . d 1 • g!Ullell. Fullback Willie Sim • ray on a ) ar pass p ay. ilo, 116 po tad forlz de td rln~t. son 1215) h&.d &ained <12:'> •ard H II ~ored the, larlne•' third " the un e e an ou - "' · . . d Pl b sh d th In 74 carries for an average 5 9 touchdown~ h 9.30 remammg ock nneed , orln~rl'I am ud e i ht yard per carry · in the third quarter. He bolted ,a n~ a r ay n g · . d · .., th d llght of 000 of the Th Galol'3 ha\'e a slrong, over from the f_our ) ar _hnP. e 00 tans t ·w s~ate Park. experience.ct line led by little all- The :r-. a~ines rno,td, 45 yards In 'l'laere were 3 100 Marines In American and all-coru,t tackle rune plays. Raney s kick we.a at;tendance. Jim P er I 220 I, all - confer- wide. ence tackle. "eil Laughlin (2/l5) Middle g- u a rd Jim O'Leary , Halts Win Streak and 1 ttenran c enter Dick pel'BOnally 11topped a. J-,fa1ine at- 'l'he USD win halted the Sar Logan 1210). tempt for a first down on the DI o Marine wfn streak at 21 The Pioneers did e\'erythlng l\!arine-43. USD took over on ,:amea. The I & r In ea. the right in defeatlng the )tarines downs. Chapman, fullback Jim II tlon'• number one •er v Ice The Pioneers had an ed~e on Desantis and Gray took turns tciotball team and de!en the Marinu in total lltfense, ripping through the Marine line. Leatherneck Bow I cho.mpion5 252-233, out-passed thP :O.tarine• Chapman, as i ted by a shove wne ll•l af f!l" he 10811, USD 163-90, and recovered all three from Desantis. bulled his way 11a,, now won three straight and Marine fumbles, USO opponent Into he end zone on fourth 8-3 for the season. ' have now lost 15 of 18 fumble~ do\•·n nn Franctso State College, to the a.left Pioneeni Chllpman, with 10:15 left In nner of four con~ecutlve Far QuarterbacK Tan Chapman. the gar:ie, pas ed to Gabriel for e tern Con!ercnce champion• third m the NAI and fourth the two-po Int conversion. ps a d t )"ear the only un- In the , "CAA national mall col- O'Leary, who recovered two d teated and untied t am in the !ege punting, punted seven times costly • farine fumbles, fresh• t, Is 6 -1 this II on. for 280 yards. Chapman, in hl..!I man Wayne Blake, tackle Gray e n Fran o Gators this be5t performance in three sea- Elllott and captain Way n e ;s<'.,Uon ha\·e ded fated the ·ru- son!, comple\ed eight of 16 Bourque all performed ·•:ith bril- ' rslty of Callfo ·a { ant a passes tor 163 yards and tw·o lie.nee. ''More Important," Coach Barbare.), 14-0, Long Be a. ch touchdowns. He ran for 42 yards Pecarov1ch pointed out, "it was Btate Colle~e. 20-0, Cal Poly and •cored the third and de- a •chool victory." 1/3'/& u

r uff/411 Y.._ USD Seeks Rebound . Against Pepperdine The UnlvPrsity c_,f San DI- ha bel'n hobbling and tt ard ego Pioneer • anxious to Im- Wally Joos is nursing s o m P prove their r cord aft r a d1 • ore rib ma! performance in Sa n Pc ·a ov1ch ord<'red heavy Franci co la t week, travel to drills on tackling. The iP10• Inglewood Saturday to oppo e ne<'r erimmaged yest<'rday Periperdine College. and plan body contact agam The Pionee . were am• tomorrow, according to line . , coa<'h Bob Sexton. bushed by powerful an Fran- ''Wq've scouted Pepperdine cisco State last Saturday aft- closely . . , just as hard as ernoon, 35-0, which cnd<'d a we did Marine Corps Recruit three-game vi ·tory treak. Drpot" Pc-carovich said. Pepperdine, sho\ prog- ·•But, Saturday's gamP s_till ress each time out, ha a 1-7 depends upon the throwmg rrcord whil<' USD has a 3 1 ability of quarterback J a n season reading. Chapman." . _ Pl'ppcrdlne has lost to Clhi Pepperdlne, meanwhile, 1s 1 co Stat , 22-6, Nevada, !!5-8, shaking the mud _ from i t s Los Ang !es tate, Z7,6, W) cleats after dropping a 27-20 tier, 28-0, Santa Clara, 3!1-28 rain-drenched ball gam to and al Poly of Pomona, 4- San Diego State in Ai t e c 14, Its only victory was over Bowl last Saturday 1ight. Cal Western, 10-8. A dry field will help Pep- Coach MI k e P~carovich perdine considerably, and be said the Pioneers should be of special impox:tance to the at ;[uU strength for this al- Waves' quartrrback R a Y though end Mike McDevitt Wrenn. a_ IJ 10 J.)

