News Scrapbook 1959-1962


USD Pa Grid D Thi\ U versity of San Di• egQ foot all !Pam talkcnd an d plan~ to use tl•e open date to,•w films of Hs three gani s S"t<'ngthcn its de- f Pn~• . u. n r Ii ,. play nn Oat. 15, mel'tmg Azusa College at Wrstgate Park. 'l1!e '.Pioneers have lost t consl'<"utive gaml'S Wl)lttier College, 6-20, N e VI Mexico W0slern, 20-29, and Humboldt State, 0-20. USD has n games remaining. Quart<'rhack J11n Charnnan ~nrl fullbart Jim DcSantis l · a In thP Pioneers' thrr.r-- game indlvidnal statistics. Chnpman, 19:5~ mid-bracket a I I-American quarterback , has completi,d 28 of 59 passC?s [or 271 ;>ards and two touch • downs. Chapman completed 11 of 21 against Humboldt last s,1lunlay n ght for 83 yards, Chapman, curr<'ntly eighth- ralPd m NCAA small colkge naliof!al punting, has punted 18 tim<'s for 772 yards and a 42.7-yard average. I Df'Santis, an outstanding performer in l'SD's first three gaines, Jr-ads in individu~l rushing with 141 net yards m :i:i earri"s for a 4.21 yards per carry average. Desantis, in addition, has caught four' Chapman-thrown pass<'S for -;o yards.

Diego, Calif.__. 3

'ublished :..,eekly by ~h• Diocese of

nlt11d as Second Clo,;;;;;-;;;-;; Postoffict of $4 Yearly Son Ditto ul'dor lht Ad of Mo«h 3, 1:_87:..,;9:_________ - LVII N 40 Thursday, October 6, 1960 'ol, X , o.

Pio For

rs Rest, Plan sa Battle

THE SAN DIEGG U IOU Tu ., Oct. 11, 1960 b 11 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 0

Artie Keough Poses Threat f.o

zu a College

Coach Mike Pecaro\1Ch •aid the Ploneer8 had made a good 11h0Wlng a g a In I t Humboldt tale. The Lumbcrjacltll, e.lghth- ranked naUonally, cored In each o! the first three que.rler U 'D drove ee_p Into Humboldt territory tWlce, once to the



SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA W<•d,, Oct, 12, 1960 y

a receiver Keou;h to a 1'1· College

neers' efense to

chrectcd Laverne ump'1 over Azusa l'nb er,ity o! San

Diego s i'>e his week m the Leopard opener. Since then, the Church o! the Brethren ~chool ha· lost to Redlands, 20-2 to Claremont-Mudd, 14-0, and to Chico State, 30-2. However. scouts have in - formed Ca7 \\cstcrn coach Al Lewis that, with a f<'W hrcaks, LaVerne·~ record might be 3-1 rather than 1-3. The Wester1 crs resumrd in• tensi\·e workouts ye crda~ . They drilled only light 1 y last , eek becau,e of a1 op 1 date. inany injunes and a11 out- break of flu ,., h '1 hit a out a dozen pla)-ers.

ELL OTT SETS Q-BACK TALK Bob Elliott, who mar agPd the Kansas City Ath- letics the past season, ~111 comment on the World Se ies and the American League lieason at the noon meeting ot the Union-Tribune Quarter- ba ck Club today at Mis- sion Valley Inn. The public Is invited to attend the luncheon. Local footb all eoaches will a swer \vr1tten quest!o from fans. Guest coaches will be Benny Edens of Pt. Loma High and John Mafucci of rm y.. a v y Academy, Carlsbad. Regular panel coaches on hand will be Paul Govemali, Al Lewis, :.Wike Pecarovich and George Schutte.

Get Test Pa s (je!ens(.', a chink In University of San Diego's football armor th~ season, may get another -severe test Saturday night in Westgate Park when the Pioneers go a f t er their first victory against Azusa College. The Pioneers' three oppo nents have thrown 53 passes and completed 32 for 60 per cent. USD has thrown 63 times and completed 29 for 46 p er cent. USD scouting reports Indi- cate Tom Nelson is an out- standing passer for the Sen- tinels, who have won two and lost two. In his last two games, Nelson completed 14 of 26 passes for 172 yards. His fellow quarterback, Dar- g In McWhorter , t hr e w 14 times a nd connected on eight for 162 yards. Azusa dropped Southern California College, 14-0, and Pomona Frosh, 20-18, and bowed t o Laverne College, 6- 14; and Los Angeles C it y Coliege, 6-22. ,. 'l'he 'Pioneers dropped con- secutive decisions to Whit- tier, 6-20, New Mexico West- ern, 20-29, and Humboldt State, 0-20. Co:ich Mike Pecarovlch's ti Dicgans had a bye last week, but _still are plagued witn injuries. Halfl?3ck P a t Heminger Is lost to the team for several weeks with a dis- located knee cap. Ends Mike McDevltt and Larry Tessary and tackle Guy Selleck are listed as doubtful starters. Dan Bodle, 190-pound half. back, has moved to left end. At the other wing Is Jim Ga- briel, the team's leading pass receiver with 11 receptions \ for 85 yards and one touch- down.

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