News Scrapbook 1959-1962



Paga b-5



USD 21, MC D 20


id Fans Delirious wanted to ' Prcarovkh

ne r

Al Hall and Billy Martin. Martin did !'scape for 82 yards and a touc·hdown on the opening :c koff ot the seC'ond ha!! h othC'rwi e the fourth Chicago B a r draft choice, who had av• erag d bettrr than 9 ya1 ds p r carry, was h Id to 33 rd 1n 10 car1 w . Hall, a f ur-year Marine vet ran a'1d Los Angeles ).{am!! property, ga;ned only 37 yards in nm carri<'S Th<> night, however, b • long,'

City, Kan , picked him ell off the turf everal times after being shaken by tack Jes but the Marine charg£>rs ia1 ed to discourage ht . H pa sed for o talli<' and or d the la t t hdown on aw dgc>-lik qu rback sneak Prcarovif'h, strat gist \\ilth +1 n at Gonzaga and behmd him, praised man for his s lectlon of pla~s. "ThC'y (thC' a rt n es) th0t•ght they could run for a touchdown wh<'n they

"I Jiave nothing hut


pr 1 e for our boys.

'Joe Gray jlaycd his usu-




t hair gam

LarrJ T bric! d

y and Jim Ga• .ob I expect d


t em to do CraJ hauled in a b aut1- ft.l pass o~ er his

6 ngclc~ ~lmr11 * Part IV-MON. OCT.31, 1960 o

San Diego Cuts S ring at 11

an e

(('011ti111u-d) man, felt b) some a havir g Jost his touch, completed eight of 16 pa I'· !or 147 yard and wi~ely to~. Pd ·ome away rntlwr than fare the po~~ibility of intrrc P· tlons. Given littll' C'han~ of vic- tory, the Piom·r>rs sur- lll isingly stru1•k first i 1 the eco11d pPriocl with Chap- man compll'tlng a 28-~ard toU ' hdown pass to Gabr!Pl. Te,sar:r i,ddl'd the com·er- sion and It \\a, , -0. :!\ICRD cam,• right bark lo tle it. 7-7, driv·ng 60 yards m nine plays \I i1Jt Hall !anting oH side. Bobby Ran~. d the point. Martin put th, (. ·a lwr- ned,s aheall, 14-7, whe returned the opPi1!11[! ond-half kickoff all but USD clo,Pd ,,.,.,_.,._,. 14-13 imm<•di ·Y-~,,~,,,..,,.,


KINNE. TO FEATU E QB GRID LU, CHEO TOMO The in~ide story and colorful sidelights on the Pitts- burgh Pirates• thrillin~ drive to the at opal League pennant and wo :Id championship a" i o for Quar- terback Club. gue~ toir.or.O\\ noon at th eekly lunch- eon In i111SSion Va cy I ~ob. Sk"nnC'r ta Jc;,. a $tar .J' ra c outfielder will be the prm al ' er ' .Other u t ters be.sides the regular panel will be high sc-hool coaches Jim Erkelibeck of El Capitan and Roy Engle of Hoover. Jack Murphy, The San D;ego Union sports editor, will be master of ce emon!es. The Quarterback Club luncheons, open to the public are sponsored by The Union-Tribune Publishing Co. '

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