News Scrapbook 1959-1962

e4 en it/1.~to UN1(1/d I :on Campus Name I i l Suggestions Taken Under Advisement After S.D., La Jolla Groups Are Heard By CHARU,;S DA \'I • 'lh<' San Oil" o t:nlon's Edul·ation Writer BERKELEY, l\ov. 17 San Dirgo repr<'sentatiw today lined up along opposing fronts in urging a namP for U111vcr• si l' o{ Cahfornla'. 1 1 rw gen<'ral campus In their city. T\\ ,, committe of 1 hr l 1·c•gents li ·t<>n<'d lo t lte argu, ments, then clo d the 1ea1 ng with prom! to k cp the suggestions under advi•<>mPnt "I wish it werr• po ibl t~ pica e , rryone c·on,·ernrd, Air ssu '

/(effa(ffuel May Highlight USD-Cat Poly n~4f 1 t~ itt int> foe cat s ~2-H heating, coach )1ik<> Pecarovich's. University of San Diego footballers fig- ure to hoot 1ne work~ tonight against dangerous Cal Pa I y of Pomona 15.21 at We tgate Park. Kic-k.oH for l SD's tilth an- nual homecoming contest will be at 8 o'clock. Pecaro,·kh remarked two weeks ago that should his club ha\'e an even reeord go-1, ing into this game ht> would l<'l out all stop. and try a few trick maneuvers. The Pioneer·. to say, will ha,·e to be at thrir best again.,-t the Pomonans, who rank third nationally among small college, in pass- ing. Should USD quarterback Jan Chapman ha\'e on of his best nights the ball game <'OU!d de\'elop into quite an aerial match. Chapman ha rompleted 61 of 120 pas es for 7ti8 vard · while Cal Poly's tandem' of George Swade and Jerry Canada ha\'e connected on 6 passe of 161 thrown. ThP Pioneers will be at full t t'n but unfortunately, u Al Zuniga and Wally J o ~'i.ll onl} limited ac- t dur t(' ln)urles. l a o\; h ,,·Ill have h i s r~ ,uJ,.lr fir t tring backfield rl unniT' : order. This u n i t , il nclude Chapman, h a l f. ha · Joe Lneschnig and Joe Gray and Jullback Jim De• • antis. DeSant like his fullback pponent a n i g ht. is his team's lrad1ng ground .gain- rr. DrSanti t>a · netted :;o;; yards in 11'.? C"arrie w hi 1 e Pomonan Gar\' P,urnett has gained 576 yai·ds in 78 trips . Bc~ides Swade and Burnett the Pomona club will h a v e halfbacks Bobby Anderson (('ontlnued on a-19, Col. 1) Pioneers HosV To Cal Poly (Continued) and Mike Curran in the open• 1ng- unit. This ls the next to l a s t 1 a · t


Car ly Has Edge

f ft~,~~"'' give too much In !ght into to- morrow 11ight's football game between Unirnrsity of San Di- ego and G:al Poly of Pomona at Westgate Park. On the one ha:id, USO has the rdge. The Pioneers beat MarinP Corps Recruit Depot, 21-20, while Poly lo t 'to the Leatherneck~. 27•12. Whlp11l'd WhlUlcr On the other hand, the Bron• cos rat<> a clearcut Pdge. They whipped Whittler, 33-14. which downed USQ, 20-6, and crushed Pepperdine, 44-1,4. The Pio- 111eers squeezed out a 20 13 dc- ci~ion over the latter. San Francisco State \ allopcd botb clubs - USD, - 0, and Poly, 20-0. Cal Poly de{ t d tl e Pio- neers, 42-12, last seas Pccaro- ,·ich Is from the old ' rah rah" ·chnol of football and he has v.ay of btinglng,W boys up. e Pioneers may !lave an- ther bt~ effort ming up to- morrow nlgh • ~p ts are high for horn coht'lng Flrn , 11lght "Ins Cal Poly ha won f I , e straight gaMcs. One or these win was over- D next ,eek foe, Ari o a :t te at Flagstaff, Jf(.14. T oncos have a o id grc d atta , led by • Rurn q has carried for 57 a a d to aerial ff spenrh ed b Geori;:e v. wh h for745 yard The Broncos fear the pass- Ing of Jan Chap a'nd the runntng of loc Gray, Jim De- s a n t 1 s a n d J oc Locschnig most.