chnig. USO MeD•v1it (1151


« o St. 1731


I,: ,

2051 180) 2101

~•1111111> A'IMIS'

W. Bovrqua 1196) LT Joos 085) L

t.ooa,, ~tr~~i m Collopy 20S





g~ 175 215

G~~~m(~in° 80 > Loeschnl; 085) DeSontls (lllH

;~:;: Rollins Simpson


s traight, at 3.3.

u' s






Firsr downs

14 313 63 4-lS

7 to 18

HRO/Jl{,L.£ Wild,

Rushing yardage PaHfng yardage Passes .. , . Passes lnttrcepltd by ........ , a, Fumbles lost Yards penalized * touchdowns to set a chool record for TDs in one s eason, and gained 199 ard in 18 carries for an a •erage o! yards per lug. • His longest run was a 55 yard sprint which set up a touchdown by Wjlly Simpson in the third quar:ter. He also turned in a brilliant 34-y ard dash. Fuller's thre~ ou owns today gavr: qjR_I a total of 16 for the season r the school record a nd he still ha· two games remaining. It was San Francisco State's seventh victory in eight starts a nd the Pioneers' first defeat In its la st tour efforts. The Pioneers no\V, a re 3-4 .tor the season , Standout for San Diego was Jim DeSantis, a junior full- back, who ca rried the ball 55 yards in 20 carries for a 2.7 average. The P ioneer.,• only serious threat came in the fir st quar- ter when they drove f rom the Gator 42 to the Hl but here they surrendered the ball on downs. Fuller 's uchdawns l" on runs of 15 and 13 yards and a pass !rom Ron S\vectt, good for 25 yards. ~If : ,: ,: t:J San Francisco scorlng-Fu11er 1 J run (kick failed ), Fuller 25 pass from sweet (Fuller run), Fuller 13 run (Breslom kick), Simpson o run CBreslam kick), Burnett 2 run (Baker kick)_____, 4-11 r 0 2 1 Punts . f-36.1 5-33.4 60 121 * • ~ ///ol.L" .t,/N/Ort · Pr6ise' For Studen s )<; In Anti-Red Parade E UITOR, THE UNION: Amor!can~ can be j u s t I y proud of San Diego's 70 uni- \'ers1ty students who regis- tered their protest agai st Qmmunism through their re cnt ant1-C o m m u n I s t r1arc.1. :r.,w their display of love fo · freedom under God re- 111 I t: al l of our 1cspon- s hi!Hv w. a rtr a ntaining ,at rnr ~tlrn J: h a ll ac- cept but fr\·/ u knowledge. MRS. JOHN J. MERRICK 1075 Law Street, San Diego 9, Calif.

eam Vs. Aztecs :ace Aztecs

MCRD To Start 2nd

t 1tor It tft~



It Coach Hans JaC'ohsen, squad game. In order to pro- best they'\'e had in the past re m a r ks about San Die- of the farine Corps Recruit ,·me Incentive, I announced three years." go State's fir t triumph o! Depot, s tar ts his s e c? nd that the winner o! the game . Aztec coach Paul Govema, the season a 27 .20 duel in team a g a I n · t San Diego would start against the Az. 11 matched that compliment •. . State h<'re Saturday night it tees. Much to my dismay, it with a ch e e r for Marine> the mud with Pepperdme. won't be an insult to the Az- ended up 27-12 for the second backs Al Hall and Billy .Mar- "We played a t<'am whose tees. Rather, it \\ill be Ja unit." tin. Dra11ing a eompari ·on perso nl'l wa · not as good as c-obsen refusing to renege on Jacobsen !so re\' ea I c r1 with Fresno·s Dale • Ies er ours, • he said. "We followed a promise. th at he has m ad e ff v r ('\\ho led a l.0•0 rout of the our plan to keep Thr ::'>Iarinc coath explained changes in the first l)nit A z t e c , Go\·crnali s a i d, the ball as long as possible, his st r n n "c predicament since th!' ,\farines lost a sur, "Hall and ::'>1artin are better to };pep dri\ ing, and to keep at yesterda} ·s weekly lunch- pri ·ing 21-20 decision to the all around backs than :.res- the ball away from Ray eon meeting of the Union- UniYersity of San Diego on sci-. We'll have a difficult \\'rrnn. Tribune Quarterback Club at Oct. 29. "\\'e •expect to come time catching those two. Our "The score doesn't tell the the ::'>Iis~ion Valley Inn. lb a ck against San Die g o ,squad expeC'ts one of the story of tile game. When we ''We had an open date last State," said Jacobsen. He most diiiicult games of th c drew out to a :!i-6 lead, we weekend," said Jacobsen, added that, in his e timation, year." decided to gi\'e game expc- "so we scheduled an intra. the "Aztec interior line is thej Governali was brief in his , (Continued on b-7, Col. 5)

