News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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tudent Studies
Local Law
• upervases ail Tr sties At B) ·1·,0 <'l' RI! ;>;
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th<' Cal Pol}• of Pomona line contrlhUt"d srveral nice runs stanrls n11 playing of t'1,, Na11on11l An. fireworks th<'m failed 1,, h:ilt 1 h<' pro- 1v:ist gam<' 'J'hp game tis tic activity :!ralurcd "c thP Pioneer ccedinns. f San 1)1ego's started when the University 28-14 loss to Westgate "' * officials r.nmc ushc, s • e Bt n os at Saturdaj and The-re Is , I · r, ,~ unu. ual th n" about the> • n D,cgo Polic S n•ion nt nl ht. EK<'cpt for thlq On<' thlnr,, It' thr normally rlnrlH•nr,l c('I rltfo · 11 II ,. I 1c- cl a y watc: h~.s gon horn!'; th!' •oft ning o' t',,. h.irktlrop ,,,. in~ wi;lch rop•; n n d robbt'rS Jilll'SU thclt· harsh i:nme. the ltlf11I an,I gro- tc 1111 • pn d, of drttnk · to• ward th,.. a '1 II •ht ovc>r tho ,. ii do,, . .\I o part o• tit ,;rcn,.. I~ !hi.' ragg<'d nrr • ol j a 11 tL u trcs o. I, ti•~ re• ignecl \\ o' <"h n~omen, move in t cl<'nn the empty hall ar I om ~ l·, l.n 'UI'J:lWISION' E\NI thOU"h t wy arc t rusties men fien lni; out tlt.,lr scntN1cr~ for p c t t y crlme who arP t r u " t e d " ough to work outslrlr thr jail thry need sup n (. Ion ar.d dirc-ctlon. Pro, i l' a r k HATISTICS USO Cal Poly tried to hrc>nk it up hut l \\as more> than 10 rnlnulPs h<'• forC' 111<' "hrawl game" was :~:~ 1~•w;:.'rdon Po.sin, yor11au ;:::~ lnt11rc•Pltd by Yanls penal•*nd * Punts 11 'il night. to 1l: 142 ~ 9-42.S The Pioneers were held to a net gain o118 yards on the 7 · 1 f finally compl<'l<'d. t:}: ;.35.1 2 1 : Cal p I uso O ' ground In absorbing th C' Ir Fumbles 10,t ,' , \ • 0 ,. lo S against four V CP-llurnelt, • ru~ (Polos k lckl· wcde, 31 run (Polos kick . USO Chapmon, 2& run (Oas, CP Burnett, i, run (Polo, kick) USD-McDovllt, 3\ l'."" (Gabriel, PO S 1rom hopmonJ. CP Burnrtt, 23 run (Po,os kick!. Cl' O (' fifth I '1"" ti · t rared on the final 1e season apparPntJ, uey C O e i ] t n g I or1rs. a ur a felled). t S t d y · ., \r" ' n a.,ams o! Fla"stali at , I plav of th!' roamc on a four- • rd pa s from Chapman to nd Jim c:rabric•l. IIowev<'r, e } ad n n oi.t before the r.. After Gabriel had grabbed • 0 Quarterback Jan Chapm n tL scored USD's first touchdown play w a start<'d on a 26-yard run In the ond quartrr :md passl'd 3 the ball !rt the nd zone, a yards to end Mike McDcvitt Cal Poly playPr threw a block in the third period. at other SD grlddcr and Fullback G a r y Burnett the Bronco p!nyer came up scored three times for t h e swmging. l'lay rs from both visitors on iuns of r., 23 and learns joined the brawl with 28 yards with quartrrback . veral ba\lling Into the base- George Swade going 37 :! or ba.11 dugout as th<'y knocked the other. Furm<'r San Dicgo lovcr the protectl\'c bales of High and San Diego JC grid- straw. Zona Stat n · . ; . b Westgate I ark. from Chapmon football .,, '7"/f/'3t/Alc.' 11½ 1/i•" 1oneer To Cal Poly; xperiment Fails ·in· '>( in Setback Windup HI ambition, ft r finbh• Ing law school thrr.e yea 1 cm O\ •• i to join t h I' Feder l Bureau of Investi - i:aro \Vhether or ot hi' ll mlt it 01 the_,_ l our ' sleep a t"h he' h er n\craging Is a moot olnt Born th son or tatlon- 111 y engineer in Phllad J. phia, Clcmc t · ho,·eled t:oal on th,, B ltlmorc and Ohio railroad when he was 5, \\ a wot•ndf'd on Jwr, Jima fighting , ith th . la• rlncs In World War H. mar- 11r - Son OJego Union Photo by Les H, U"g• items while trusties wiclcl th<' toJI" in nii;htly ril u:il a t po"i,... ~ head ight Mark ocial ,rn ker, three sons. erl l"l, . 2 a nd 9. two dogs d two r ats a t 2625 Moblt>y . in. Hssion Vill age. When he gets the chance, C1cments like to \I rite and to skin dl\·e. his secret am- 1 m pc•ond tau h•iown a1 d U ·o 1a, <'d a 11 fl1 st qua ter d~Jicll Th<' ion er couldn't mo, • the ball on t h " ground and the arm of quarterhack Jan Chn pman a.· Jiut 111to a~'tion in th ser nd quarter. Ii<' start,·
