News Scrapbook 1959-1962

ppell An·

T~ssary May Grid q ad



• 1oneer

SAM DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Wed., t. 7. 1960 fl



(i) <;un., Sept, 11, 1000 SAM OIEGO, CALIFORNIA

USD Tops Subs, 16-14 Jan Chapman threw two touchdown pas e ~·e t rd a ti e Rams beat the 49 r lG·H In a l"nlvr('sity o! S Diego intra-squad game. Th Ram . made up of ft strini: players, scored o • a yard ai?rlal from Chapman to Jim Gabri!?! with Chapman latei· hlttln rn~e .1cDevitt w th a ::!5-,ard scoring plteh. Both receivers counted aga 1 on the extra-point pla) to pro,•lde the Rams' '' lnrung margin. The 49<'rs, quartcrbac1·ed by fre hm~m ·clson Murpqy, tal- l ed on a tlve-yar4 plunge by fro~ haliback Al Bona and an eight yard smash by 1ull• back Don Dorkowsld. u D open Its s e a s o n fi lurday night against strong \ littler at Ba bo Stadium.


w Coach, Quarter ack, Off nse G For Whittier By ,JOH:'i Y m•UO AJJ> Whittier Colleg fir t a.

~on foolh II fop !or thP uni. , er ity of Snh Die o Satur- e at am with a n<'w loo The .P I , ],') > 11\'I' thP ~o hrrn C-ahforn1a r colle , IP Athlr>t1c Con "nre crown thr"" straight ) f>Ar~. will ha VP a nr\\ coach, a new. o!fl'nsc an<\ a new quarterback. John Godfr<'Y a line <·oac-h at Whittirr for 1h1'l'P srasons, takes over and has installed trr Wirg-T. MranvJh1 :o;tood In the All-A r e n last se thP <'Y pot. Vail will bP flanked In thP Etart1ng backfield hy fullback John Sherm n, halfback C:rcg Risko and wingback Frank Plani. Sherman and Risko a~Pragc>d 5.~ and 7.2 vard · per carry In 19;')9 while ·Piani i co-captain. 1! Vall rlect to take lo the 11ir he 11 have seasoned Ken c:regory at one or the wings. Gregory, tilth ll'as









for 751 fensh e ,halfback


, ards ,rnd .seven touchdowns. McMaster at tacklP. . • The e d and backfirld spot The P!onC'ers' attack 1s ccn- :ms_ arc s1m1lar Bl'ach .State last Saturday. to that of Whithc>r but the "W<' learned a lot about our Pioneers have n?t had ~he op. sophomorPs," h<' said. "It portunity of scnmn:agmg an- looks a~ though Dick Skinner other foe and this should may play a lot of ball at de. prove to be a stiff ti-st.


The San

iego Union's Gridiron Selections

Phil f'OlJiPr

Harry .\lonahan

Jack .\Iurphy USO by I

Games W111tt1er- ot USO o,.. ..rr,:--- ct USC P ttM)unn at UCLA 5tanfocd at Wo5hl:ft9ton St. COP ar - - Wasti"n9ton

Bob William~ Whitlt'er

Rolla W.Ullams

Warren Wilson



neer drill for . at1,;rcla~ night': foot- ball opener \\ ith Whittier College m Balboa .'laclium.

· l'AY uards Wayne Borque, and Mike Gurrola work up a

w at a 11iversity o! an Diego Pio- USD, POETS IN OPENER

Teams to Have New


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