News Scrapbook 1959-1962
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moa Strip Tomorr
Drag Racing Pro
Aeri I u As Possibi ity Al A e Elghlh-rnnk,•cl in the nation in
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More Than 150 Cars To Compete On•r 150 cars are expected to compete Sunday In the first Hum-
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tlw NAIA looth~II ronrhrs' pol., 1hr llumholdl Stal~ Lumhrrjarks will he gunning tor their !wclllh win In a row when they takr on th,• dangerou~ University of San Diego l'ionP<•r at Albee Studium tonighl. Kickoll time is R o'clock.
Equipped boldl Timing As.orlatlon drags In
YI ·1TOR . .
two month at the Samoa Strip. Time trials start at 9 a. m. and
md as an athl t , con<'h, nuthor. actor, 1 r nnd mcJdcntallr with .a law degree, I \11th !us UJ11\ crs1ty or
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B••cau,e of _thl'ir go-for-brok,• l,0~m-;-ing into tv1>r of gam.- ( oarh l'rcarov1ch', d t
an Diego foot• ellnlinalion begin at 1 p. m. Drag.
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\I tlh Humboldt State. peed oyer 130 pr tty tough," he decla~ed , "but mile -per-hour wlll be conte~ting t ,t th<'re From all we ve hca rd for F.liminator honors. ster capable of
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most d:1ng..ro11s rl,•v1•ns the '.Jacks , l . 11 ,>u w1 this season. Should . • and th,• I 11m<'1°rs get lh<'h' 11ro-typ1• ott,·nM• m !ugh 1(1•ar 1( I .1 w,d., 0Jl<'n, lugh s,·or- f3 l f II B l O) . • • , • • (l; havr fared )'."""'.~,: ac,• . 1, , rn >a ,la,n hot
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( hapman gel University of San Dirgo Pionrer
Featured in the Stock cla \I look for a frlghtemng ome " quipped enterta1nm nt figure Bing co cir and ·tt rl'I l 'I D l\l '' (f ~2 0 OW!-: : , ., i.~• J" (' ~VI \\tlh Ph I will help \'' ]t ( 0 .I ll :l O 1 , o·i · r 'l :!Vt\(' UJ! l('S ; fomou ,·ould ht• ing aflair. , 8 1 c ,r:u·y (221P, ,. , Al 7.uniga (t!J5l , rg : Gray 'flt<.' f JJ ' g; . tm 11tr·hum \ 01cc m n \I •h the Rohert uidmg the football d • llm .Jim Gabrid rt <217 , r11t Prt:11ning gam~ Ellrolt ''We play 11n of Gou- llw 12 1:;r , rP ; .Jan Chapman rJ7fll, 'I , ;,:,d w,• don I 11lay <'iosl' In ort h Ccntr,,: High for the fr wJs conchmg al .J 0 ,. Loeschn1 J! ,Joi' <;r,,y ' l'J0 ' Jh ' Wr 'l1 l'l'rnrovid1 Vl'sl," sairl th<' (l!J0 I, rh, .Jim DcSanli< <200 1, < for rhan<'e nnrl go tak,• a 11 holdl Sl Hll' 12-0 1 th< For 1Ju, fn,· ,rnd we also go louvhdown lime wr• . t,,rl<'rs indurl,• .Jim Bu·k<'r r111., lv.o poinl,. cwry tlw 'huhlmnn t 111(11 , rg: re ; Bill rl , A seon• ' (l~J01, P1•cl1rovid1, who lo,si'd asid(' a l•'r:ik,•s Parker Poll cnrc,•r as a l:1wy,•r in fa vor of uek t 20tll , c; Bill :.uve rrn5,, Ii.: co;,d1mg, conlinm•d· 'our kids arc Vrsl<'r Flanagan 124:; ,, ll, n e,1 uggr..ssive and llwy play Irnrd ltol)('r( s In 1946 he was bead coach of the San