main· the final play a~ a Cal Poly gudder came up swlng- lng. A torrent o! fans swept oown from the stands lo the field ~nd a lull-scale not w,1s underway. West- gate Park ushers a n d -chool offi<'ials finally dis- pe1· c•d the cmwd. but not hPforc [l,r gladiators had suffered bloody nosrs and an asi;ortmf'nt of 01her lumps. Offk al statistic point up t h c• Pioneers' lack of ground olfense. They fin- ished wilh a minus-thre!' yards. Chapman connect• ed on 12 of 24 passes for 178 ;vards. Poly outgained USD, 390 to 174 yards. The Po- monans piled up 284 on the ground. Ex-San Diego High and .i u n i a r college back Bobby Anderson gained 81 in 10 carries. Burnett had 81 in 10 tries. way I'm a) • ·o to law school." - (lidn t b,•. ndr d<, th Clcncnt ~o his w.f . Rut , \\ho Is a Count} Welfare Departme th bdor aga1r l Pon10n tfwy knew it short time after sta' ted gaM wuh n a thP op nu g cltoU. Gary Burl'.ett cl maxed a n 83-yard march aft£'r tht- k1ckof! by going O\ er 1rom the sl x-yard line and before the quarter was over quar. terbar k Geo rgp Swade had CONFUSING THE ISSUE f olitical Pity The Poor Mo"I f>ioneerl:cigJrs Rock X PhibTraPac, 65-44 , llni\l'r~ity of S~n Di<'go made a succe> SophomorP Russ Cra\'ens scurecl 14 points to pace the Pioneers while tParnmates Ed Baran and Jim Flemino- tal- Jipd 13 nnd 11. rc-sprcti,';.J,. t '. ·n had an l 1-point lParl shot·tly befor<' alftime hut saw i• rut to :,ix points al 35 29 • at till' '11l<'nnissioq. Howe\'rr. thP Pin 1er1 s earn·, bac-k to hike Ir margi11 ,rwr ngain anci 1,,,, er trailrtl during tlH' ,,,,·ond halt. USO rm Ph bT . G F P T I raPac J~lp T ~~gi!~ 2 1 2 5 Holse·t " 1 " 9 M~~'T',,~el f 3 1 ~ iJ Boron : 1 H j } 1 t~ ~l~'r,a11 a g g t DeGro1ler I O 1 2 ~~Tt~nnot" ? g j Robbins t 2 o -4 Mad!'.toll 1 0 2 2 Totoll 24 171165 Tolol, 15 11 11 « FHalft me "iCOre: USO 351.PhibTraPac 29 ree throws missed: uSO - Caputo~ MSchon;imef 2_; PhlbTroPoc - Stanley 3' onn,ng, Wilson, McCoy 7. ' ' ,, 'X rt'1oneers, MCRDWin Cage Tilts ll/20/r,,o U~!verslty of San Diego and Manne Corps Recruit Depot opened the basketball season with new coaches last night and it was a successful stand. The Pioneers defeated PhibTraPaC', 65-44, at the Coronado Amphibious Base and the Marines handled Air. Pac, 85-71, at Point Loma High. Russ Cravens, 14 points, Ed Baran, 13, and Jim Flem- ing, 11, led the Pioneers' at- tack. Darrell P.astrcl! paced the Marlnes \liith 25 points, Summaries: VSD ('5) l"lllb~ac ( ••) ~ooulo ! fi" l;- ~ff l sf~~fu'1iiei f lj ftl~ o s 2 s t ll nr~ j ? j J t: :,~"c,~ 1 6 g t o.Grozl., I 3 j 2 ~~rt~nnor f 2 j ~ obblns J 21 , OdSe!"\ 1 0 ff otori 24111 ,._, t Holftlmo SCOl'e: l! o es, Plilb'T'r~tJ•:, AIRPAC G F p T MCRD G p T ~'fnifon i ' 14 Gibbs o 3 15 ~!!,l~erlln 5 4 ] lj ~'/,'j~ 5 ! foC,~ 0 " 1i l2 ~W,~:n I 2 ,~ ff " l l2 DIiiard 4 3 4 11 Post~elf 10 5 3 2.1 Corr uan 2 l .t: 5 1 Brat on 2 1 s s To als 24 23 19 71 Totofs 3J 19 27 as Halftlmo score: M~RD 47, Alrcoc JJ. accomplished. tivcly: "Haw am I going to foofball game between the Univr 1 of California at San Diego Univer ity of San Diego beincr in the San Diego State stadi m Diego?" '>'IGl//~~o X ~omts rid 1-ete I Scheduled De:; 1 1 ! ... j • } the fot· 1001 1 cause con!u ion. A recent public opinion poll conduct- ed by Rad io Station KFMB reflects - -r---------- . ct·ons f Con ensus
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