News Scrapbook 1959-1962

·usD Drops ~g~~,t:.~1~;~p! !!,.~ 01 San Diego, 88-82, in a nonC"onference basketball gam • last night a1 Kearny High. The Pioneer·. coming up with one of thC'ir finest game,. rolled to a 55-16 h' Iitime lead on . ome fine

rD-so, POETS MEET #/_;~:N~ Sailors Take On Redhot Marines



rneet the Blue- .it Point Loma

.·hooting by Ru s Cravens, Jim Fleming and Russ IacLi>n. USD conn<>eted on 21 of :-:2 shot · in the first half, Untortunat<>IY for coach E n L •.sU 'i,; ·an Dirgans, th ir hotmaking l'OOled ofr

In a·1uth ·r gnrr:r tonigltt, {'1 in•r~il} of ,'an Diego op- 1,u es W'liltirr ( 'ollc"c's IJ!g I IP!illl , t K,•arny lligh at 8. H'.11 s Cra"•n Jf'arls U."D in , S('/Jl'lt" "ilh 110 )1/Jlllt f'igl!l 11101·,· tha,1 .r11n 11,•mlug l . 'D , 0 1 11• o• th,• thr<'e qvlr 1< t C:a t,•rn • ·e\\ \l •xko l n , ~i y "' I , 11eou1 hr on an n a 100 of thi RH•a this \\' •k. 'l'h I'fon, <' s \I I t tkP < I th (;re)hOln< 1 ~ ~},; a111y Jligh }'riday "l1gh at I· a-tf'r]l N, \\ M, ICU, a yo11,1g, grc,•11 quad, ,d o ha date !11 re with Cai WI' trrn ,rnd :\JI ltn 'fl•p w,•stl"l"!IC'I" UJIJ>O e t ' llolllHls 'l'hur~day !llght nl 8 at Pnlnmu1· .Tunin, Colic g,, Ail••r 1!1e l'."D tl!t, II e it> ad(•t \\ ill Pnjo) two day· o' 1 c' xal 10n be for lltn• •Im \\ It lt'HV ~fonuay night a1 Point,1 High. Doh .I< opv ., ht r , C'al wc,t- ••111 \'Uad1 rt u~a n•t \stronauti<'H at P<;>nt Loma The sanw night Cal We t<>rn meets Pomona there, · High Grid Rank Gained \ §Jl~Sffe .~~ii~y of San Di<>go football team's I slar quarterback, placed 23rd in the nation in Individual passing 'and sixth in indfrldua.L punting, according to final football sta- tistics of lhe :National Associa- tion of Interc·ollegiate Athletics relea,;ed today. Florida A & M led the NAIA ·1t.11 3,876 ya.rd~, an average of l 430-.7 yanls a·Jtame. Hu1·on Col• ge in South Dakota led in

th<' P,10I Cvlli<'r I, d

the Poeb found





l ·am" 1111 the v.ay, bemg even-at ,..2-82 \\1th little more than a mrn- ute to go. Cravens l ••1 srfJrln" ,1th 27 point:, fonr In1Jl'I' than Fi<'ming. Summa1 •: I) \\ as Ut the


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1'<1ther Vereh ls an lnstruc- tor at l r.h·crslty High School !nflU• and Immaculate Heart Sem- •ch I ary. Jffl sur\'l'li "'l r.rrman nzl and Ru sinn Comm11r.i l

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Army-Navy Wins l~J o-.( ,\I< FJTZ.GEJt Ul

.$N.l)et>~tJ 1;tJ-r I~ j

Eastern New Mexico U agers To Invade SD E t m le:x co l'nlver-1Depot and were rude' r el ed I Expe led t'> ntart for the It urt to DI go today to a 54 7 tune C'oach Al Garten l'SD team ape guards Jim y r r a b ketball ae• h.'\ hopes that hLS rt q ad Fl ml g and Jc-•n Robbi" ccn- ~r h \\ m tonight will not rec H almL r t l· l r R s Crave •· and forwards t pm he n v y of an ment from the thr~e ocal v Dick Ma en and Ton· Car to. DI Fri n ht and the Pacing t'lt New 1 co l era,•ens le IR the team In M nday are four r t 1mlng lett• en scoring w Ith a 15 7 average who saw a In th Grey- over seven games while Flem- ,1sl hounds' 72-48 wi'1 o v er Cal Ing ha.s a H 4 per game output Gr h d •en a. tootba.11 W em I l e on in Portales, m to an Diego tor e. ma ch M h th lo<: I Marine Re rut t I ted tor c t e - -~--ASk1pworth (~) e lnclucl{' Onie • Ix -11), Jay USD Romps To 102-61 Gurley (6-3) and Ben Felton (6· Th mflrs \\111 go "1th g r d s Barry Cunningham (li•!i and J ro Takah (5-8) center Art Johnson (6-4) and rorwa.r~ Norr I~ Greenwood (t',.2) ard J Treas er (6-2). Ton I g h t II match \VI.II be

