News Scrapbook 1959-1962
USD Brings ootball to Padr Pa com
a-60 EVENING TRIBUNE Tt~rs~.'E8~t. CA~'Fi':i~'Ay SPORT ... Football
EVENING TRIBUNE Pigskin Pick-It Line
for th
KELLER EARL Redlands t:w 7
HACHE HARRY Redlands bv 7
ORTMAN Redlands
S.O. State
Red,lon3 ds
s v ta,es.
Redlands bY ,z
Redla S.O
bY 6
by 2
bv A
by 6
- --USO-- --USO-- --USO
--USO-- --U-SD
USO bll' 6
USO by 1.C
~.s~. --USO--
bv 9
bv 13
bv 7 ::•tern
t>v 6
bv 6
by 13
bv a
Cal ~e1t1rn
Cal ~~tern Wot~"t°"
Cal ~eJttrn Wafrv''f'°"
Cal ~e11ern Wot~"/'°"
Cat ~eitern Woth;nfttm
Col ~ef;;,:;-
Cat:, jteffl
Cal ~er1rn was:!":'°"
1{,~lf M7 ~ti~
':b~Lf" .
Wab'!f" 7gton
.»~':n:i~ Callfomla v, USC Air ~°c:vc: vs.
use MS ~~vf
use-- --us_c__ --use -
use MW
use M7
-- use
Mn ~Va~
Ma ~~'1 Tvcas bv 3
M7 ~:~l Texos bv 2
M6 ~~Y/
M7 t~"l by a
i I ..
----- --- -
-- --- ------- ------
-,..bexc1 i-- --Tbr.xo 13 s Y • V
--,-:--------<-- --Texo-•--1 bv 1
---~jL__ __ t~vl'___ i
Texas-- bv 3
Texas by 6
Texos bv 2
Arkansos bY 6
Arkon!GS Texas
Savior by 12 Tt-i~•t"" Ml~~•flPPI
BaYfOr by 8
eCv~ --SaV1o-,-- ,--B-av~
Bavlor bv 20
--Bavlor-- --Ba~ --Bav-\or --Baylor
Savior v1. Texas Tech
by 6
bv 18
by 15
by 0
bY 2
bv 6
-Tenn~W - - -
Alabama bY :t Mli•y•flPPI
--Tennttsee -
bv .c
- Alcbcma vs. Teane-ssee
1 _ ~~c'-c'--:---+--c-,-,t,y-1_____ bY_6__
__•• _,__ ,______
bv 2
bV J
Mlssl..iool bv 10
Mls,lulooi by ie G\vT:ch
Mlnlu ppl _bv 1 Ga.b!er
__ b,_3__,____ 3__
M "''fiool
Miss sslooi bv 18 Gt.,.Ttlh
M,uh loo! vs.. TUla1_e
••_1___ 1
bv 9---1---b
__ G_obvTr
lo O' bv 7
Iowa bv 12
Iowa bv 1
towa t,y 3
Iowa bv 6
~i:vSJ~~~.,. •F
Iowa bY 6
Iowa bv 11
W sconsin vi, Iowa i~i~
__bv 8_____.__ __ t>v s__ __ bv,
Oh~v Sdot, Mich. St. MW
Oh~v s;ate
Ohig.,. Sjate Mich. St. h7
Ohlg.,. slat• Mich. St. bY7
Oh~v SJate
~ch-:--s;_- N'otre D;;;;;-
--Ml("h M .
~tre ~ame bY8
St. 3
"S, MNoklre· St 0.::: ~... •
- -Mlcnl~o-n-- --Mlchl9on--
----;;icn~ ~n;:;;;;,:;- ~Chlgan
--M ch1;0-n-
Mi hi o
Northwestern US M ch aon ~,~~5so~•
bv 7
bv 6
bv ,
bY 1
bv 12
bv 6
bv 3
Mii~iota--- ~li~e,ota- --;;;J"g~ert_o_
Ml&~ rto
1---Yole-- ---Yale ___ b_v 1___
Yale___ ---Yal•--.---Yo-le___ ~ale --
Yole bV 7
--Yale-- ---Val"--
Corne I YS,- --Y-ale
....,__ b•-·---
bv 12
by 10
by 6
M 2
bV ,
by 6
~br;c'r ~¥,':,\/~~
Hc::;?'~rd Kansas bY 6
HY,"yv~rd Kansas bv 7
Kansas bY 3
Kansas bv 6
KoMOS bv 8
Kansas bY 7
Oklahoma Kansas
1 .
