News Scrapbook 1959-1962
T~p~rootbali Award Won lb2~r7~~~! 5 the GU Kuitu a. t>r 8 X
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puiyer at the l
Diego. Tlt11 ward, pre enteil by USD's firat football
Seven Umvenuty of San Diego seniora will close the 1960 a.son against Arizona State I Flagstaff J this Saturday night al We11t.gate Park. Kkkoff is 8 p.m. The Pioneel"8 ( 4-5 I Eeck to even their s a.sonal record. They lost their homecoming game with Gal Poly (Pomona), 28-14, last Saturday night. The seniors playing their!'s first eight games game are ends Pat O'Connor for 643 yards. He completed J6 and Larry Tesliary, tackle and of 20 p as 8 es for 22/'i yards team captain Wayne Bourq , against the Umversity of Mex- g u a t d Bo~ Hughes. fullback !co and has moved into the top Chuck W1lhams and quarter- lo among the nation's small backs Jan Chapman nnd Bill college passers. Bourque. Halfback Bowers is the Lum- Arizona S ta le ( I< I g tall), berjacks' leading ground gainer one of the Southwest's p ren- avern.ging better than five I nlal small college football pow- yards per carry. Halfback Bill ers, \\ill be making Its fir~t Wright, a 185-pounder, aco1·ed I appearance in Saa Diego since on tout·hdown runs of 50 and November 2, 1956. The FlaJ::• 75 yards against Mexico, and s ta ff Lumberjacks defeated har s tho team indhidual acor- USD, 20-6, In that f rst meet• Ing leadership with Bower 11. Ing. In 1957 U.D lost its only Bowers returned a k1cko!f !or other m e et I n g "1th tl)e 0 yards and a touchdown in Lumberjat'lts, 40-ti. at F!ags1-Jf. th .Mexico game. Coach Max Sp1l bury's troops U D ra!Ued in' the •econ d Will bting along a 6-3-1 record. p rlod m last week's lo. s lo Cal Since Spilsbury took over M Poly but the Pione rs were un- head coach in 1056 th<' Lumber- able to overcome the quick 14-0 jacks hnve po ted a 39-9-2 rec- Bronco I d. ord and have won five stralg-ht Bronro fullback Gary Bur- Frontier Conference cramplon- nett corenslup fipal tt--•---~--- in 195 and • t on po ted % a 6-2-1 rec rl The Lumber. re ha a a t - 1 •0.,1 °-~ ·.--~--.- exper;ienced )larkfield hea.d d y etlerman q 1arlerhack Mi<'key w:i'ineJo • Alzoln (165) and altern~te half• °llreeoG~~Jia 1,F, l,T LG C RG RT R} I.JI RR PA QB r.,
Q t O U C h- e. 1 a 34-vard • a dill as ui the and a fivl'- hy Gradillas e fourth. !'lac!' kicking forcer kirked f1ke
• an 1n ·an Diego· p1 on
ng young askellla I Cha.pman Colleg·a at. 6 :30 tonilrht IThur,- ction 11l the University of Redlands invita-
both extra points.
back Chai:,les Bowers (205). Gray u11ot1 m,1 Alzola, who prepped al North 1~';' i:,!!~l:ii1: 2 mo1 Hollywood High had completed Jo, or,_,. 11901 ' t d I Jtm 1.>eBaat:1 'Marini uscr Fives lo Ope·n '!'hr San,O(ego ;\farines and r. Unfvf'rslty o! an Diego, both Under re 1'.0acpes, tonight open thrlr basketball seasons. Lt. Don Jones' Marines, deeper, faster and more ex- peric>11 r.ed than a year ago, tip oft agaln,t ComAlrPac at Polnt Loma High School, starting at 8 o' clo<:k. K"n L slie's PionPers, also with hop<' of impro\ cment, oppose PhibTraPac at. the Amph1bious BasP, again at 8. Both J o'nps and Leslie have :ilay<'cl for thr-. teams they are coaching. Jones said h!' would go with 6-4 Lou Gibbs and 6-3· Ray Wat r:s at forward,. 6-3 'J oc .\filler at centPr and 5-10 Dick Bratton and GJ. Darrell Pa trcll at guards. Gib!Js is a former • 'AIA AII- Amrriea fot Pittsburg, Kan., and Waters an ex-San Diego State star. l\l!ller was one of the palion's high scorers at Al • c plavs afte1· oi,eq \h USD k. againBt ope~ ng :he off ta F11]1ba, k Chilek ArizoJia W!iliam.s center Marine Corps Recruit De- 1 pot and University of San Dl- eg open their basketball sea- sons tonight under new coach- es. Lt. Don Jones' :'.', the tltrough drove to• 2 a louchdot,11. Cit pma.n's pasR to end .Jfr1 Gain iPI for the con- 1·erslon fa 1le \ AYNE BOL'RQUE, HUSKY USD TACiiLE AND CAPTAIN lakes last