GFPT 4 2 1 10 A 2 3 10 9 9 5 27 9 SA 21 J .:i 5 9 3 g 3 JI 0


trorr. ~~r:,pw a~rn~s e Oo·1.~om G ,,, ... Totols Lo Jolla


'Ho· d '5' -1l~i,t b Easte~~ew Ml'xico· tour. ing j:)asketball team tries on. Unherstty of San DH• Q for si1.e tonight at 8 In the J<:r arny High gym, and hopes for llrt-1 ll'r fortune than it had t night. The Greyhounds s t a r e d, quickly enough, but cool!'d n!f and Jost to Cal Western, 58-45 at the Palomai; Collc-ge g,m in San Marcos. ,Barry Cun- ningham, 'orris Gre<>nwood and Giro Takahashi paced the Westerner ' rally \\ h l r h pulled away from a 25-24 half. time deficit il)to ,1().:)0 lead. From that pomt. coach Bob K!oppenburi;-'s charg<'s ne\'er were In trouble ru thC'} woi. lh<>ir fourth game in fiYe , start.~. Cunningham high man with 18, while Greenwood and Takahashi each had 12. The Westerners play Pomona Col- lege tonight at 8 on the Sage. hens' court in the , ·orth. Russ C rave n s and Jim Fleming will be USD's big hopes tonight as the Pioneers seek victory No. 3 against Eastern New Mexico. CraH-ns is hitting at a 15.7 average. :After tonight's tussle with USO, the Greyhounds will stay over and play Marine Corps Recruit Depot Monday before returning to Las Cru- ces, N.M. Last night's sum- mary: Cal Westem cm Easl. N, M... (

Ea f

ive Visits ~1,L 0 ~~Qt. off-again, on-again basketball am meets Eastern Xew Mexico University tonight at earny High, starting at 8 o'clock. The game is the second of three in this area for the Greyhounds, who tnet Cal Wes~ern last ight and face !\Iarme Corps Recruit Depot here Monday night. Eastern New Mexico has four returning lettermen in ,center Don fkl,pworth (6-5) Orvie Nix (6,3), Jay Gurley (6-3) and Ben }'elton (6-41. They posed a. 4-18 record last Y;ar, -numbei:1ng Cal Western ( 12 -48) among fheir victims. ,USD's record was 2-5. The Pioneers' last outing was a 102-61 romp over Biola Col- lege, a game that saw USO trailing, 31-30, at halftl~e. Earlier' last week, the Pio- neers lost to MCRD, 64-58 and to Cal Western, 77-61. ' Soph forward Russ Cravens and senior guard Jim Fleming lead all USD scorers after sev!!n games. cravens has 110 olnts for a 15.7 average and Fleming 102 points !or a 14. 4 average.

played at P omar rollrg• gym. To• Pioneers will take a 2-6 mark to their Gre •hou!'.d rre.y tnmorrow n ght at 8 pm. at Kearn pm, their lo. B t win naving rnme at tl1• pense of Blola llf> 1 t week wllen the • o e 'Los .Ange-

< ait,e, c.rslty tonight at P, 0 1 n t will tip off the Holiday <'Vent Loma tarting at 8 o clock. in the Pointers gym W!'dnes- MCRD can_ solidify its _role day ~t 2·30 p.m. MCRD will of fa\orltc m the Hobday play San Fernando State at . ·•?urnament_ op~ning here 4 p.m., NTC will go against Wednesday m this game. The Cal Poly of Pomona at 6 p.m. (,rcyhounds already h a _v e and Cal Western will oppose met two tournament entries, Westmont of Santa Barbara losing to Cal Western, 58-45, at 8 p.m. and defeating University o~ San Diego. 90-72.

2· 1

l•s ~c

Greyho 'fi' '~ op Pion ers, 90-72

ffofid~Cagf Tourney Set· l<- / f v {'- ' Sponsored by 01 Vvcstern. i'.'iaval Training Center and , Iarlne Corps Recruit Depot, the Holiday basketball 1ourna. ment w I JI begin at 2·30 W dne day in the Point Loma High gym. Univcr lty o! an Piego a Whlttier will c 1 a s 11 in the opener. San Fernando state; We. tmont Md Cal POI) o :San Dimas also will c;ompete l 1 th event. Other opening-day tilts will see fCRD and San Fernando tate colliding at 4, i\'T and Cal Poly squaring off at 6 and I We tern testing Westmont at R Winner will cla h the ollowlng even! g, while lo . ers battle In the afternoon.

The triumph ovi'r th<' Pio- ll<"<'fS ,>.,a· only the New Mexi- cans' rond in ·c\'en starts. Of this ar<'a's four Holiday entri<'S, :MCRD, Naval Train• ing Center, Cal Western and

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