News Scrapbook 1959-1962

D, 2 -20 " Chapman h ws ' 2TD Passe I co·r h ·r


USD Upsets arines, 21-20, Chapman Her9 f ( ontlnnt•d) d1 vc whil'11 r<' ultrd In a Mn• rlne t ,uch I ft s1d . !iqm the three. nobby Rnnl!Y t d it wiih a place ent A third Marine fu,nble on USD's 39 Ignited thP col• l<'gians ai;ain. A 41-yard pass play from C h a p m a 1 to C:ahriPI put LSD on the :\1a- rlnc :.'O. Unable to make yard- ag , Joe Loesch ig tried a firlcl goal but the b 11 went under tlw cross har . Martin electrified the cro,1,d when re ran 82 ~ards 101· , touehdow,.. on tl•c opcnil,)g kicko!f of the second halt tl.Ild before the fans could s ttlc h1 their sea•s MCRD w s o u t front, 14-7. 13ut this was not to he a Ma- rine runaway this time. The Pioneers finisl).ed t h e shocker in the fourth period by driving 41 yards in O pla,s with Chapman bcin pushed



F t downs Verdi rushlnl 'Y urcl.1 pan nw PGHH ~~l:' Int re PINI 1'Y Yans, Ptnatlud F"mblu Iott• ,. 437.7 13'1 19 3S l I college until tt y met thl'lr match In the s nlor signal caller who had pos ihly h I s in<>st hour for 1e Blue nnd White of USD. Considcn d a,t I t a three r four touchdO il"l'I t. d rdo;; SD's arou d 'f out pl yed the br I I g LeathC'T• ck llm.> and d-doggcd ' t•trou h to h 'Manne quarterback. for 6ig Jo <'S. The Pioneers. who now ha c won three straight games, held Billy Martin, the o. '1 draft choiCl' oI th ch1cngo 13rars, to 3.3 net yar(Js In 10 carries. And. his running matr, Al llall, a pro1,crty of the Los Artgclcs Rams, falr d littl better a he was held to 37 ynrds ln n n carrics. Chapman and hli< batlling forwards \H!re the show I ere. e quart r!Jack comp!C'tcd eight o! 16 pn scs tor 117 yards and galni-d 42 yards in J.6 carries. Chapman pitched 27 yards to end Jim Gabriel to put the Pio- neers ahead In the ~ccond pc· riod, connected with halfback Joe Gray for a 58-y;ird pass• sroring play In th<' third period and punched In on a quarter• hack sneak from the one In the final period. The young flinger proved last night that he still is the No. 1 boss in the USD back field. Earlier thls season it was !oul?d that Chapman had trou- ble seeing his targets and the use of contact I ns was pre- scribE'd. His coach, 1il,e Pc- carovich, was so CQT1cerncd that he was grooming freshman Nelson Murphy !or thn No. l assingment. The battling PionPers had a 7.7 standoft with the strong Leathernecks after two pe riods. With t P exception o"f one • MCRD U D ,s 11 1,; ,ff 7,6 8-16 0 I

oncer. surprised with 21-20 triumph. Jim C.abfi£'l 81, and JO£' Gray, 42, hang onto MCRD tar, but he i;till manages to chalk up :;ix point·.


·oneers Shed a Tear After Bi Pecaro- grctt, mento USD upporters t a b b e d Chapman's performance t'te best ot his car r In com-


we re going to hold a long r mmagc Y.'1 h regular of. ii a• ' In carving one of the big- gest grid surp ises In these parts Ir many years, the Pioneer ~toppen MCRD aces Al Hall a'ld Billy Martin hoJC:ing t. em to 70 yards ga ned and cashed in on two co ly fumble by the Dc\ ildog,. 0 Leary rccov- red botl! ar hi t -:nmates wrnt on Lo c:orc oon after. CJ: prran to ed a 27-yard pa to Gabriel in the second pc iod to put USD ahead. After the .Marine took the, k,ckof! and marched to a TD, t'te first ha'f wound up, 7 7. Mai tin racea 82 yards to a touchdown aft!"r taking the o ien,n • kickoff in the econd h,1lt. Chapman fired a :, rd pas to Gray for the.. cond D score ard he went , er c-, a QB s'leak for the decia. D" tally The exclting tilt , ou up m a big b.awl. Gray ipter- cepted a pa ~- meant !or 1artm, and B,illy took a ming at hi . Soon they erl" at It "ith fists flying. Both team rushed onto the field, but order soon was restored and seconds later tears tarting flowing from eyes ot the jubliant Pioneers. E.K.

pleting eight o! 16 pa es 1or 163 yards, the scrappy little quarterback hit Jim Gabriel and Joe Gr y with touchdo\, n tosse and talhl'd the deciding score In th Imai p r r i 'l d before about 5,000 \\ildly chcenng fans. Jan also gained 42 yards rust Ing. Gabriel hauled m four passes for 83 ards. He also took a toss frol"I Chap- man for thr Pxtra two points which settl d the jssue · • 'o play ,,ill be moted, only t oach " Hans Jacob. Pn excla med a f t c r ab orbing Ms f t defeat ~Ince taking OH'l' 1ar nr reins. l'SD r a battled and the win wa de er"I g. We didn't hit hard and w didn't make blocks and we missed tackles "I! v. had to lo c, I'm glad I lost to the 'old ·ar• bor. c' (Pecarov!ch). ctual• Jy, It takes the pre off my p I aye rs and maybe the 'J try harder now. They were too complacent ard were riding far a fal1. Now · ick up the piece and and I'm sure \\e'll come iiack strong. We have no game next Saturday so

into the end zonP. from the one bv his tcammal('S. Chapman passed to Gabriel v,,ho j us t madP the- ('fld zone for the all important t•,,.-o points. MCRD • O 7 13 0-20

on Page g-1, Col. 8)


O 7 6 8-21




(27 P0SS




r~~llc;.Ranev kick. (82, . kick-off

.a f!h



R 0 J'[6_i<~~•v from Chcpmon) ~f~Ech~~~a~"· a~n)inec:k 1 vd. Chol)- man to Gabriel, DOSS, All-<,100. (l8, oass






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