News Scrapbook 1959-1962


day's Grid Scores

MON., OCT. 17, 1960-Part IV C :a I

LUB TOLD tate's


o Dr. Love

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EVENING TRIBUNE ---------------

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SAN DIEGO, CALl~Ol!NIA Tor.sday, Oct. 18, 1960

Fans Have Sqy:- • Only Love Can S et e Doy By BOB ORTMAN The fans have spoken. T/!elr verdict?' President Malcolm A. Love holds the key to San Diego State College's foot- ball tuture. • "If Dr. Love definitely wanted a good football team,"

the da-ector o! nidr-d by a !acuity

arc commlt- tl'd to five !ootba games with ot the state nnd we'll

n't commlttl'I'. W


said Bob Breltbard yesterday at the Quarterback Club lunch- .,, eon, "they could have one, without lowering their high ac- ademic standards." Breitbard, Tom Ables a n d B o b Kerrigan discussed San Diego-area football - its an. ments and possible cures - at the Mission Valley Inn gather- ing. "Dr. Love has said publicly that he expects and intends to have an athletic program 011 the same plane with other dt.- partments in the college," e. marked Ables. "This leads a person to wonder whether the other departments are In this condition. "The other alterna-

lUALCOL.'1 LOVE tive is that he doesn't mea, what he says." Ables expres e(I a feeling of discouragement in the fact that " San Die late Is lucky to come out with a 0-0 tie against Redlands, USD has a team (Azusa) on Its chedule which plays such teams as the Pomona Frosh, ana this city of a haU-million has no major football team, " Saii Diego State played a 7/-27 tie With San Jose State Sn 1956," Ables added. "Last Saturday San Jose beat Stanford~ Diegq tied Redlands," Other Schools Surmounted Obstacles Breitbard, while depJorqig the tre~d toward emphasis of academirrolll'giate Conference."· The W<'sterners :;et their goals and are achieving them. What are the goals atSDSC and USD7 , Ii ~he possibility of more jobs fc;ir athletes." 'Just Want to Field Good Teams'

b-12 EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO, CALIFORN IA Wed., Oct. 19, 1960 Y =:------~===:::::::;=--: Pioneer Freshmen to Be Busy Saturday With 2 Tilts on Tap Some Um verstty o! San D l e g o fr hmcn foot II players \\ill gt.-t q \It e a workout Saturdaj. The Pion er Frosh will season because oUm..injury, Souther-ti California College Ccach Mike Pecarovlch than it was in a 14-6 Win .says he's sati~fied with the over Azusa. The three-year defense of both the varsity letterman completed o n l y and frosh, but ad m I t s f1ve of 12 passes for 18 yards. "y.e'll have to work on our The Pioneers' defen c offense," will be gear ed to stop the The veteran coach ho~ Va nguards' Bill Severn, rat- varsity quarterback J an ed a.,e of the west coast's Chapman's passing will be outstanding all-around small lettc contest e~ er held be- more C'ffective a g a 1 n p t college quarterbacks . rneen the two schools. Some i=-======-=--;====---~- -===CL___"'=~-----,.J of the same freshmen who engage San Diego State Col- lege Frosh Saturday morn- i'11g at 10 ln the first ath- -~---=

play in that game ,,111 come back at night to play on the varsity against Southern California College at West- • gate Park at 8. Mike McDcvitt, 185-pound end, is listed a:; a starter for both games.. An All- Catholic League player at Loyola High In Lo Angeles, he was to ~ed to sit out la. t


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