News Scrapbook 1959-1962
E1 oOP'·T earns Fi ll Holiday M eet an Diego' four --• ketball le mE- will be in action along with thP area.'11 top servirr> quints in the f1 t annual Holiday B..ket,QaU Tourna- ment, wh1c~ gets under t
way Wcanesday at 2:30 p.m. a~ Pomt Ll)ma High School gym. Co-sponsored b ~al Western Un1vers1ty, a.val 'Jt r a.! n in g Center and the Ms.nM Corps Recrui '.n,,n'h1,Hi1 three-day, round robm e ~nt will also In- clude team m the Univer- ~tty ot Sa.n , San Fernan• do f\tat", tt!er, Westmont and Cal Pnly Pomnl\a Two s~lon11 11 e h~ld NI.Ch day with att<"rnoon starting tlmt.1 at 2·30 11.nd 4 pm. itn PLAYMAK.ER Jim Fleming of the University of Son Diego w,11 be one of the locol cage stalwarts lo watch during the Hol,doy Bosketball Tournament which gets underway Wed- nesday at Pt. Loma gym. ~ init°Co/ Another; USD Bows Having stl'('(d1r1 their win streak to l Adam 01 p ol i l From lt)1 c r< \rtliw I ncl~ the let<'n Angu , Pomc.'!a tan{ord l nin r ity · c.t gmn 1wmc lo plan f11ur clu\ t11C.' C'alumarcm llotel are Pawlion mindml colfe oUcge Ball i Colleq ; ._ ftaror1 Patrick, tale, PrcTiarcI , lwron Brown, •'an Dieuo Trophy presenlttt1ons w1II he made Friday by Dr Willtam r, RuEt, pr Iden! or Cahforn1 W•~t,rn: Maj. Gen, Victnr H. Krulak, MCRD cnmmandant: Md Capt.. L. H. Cr,nk, ;-rr• commander, 'G,o f;g llp Costly; Vern Valdez Finds Sptclol to EVENING TRIBUNE th m. I LOS A GELB$ \ ein I k pt \ a.dez Jc>arr. d l 1 hls rookie d vc season that looking up can tc~mn 11!1'!,a..-!l"'r-· hurt a professional football dd nd r , much ns It can v d a golfer. d f'""'~,... M, The RaMs' dcfenslH• halt- but h · been quite effi>ctlve back vrn Marlr Corps RP• against opponl'11t5 ground at- cru1t l><'pot n d t•~ ver lty of tack. . Hts performance satur- Srtn D1,•go diag 1 cd tl at a d~y drew a sconi,Iul ~om~,•nt his major t1oulue after thP flom coach liob Waterfield Grl!en Ba; Paeke s had and_ Valdez excu ably Is w?n- bombed him Into a tat of d~nng_ If hi future is behmd "',ell-sho('k In the 1960 finale him with the Rams. , aturday. "I don't know about next Valdez the principal yea1·," he commented. "At , ictlm o! a to chdown aerial least I have a head start." barrage from ttie Pack~rs. Valcj.ez thought the chief di!- • Thi• 1s a game o! mis- !erence between col!Pge-serv- takPs," said the discouraged ice and pro football from his Valdez, "and 1 made a lot of defensive viewpoint was In receivers. ittj ourney Un • ard Cal Westmont nta Barbara at 6 p mon Fugate coach Bob Kloppenburg's leading scorers. tournament opener :finds USD bent on aveng- ing an earlier Joss to Whit- tler, the perennial champion o! the Southern California Conference. USD has a fine scorE"r In :forward R u s s Cravens and a good floor leader in Jim Fleming. Whittier's aces are forward B:JJ Johnston {6-4) and guard Paul CollJer (5-10), returnees !rom e team that ad\anced to e AIA semifinals last season. MCRD, led by hlgh-scor- (15.3) are The ing Lou Gibbs prove too tougb tor San Fernando State, although the collegians boa t a Little AU- America candidate In 6-3 forward Jim Malkin, who Is averaging better than 19 points per game. Cal Poly gives the tour- nament added flavor be- cause the Broncos boast two former San Diego Jun- ior College star , Edward Lee Johnson and Artist Gil- bert. The Broncos meet a 21.'TC team blessed ,,;th height in th!! form of Henry Rapp (6-5), James Dor.ey .<6-6) and Mike Dunbar (6-61. (6-4) may R c t bl t.kl We ern College ot ave lo d e ov r se\ n of Southern Call- tonla' fir t small,college a d service team in the f r • a~.ial San Diego Holl- d, ) Ba k tb II Tournament a rtlng th! afternoon In the Point Loma High Gym. Tl" re are four 1ir t-round atche today. Unlver ity of n Diego faces Whittler College at 2:30 p.m., MCRD seeks Its twelfth straight vi ory In a 4 o clock sklr- ml h t 1th San Fernando State, aval Tralrung Cen- ter opposes Cal Poly of Po- a favo a at . First-round winners meet in tomorrow night's two semliinals, wlth fir I-round losers clashing In the after- noon. T h e championship game Is lated at 8 p.m. Fri- day. The Cal We tern-Westmont survivor might well prove the tournament darkhor~e. Westmont already has beat- en three or the tournament entrants-Whittler, USD and San Fernando State - and also has hurdled two other f. Stan gged ulder r 'a a rebounder In Ron (6-7), former Helix star. Cal Western enters the meet with a 5-1 record, its only loss a decision against