News Scrapbook 1959-1962

/ Professor Slated 1 T o Keynote Forum

V ~_..__.__. I !tit, X' ;P'rotessor ti To Keynote S.D. Forum


BEGIN VARSITY COMP TIT/ON 1-...,...;_-:---.--------------• ~~---

/.i../;,,.,3/l u D Card '61 Grid signed yesterday. It is undecided whether it will be an afternoon or night game. Commenting on the game, Olsen said, "we're ppy



t It



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The contract was the fir t major move by Olsen sine tak ng over as Aztec athl tic tlirector Dec. 12. He's also 011 the faculty commi l rcr ning ap- plicants for the head footbr,1 l c""''"'• 1 ~ .ob vacated last month by Paul Govet.llilli,,.,.-..,..-., P illro, ch is head football l'Oach at U D A C'SD statement ward to a eros_-to\vn ri Ir ed football five year a o, nual event." The USD campus stadium i e ('le to be- tcady for the 1962 season and it's possible the second nmc of the series would be played there.


to have USD on our next football schedule. Though it's only a one-Jcar contract, the game is not on a tr'lal ba i . It's simply that we h&ve other teams sueh as S n Fernando State and Orange County com- in into our league (the CCAA) and we must see what de\ elop~ aftl"r nc:·t year. "We hope the Aztec-C'SD game will become an annuhl event here because it's a natural rivalry and v.,1Jl help the athletic programs of both schools."

C losr•r \\':tldt l'l'""tl Father llll/'tZlC't' nld he- nd- \"0C'atrs a !'lo. er watC'h ovc-r , hools and the hooks usl'd in <'hoots. Hf' aid llwrr should b<• morr study uf cnmmuni ·m. T 0 athC'r Buctzll'.'f will talk at 10:30 n.m_ Jan. 20 on ''ld<•· ological ohd l'~ychologicaJ, Sub,<>rslon" and at 'l:15 p.m. Jan. 21 on "Communism il<'• hind th<' Iron Curtain." R1•11~011 Tttlk R1•~1·lwd11l1•tl His k<'ynote addr<'SS Jan. 20 r<'plac-!'s on<' previously scheduled hy Dr. (;eorge S. Ben

-.-J;, J,, " rea t1ves

A j

io·Mefs smtther Az so lly, 74-66 B) ,JOH.·. T :\f<'UOSAl.l) Stoc1<.y Do'> 'Ir1tz ca ncd I.I of his 16 po, ls d 1rlrg thl' la t three in t to th,,a t a late Azusa Colic e rally a'ld glv!' trft lln1~er ty of an D ego a 74.W b k t'>all •1ctl' at Craw Io High gym la t rlght. Tl• Pio:,ee thus nd d a o ,I • osing strrak which hac. r • ows tended to five gam and this They liy to make. .t t\\O 1n tun,

Drama For Showing 8 Tt u~ii~ ~~go Masqu, I'll are J:' ttlng the final Ouches on tliei1•

way and

RBV. WALTER B E'F.lLER Rl'cl m,•na • expla inrd

unlvc-1 1 1

Enjoy Bi Evening

t and those who


ympathi1 / think as th do, cnn twist surh subjects as history <'CO· (ConthnH'd Neict J'ag<', Col. 4) tp then:i a n d

Knights, Western, Pioneers Defeat Outside Opponents

a row tonirht whrn they op- at turn to l{ arny gym TlpoU Is schcd- m~t tr po ada Soythern

WIN 7, LOSE 1 · ,

64 ave Goo

(i) • f

ext to God" ill a play. The well-


t led at, o'cloek.