by 8
bv 6 ~----bv 2
N.. Carolina ---,2-1--,-- bv 5
N. Carollna "
N. c,arollna
N. CayrotJna
N. Cbavrollna
N. Car2llna
Corollna by 7
Wake F0«:sl-
N. Caronna
bv 7
bv 12
bv 4
by 7 1.3-6-l .68'
by ) 12-7-1 ,6.11
bv 7 12-7-1 5-1 7 23-3 01
--12-7--1-- --11-8·1-- --1-o.9-1--
1'"5·1 .737 Sl>-27-3
11-8-1 Sl9 so-21.3
10-9-l .526
.63l •
-- .S-29-3--
53-~ --51;;~. --51-21,. 2 3 o;,o) II ,;v
. 7
rosh Gilham ay Get Call s USD End r(' hman T o n y G1'•mm, t Augu tin last eason, may open at nght end for the l nlv r lty of ar D -go tomorrow mght whC'T1 the Pioneers taekle Azusa Col I •ge at Westgate Park. Jim Gabriel, U 'D f n e ophomore end. had to lea\e fo h1 home in Houstl)n , hen h lea ned of thr death of his rrother He is not expect- ed ba(.'k for thP g me. Giinam, a !;-2 180-pOU'ldPI" 'las been used mo Uy on de- f n e this ason USD roa(.'h Mike Peca•o. v ch said •omorrow's contest could be a high-scoring affair with Azu a playing a wide- opl'n game. "They pa s 60 pc!' cent of the time and send a many as tour r e c c I v e r down" Prrarov1ch said. "Gsu- ally the only rem inmg back b id s the quarterback 1s the fullback,_ Tom Plson Azusa's able quartl'rback i''llds one vic- e ) over l D but that was a a baseball pitcher Pe<'nrovlch sa d he Intend to nm his plays from the > ·o. tre DamP shift. \ ho played for
THE SAN DIEGO UNION Thur .,Ort. 13. 1960 @ a43 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA USD Returns To Grid Wars Against Azusa The Univrrsity o! San Di- rge resumes ac 10n Saturday night after a 13-day layoff when Jt mct'ts Azt, a College at Westgate Park. Game tlme ls o'clock. The USD-Azusa game will b~ the first football g a m e played n Westgatf' Park, home of the San Diego Padres pro. j :fessiona. baseball team. The meeting will be the first be- tween the two <:olleges in \ ar- s1ty footba.l. The Pioneers still seek their first victory after losing three ronsecutive games- Whittier College, 20-6, New Mexico Western, 29-20 and Humboldt State, 20-0. The Azusa College Sentinels hhve a 2-2 record. Last week I Azusa defeated Pomona Col- !ege frosh, 20-18. Last month ' they lost to LaVerne College, 14-6, and Los Angeles Ci t y College, 22-6. The Sentinels defeated Southern California College, 14-0, on Oct. 1. Last year the Sentinels fin- ished their s~ason with five wins and two losses. 