News Scrapbook 1959-1962

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use by I UCLA bY •

use by I


Y 19

P ttsburgl'1 by 6




Callf('lf"nla bY I Wash n· on bY 16

Co torn a

Tu one bY 6

Ca 1fornta bY 2 Wamln"1on UY 12 Sta ford by l



bY 3

U D Veterans o ce Poets . By ,JOH.·. ·y ::\lcDONALD roach 7 i l,P P!'c::i.rovirh has r,amcd 11 vcteri:ms to start for ih!' l'ni\ :-rsity of San D t?"' tomonow night at 8 o'clock wl'\cn th!' Pion!'C'rs op<'J:1 tlieir 19GO football campaign ag inst Wh,ttier Coll e :it Ilalb :i St diun1. Only 01•c Gf th~ st rte-rs !t l'nd Mil(C MrD<'vitt did not

Wa!hln-.,ton by 21



Stanford by 1 BOitOn Coll, by 3 Arkansas

bv •

bv •


NOYV by 7

Ncvv bv 13 Arkansas by 11


Arkansas bv I


by 6 TeU bV 1 Ml ;ourl by 5 At~fO Ga, Tech bY I

Tl'l, y ,4

TeU by 6

TeU bv 3

M :.our•

M s~c,uri

SMU br 7 A abcmo bv 1 2 Ga. Tech by 11

M sour by 7

S,Yl, by 6 Gt°f~lo

SIi U l C~orc a V 6 Ge. Tech bY 1 by







Ga. Tech by 3

Ic:tter last year. Howe er, beyond the open- JJ\g unit Pecarovic-h will have to r .Jy on gr(),en freshmen to ,111 lte gap . Twenty nine !re hmj?n are on the 46-man 1 squad. , Jan hapm:m. a .senior quarterback, will gulde the I local f o r c e s. The 5-10. 180-pounder has passed for more than 1,400 yards and 14 touchdowns in two seasons. m,LI:UiTIW Sl'BS Chapman will have juniors Joe Gray noo and Joe LoPschnig (100) at the halves and junior Jim DeSantis (185) at fullback to help operate the new multiple-T formation offcnsr. In USD's favor, however, wil be the fact that the game will be played with unlimited substitution. Jim Gabriel, a 215:Pounder, will open at right end with McOevitt (185) at he other side. Team captaif! Wayne Bonrque fl98) and Gray Elliott (217) will star at the tackle p o s ts wh e Mike Gurrola (185) and Wally Joss' I(183) will be at the guards and Jim O'Leary {228J at center. Pccarovieh and his new coaching staff hope to im- prove upon last season'i; dis- mal 1-5 football seascm but the a n s w e r will depend strongly on how s o o n the younger playc>rs arc able to handle the lt1atlon. GREEN QCARTERBAC'K Whitl!er figul'cs to have the edge in th" line but will go with nn unsrason~d quarter- I hack In Bin) Vnij \'all playt'd brhind Gary Carrmh"I!, who was Littli, .All-Am ican la t srason. Garnp ll was wadu- ated last J' t, · ii om• ing the gr l),,i " s t ground gainer io b story of IJ)all college football. Whittier''s f rward wall will bP hra

- - -- --- ----- LSU bv 13 -----------~ LSU bv 12

LSU by 2

LS.J by 2

w. V •9lnlo bv 12

W. Virginia bv 10 Mlss1s.s ppl by a

,lr:.11 G, BRIEi,

At I:lght Eml

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