News Scrapbook 1959-1962
/NES UNBEATEN /~/"/c o r' Pioneers Test MCRD Tonight
1~1,f1ft 1 Kn · ghts, • M r1nes Triumph
San Diego Junior Col!eg(•'s ba ·ketball 1eRm whipped into an ('arh· J:2-0 !Pad and Wl'nt on to po t n 77-61 dl'cision over re la ·t ni:?ht at the Training ' ntc . U11d<'f<'ated Matinl' Corp H<'rn1 t DPpot didn't ha, it O ea·:-,•, hOW• CVC'r Th<' DC'\ ildogs Wl're forcl"d to go all out to po. t a 64-58 win over four-tim<'~·b<'aten Uni\'l'rsity of :-,an Dirge at the Point Loma High gym, Pion<'ers Los<> .\«·e In th<' s0e•ond hall the Pi- on<'rr~ tool, thl' !rad, :i9-;l8, wllh J0:',6 remaining. But t,;SD a<'<' Jim Firming fou,Jcd out with !'l'l'n minutes l<'fl and 1lw Marines pulled their attack wnethcr. Hu s Crav. l'ns pa<.:<'d., thP lo rrs ilh 15 points. Lou Gihb~ ll'd the Ma• rincs with n. Arthur
J n r College, Unlver ty, Na- val Tr lnlng Centrr nnd Ma- rine Cot Re rult D c po t emerg d Winners on th<' bas- ketball cburt aturday lght. n Dl go JC overcame an ! 111-po!nt d flclt t the half to beat 1,tllci1on, ~-63, n t h •• north; car W tern won its second g;amo In three ou in wlth an 51 w o, er Cal tech; C defeatrd , z1wa 84-64, and th arjpes w o l' their fifth stra!g t over Palo mnr JC, 98-69. l'loneer Drop Third University of San Diego ~u• tcn•d Its third stz night l o • to Westmont, i3•54, in the R lands Invltatlunal, Art Williams' long I o o put SDJC ahead for the fir time with !i:50 remalnln a 1 from there the Knights r on to w n. illlams ended Ith 20 point and was supported by Wal Ram ey w th 16. rank F u g a t e scor d 15 pol t for Cal W tern a th We tern s rolled up a 40-2 hnlltlm advantage. In t '1 J i or Var lty tilt, Ash Jo rndt rapp d In 21 points to I ad the We tern rs to an 3- 65 win over Los A11geles Trade J Tcch, Pair Lend NT<' On th <'rvlce front, It was J\llke Dunbar's 21-po nt effort and Henry Rapp's 22-d I g It soiree whl h pac d tte ·avy. Bob urtwright (21 points) and Darrl'll Pa trell (19) led th Marines. Summarle : SDJC (72) Fullerton JC ('3) O~PT GFPT ~~~f: 0 I : ; 3 f ~1n":" f 2 1 J A. Wllllam1 • 4 2 2a Clark I < 4 20 Ram ey 7 2 1 16 Hoffm o o I o J Williams 2 2 0 6Eworl , 1219 ~~;:rv : i •: :ro 0 r~s 0 J g I Tolaf1 ,o 12 11 71 Totals 21 7 15 '3 HalfllrN J<:ort: FullerlOl1 36, SDJC "· Cal Wosltrn (NI Calttch Ull GFPJ GFPT L Is SIi B- 35211 Tr tor • O• I e,j'j"" o 1 3 l ~uaate 1l ¼ 1rn:r 1 1>er ! J Z 11 s•Jngham 3 0 j 6 It oka 2 4 2 I el'~ann ~i,M~~ ii~ i Ho I 3 OO 6 Seu , 2 o o 4 Tak~ashl A l .c 9 8 ilfoi'~er .JI Y,02f 11 Tobl1 ta 17 IC s, Halftlrnt KOr•. Cal Western 40, Ca tech 26 A•usa (64) Hurst '-OYt T Ne >0!1 Phlll:01 Morris Trato
Yn(l:Q t1unter est
ation Jan hapman of the linh·cr- . ity of San Diego ranked as the s th best small college punt r In the nation this sca- ·on, statistics relca ed today bv the • ·auoa«I A
!'R.1&k'/... :>peas
_$0 J)iegq Unlon Photo bv Roy Jarvis W ) l'Onverge orr play with Mike O'Connor· (:.!l l and Chet Lewis (12) in ha ·kground . Cal Western won 77- fil lo pin fiflh ctraight loss on USD.