1 CHAPlUA:-. TO HURL ,Jan Chapman, USD quar- terback, \\ !11 a-gain lead the PionePr attadt. Chapman, I 15th in NAIA small college punting with a 42.9 average, 11as also completed 28 of 59 ;passes attempted !or 271 yards and two touchdowr.s. USD's leadlng pass rcceiv. rr ls end Jim Gabriel. Jim has caught 11 passes for 85 yards and one touchdown. Dan Bodle. freshman end f ;r o Santa Clara High, Oxnard, has ea u g h t four passes for 74 yards and one touchdown. USO will rely upon fullback Jim Desantis for its rushing yardage. DeSantis, a junior, has gained 141 yards In 33 ca~- rics. Coach Mike Pecarovlch re- ported this week that hal!- back Pat Heminger had a dis- located l -· nion's Gridiron Selections 'I! IL The San Diego • I !Bob Bill Jerry lllagee Harry Monahan san· 62 '0-1-0 s1. jw-73 L-43 Howard Hagen WarrPn \ JI on (,Johnny ;\lcDonald Con ~elson Fisher W-tO L-36 R~YJo 12 di .oo Phil !Du·o Gallup W-12 l.w 'Redlands a by t • Chu k Sawyer J 'Rolla s fHollohan Williams Colller W-tO L-36 Gm llurphy ,W-tl L-U Wllllam~ •~w~-n~L-~--- 10 w-n"'L~-4~S~-- 1 ,,w~-~7~0~L-... --- 1-~~-- L-3S 1 w 79-L-3-7-- W 7& L-40 I W-tO L-36 w-1, L..,-,--- W-U Lo:ll :,ss ""'° :,e, -' 1 ' -:=~-:_-_ -_ .&98 il:edicmdS-- uif••-- bV 5 MCRD bV 13 ca• w.stern bV • ui~ s . Woshin;tor, bY 3 Oreg°" bV 8 Stontord by 10 NOV';' by 9 svrccuse by' Iowa by I MISSOU_r'I by 12 Kon$01 bV 3 Ml,'yhlfan Minnesota by 3 Army I by 2 MbC.,hifan St. Ohio SI. r by 6 LSU by 2 • 707·-,---'1 ·='"'' 1 1 1 :sa-~~n' 12 o'",·eg=o"'s~t-.-l·s""o~·n 60 ~o 3~,.,, .. ,~R,c.;!,."' 2 1,c.on ,-oc-ccs1~.-I •• 5a~y~leW~jS':;\, riego St. ·' 1 ' Rtdlands ,v 1 San l>le!IO St. _. 733 r"''i lands Redio'lds 5an !1JK<>$1 RedlO d..l l!•n Ditto s1. bv 3 by 7 by 6 1uso ·c:~: bv I J1_u!'.i bV 6 ' ~---. bv 6 .. buv ~ O 1v 6 1_2___ by 1 ui~' ' AtUSO ::c~~ USO USO USO USO USbDY 6 MCbYRDJ jU~ 10 JMc'bvRDIJ ·\ 50 USO USD USC> 10M~~"'~~~----1.. M"'~"'R"'6----J• .;c;.ac--- 0 ., , Leleune M~--- M v I bv 20 bv· 14 by I~ (°Jv~es1ern by 18 7 • I -, 2 bY 20 Lab~•~n• Cam111 Le .-,ne ~=r~:•,::n Cahfol'IIJa ~t use UCLA ot Washlntfon c:,::~:i San Jos :;a IW1i bv 1 by 12 l\~•)n• b_LlA :iv;ur,rn--~.,.":tm"" by u ~Lo~b~~--\"~.---.,~---- c~y~esfern Co~/;es1ern Ca~y~tstern lc~y~~stern .,. C_e~w;u1nn ,Ct~y,;.wtrl'I '''l!.,.~e~rt,. ,.- use usc usc use lusbcY 1~ . • 1wobvsh 7 !Stanford , by 20 Niv, sv~;c 3use Missouri by 12 Kansas bv l Iowa usbcv • U£VLA 7 u • use '"""' I CY 6 - usC: bv 7 bv 7 ;~_p:cr ,callfomia bv 3 by 7 I ob~" Stanford 1 by 10 ,syb;',1* Niv1 UCLA use - uscv 2 b by 1 by 2 by & by 7 by 6 by 7 by 6 - bV 6 bv? by & by ! Washington Washington ,wa.shington 1Wo5hington ington Washlr.;tOC'I UCLA bY 2 wa,hln;tan W~lngton bv 5 o~':°ln :srgnvf«,rd Washington Washington . bv 10 iorbe:~n jstonford . bv 10 Ni~.,3 bY 3 or;:ran Stanford I Orbe:-r jStanford ; by 6 ;Nti, =or~b-:'--"~i----l:c"-'---=--- or;:~c,----1,0.,r~::":0~2"...,...