1- uc Regents Hear 1 Oppos·ng Views On Campus Name • (Contlnurd from a-J!J) • . Id n rncs nnd sn.icl h<> did n than La Jolla, and_ thdH1i _wot'! g b~'ic, c th(' situation could 'be• kad to confusion m I cc m ' ·more compounded In mall bPtWN'n the two Joca- com<' 0 _ , ·ct San tC"go. t tions, l• urnas sa1 • Rowan told thr regents tha l "It (thC' 19:iS Jand transfer arnuments based on possihly approval) was votell with the ."'. dt>cl ronfus\o, 1 through undPrstanding by the tilg ma• exp,ln! San Dir.go in the earn- would use a ' jority that thr rampus_ 1 . pus name• arc "very, V<'tY bi- the Univcr \ty o_r Cal! orma\_ ~rious." at La Jolla:" fo_1d ;,urnas, spHr. point<'d. out that San "and not al ~an Diego. D'c-go voters at one tim~ or Furnas ~aid the UCLJ i:iam~ia~~thcr haV<' voted almost has already br>en san_ctione \500 a!'rcs of land to the uni• by the California LPgtslaturc versity. and that La Jollans _wcr~ not Sen. Hugo Fishl'l', ~-San notified various c1v1c groups 0 . 0 ask<'d for his views, were prcpa~·ing rcco_mmc~da• lt~i"f the regent that estab- tions favoring the San D1ego_l\shing the campus is much name. 1 \morc important than what tl He said La Jollans had n_o .is named, opportunity to express their\ Regent·' comments on t11c viewpoints before 01;ganiz~- name quc:;lion were few. One tions adopting re oluuons fa- regent, Mis. Catherine Hearst voring the San Diego name. [ Lo Anr,eles drew laughter Roberts sai~ th e ~a:1 1 ·1:1wn she, said, ''We mtght pus has been widely puhl1c1ze\ha,e 10 name it the Un1ve1:-\ as UCLJ. S 0 .. sity at California al San Di- "We're a -part 01 an I I L Jolla." Pgo" he said. "We're proud :.go n a to be a part o! San Die~~

! Pa, cific Beach Coordinating con- c1J. Viewpoints favoring the La Jolla name "er<> ,·oiced by Dr. Lester l. Furnas and Sherwood Robex:ts. reprc•ent- ing th La Jolla Town Coun- cil. CONFUSJO:'.\' SI,I'.N Another spraker, the Rt. Re\'. Msgr V. illiam Bergin a{ th t.:ruwrsity of San Diego, w'ho madc no direct recom- mendation , told r!'gcnts c·onfu Ion would re- sult If the campu lg namrd 1or San Di •go. Pre enting a sheaf of pro-1 ~an Diego resolutwns. Dail a~krcl rt•i;enl~ to follow <"US· tom and t1 ad Ilion hy naming he (·ampus for the city in which it will bP located. "Wt> lov!' La Jolla and WI' hold La Jolla in as high C'S· teem as wr hold Encanto, Clairemont and Ea t San Diego," he said. But, be added, ''La Jolla ;s a very small part of San Diego at the present time." SOLIDARITY l:RGED Dail urged that regents reach an rarly decision for the sake of community solid- arity. Dail told the regent<: "Unity of action and full cooperation between the citi- zenry, the citr and the Board of Regents is now essential, so that we can move swiftly and with unitrd influence in obtaining transferral of Camp 1\latthrws' land for the ulti- mate USC' of the univl'rsity for campus purposes. This is the big program for the futurr which we must work together to achieve." Dail. as "ell as spokesmen :for the La Jolla name promised to abide by what- ever naming decision the re- gents make PROVISION (.'ITED

we ar<' not just a subd1v1s1on. Roberts said the new rar;;~u will receive many gifts a nc\ our part of the city h~s b~<' 11 traditionally genero~s tn m.1k• ing gifts for educational put· po•e ." . iso 1 isgr. Bergin ~(l.1d l . s proud o! its name and wants to guard it. . E rry week, he ~a_id, mrul Is mis-sent among higher l~- stltutions which have San Pt• ego as part of their name. . "If you put San Diego agam into this name, it will be co_n- f0u ion compounded," he said. Dail, near the end of_ the eeting, listed educational 1m:titutions which have Lo_s Angeles as part of then-