Diego Bombers m the old profe ional P a c I f i c Coast League He cam to San Diego after spending the 1944 head coach of the ,J Writ.mire To 1 ,tit's giirne gets un- 'J crowd 1s expected 10 bun for their l we l f t Ji th J.. ck t w and quart 1 d rw y Humboldt St te football fans w .l be hopin •!l • spr int"'"-h&JfbPck Mnnuel Va quez g t~ sevc ral op- por tumt u, to \'/C" k ou~ his taknted toe at A!Jt Sta- dium tomght agains• tr e University of San Diero. Here tJ, e speedy jumor boots one from the grasp of <'It !.'1 I< :i nd b Of P •r e f ed Ya s Just Siu rlowns 0\'cr !he pasl I o season. Cal forn1 ." Lm,I wc•!'k he hurled a 4:l-y:,rd scoring lhrn,l agamst ~ew .Mex1- n,,,erll I ss, Humboldt Stal.e's Fred Whit, of ¼1Ilow '1 'nire is <'!jt1ally talented , having I for 2.0fi!i yards and l 5louchdowns the p&sl co WCblcrn d Arcata coach Eddie Oliveira, expressed concern I g 1 1 lh1s wei:k over Fort Bragg's upset st oulin;;. then· • 1960, P. 9 t·omplded 177 1>ass~s l:yJuc Gm. HI l\1HOI VT STANDARD<; LA City College Loses pener scored or a 'lol r un n FRED DOW. B " " be .. o hut out y Stalv International United Pr~ two seasons. Thus far this sea• son th~ senior sharpsho<1ter hasn't had to throw too often, although " • A brand new home run reco rd lhe Ind ans for the la l four m Sam Jones En Route To His Home · ck and that samL old Yankee _ add 'cm todether the Yankees are ready f., rown r • th game f r h1 , v.on a \OU kn \\ n n \he LOS A teedec strikes lwo lite did ( t • (he Sox who t·ed the idle Ba 1, ag~his~ 1.inlield in the 1960 opener. Angeli's Cl y Cull "~ .opened up 1 ht• .Jacks v. 111 pit their l' nup • ,t~ nev. foulb J d I m w th a •co d m wore Or'o1cs for World Series. I di,appoml mg to C' it y G 1os the best c•llorl> :•J tack agumst r(' • 5 fa. t, e \L. The Yankees alrc.idy · -· ro Tue ·d y •y c•owd of J0<• Grny, Jo•• L?ns-1 College of San f: i catcher Do 1g C:imilli homcrert of halfback Tim l :I - LOS A. GELES wa mnn•ng ut or lly l'nitdl Press Intrrnalional the '.Iratec- bul i'le rnntes OH:- th e orm Lark · m the 1 lh and rookie lhnu base- dm1g and fullbac-k .!Im De San- ~1gh[ before ;i c p c J· man Charle Smith drove m two t 1~ of the Pioneer~. The tl'io rate 2,300. \merican League odds _may be going up "' .\merican League charr;ions 001 012 ClO- 5 o 2 his effort lo c::,iturc •he tsy Bo ion rd nmning threats. w1 h a triple and sacnfice as ·w1fl, ' run 001 000 113- 6 l' I nat nal Lei! u& ball ig cro\\'I cw York ational Lcag e red-hot_ and the I Cecil J'OOTRALLRFSULTS s with four _touch, t rh .\,g Jes Dodger~ ~' •~ f,y 9 ,'::;ta!- l;e Lo c~::ti:na1ou~1'i/:~~cne;~;•\~. \lontx,que l<., Br \\er 2U '.' )ards rushmg rs \tiarrn Fla. ,12' ,ncl tv.o II~ •1g~ he worked down l 1 In lomgh D •mar, t er next-to•!~ t game xon. and lard d l) e lruc'k out three batter~ the big gun to d e offensively for Luuisvillc 40 Bradley 6 per Drysd~le t\l w1 h lbn • h1t 1 mg sl har z 5 D ·en 7 , St we (UPI)-Sam own. SAN FRA1"CISCO !