(Continued) ience to our physical educa- .ion majors.'' Governali h a d special praise ·for back Dick Morris. "He gave an outstanding per- formance," said the• coach, "both on offense and de. fense." In a question and answer session, Governali was asked if he believes the Aztecs have kept pace with the growth of other schools in their con- ference. After a pause, he re- plied: "In football, no. The rest of the school, yes." George Schutte gave high marks to his San Diego Junior College team for holding Bakersfield to a 6-0, decision in a rainstorm. "It rained continuously from five in the morning through thr> first half," said Schutte. "We de- cided to start 11 guys with the biggest feel, but obviously they weren't big enough.·• Turning snious, he added: "I felt our kids did a real good job. I was proud of the way they hung in there.'· Mike Perarovirh, reporting on USD's 35-0 defeat by San Francisco State, said the Pioneers were the victims of a 50-mile wind. "It was caused by three of their backs going past us," he quipped. "San Francisco State had a much better team, but we're look- ing forward to Pcpperdinc. They're in our class." Cal Western's Al Lewis re- minded that the Western s will be facing an undefeated team in lhe Univer~ity of Callfornia at Riverside. "It will be a real tough after- noon.'' 8aid Lewis. "UCR has a set of fast backs and the inest inside linebackers I've seen in the past couple of years." The Monday Quarterba cks also heard reports from I{cn Maynard, Grossmont Hi h Srhool, and Shan Deniston, Lincoln High School.

x~;1:i:~u~~•ni,·::::::::. :. 3 ~\ 2


' 1th Coach Red Hickey of the 49er:. m the stand , San Francisco• State'.s Ch a rl e y


t! 1.1 9 5

:cs8 ~'{

ST.'.~ .........


.. , ......... 9 ,. .•••. ,, • ,




Fuller down

66 57

and •• •••••••• 1 1~ U yard, m 19 carries while H•• • .............. ' -• -•.o leading his mates to a 3 -0 cwe'A '011:cio.. " ... i-lB Nv°G lvr; victory o,·er the niver·,t 0 ;;•,'l,,'~g .:::::::::: 2 ~ 18 U r San Diego before 4000 Cba~man .. • • • 11 7 .64 H r · C g~r.~j";:::::~ ·•;; 1 lgo omecommg ans m ox Hom,naer .......... , 1 _ 1 -1.o Stadjum ye terday. F STATE PAs:.'1~mo Yd• I r t 17 • d Swe t ....... , A 38 Fu! er, a a a-poun o·K••f• ... . • 4 n n t 15 d Fuller • .. •• • • O O em r. wep ya r s , R.c,nu . . . . • 1 o o around end for one touch• 8iia~~n 01 ~~~--~" eor 0 · v~6 TD "s I n 0 D TD" 0 k1ttered to 178

do 111 and tr.ivcled 25 yards for another after taking a creen pass from QB Ron Sweet. Fuller al o set up the fourth touchdo\\ n when he raced 54 yards lo the San D •


":uh ldt


ators 201 point while yielding only 34. \It hough fuller's speed and the plungin:( of fullback WI 111 e Simp on eventually turned the game into a rout, an Diego got off on a strong early foot. 1besouthcrnersdom~ nated the fmt quarter, 20 pl~ to 10. But late in the second quarter Gator Bill Baird intercepted a • an Diego pa on h1 own 1:5 and returnctl to the 46. The Gat- marched l21c 54 yards in five pla)s, w h Fuller's l'.5 I yard r " llm~ thr score, be- 1 rnd a ey l>lo k hy Pete Kalamar1 n n 14 14 n o 7-JS have cored

Colts 28-7

-Oregon St.

--Colt_s_ 21-20 -- Colb


Oregon St.

S, F Slate








wsu 21-14 wsu ..0.1

S.F. State


28-14 use 13-12 20-1 use 19-1~

Raiders- --Colt&





2 20


San Jose


S. F State

49ers 25-21 49ers 34-32 49ers 48-41 -t9er& By 6





Oregon 2~-13


30-28 Colts 36-27 30-28 Colts By 7

San Jose

Oregon St.

S. F. State





San Jose

Oregon St.

~State S. F. State By 19 30-2








San Jose

Orei'on St.

By 10

By 4

By 8

By 3

SFS 15 10 2 l 1' l 3S 48


a &

•••• , .••• , •


••• ,, ••• , .• , .•••••• ••.. ,.... ... •


, •• ••••

P ssln&' Penalty


No. P HI$ ill P•Stes completed .t Yards l,illned PdH ng•• ,. '0 P:~v~,11 1 8':::::::: at Tot I vards &dined •••••• IOI No punt •~·••·········· 9 moted ••• l' .• , .• , •

312 JSO 5

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