t Is

e ded r cos

C I an


game for the Pioneers w h o own a 44 season r,e co rd. They complete the campaign here ne.xt Saturday against Arizona State College from Flagstaff. Cal mly l'•t, 'Inch (190 Lof G 011 111 I L B. homoson (207~l ~~~osan (195) ~'} ,.tMenes ) RE Sw- ( > QB tC1!o'~orhsL\ 62 ) k u Burn•tt (180) F B Mcoev~f 0 1as ESObtQtJI 198 O'l= ill Gurrola 115 G~g;yg 217 c:=:w~~ ii I Gray 190 DeSontls 185 ------'-=-~~


Broncs Tip USD, 28-14 Fights Break Out At End i A~ioneer TD Nullified . 11 .:i o b o ny cHUcK sAwYERtr AlI a ;v Po y of Pomona defeated the University of San Diego, 28-14, in the Pioneers' homecoming attraction at Westgate Park last night but the real fireworks came ·econds after the final whistle. What nearly amounted to al · full scale riot toolc place in back Burnett going over rigJ:tt the area surrounding the vis- tackle for the scar from six i , 1 . th p· yards out. tors goa irte as P 10neers, , :tailed on a last ditch attempt A 26-yard dash 1iy Swade to get some more points on and a Swade to end K n Lake the scoreboard. pass that covel'<• of the ball and that tlJr. 'I1> Cal Poly 33. did not count, keC'ping th :f • A Chapman toss to J i m nal score at 28-14. Desantis picked eight more. Quarterback Gt>orge Swade Desantis lost one and Chap- did a fine job of dm•ct,ng th!' ma~ fad<>d back for anothC'r Broncos' attack and hard-run- acnal attempt. The Broncos ning fullback Gary Burnett put on. a heated rush but le-ft scored thrc!' times, all on the th!' m1d!lle wide opcn a n d ground, to pace the off.-nslvP Chapman shot through. Hc dfort. Chapman had anothrr found ru•rning room to his lC'ft good night for the Pion.-c,·s and went th.-. <>n!irc 2G yards with 14 compll'tions Ill 22 at- to touc!1d9wn country to put tempts and also rontrlhutcd thP Pion<'rrs ba k in the some brilliant punting. ga'MP. The visiting 'Bron~o mo\ cd S~I, Polv 1 : : 1 3 t:.?: for a quick six nolnls after CCPP-Burn•tt, • ru" CPolos kick>, t k . th ., kl k ff Swade, J7 run (Polos ,ickl. a mg e op<'nmg C o , uso-.;chaoman, 26 run (pass failed) marching 85 ,·arcls from thdr cu~-8 0 urne11, 28 run

Jo LoeschnJg, Joe Gray a"1 Jim DeSant1s present a formidable ground at- •a~k for the San Diegans.

Evenson pointed to a pro- Yision in the 1958 ballot prop- osition granting the university 4- acres which allows the City Council to set final con- veyance terms "in the pub- lic inter£' t." He t>rnt d that this might fi"ure in the naming of the c:mpus although Dail later told regents that he and other councilmen are opposed to re- quiring use of the San Diego name in c.-om eyance terms.

Loses Out:


t's C at San Diego t -nas told regents he feels La Jolla is a definite part of San Di go and ' we would like( to see stay that wa~ ii po. - sible." HowevPr. if regents build a medtc~l .·,•hool it "mu ·t" be located in San Diego rather ( ntinued on a-26, Col. 1)

Scripps To Keep At LJ' Titl -f1lbf. "f:;>cNJ;&Nr 110.o io 'llie timer 1ty of Cahforma' neefge~r~I campus on Torre· Pine will ha ea La Jolla :po t office. address, bu 1t II name "Cniver 1 r of California at San Die o," nt decided h1 eek. ' Th,. re~ ta m dP their dec1slon in executive &el!• a1on a Buk•l•y Friday. On Thur,tlay, two re Mt.II' com- mltteea heard arguments from propon~t.11 or th~ Mm~ "UCSD a.nd "Unh·er11ty of Califoml t L& Jo! ." UC Pre dMt Clark Kerr, ro!llTllentin that "1,; CSD ' con- onna 1th th unlveraity'a paat practice In namm,: cam- pusea and t the people of the nUre clty of Sa.n Dit'go hart ,·oted to donate pueblo land for the campus, echoed the maj r pruented • Thu day by a rl y delegation. .\t mhers nr t),le delegation wer or Chari 01t\1, Coun- cOm II Ju l n E:v on, and P Co rd1na ng 1 Ro an


