News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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Here \City Rallies To Support Of Team Charger Officials Arrive Tonight To Talk Transfer Jn ticket r<'Qll<'~ts and other c,·ldt>nce of s u p p o r t San DIPiians C'on\lm1<'d t o d a Y to build uv n \ rm welcome or Barron Hilton "hen t1w Los Ang<'l~s Charg('r ' own<'r comes her<' tonlr,ht to dis• ru s mo, Ing t~c franc11lse to th! citv, I Dcthiitc 01 dcr for i;ea on tlc·k<'t · had i-oarcd \\ I'll b<'· yond 1,000 todar, a SUl"VC?Y by Chamb<'r of Commerce cxccu• tlve director Ch, rks mud) Port<•r sl10W<•d :Most of thi'~r w,11 11<' docu- m!'nled nnd prr~ented to Hil- ton when lw and J11s party mc<'t tomorrow with Mayor Dail, th" Chnmh r sports com• mill<'<' lirocl ,t bv Dr. ,l\l An• and City 'oundl




VSD Auxiliar~ Plans Gay Installation ,/1~/r,_1 University of San D I e g o Auxiliary will Install its new officers 11t a luncheon meet. Ing Jan. 17 at the l,,i1 Jolla Country Club. A "Klubwom n's Korus" will pr ent a humorous rl'- vlew of the auxlllary's activi- ties, with board members performing in eogtume to a ragtime piano accompanl- mcnl provided by the Rev. Leo Lanphier. · Mrs. Thomas W. l{l'elln ls outgoing president and Mrs. Earl C. Lindburg Is luncheon chairman. Mrs. Remo Downs and Mrs. John F. Scanlon arc taking fC'tH>rvatlons. Mrs. Paul Done1ty I~ In charge of decorations. Hostesses will be Mmes. Clifford L. Sutton, John T. Schall, John A. Wa- ters, Robert J. Stirnkorb and R. T. Finn.

//..J. /, I Two Talks Slated By Father Beutzler Rev. Waller P Buetzler, p1ofcs90r of phlln!eak on "Ideological and Psychological Rub~er· ,ion" ,.ta 2 J pm, s ssion January 20 and on " mm11n1~m Behmd th~ Iron Curtain'' at • 3~45 p.m. Janu,ry 21 M economt~, hlstoLy, and The two-day forum, t·1 be poLL1cal sc1en~e lri their aims held in 4'~ U.S. Grant Hotel. 50 deccptl~cly that the aver• Is sponsor d by the National a;;e student cannot discern Education Pror;ram and the the truth and becomes fooled San Die o Freedom Forum. by them " he says. "Some can Its purpose 1s to strengthen discern but many fall victim." and safeguard th rtructure He advocate., e. closer of American free '?1 and to watch over schools and over e.waken an ape.the c rlca the books used in schools as to the da11gers of a necessary safeguard against commu l~t lnflltrat,on. He also bell v that the Ameri-

can peorlt' lt'USl revamp their thinking Jf they are to tri- umph over communism. Danger Stre55ed "l am mo t afraid of the softn s f our th1nkin ," he .says "Tao often we don't even thmk for au elves. We let others ~o it for us. This is extremely ccwgerous and we must do something o.bout it. We mullt learn to think." Fat'- Buet.zler says It is necessary for p ople to learn bout commun,sm 1f they are to 51,.1 v t 1e throat it pose•. COUI '"'· n the philosophy f commur m are most 1m- P"rtanl for st•Jdenlll Bll well s ad lt6 • he says. "Commu- 1St al\\avs ".a.nge their tac- tics but their philosophy re- mains the aa'?\e "You must understand 1t - you must be Informed of the enPr: y and the v. a.y he ope- rates before ) 011 can effec· Uvely move against him." Father Buetzler ftays any strategy in the battle against comT!'unlsm must be based on Ch~stian tenets. Christian Belieh There Is no solution posS1· ble unle s it 1• ba ed on Chris an behef~," he .says "Foi;- the omMu~,t, l'l e ts no God. Tht'r• s no ~oul. Th er e ! o r e there 1s no morality. 'Vle must combat their be• ltefs with Ch1"1llllan thought e.nd e.ctlon, which i the basu.


opes ivalry lnc):eased n,/ mifrifc,1 co 11 e g e ootb 11 championship o! an Diego ~hould become a ·eality v.·it.h the recent an- nouncements that an Di- f'Jt'O State ha a ~cheduled oth the t:ni rsity o! San 01ego 1.nd Cal Wei.1tern among it& 196 grid op-

o! commun m

lectures Given •al • he has delivered many tures througho t ,:,.r D County dealing "Ith commu- nistic philosophy For the )ast e e •

