News Scrapbook 1959-1962
~ ·oe Santis
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;~J; / r,o ged Fullback Wins USO Award
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2,000 TO TRY HERE Tests or
Jim De Santi•
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Qppon•nll USO
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Toto\ var~ r JO Yord~ io,t, r,.mnln9 n.. Ne• va rd o 17, 1 1 ' • 177 87 172' &6 Posses atfm,pt"d • • Passu comolel~ Total yards 9:: ned, i,ou ne • Pa~ hod lnlarceo!ed :rotol net vords, r & pass. ·· :rst dcrNns, ,=·rst oowns, -pass 9 In~ dO"M\Sd pena es :g;fm. 0~~: m r, ru n ...9 {~~I • 1177 1106 29 1 23111 9 1 73 34 CEEB tl'st r lghed by adm 11 AT l , of- 7 ,, 1U ficer t 287 c'll! "I'S and a r <' membl'rs of th<-' board a d hy till other 1"1 t tutlons which are non-rn trb<'rs hut make i1 e of tr exami"la- tlon findings. Loe 1 in tltut ons u t!hztng CEEB tl' t re ult Include an Diego Stat" and Cali- fornia We tern Cnlversity. univ r tk which pun 1 5il 515 RUSH~~GY, Nt t A~ .JD• M6 ~J :;:so l 262 178 3. .0 1 ~: : ~.; 8 a ,oo o i i ; : 22 g P(t, Yds. TOs , S X 9e7 t ~~!i•:.~nt. 167 u 1 I A o ooo 00 0 PASS RECEIVINi Yds. TDS 67 ' 10, 329 7 0.68 6 oesantls, fb Groy, ~b Loeschn g, llb ct.apman, qo Willlams, fb OorkowtKI, lb Wil\lam5'10 b Pemln;er, b B:>rlO, hb, ab c.napman ~•ur~hY, qb t,tem1n;er, qt, atd the rt 1pa- p ogrnm Gabr.e MCOeV tt. ¥!~rv~b t oesontis, fb ~hn';, hb t-temlnger ht> Gilham, e • • Chaoman, qb Goodel, e Gray, hb Ct\apman, Gabriel, • McDev tt, e oesantls, fb \:~~'.g, e \l.illloms fb Totals Bodle Wllliom •, fb •·31 398 • l~ i 111 1 \O t m ' 1 2 s du n part to the mou t - in"' numbtr of emors each year, but more to the 1n- ereaslngly c rov,d d colll'ge fnt,lities In the na 1 n. Unle s student already have applied, 1t ts t o I te for them to qualify ~o · this week's tc ts, Irs. G lmorc ai e sa·a applicat ons must be submi•ted well in advar 6 2 2 69 15 0 1! O 0 P UNTINO No, ~ dt.1 /1..,.~ - 2287 43.2 :a ;a.o fdS pals IP\ 1 0 .t2 6 0 :J6 , 3 30 2 l 14 1 SC ORINO I 2 10 1 2 10 1 3 11 1 fl 6 1 0 6 2, 11 165 0 hb - e WHALE WHATSIT 1s exommed' by Richo•d Phillips, Un,versily of Son O,ego .geo ogist, ol lerron Grov e ex cavatio n sit~ wh •• sci.. n, t,sts found whet tr ey beli v main< o·f a prehiston~ w hpl • st"Uct,oo charge of th • universiti'• s~tence divisinns. morning, to e tile re Ph ip, 1 in (l coniute -=------~--~~c- I:,~ est- lat . i.:l../..,/(s<' Westmont Tops USD, 73-54 SPecial Ta Th• San Dieto Union R F. DLA ·os - Vestmont Coll<'ge handed thP Universi- ty of San Diego it~ th 1 r d tra ight setback , 73-54, in the Redlands Invitational basket- hall tournament her e yester- da~·- The Sa ta .B a r b a r a n s ·umped off. t a c mand- ing kaa m fir ;~ h 11 and w~ e nc\ er li 1,kd. Ron MuJJer spar loners v,~th 15 po pts. 'li:Pl' it 17 for the lo rs w1 ;Russ Ci;a\ ens and :E B ran each contrlbutlng 1. The san Diegans, ousted after the lo. s to Westmont will meet MCRD Tuesday HAVE 5-0 RECORD d t e Cal We:,;le1 1 niv 1 nly C ti 11 ue then·, th! t tinw on ti e hearny High ba ketball court. . The t, o local schools met on four OlCa 1011s ic -Jvalry Frid 1 rea's last Un .Year, 'l,\\icc i11 Ila ketball and twice in haseuall. The d ''}1 \\ t rncrs <, ppcd both c·age. the dia- mond matche! to the Pioneers. Ton101Tow's v1 tor will take the edge In the aene.s. 11nd from all indications Coarh Bob Klop- nburg' · t aggregate h age do- ct,Ja Park cont.,!ts wh,l losing night inSan Diego. Wtstrrwtlll (~JF P T USO [54) 0-" PT ! 1 ! 1t .o r " , > 1 f 17 ,i 3 11 1 0 2 n!; 0 3 1 3 Mulder Buc.hanan Aodenon Boxier Hall a.. 1 Turner 6 5 I lSCaputo :2 3 % 7Cta'te .s 5 O 110Shammdl S o o 10 FICmlrya l ? 1 .cso,a;\ 1 o 2 • o-i:onnor l o 2 1:Tr u: Other We.sterner stru·ters in- clude l(ua1ds Frank Fugate ll5- 8) and Barry Cunningham (5- 10) and fo1·ward~ Joe Treaster (6-2 ) and ChE>t Lewis (6-0) . l<'ugate runently lca.d~ the \\'rRl r mrr., ,n seor-ing with a 1:i.:l !l.V<'rAg e in three gnmeR. ~~~~::,'; 1 1 1: Green 3107 Matherlv rotals lt 1' 13 S • Hoifttm• scorea: Westmont 35, USO 20. O o 2 O 2t 1S 16 73:Totols AHERN~ CUP AWARD SET The Father"'iifefr1' t,tp will be presented f the first time at the t Au- gusHne High chool foot- ball awards banquet to be held Sunday at 4 30 p.m. in the Bl<'ssed • eraroe parish hall. The a\\af rd fQ the Very Rev. John R. A er n e, St Augustine principal \~ Lil jl.W rded to the nior )Pttl"rv.inncr with the hig t ii l)liy record D D l.wif~n president of the c:bOQ! II Father' Club • aid.. like Pecarovfch Tni• vl'rslty of San Diei;:o fb!.!t- ball c·o1l<:h, \~ II be the prlnc-1pal speaker at the banquet spon ored by the St. Augustine F a t h e r s Club. -;;~i7i{/ ,/18>< La1 Western· I Star Injured WESTERNER standout Art Johnson is expected to leod Cal Western cager$ in their intra-city batle with the University of San Diego ID· morrow. Johnson, a 6-4 center, was an oil-city pick last season.
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