PHIB-TRA-PAC FIRST FOE 1.1.A110AI ( USD Cage S uad·Opens Season Tuesday University of San Diego's naments. La,t season th<'Y and fourth in indi\'idual scor- 1 from_ Aquinas High: San ~Pr- hasketball squad opens its)posted a 10-18 record. ing with 243 points. Caputo nardmo and Chailes Wical 1960-61 season next Tuesday Leslie has named Ed Bar- scored 155 points in 24 games (6-4J. The schedule: night when it engages Phib- an a two-year letterman and last year I Nov. 22-Phiblrapac, there; Dec. 2-3- 1 h.b. • 1 • of Redlands Tournomen, TraPac at the Amp 1 10us Jim Fleming, a one-year let- sc·hammel a '6-fi sophomore There, ooc. &-San Diego Mar In,,, B · h" t' , ' There; Dec. 9-C0l•Wcstern Unlven1tv, ase. ter-wmner, as 1s star mg is a transfer from Weber Ju. 1 Here, oec: 10-Biola College, Here, Dec. · . 13-Whlttler College, Here; Dec. 16- Rookie head coach Ken Les- guards, sophomores Rus Cra- nior College in Utah. He av- Eastern New Mexico_ coll""•• Here; Dec. ] • f •·so star and AAU d Tonv Caputo at for . . 121-3-Cal-Western Umvers,tv Tournament, 1e, armer '-' vens ann • . · eraged 17.3 pomts per game m There, (San Diego Naval Trainino cen- All-~merican, ha~ been c~n- wards, and newcomer B 1 11 his senior year at Camelback ~~W.J:ci"a ~gil::; ~~:; J~~- ductmu daily workouts with Schammel at center. High Phoenix to win all- 13-Blola College, There; Jan. •~ Azuso Q • d'd t t B J ' • . College, There; Jan. 24, Ph1btrooac, 15 varsity can I a es a a · Baran w h o is 6-foot-1, Phoenix and All-Arizona high There; Jon. 27-Nevada ~outh~rn Col- boa municipal gymnasium. scored 120 points last season school team berths. ~;., ,:Pi:."i, JJa;,;_ 2~~/••a;~fist~t The Pioneer~ have sched- and Fleming. USD's top scar- Othl!r top prospects include l~~- HHJ~:' f:~- .l=~t,v 0 ~a!rn,"''c9.,/:.: uled 21 games and two tour- er tallied 436 points for a Bob Tritz <5-9 from Pius x of There(Riversidel; Feb. 10-s1an,. OFoego • Marines, Here, {La Jolla H 9t'!!t =et>; 15.6 points per game average Downcv John Robbins <5-11) 11-lnlernatlonal Lon


Among the actors making good were Jo!'in Horavatich as :'.\1r. Jordan. ne of the white-robf'd officials f r o m heaven; Denise Ilclson as an attractive an d blameless young woman; Beverly Cin- dali and Frank Palomino who are not what thl'Y ~eem; Deb- bie D u g a n as an amusing maid, and Su ic Farrell as anoth<'r maid o[ p quant type. 1Iany of'ier ) oung actors in rAmor roles con ti 1buted to the success of the production. CII.

Among the many promis- ina actors of this cast are the J e';ters of the Unfvcrsit;• of San Diego l!igh School and young girls from Ou Lady of Peace Acadern • and the Ca- thedral Girls' High School. Top honors go to Robert Hanson as Joe Pendleton, a young sa.· player who was ent to heaven too . oon be- cause of a clerical error. Since his body had been cre- mated, Jor. has to borrow an- other man's body when he re- turns to earth. The confusion that then ar!. P Is what New Englanders call ''a state of things."

The Rev. !.;co F. Lanphier's production of "Heaven Can Walt" 1s sometlang to see to- night at 8· 10 at the Balboa Park Pupp t Theater. Harry c all's play c o n c e r n s a corps~ ,, ho is 1 turned to earth to s rve out his time, ar.d some hcannly attend- en v. bo omcwhat offici- ous. Ve learnr

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