powerful Arizona State Uni- versity. The We terners have beaten t vo tourna- ment foes-. :TC and USD- and have held their oppo- nents to less than 58 points per game m Six contests. Barry Cunningham, with a 14.3 average, and Frank • College Instructor Seems Inconsistent /;} l-,,,.1,/1,'.,, • • ED1'1'6R, THE m,;10:,;: As a li!e member of the San Diego State College Alumni Association and a former assodate editor o! the stu- dent paper, The Aztec, I have more than a casual interest in the school. Out at State there Is a little club called Students For F r e e d o m, frankly biased in Its d1 like of c;om• munism. And any oppos'• tion to communism seems to bother certain membe of State's faculty. The Iat~t to publicly join their rankS ls Ivo K. Feierabend, a po litical science instructor. It seems Students For Freedom publishes a paper, mimeographed and hand- assembled, called Evolve, A late issue featured an analysis of variou form of liberalism by the Rev. William A. 'olan. And It contained a piece on the career of Dr. Philip C. Jes- sup, recently elected to member ·hip of the Interna- tional Court of Justice. Item after item of Jessup's Intl• mate as ociatlon with regis- tered Communists o,·er the years was documented. Such student enterprise should arouse admiration of the faculty - and It did among some, I know. But here Is one coming out against It, as quoted In an editorial In The Aztec o! Dec. 2: ''A political ,clence profes- sor, Ivo K. Felerabend, a t t a c k s the periodical (E\olveJ and i.ays it is lunacy. The your,, doctor is a refu- gee .from Czechoslo\'akla, and claims good reason to know and despise all com- munlsm. He must • ave his r ons for thl blind attack o anti-communism; he m t feel the weight of pres- sures from somewhere. But back to my young- st1!rs. Freedom of the press is lmolved here, and aca- demic freedom, e ·ercised by a dedicated handful o! students for a change. • ro attempt ha· been made to refute th •ir documentation, but onlv to call them names .tor bringing "1P the subject. I am pat ently "ailing to hear that • ed Joy, another political srtence instructor at Stat\? and president of the local chapter o! the Americ n Civil Liberties nion, Is. sp Ing to their defense. "They'1·e fastc>r and smart- er. They ha\'e more individ- ual ability," said Valde,;. ' Thc>y run patterns, then If that doesn't work they do a little extra on their own." ~·aldez will be In ·San Diego 1 s ve!'k looking for an of!- Sl'a on job. And he's kecplng his fingers crossed in hopes he'll be Pmployed in football again nl'xt !all , , , G.G. 'E~ ~ibil[t~rs )(_ Assured ACLU Help EDITOR, THE U. "10:\": In a irerent letter to The Union, E. P, L 'IC stat e · • that he is waiting to hc>ar that the AmPrican Ci ii LibPr- ties Union has ~ome to the defense of Evolve, a mime- ographed journal published by students al San Diego State. One of the principal concerns of AOLU has al- ways been the defense of f r e e d o m of the press. Therefor, promptly on hl'ar- ing storic>s (o the effect that an effort was to be made to censor or suppress Evolve, I met with 1Ir. Barrack and Mr. Wess<'), the student publishers, to Inform them that ACLlT would jotn Evolve in opposition to any attempt at censorship or suppression. Mr Barrack assurf'd ll'e that that th e ls no in- tention on the pa t of an respons h e f!lcial at Di· o tat In terferl' w th~ ireedo of the r other t ts to l 1 Hwirvi<' Tn the highly unlik I, event tra• any c>ffort I made to jr t<:>rfcr with publication of ,Evolve I a~suw tr. Ly th t the San DI o cha~t or t Amer! C 11 L t Union n n e r n " prompt! nd effc ctiv I. on behalf oi freedom ot the press. ED V. JOY Prcsidl'nt time Evoh was no ened with any tnt with its fre publica So far as CU ha t !"C' able to lea -S011 Dle;o '.Jnlon Stoff Photo TELLS TOURNAMENT PLANS C'OaC'h Trio wa · among basketball hool officials attending m!ormal weekly meeting with news- n yesterday at .i\li sion \'alley Country Cl b. ext mc{'t set for },1'i on Valley. ~c.achc and EUG~E P. LYLE 5348 Valle Vista Road La 11esa . l I ! l i '' ., ~- San Diego's first college basketball tourn of maJor proportion goe into its , econd . •• ' ""' ., -~·~; .. , ;· .~t ,.:· . ' . 4 n -. -.-:.. :,!/' .J,.,· . !Jll~. w . I 'l IEDERHAl.:SBR, P\·t., USA Alpil (' ' ••• t ' • L ' I ' ... I I t ' ' ' ' ' ' '-.S:.." . ' ' San Diego Chapter 10041 Resmar Pl ce La Mesa ' '
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