Cal WC' tern's .Joe' Treastt'r <"Omrs down with rebound in fir:-;t half adion agam t SD la~t night. Pioneers Ru ·s Crawns (11) and Jim Fleming
Marcos. Summaries: SOJC H7l G F p T NTC [611
G F p T
! 1
a 2 J 11 Rapp
i;~irf umb le Biola, 102-61
&~t, 0 :
7 2 3 161 ooo o f ,:I
1 ~
l 3 J 9 vasquu
Y"tta ~ 1 W!ri~;m, R~!t:
i i
1 u 01f 1~ 11
151114 ,1
3f, NTC
HaHf1fflf Korf
1511 G F p T MCIIO CUI G F p T
f Gibbs
6 1 -' 13 a o 2 6 , o 1 2 15 ,t 23
ICaPl!lo Mod..en
5 2: 15 Wot~rs J-,? IA.dams S 1 D Uord -' s 1 1 Miller O S2S -' ,
Cravens Baron Robb1ns
\ l
r:~v:h, Postrell Corrigan
5 o o 10 1 0 1 2 l7 1D 1' 44
11 2112 St Totals
Halfti,,ie score. MCR:D 26, USO 24,
~!fJJ.&1~1~4 recipient of the Flt! 'A r A Augustin<' High Sc l
ay was:
r <' Cup aY. ard~d to the St. ' t>ai.l l tter "mr. r with
er or fc
t:: e Wg)lest acadcm1 av~ra"g A nounr mcnt of the '\ ard w s made 'lt the annual Jootball awards banquet ~pon ored by the St. Aug tine Hi h Fathers Club In B sed !';acram p h hall. Mike Pecarovlch, Unl'versity of San o football eoacr, :va g:.iest spca ,er. Th award is f r Very Rev. John R. Ah rne, St. Augustine prir. 1pal. 0th a,~ard~ presented were to: Vic Play , be to[f n 1Y1: r,'ayer· Nick /Bobo Vita- lich '>est defcnsh e p,ayer, Mike l\losrs, Mr t tmprovl'd play('r; and Phillip Clifford, bl'st fre ~m n play r Breitbard 1'' urdatlon All Eastrrn l.<'a plaqu s were presC'ntccl to Vitalich, Play, r, C'rotty, Mickey Frank and Oliver Walker.
SD 0
Magazine 5-:J,i: oses Controls
Thl' lc>ad was
SDS Magazine :Opposes Controls- (Continued from a-13) fall under control or the ~b- be one-sld<>d exposurrs to, lib- lications Board. era! viewpoints on c o 11 e g In addition to E,·olv the e campuses. publications include engineer- "I think th" college students ing and English department1 in this country arc being fed periodicals and brochures' different forms of welfare from a variety of sources statism," Barrack said. which apl?ear during the year, GRADES TOLD Brown said. . . At present the Publications Wessell 1s pr<>s1dent of Stu- Board has control over only dents _for .Freedoll:1 and Bar- the student yearbook and the rack 1s vice president. Wes- Aztec. sell said his grade a".er~ge is "We think it is interesting 3.5; Barrack said his 1S 3.9 that nothing like this has been
":azrECS AT WHITTIER 1f/t;f,() us DI w esterne1rs' Tangle Ton ight The Unfv~rs1t:• of San Di0:zo basketball squad. in the throes of a foul'~ame losing sir ak, engage~ 1
Dr. Ivo K. Feierbend of the college's poHtlcal science de- partment was quoted as say. re!er- Ing Evoke "brings suspicion ouncil an undermining suspicion up a -upon Society. This is dan- mm nd gerous to survival." the vi w of Dr. under i\linos D. Generales, also of • ations the politlcal science faculty: "Controversy, no matter what a d Wes- form, is healthy and we've f'NO!Ve's had too damn little of it." Don Brown, council presi- a p 1iod- students ls to report Monday But, in con- aimed d<>nt, said a committee of
,.._,.~-...s pub-
Pducatlonal el a1 tend the acUO!! w.; directly at Evolv a
cal of conservative opmions on whether a
published campus publications
which has been
(Con1inurd on a-,,:0, Col. 7)
Evolve is
by ~tu.
dents for Fr cdom, a club given cnmpu recognition this ~me'it('r by the San 'D I P g o • tn tP udent Council. Bar- rack aid ther arc ahout 20 tudcnt In thr cl b. 11 EDH, 0 Smee I~ lnltlnl appearanc Oct,. 24 c tile San Diego <;tafo and Uni\' r 1ty of San Diego campus Evolve has prompted pro and con r,•ac- tlons from students and fac- ulty m mb s I The Azt<> , San Diego State student new paper. published a letter b1 Jon Larson, a jun-
amount of aa- pul)lish, t h e n c publication !fair and con- it as a private circulation ius.' Barrack as-
v,; 1 t h
k ancl We
ell a r e
senior llll(JI language ma- jors who said they view with alarm what they consider to Westerners Extend
injured 12, and
M ,i1.e Pou t C'amc· ba and h Glazer ,
,t t
Lou Gib and Darr,,lt
Dl'Vildogs' win over \'!'n ura . Jim l•'leming scored 28 points, ;rouy Caputo 2:l, and Ru~s CravC'ns :!1 in pacing l1SD's win over Biola.
GFPT 2 1 .( !, 7 J 4 19 7~ 1 0 0 0 D t 2 2 • 2, • 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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