appearance for Pioneers Saturday u To Forget '57 Contest The la t meeting between · They're Champs \ t:SD's Now Host Things have changed since ,. Seven Pioneers will close t4en. Mccutcheon has Jong out their grid career against since departJ;d. The t w O Flagstaff. Playing their last schools will resume their ri- g a m e s wm- be ends P a t valry after a two-year layoff O'Connor and Larry Tessa1?'; Saturday night on 1he Pio- tackle and team c a p t a I n neers' home field this time- Wayne Bourque, guard Bob Westgate Park. Hughes, fullback Chuck Wil- The Pioneer~ are expc~ted Iiams and quart~rbacks Jan t& play the role of grq.c1ous Chapman and Bill Bourque. Arizona State will bring a until the opening kick- . . . University ot San Diego and host - c o n. Arizona tate of Flagstaff on off. They've vowed to avenge 6-3-1 record t the :football field touched off the 40-6 loss in 1957 and a Max Spilsbury' troop ave a verbal storm by then-Pio- 20-6 shellacking in 1956. won five straight ~ront)er . . Conference champ1onsh1ps neer coaci: Bob Mccutcheon. Glaring a~ross th_e field at with an overall record of 39. The fiery :!1-kCutcheon came the LumberJacks will be that 9 _2 _ . . . "football gentlC'man of t h e . home f1ghtmg mad after his old school," coach Michael The LumbcrJack§ lo t to club absorbed a 40-6 defeat Pecarovich. The first-y ea r Cal Poly of Po:n~, 11 18_·_14. at the hands of the Lumber- Pioneer coach has no axe to an~ E'.'-stern J:\ew , Iex1co jacks. It wasn't the beating grind. but he wants the vie- Umvers1ty'. 34-1_4, ;ind tied that hurt ~o much. said Mc-ltory ba l)' to round out a 5 _5 Ne~ Me_x1co Hlghl3J1ds, 7-".- Cutcheon, 1t was the "lack of season :for hi "'iad·ators The ir wins came over Um- hospitality" hown. That was "' 1 · versity of Redlands. 20-7; in 1957 he USO played the Colorado Western, 38-0; Okla- game 1 Flagstaff. 0 IN E U>PER football luncheon, but basketball is topic as George Ziegenfuss, right, San Diego State College cage coach, and Ke Le~lic, eenter, University of San - It w a s homa A&M, 14-13; +'ew Mex- ico Western, 34-26; Univer- sity of Mexico, 31-0, and Chi- na Lake Naval Station, 61-2. USD bowed to New 1exlco Western, 29-20.-P.C. Big Le'ague· 1 t alent Scouts Are Hoping to Land 'Tuna' The Brrast O ' C hi ck e n Tunas still are winless in American League sandlot baseball play m the county, but nevertheless ma j O r· league scouts continue to fol- low the team closely in hopes of making a "big catch." Mike Morrow, veteran of many diamond wars is handling the Tunas, ~om. posed entirely or University of San Diego basebal'ers. Scouts ha\"e bePn watch- ing the Heminger twins, Pat, a catcher, and Mike, a (.omit) State tnwnt CollegP at n I'rrnando State Redlards at Claremont- pitcher, and pitcher Tom Goddard with keen interest. 'The twins are fine pros- pects," ~forrow said. '"Mike also plays football so he doesn't give all his time to baseball." As for Goddard, he's only 19 and throws as hard as any Y!)Ung prospect in the country, Morrow believes. One of the Tunas' bc>st , 1ickcrs is shortstop Jim Fiorenza, but he lacks a strong throwing arm. '"Jim gets the ball away fast, but he hasn't a stronl:" arm," :'lforrow asserted. Another lad with good power is first baseman Jim Thompson, up from San Diego High. Other pitchers arc Terry Lorenz, Terry Stallard and Dick Wilbur, the latter also being the second baseman. :lforrow lacks outfielders. are John Halliday, John Daum: gartner and Dave Melton. Halliday has been showing steady improvement, col- , Jecting three hits in a re.' crnt game. His only flychasers - )~IKE'S CONFUSED-Mike Morrow, right, veteran baseball coac-h tries to !igure ol!t which is which of the Hem, mger twms, Pat and Mike, who play for Brea t O'Chicken in sandlot ball here. Mike, a pitcher, is at left and Pat, who catches, is in middle. Scouts are watching 'em.
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