___ho,,=ro"_,__v',="t'....,.___ o Ora•:r Stanford ~i~y,. 1sv~~o/se loNc I bv 7 :M ssour I by 211 ,c'':"~Y"'°i'~0.,.-__ iO~~n Stanford hiV10- by 8 Stanford Nti 4 P~Yn 3 st. by 7 Missouri by 10 Kan-50s by 7 Mbn;~sota Nt~~sko Te~,;s~ C~~s 10 Beers by 3 Browns Steelers bv 7 Giants Patriots bV 9 by 1 bv 6 !Titans Olb~s6 1sronca. bv 8 u • Purdue bv 1 Kt~~cky :Stanford- Stanto1 rd Stanford by 10 Stanford bv a - / by 7 _ ~'----1 bv a , bv -~v IJ :NbV1 i\;-~c;se Ni~y1 ~Nii, Niv. ISY~:C,"N by 5 Missouri bv 7 M~~fan ' bY 6 llowa Ni~vu st. Pt~n. Iowa svJ;~use by 2 1 i\'\ S&OUrl . by 8 Kaf\SCIII bv t M~';'lf,an Iowa 1 u_se___,,...~--- _s•-~~c- sv~~ 6 use sv::cfw Iowa ~y 2 1M1110.1.m tlY 14 M;lffn M~~rota b sv::~use svb~"use 1 2 lowo Iowa 1 !1owa Iowa Iowa owa ,.,b~y__,7~---l-·-D.,_v..,10"-,-----lc--"-'---=-,-- by ~3·~--+.c'b,._v~6....,.__-lcccbccY..:lccO~--f,-,'b,-'V'-6:....,___:_.;cbye...c7....,.__ -! 7 bV I _ > bv !_,,I Missouri by 15 Kansas bY 7 Mluourl by 20 Oklahoma b'v 7 Missouri by 13 Kan,cs , bv 2 Missouri by 7 Kansas bV 2 Ml$$0url t,y 13 IK1;ms1U . bY l Missou_r1___ ...... M by 11 Kan!tl.S bv 6 1 M~~1,an ,M~nyn~oto INt~,!ikD 1 M!cnlgon sf. bv 14 1 r:---.Jtv Kanso-1------.iOklahoma --ll kQMQ bV 7 iM~'r" -_·_t'~",.,"',__~.,,::-:_ bv .S 7 g0:cn---l·M""=~c.,'.::hf:~c:o::-n--:.-.M""~~ri1jc:an-:---IIM'"'bch"',:;:1f"'•==n:---1,M"b"i'v,-hl..,1-on,...-__-_ _ 1 M~C:izon "M:i'b<'::f-i:~=n--+.-M'"bch',\V~lf:coc:n---hM-:ib,'~c,; 7 ra t~ --;~--- an SI, .-:: ~tJY, M~~n,sotC 111~~0~$ Nt~~ska Michigan st. M~n:so1a Arb~y12 ilY 7 by 7 l\~ 7 Ohio St. Ar~a~sas Michigan St. Mifvnrto M~~nr°to I Nw~ska 1Mbicyhi 7oan St. M:vn~scta lMb~rota tt~~ska Michigan St. Jl~~I~ ArlWy• I# ~,sota " Ab~"2 ~, Ab~.,., 1: ;_"6 Ar~y7 ~r:,i \ta Mbicyhlo 5on St. Mbi~igc,, St. IMLcvhl 10;1n St. Mlchlocn st. MichlJIDn SI Mc .ansi:-1~ chlgan St. •~ "'" St 1! M by 7 Purdue ,. 7 by 7 Ohio St. by I by 6 Ohio St. bY 7 ~Y 7 Ohio St. DY'• IUl)!o St. 1 bY 6 L\~ 7 r,:.:~ CoJ~lO Bcars 7 . I by 9 by 1 Ohio ~I. b 3 DI Nolrt Da"'t Oh a 51, al Ohio St. !Ohio St, bY 13 Lt~ 1 0~10 St. by 8 LSb~ 15 !T~:,4 i St. fOh _ ,II unm ,--c,bY,,_..=.6----1-""bc;Y..:20:.::...___ 1,~~-- • -. b 6 bv ~urau, "L\~ ;- ',- ~'i: ':' y T\X:~ COJ~•,o 49ers Lt~ 2 Lt~ 3 Lt~ 6 l<~yhrY 3 ~kY I"' I ~t.!'J.,Y,____ ,, Texas ITtic_,a~ t' ·=T•~i,"y'co~h~---laT,.,"ti':Lv..;~:,_~--1,=-'icc,-"---- bY5 ~:ka;::: ~:i'rs Cit 49trl er ..... frowns at ~wboo •,:" .t' ~R_e 1Te:va~ I Art:~sas eox;,2 ·-; T•~~ \ , ~ 111 Coifs 1 c_o~J~~•~'----laC~'1,~i~-•l~2---;-C-'l,~'~,__•_u~---R . %~~ C°t!