\!cM Fullback Ed Chnl!anooga 33 l?lal lo 244 the Lurrb<'rjncks o nm !us laa, The Yankees set a new le "UC J ones, undecided whether or not 0 c1sor 9 , and Berr.., Blancnard ~nt e poml.$ beh nd Pittsburgh Ill\:~ fanneu, fourJJ highest mark White, _....ho was ill earlier this Carthaae 2ti Culver.St , Dick Groat ldas Winner _ on 1 a. •! . Lo, he will make the trip to Japan mark of 192. hom~•s thb ~ onth with the San Francis- and then rall1e
:\forehouse 6 21 East K<'nlucky rn to-1 '\.labama A&M 16 week but will be suited up I c history. atonal Le '."!ti~ from _ B·ewer (IO.lal. HR _ Kubek, . The chunkv f1r:t ba en:an drovr ::i Si IISC M r lhe second best is ab r hbi night • o o o abr h bi 3 1o o w1rrs ., Lo, Ang. m three runs Friday mghl to <11d Ch, cago headed for his West Lady Luck for three r1 ns m l"c G d co Giants th o gers m CI: · • . , u ray • . · · , lory Ashburn cf Zimmer 2b :!~~."','," Thomas 'b ". be t h B a l e h D d ,on er · th . '. . . . t 1, d S ,e La ) 11 32 Xnvi , 1 2 o Gilliam 2b 2 J 1 olground gainer \\ilh lR0 yards m .\lnhnmn St •· 0 v,c t e ox, to 0 ~ O~ Virgm1a hills today with his 18th m~ victory locked up in his trunk. \ lw1 game~ and a pair of touch- Coffeyville .JC 39 El Dorado ,J 0 ~.~~;r•,t 3 o o o Howard rt b-4llman b, o o o Fairly u • o o o Smith lb J 1 2 o Camilli c • 1 1 2 Golden p .Santo 3b Tay r c iida· v.mninhg ,t h<>ak Del.oil the dCh1cac~o Ctt'.b_s,h h,f1t ·'~de 001 400 000- 5 8 3 o,Yer 020 000 100- 3 1• 1 1 6-1a, _and run theF B b S • o o ol d 3 2 1 0 C a" ,roa as lo o. t gron~ 0 get a c y mr; t -.- r d o 13 "ames the p·" t " I'm P ck· , a m 1 , ar ara lat!' 33 Santa F~ no owns. ht 1 h' Kan 'h t k . up my car an C'1tv .1 ,tarting the 3 o 1 2 1 White's pla(·e in . . 00 ' . e c m. it on clanng out of here as soon as po ·ible " sa'id Jo ·h ncs, v. O reg1s- ered a three-hitter Friday night It wa while pitching the Giants to a 2-1 the Pll'ate victory over the St Louis Cad' ll'a es • . r·!led b • 1 1 1 3 1 1 \\as a w111 r• howe\er, The game. and Chi I \\ k \I mner Hall (8-13 • 8 Lary, ~<>u1rre . 13-2. from the l\L\\Bukee. Brave . 1 b . 01 hncup WI I H U K a , GETS WEJ,CO~U; l9fi• HOSTO y 6-1, \\' th . L·tt1 l ! i r.iac - J I C I . • H D . d e er- Dodl:(er m1le,tone on 2 o 1 o Drysdale p 1 0 0 0 e 1 Hobbre O e o , ohn on • tra1ght game the fourth ni's, poun thse1;wr Lav~ g Ralp, LAl REl,, Miss UPI o~, he~ thl' e owd of H,205 Coast as ·nam 9 and P. Dale) lo:t to the Brarns. Total• v.ho broke ,kssr O•s·en ' to lon . , um op e \\ BS 1o o o ra;•~d he ·casonal attendance lo c ttatton r li-151 Lo The Yankees broke tilcll' owr Lary tion1I =~ Jl rnw. ium, 'll' 04 of a year r.go until a leg lllJUl' r l· , inglc:.,e•sou bomor m,rk . .___:__._,_ t--1~ . I.or. 1....e-===::=a==c:-..,...-===----------- ,HR ro,.. -.,l a·•-•.-- ~---· " .llf!\ L '1 'l1JL!l3fi_ JJ.ll \.
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