Weeke d

roul'. 1 cast fe Is up to It. The production stat! is w o r k 1 n g hard on the set and ef!ects. The play, prl'c' iced for the first time in the San Diego area, promises to be a wlilner. Jame11 Lamb, sophomore 11nd remembered frnm "The Caine , lut!ny Court-Martial;" Roger ~lehlbrech. Masquer president and a vard nominee for his work In "The Girl From Hispaniola " and Donald Gles!ng, ~cnlor and star o! last summer's "All My Sons" arc set v.ith the other members of their ctu1t to make "Skipper Next, to God' a USD Masquer "must.'•

: ' J lf 1~ • • 2, 2 1 J S t 1 l 2 I 5 5 6 0 16

t ),"I 01·111t11.ce of t,1e

2t 16 21 74 San Oieget University

--SPANISH GJ'FT X Photo Put n· er ity Pie re ~~nd 1 ff /{{from th.- ma ·or of Alcala de He- nar('s, Spai nave been re- ce ved at the Univer ty o! San Diego ,n Al ala Park in re pon e to a reqi:. st for a photograph of t h e original Umversit of Al~ala. Th rnayor, Frlix Huerta, sent the materials after Joa- quin Duran, at vc of Mala- ga. Sl!am, and a student at the Univ r ity of Sa>t Diego, reqJestcd t m. Plan · alntin" WJJard A. S\\ an, a busi- ness ad'll.inbtration Instructor- at San Diego and an artist wanted the photograph 1o make a painting of the Span- ish University for the local school. Huerta rot 'Only s(!i,t four photograpt of th,(: university and t e city. but also three compo t p1ctun · f the ctty' hi torical bui dings. 1-n o e · conve:-it v.·herc Sa ~Q l C: 1.., for \\ Olfl thp 1t} qf SiJA Biego l,i.<)J;ljecl: l'q legate J C: J;it,li t

a, 23', a points.


clents Called e T reat




neers, m.n t





G F p T & O

G F p T ,~ 5 4 ,s Hind, 11 2 3 2~ Cra1,ens J 1 2 1 Hat! en O O O ORob las 1 1 J 8 ,.. I Fleming Tr tz

Fu Qallv Leo,;iord Tho son Jonson H9m~I ~h~~a:.ori

• n1 m




12 t4 "

27 10 u '4



So~r~~1 J~e2.leore-USDA '41, Nevada Ba,kers.field 'J3t p T ,DJC (7l Elkins 4 2 l 10A. WII Keller 2 2 o 8Gllth-"ro ns Merta -4 5 lORamS&y Hasen .3 1 4 7F lan~rv Thomas 2 O 3 4..,.enney Knudc;on l O I 2Bocko McCoy O O l ORoberts Wln~Wran gg g 27 1' 13 71 ~alft1me score SDJC .;ti, Bokersfield. 2 10 4 28 SO 2 10 -' 3 2 11 7 2 2 16 2 2 4 l 0 l 2 0 2 0 2 Gro(l!J l O O 2 TofaJs 17 9 l & 4l Totals

pf orleer '6uintet Triumphs, 66-64

< omet \nn, 79-6'!

c~ lege's ir bid for

Palomar Junior Coml'ts op nrd t

a South C lrge Conk en :nplon. ship \\ Ith an 7!l-62 win over Santa Barba a JC on th e \\inn!'r ' floor 1 e a 1 ', :alters . torrd 26 points for t e Comets. Sum- maries. LA, Horbor (Ul San 01eto JC (19) Marn<11ch G2 r 2! GI thero fr!\~ Flo, ~121MClh• 1022 ian11, I DI I 1" w, Iiams II l 22] 1:::tobe IJ/1?1~ ~if 1 ~ \tGu re 3 C l 4 R0M'rt, 1 O o 2 tral Junlo Col- c J•n~Jams i&Y ! ne,y 7 I 2 15 •~; i J seen, 5DJ' 4J, L.A, Hor• tts n 'l'at~fs

Total Halftime bor 1,. lrfevado 61 lnomnxin F'mg,I. Leonard Jo:iun Harnef Shav His,gason




Fu'ga Iv lt0nord ,-ho'.son 12 2 J 2& Crave-ns ~\~fen g g o~~O: 1 1 f 7 Hodsen H nds