Evolvef u~s Dissolves At S.D. State Bootzl r

In Ge


By • IC I, \\ 11.LIAMS An <'XP<'('tcd showdown be- twc<'n th~ San Diei::o St at c ."lud<'nl Coun<'ll a:-id a campu~ publication, E\'OIW, y,•st<'r- rtay apparenllt di ·sol\'<'d in an aura or a('conl. T h e publi,·ation' <'ditor, C'1arl<'s Barrack, had charged frat a plan tu incr,-;1s1• t h <' ;turtsdwtion o( th<' sluclenl-fac- cu t:r Publicatio:1 Board was a possibll' att"mpt to ~ilencc or control the "<·011ser,·ati\'e publication. A f t c r t hr p I a n was pr<'• ~rnlrd at thc council m<'cting, narnwk said, "l have talked to Don l1ro\\'n (Student Coun- cil president J and I don't be- lieve th<' proposer! changes in the board's powers will af- Icct the content o( Evol\'c. Barrack said IH' and h i s publication had been Jabelrd Fascist and Evol\'!• had h<'cn criticiz<'d ii' t\lC' student nrws- papcr Aztec for its opinions "We do not daim to be bi- partisan," he said. '·Evolve deals with 1dca, we think arc important to the clcvelopm<'nt ol thc• nation." Brown said opposition to Evol\"<' is pri\'ate niticism. He said there has been no ,1t\1'mpt by faculty or studrnt go\ r ·nmcnt to halt its pub Ii- ' d\ 't;J<:D IN EFFIGY vrr"onc has a right to ,. ,, ·\'hat they do n o , " q " th," hr said. "I was han Ted in C'ffi;iy from a lamp- 1 r • a few weeks ago. I can't , l,l <'k. "Pcople hav<' the right to criticize E\'Olve but there is no reason why it should not be printed." Barrack descrih<'d the pub- lication, published by t h e council-rC'cogni:ted students for Freedom Club, as an at- tempt to present the other side or what he calls "one- sided exposure to liberal view- points on collcg<' campuses." A council-appointed com- mittce )'CStcrday pr<'sented a proposed change of charter for the Publications Board in- cluding these six rc 6 ulatory provisions: 1. S l u dent publications must fil<' a definition of their policy with thc board. H the board finds thc policy is be- ing violate<\ it may rec- ommend suspension of publi- cation. 2. Publications must file their establi'l'hcd advertising rates with thr hoard which will haYr powc to s0t mini- muln rates. NAl\rnS REQl'Jltlm a while st d n e.' degree at Marquette Uni\'er• sity. Three years later he was awarded a doctor of philoso• phy degree at St. Louis Uni• versity. Subjects Taught Since then he has taught L~tin, Greek. German, phtlo- sophy sociology, and theowg-v In Cathol•c colleges. He has been on the t;SD faculty since the College for Men was opened 1n 1954.. Father Buetzlcr believes that the greatest threat of communism 'In the United States is the influence of the communist way of thinking in colleges and universities. "Communists, and those who sympathize with them a.s well as thc,,se who thlnk like them, can twil5t IIUbject., such r


for all of Western civllize.- tlon. We must behave like Christians. "I! our peoples had always acted as Christians there would be no such thing as communism today. That ill Important to remember."


Othtr th•

mHt thla a fMS rr no

tate, Ba.nta

b&r&, IAa Angel • State, Long Beach Stah &nd Cal Po y o! San Lub Oblsco. Non-con- Cerenc• gamu will be with Pep- perdlne, Redla.nda a.nd th• San Dle,i:o Mulnu. The 'l'"D Pioneer• &re at• tempttn,: te 1chedule pm,.,. Ith OrPgon. Wa•hlni:-ton .,t11t. and oth,-r 1chool nf lh!lt c,allbf'r. TNLm8 alrMld1 linNI np for n..xt .,..Mn Id"" t..t11 and ORI We•tnn Jndnd,. ""hlttlPr, , · PW Ml'!X• le \\ I' ~nt. '-ft n Fran<"l,co t.-. ~.rnri m"1tn ~tA t~ ~an ll, I • r .. rP"rdln•' lllld Huml!"hlt 1:hf,.,


Kelton Helps, and He's Competition, Toof This has not csc pcd lhlto s attt' 110n o! cour e. And n he Ill t ell 10 tht' rot, c II of t cket ur nslng o!Cers on th telephOn!' n h "h not of xclt m nt hit hi voice. "Ancl the tick ts t even on sale )et!' he ex- c'alm d. "That I r al.y onetl ng. How many do you thmk havr b <'I' ordered a I to eth r? thousand! Isn't Iii t omethln • ' hllon '"' liflc,1 pnrtkulllrl • when lnformf'd thllt h 1t. nd th" Charger own r exprc s d furth"r pleasure l arn!ng of bottling company pr di,rt A. B. Polilll k 's pl d to bu> 000 In s a on uck ts nd head a bus,- n man s committee to JI th eason lid ets Hilton ha rst,1 1 ih d a his goal.


