News Scrapbook 1959-1962






Charlie ever Had Cho ce to Display Ta le t B) ROH ORT.\I \ . Ch rlio Smith, IJP t known a Sa11 Diego State Colll'g 's \ ,•ran, title• ·11111ing \1a hall c:oach, ,~s _in- !rocluc: c.l to the Quarl back Cluh j'rstrrdny al 1tssi?n VallPy Inn "the mo l sucl·c lul ioothall coach llJ A,t,, hi~lo "C".t ndle," said t o a I- ma t r G•·no <:rei: ton, r,;, ,._ 11in;:- Trihllli" ,.x,·,·u!l,e sport· ,.,,111or, "wa~ appoint<'fflcial, a profr>s- 1011 i11 which he s in high school Hild II g,, rules and also elf'<• l'f>d hat offi<'iatlng l~ one• o! flt< ost dlffieult johs assoc! I with sport~. In <'Onrlftdm~ thP reading of a parody oj1 :ToyeP KilmPr's "Tn•P. ," Sm th quoted : "Poems are made by fools like mC', but onl) God would refer<'<'." Panthers 'Had to Beat Officials' rncldr•ntall), Pat :\fongovl'n, Vista High coach, rc- mark<'cl that his anthers had lo bc•at Hemet "and the offlcials" to k~cp thC'ir unbcatc>n record intact last week, 21.12. "W,, had tno tom·hdowns <'ailed hn<·k," he ~aid. "( hurl!,• wa~n•t thnP but fhP northern brothers WPrl'. "" w1•re11·t too happy with some of the calls. "We playl'rl against thi~ l1ead lincsmnn," he added, "Aud he i:l)ud. He threw us liack several times • afler \\'<' had gained 20 or 30 yards." Some of the Boys Enjoy the Game ::'1,fongoven said his tNtm includes "seven or eight kids who ~-,•ally enjoy the game." • "Tht•y would .lu~t as Hoon gPt l'<>U down," he de- <'lart•d1 "'and start walking all over you. "\,\'c have two halfbacks (Joe Pichlottino and Bobby }fay~) who ran get out and go. If 1hey run into any- onr, they can go around th(•m and one (Pitchitino) tries to go through them. He does a pr<>tty good job of it." Pecarovich, Governa/i Among Missing Attrndanc'I' for the third weekly lunchPon meeting of tlif' <'iub was down eonsid<'t'ul1Jy. l:Acn two 01 the regu- lar 1iam•llsts were among llw missing. ( 'o:u•r, JllkP Pc,·a,·o,·ld1 of l"nin•r-;lty of San Diego had lll'aking l'ngagPm1•nh out, of to\\ n; Paul Go ,·. Nnali, San Dll'go Rtafto lolll'g·I' ml'ntor, heg·ged off ~o he t·ould go to the movip,-film'l of l,ong Beach , lah•, whil'h entertains lite Azu•t·, Haturda.r. One Pxplanation advanced for the fa.i1s' stay-at-home strike was that spcetators already arc losing interest in gridiron activitl<'s because so many early-season loss- es. --by San Diego State, USD, Cal Western and, farther afield, USC, the Los Angeles Ram~. Cal and Stanford. Idleness Prompts Logical Question Two o! those teams-Cal Western and VSD-have open dates this weekend, so a couple of cluh members wondered out loud why they didn't get together for a game. · "This qucstion came up at the Quarterback Club last year," exptaint>d Al Lewis of Cal Western, "and we had discussions ahout it. But at the time, USD's luture was uncertain if you will recall. "ll'lwn W<' made up oar ~chedule, we hnd a game with • "pvada on fhi, date and wlth Colorado ('ollege 011 the 19th," ho continued. ''Affpr our seheclule was mude, we W<•re •·ontado>d by LSD but werp tmable to lfl't fo~ether on a dale. Later those games were c·ant•el,•cl by N,•vada anti Colorado." With Governali absent. no one had thp opportunity to ask why San Diego Statp doesn't play thl' other four- y<>ar institutions in the area, That que~tion probably WiJJ come up nrxt week.

* Octa er


-THE TIDIN6s-Los Angeles

College Scores P ona 15 Sant;1 1ra 13 Humboldt State 20 Sa 1 D,ego U.P~rdue 51, Notre Dame 19 W1sce • n 3!>, Marquette 6 Boston U 2!) 1 Holy CroH 14 Detroit 6 ~av,er «O.) 6 St.. Tho1'11a1 (Minn.) 32, Ham. llne 0 St Joa h'I ( Ind, 24, But- 1's16 M r • (Kan 26, Central °''J'ayt:n 14, Villanova 0

+ ,,_,_n1on


BOB ELLIOTT TO A DRESS QUARTERBACKS TO RROW Bob Elliott of San biego, recently dismissed as manager o! the Kan_sas City Athletics, wll! give a report on the World Series and the last American League season at e weekly meeting of the Union-Tribune Quarterback ~lub ~omorrow noon at Mission Valley Inn. The public IS lllVJtCd. Guest coaches will be Benny Edens or Pt. Loma High and John Mafucci of Army-Navy Academy in Carlsbad. Regular members of the coaches' panel who will an- l'Wer questions from ~ans are Paul Governall, San Diego Stat~; Mike Pccarov1ch, Univc>rsity o! San Diego; Al Le1~1", Cat Western; George Schutte, San Diego Junior Col,eg,e, and Capt. Hans Jacobsen, Marine Corps Recruit Dl'pot.

San Diego u,Ion. Staff Photo.



Conc·he Tom Carter, SL Augu.·tln Iii h, ldt, anrt Bob Sexton, University or nn Die o, , nter, really hn nothln n alnst football ref such

as Charlie Smith, who ga\'e address on officiating ye t rda. at weekly me ting of nion-T,ribune Quarter- back Club.

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