~1 5 Ii~ bv 10 Ct~s 10 Bears by 10 Browns C'l!~s 21 I C~~•io C I • -:Zo~~IJA a'='eo=,:c,~--- 'a'°'ea"'""rs"----I"""=~--: i Btovrs Bt°;'s Browns by 7 Eagles by 3 • StHlerl bY l Giant, bV 7.. Polrloj,s B v"", Bears sears ·- ~'len Boer•---- eear1 7 b 3 by 7 bV 7 bl by 10 by 3 by l l by 7 Browns c:ii1T IStf!_le 3 ra f "' !Giants by 7 bV • bV 2 IPatriots Titans bY IQ Browns bV ,,.-, ----,, bY • by 8r"0Wn-,---1C'o~wbo~Y,._S_____,_B~ro~wns~-----1;.B:':rown'=-=-s---'aa,.:r'-':w..:ne...1_·_,~_l,c,c.._-=::--- 1 ilirowna---l,Bc-l(~~b~·e.cls Brown, by U -- erow 1 '\. : by 10 IEti1e31 by 7 bi 3 bv 7 by 7 ,.. bv 6 bv 20 i;~i•°",t"•·3"',-------1ei~e]---,Eti1e1~ I Ll~3 litg" Ll~s, eiilel Steelers bv 6 Giants by 10 Patriots bY 6 Titans bv 8 E':i~1e3"'°•---ieti'e,i~ Et~ei '1' ___ 'Df57 CqrydL,•• ala "'st,,.eer.,l~e,"s.:,...-,i,-ll..:'=r::-:--- Cardinals bV 7 Giants bY 14 Patriots by 7 Bibllys 7 - nols !Cardinals: bv 7 Giants bv 4 Patriots DV 6 Titans bv 6 I St~b11v11.,.rs 1 s1ebe,11 3 r1 JGicznts !Patrlo1s .,_ by 10 Cabrvdi_ 1 1ee1ers--lS~ 1r1 Ca d neat ----,1·i·teel rs 1 ,, by 3 Giants b bv 2 bY 6 n,~- bv 10 _ bY I 01anr, Pqtr o T1tan.t 1•::~r l&"ianc:os ..ts bv 3 - a ·, Giants by 3 Raiders bv 7 Tlbtoyn, 1 G ants G1an"t'-,"----o!·G=rJ1ants 1:-o/ 2 R:QJden. bY I Titans by I ~bv,_,:6,-!----le,-",'.,.,--- ; bV 11 Patriots bY 3 Titans Qi6"v'\ Broncos bv 5 W-21 L-1 bV 7 PoJ_~io7 ts - - Patr&o\1 by- 1 Tl!E", 1 ., Pofrlots bv J Tltans bV 3 !OIiers by 2 18,oncos by 5 Last WNkJ W-20 L·t .&90 bv 3 Titan, by 7 •• ., ·-- nv,a•·- ---1,_~l;I}'. U 61~ 7 Titan:. 01;:17 ___<:rLl___-f bv 9 016v~ _Jo16~r~ by 6 ---~~ .by 3 "T•~;-'-:~1.----1'•T~"ti'~::-'~'-:-·--- 1 0:"'1b';".1~-:=,.::-7----1:aD'f.l~•:-::,::\--,-,... -:-,,0"1~'"'~-r,'----i T\~~s Bran(OS by J 1w_ie,,.L.. __ ........_ Ch.2[1•-~-F erbovnc 1 o 0 s Brbovnc 7os IBroncos Charg~rs bv 7 Last week; W-1& L-13 Broncos bv 7 W·\9 L-10 1 aro~ bv 1' 1Broncos bv 2 Broncos by 10 1 1, ~•. .. n_ WLo, - ,-,,.bY~7-.---la-",~==--1 u, J - by 3 __ by 3 -.--- wL_u'" 1 11,,.-u-"" 1 'La""•t w""1te=1k,-~1Lost wt~ Last~ Leist week: W-19 L-10 I Last wMk: W-17 L-12 Lut week: 1w-1, L-10 Last wNk 1w-u L•14 ,,Last weeki W-'Jtl L-9 Last week: 1 • 0k: lwas Lwa.!t 1 20 t WL·ftk1 1w-21 "· L-1 ___ • , .___. .,____ .&55 • .586 .&55 .517 .&90 ito ---~-----.c..:.=.,;;;;--...,..;...__.,_,___...,,_....,,,..._.,_ .124 .552 ,124 .124 ,'5S
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