~~0-AM ,,1,,1tf AIRINGS

volve editor 'Optimistic' Over Rules J/1cli.1 The studenl I)ublfsii<'l s o[ Evoln• today accepted with some resen ation new rl'gu- lations o,·er student publica- tions at San Diego St ate College. "l m optlmisitic ·' s a i d Charles Barrack, :!2, one of the editors of the conscn·a- th e pamphll't "I don t think there I any intent lo control u ." Lan:;-11:q:<' Study Tolil Bll'l ac\< i, a senior anguagc ITI'iJUr H" a,d, :10" r,·er, that sh n c \\ regulatory pro,·isions r el'ommendl'd yesterday by a t t de n t Couneil-apµolntc-d comm!tlN' could be used to li amper or re,trict the pub- licatlo . 'le said he has been a·. sured by Don Brown. Student Council pre ident the ,1ew cor: o!s arc rot designed to t:urb 'C 1 I'!.' Evolve was first published last OC'l. 21 and distributed c,;1 State Coll<'ge. and San Di- ego Urll\ e lty campui;e . 1,;;oo ( opies 'rrinlt•

7:A5-Ronnle FJ~1_T N:,EE,nd, J Thon' son~ G. Crumley, Scorer-Chicil!ster. 7~52--Gov Brewer, Jr., Lee MCCurdY ~~~t1~k:ornoco, .J. Griner. scorer...= P 8:00-Howie John,on, M. Davis, G e utness, J. R. O'Connor. Scortt~e1m 0 8:08-:Mason Rudolph, E G. Poul, G. Gregston, K. Hllr. scorer-Hardman · 9:16--Art Woll, Jr., J, Lonk.sY, 0 G Grime, D. 8. Smith. Scortt-Bcru · 8:24-Bob Goalby, Dr. J Moler of' p Shea, R. Clorle. "-- Scorer.:,_Denne'tt • • 1:32-Tom NiePOrtlP, T Main O L Fultz, R. Cendafl. Sc.ore"r-eeebe · · d 8:-Fred Hawltlns, J. Kelloo. p, DII· av, Forsythe. Scorer-Crawford 8:48- Gene LIHitr, R. A. Cap sin th J DemPsey, G. Pernicano. Scorer-Bl"OWn" H 9:~Jock Fleck, J. Dowling,. B. Rubin· . Price. Scorer-Groves. ' rJ: 1 3.,-;:ii~mr(_ Jc~bo1J ProcoPlo, War• 0 _11 ?°w!~~ldsrg,1~~:z, R. Smith, 11:28-Don Col ett, R. c· Hontr e :~~:r., Father Bremner, Scofer_: 11 : J&-.Dow F ln~terwo Id J Nevenesch J,1rfr..~~- A briljlht. ScOTer-Sherrici(: 0 · 0 nny Palmer, Wm Chamness Gollea~}ouer, A. s,1vevra. Scorer-' 11 '.S2-8111 Cosper, Jr.• w. J, Johnston 0 -12~~bo~oow~rJrg~rd.H Sforer-Jones'. Jr.,. Ed Furbush. '.sct>rer..:'i..:on J. Little Ribt=g~utJ S~chacj;c B. PoStore, F. Richmond • · • onnor. Scorer- e.12~tat_1~;ry F~~rbek,.FL. B. Mc-rlllat, A, Lofft_ • n ornaco. Scorer- St~~~~~~~rlcGl~own5, Sid Lind, Frank 12 32' Bud • corer-Melhorn to12 '.c. Kn fghr 0 ~~~r~s~~: J•. San- y i<.40---Jon Gust,n, L. Solomon, Gen. Tr'uck.~lak, W. A. Freeland. Scorer- 7,,~ 10TH TEE J. ·elnh~~nJpr lttmScon; J. grm, H. Bolas. 7· "" ' · ore'"-,-,ammond, RorJ:-~avJ ~f{• F. Aleulo, John a·oo'..-Do • o en. Scorer-Weber ten01. Jim vewi%':0 "• ~- G~, D. Pat- AJ~~~!mm~~rk,:~~1g,!n~~ H Swirison. ' ,rn.,.nfOri. Score - P 8:b';,;~°"'gs Ford, Holleman. Art King · 8 . 1 4--G· corer-Nichols. , R0Wcllff,.eon,e B~wer. P. Pastiulnelll, D p s:4-?-1Bi11f;t'o,,Pn 1 ~~ 1 °F: A~f:r,r;~orC~t· ·a-~L7o"efccz:~--eonnelev. ' . , iiiit1;'.~ner, DertertFor~vth~: F~~n, 8:~8-JuJl115 Bor~ B ti d o.S·~· Ii Scorer-0 alor°lns avwar , Stoey, Rir 0 '-lnrd~ 0 8 ~""wu"s:~t, ~- Burnett, Trum. 9:~Jay f-f~rf corer-shere-r. einck'. Y'm Fo)( S M. ~obfirts, Pat 11: lO--t.lovd Man ~ocer-eeattv. Rfi"o"'d. S1"'~1 $corer ~• 1 R. DUPree, M. 1t·,~Pn11"1 R - Ce"• te~,~~~n~rert"sg~Pf...:.,fn~~rter,, Hes• HIidebrand, Ph'layC~iH~hu\lr: Moronn, P l hU-Ool"t F f f Id • cor~-Prlm;• M,.~,. 8 Folk,.g~ e , F. Soc.k:in. a: 11•5~-0o, S "O . .,rQrfl'( Pfd(ttf Gl"""cf..,, 0 , r:s~ Ja~~ers, fear! Finder. N. w~oo - Pi:iut ~~ev. ~erSh~~u,mont. 11-~At' ~anlpr- Sc,.,rer-w111:w's. H. Rl.,"cln. Fiovd ~;~:~~k, SE Kuhll•·--n, A. A~J:~~c,R,c~Faull(r,~r, ()~re9~/!lec.- V 12:24- Tomm:r ;:; 1 x, v Sfor~r--Jonz. · Sl;;~;~s·m!· ~o..lsch: H. Prifr:h•tt J r:="• F. G1rfierr,,.z." G 12: • o-'.a.r ·c,.ih,,. an. c;rorer- P1rt1f!f': 'nl-i,,.. Vire R b rge,., Pr, t. L. Block Trlmncr ' 0 t. C. Hurd. Scorer...!