1 7 3 71 ,4 O 2 8


2~ 1 J




2 o 1


Totafs 27 12 14 u

Totals 17 10 13 6 •

So~f~~~:,m!24 ~Cor•-JSOA _. , Nevada

AlUJa 6' Love- Phil Pl Ntl~n Trato Morr1

Aztecs, CRD Cold - , Ot,ber Hoopmen Hot I Cal Weste~ • / {!/f/ T a~d the Unlverslty ·at San W e, reat t er l 4 in Cal (13) and Ray t rs (12). D1..-go, two supposedly "Jes- e. tern runaway victory. San Diego State's \ . ser" ~asketball powrrs in Jim Fleming s e ore d 22 skein wa snapprd at f~;: ~n Diego, posted win.s over VOln and Russ Cravens g mes with Its lo t Ci t e weeke~d, but _thPir coun- added 21 in the Pioneers• mrur. • •a h ss O 1 ~~-. erparts, San Dwgo t.ate vi t v ra, a 25. and Marine Corp~ Recruit c ory. )'('ar.:ol(! gunHi, ~cm cl 22 Depot, _rccclpted for e\ere The . tarlnes, ri!eelptiµg po.n ar,tl Bob Hibbard 19 wallopin~~- for their second lo.· in four {01, th 'inner.s. San Diego se~he "esternen ran th.-1r gam!'s on their northern te's l\orm Ostapln ki 89 son_ 1 record to 10-3 v.1th trip, v.ere out c·orl'd by only -OTecJ JO pol a<> th~ A an ·.> \~in O\er La Ve 64 56 f .., "' z. Collrge Saturday at M rne rom the field, but the· tees d the Jdesr lught Bay High. USO with. 1:io~o~ Pl"esldto had a whopping, of the ea on. late Nevada Southern rail .37-12 edge at the free-throw In other action, PhibPac to win, 66-64, The Maripes line. defeat<'d Azu.a Collrge 86 . \Fvere _beaten by the San Bob Horn former Iver 59 ; Palomar JC b<'at S~nta ranc1sco Presidio 101-68 • ' • B b and the A~tec:; lost ; Cl • sJty of Indiana per!otrnrr ar ara, 71-59, In a South ~an College for tie scored 33 for the Soldi r 11 C e n t r a 1 JC Conference time In 14 years on thel and Walt Torrence. :former game; Ramona High edged own court, 70-17. r !JCLA ace, got 26. Th; De - Calexico, 53-51 and San Art Johnson hit 16 points ~~fr!~ ~:~e /tcecd by Joe Diego State frosh decisioned • o urtwrfght the Chapman frosh, 60-49.

trstff'ace; Azusa in Hoop Fray Un ver ity of San Diego be. gins n busy basketball week- end tonight when It plays host to a College at 8 In thr Crawford High gym, The 'Pion crs will lead with their 1-2 seoring pun h for. ward Russ Crav.ens and guard Jim Fleming, in hopes of Im- proving on their Z-10 tieasoo record, Cravens Is scoring at a 1:5-point-a-gamc average. Othl'r tarters for coac}i Krn Leslie's USO tl'am will hr forward Dick :Mads<'n, ren- trr 11ike O'Connor and guard John Robbins. The Pioneers have another home i::ame t o m o r r o w agai~st .Nevada Southern Uni'. 'vers1ty at 8 at Kearny High.

ScfiotarsRiPS x Established By Businessman 1 ivc scholarslup~ to tlie Ln- versltv of San Diego ha\e bceq e abU ea by C'1arl s R. n lcl!n.-, · busi m n ard pat t time- lnstru tor at the C :001. Very Rc.v. Russell \Vilson, pre derlt u! the USD 'Col eg for Men, said a S200 stj]ola . ship will be awarded for ac. ademic merit. The othet's, tor $100 each, \\ ill be grar ted for scholastic ability in the fields o! aecountmg, marketing, management and economics.

Businessma Donates USO Scholarships Charles Ru't do~s(dine, a San Diego businessman and part-time instructor at th e UnivPrsit of San Diego Col- lege for :\fen, has contributed flvp scholarship awards to the college. The Very Rrv. Russell w· son, <'ollege presidPnt, sai one o the awards is a S2 cschularshl11 t h a t will be awarded each semester on the ha is ot academic merit The oth r four are for $100 each and will be awarded on the bas1 ?f ne<'d and ability, one each m the fields of ac- counting, marketing, m a n- agem nt and economics. Students must be !'nrolled in the div· ion o[ h11slness ad- ministration and economil·s to be elil{ible. ---·

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