'·For San l">i go be an lndica. c,n o an acti\ and forwarcl-movlni:: citizC'nr: which tries t, Jim up to f boast of bein~ a rommunl , of outdoor peuf,I ," said M Closkey.

oomfis FETE ' D CAGERS lversitY. ot {1 1 D),~~·s ers' Cll b wJl honor Plonc, rs' new coach, Lesli£', and the USD <' squad at a dinner to- t at the Lark Cafe on the school campu . George Yard! y, former pro basket- ball pla er, will be the spe- c al gue t.

USO C~ /j;/flt '-1- Honored Tonight The University o! san Di- 1 ego Boosters Club will honor its new b sketball coach, Ken Leslie, and the presc'.lt Pio- neC'r cage squad at a dinner night at the Lark Cafo on tfte school C?ampus. Former Stanford trnivC'rsity All•American George ·11rdlPy who latl'r played pro bMl;Pt- ball with Ft. Wayne and Sy- racuse, will be the guest speaker. A social hour will be peld at 6 o'clock in the facul- ty room with the dinner at 7.

Gillman Repo ts Persist, and Are Denied t t tr. n ral rranager-coach Sit! G,llman

wHh the n w National Football ot only has Gillman empt tically r II at di~ but Hilton says, "• ·of a

., ~............,.. 7"- Masquers Drama To Open in Park "Skipper N/.ft.1-i/fcJ,d," a drama by Jan de Hartog, will open at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Puppet Th<>ater, Bal- boa Park. The University of Snn DI· ego MasquPrs Club production has been directed by he Rev. Leo F. Lan p h le r. James Lamb, Donald Giesing, Tom Ragan, and Roger Mehlbrech have the leading roles, There will be repeat performances Saturday and Sunday nights.

:J. Publicalio"lS mu~t recom- mend a candidatr for editor to be approvl'd by the board. 4. E!l.<'h scmestC'l", a state- ment of revemw sources and ope-rating ,·osts must be filed With the hoard. 5. Publication must include in each issue thr 11ames o{ the editor and rontributing writers and subscription fees. 6. Publicatio1r~ which violatr regulations o{ th<' board will hC' subject to recommendation for suspension. On th<' motion of Hcrhi,rt Pciff<'r, dran o( students nnd a counc1l arlv1scr the pro- JJO~ecl l'11art(.'l' C'hanges wl're tahlrd until Monday so thC' Puhlicatlons Iloard may study 111<' recommendations.


be erlough " Bana

One of tb.P awards con°tnbu- tP.d by Con 1dlne Is a $200 schola h p that • 11 be award- ed each m r dn the basis ofacad cmrt. The othe. four are for 100 apiece and ..., 11 be a rardcd on the is of need and scholastic ablht> one each 1n the fields of accounting, marketing, man- agement and econom1c11. Students must be enrolled In the divl81on of bue,nell8 !ldmln- istration and econom1c11 to bP. P!ig1ble to apply for the ~rholar• ships, FA ther \.)son 11ald.

hi mind, but It Gillman tated, he v.on't rarely do. Not It they can help likes much as he ha

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