News Scrapbook 1959-1962
11'1rst i\'in Pion·eers to Clash With New Mexico 1 Pl:lw r!ul New M x, n We~tern CoUtge, 11eeklng I f1rat ,1ctory ot the APll.1O1\, l\leels the Unlvereily o! San Diego at 8 p.m Uu.s I< rlday at Balboa. Stadium. ew Mel 4 it Depot, and Paul Go,·emali, San Di- o!lege. Art Filson, )1ar Vista, and Mike ch, Uniwrsit~ of San Diego, : !so were ut una ountc>d for in this pidure. ..\fore ollege; (standing), Charley Popa, San Diego High; Jack ..\lurphy, port editor 'The San Diego Union; Gene Greg. - ton, cxecuti\"C sports editor E\'ening Tribune; Glenn Forsythe, Ramona; Capt. Hans Jacobsen, Marine Al Lewi. pre· than 80 were on h1.nd for football "kickoff." Passes 'Put Heat' on Jacobsen's Marines ''I was wo1T! d a hfnd Poet all-Ametican Gary Campbell, made his own bid for greatne&N. Vat! completed 1!5 of 26 pa.,ses attemp led !or 28{1 yards and one tou~hclown and scored tWice himself on runs of one and 15 ya.1·ds. Halfback I Greg Risko kl ·kerl two extra points and mts~ed on anolher attempt. · U D acored with 7:47 re main In thP fourth quarte when quarterback Jan Chap- man hit right and Jim Gabliel who knifed through the Whit- tler secondary for a touchdown. The play covered 10 yards. The line-ups, Nt-W ~e>.lco t1f:O G. Rowr~ (185l · IR M, McD,:,·\tt f1R5\ T, .,. King 11901 IT W. Bourque 11981 ,f Wllll&m:oc 11801 LO M. Ourroh, 18:11 H&tltr I HJ,'ll C J. O·1..,u,ry (228l .,u;tnn!'da (!?Oo, R/1 \\', .Joos t 1851 I . Ward (2J0i RT O. Elllolt 12171 l!'. Heln~iu~ '18f>) Rf, ,1. Gabriel 121~1 0. Dtaz 1185 Q"l J. Chaoma.o I IMI N. Halllon1' 115,5) LW: J. Gray 1190, C. Voris fl6S RH Loe,ch!n~ '1901 J. VISQUU (2001 FB J. OeSantls (lMl t the heat whPn we went to Braw- eported Jacob. en, "but the heat Ing gam('. They passed for 363 c'll be working on pru;s de• le)' for the game, • came from their p yards.• 'eedless to :fen .., this week." THE SOUTHERN CROSS, SEPTEMBER 22, 1960 Although they lobt In their debuts la Wf'f!k, • I ike Prcuro\kh or l'niver ity or , n Diego and Al Lewi of C'nl Western both aw a glimmer of hope. "Thi~ was our first contact with outsid boys," said Pecaro,·ich. "So we couldn't evaluate our play rs until Saturday night and then it was too lat" I think you'll ec us improve from week to week." "Our defensive club did a rral fly,e job " commented Lewis, "but we made ~everal errors on offense and that wa the story of the game.\\ e le rnrd a lot THE SAN DIEGO UNION 66 It w,1 -d \\11 and fir t one to go for thi · trio of c·oachc. at the opcmng meeting of the Union- Ti bunc> Quart rba ·k Club ye terday at .1i. ion VallC'y Inn. Left to r1 hl are Capt. Han Jacob en Ma ne Corp Recruit DePot, which dumped · Cai 1-up, VEN/NG TRIBUNE b-7 TISAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 1ursday, Sept. 22, 19611 PAUL COUR RICK SMITH ROGER CONLEE GENE GREGHON BOB ANGUS HARRY HACHE. L.A. State by 2 N.M. West. by 14 Pomona by 1.4 GEORGE HERR CK L.A. State by 6 N.M. West. by • Pomona by 10 EARL KELLER L.A. Stare S D~~t'lte New Mex w CONSENSUS LA ~t e b-y ·s • L fate LA $ D ~:tt"te by 6 NM Wesr Y 7 Ponoma bV 12 Y 2 b, • USO l,y ' L.A. State by 18 N,M, Wesr. by 12 Pomona by 18 LA Stole by 10 N.M. West. by 10 Pomona by 7 t NY M e,r J'so Y 12 PO<:' ,o t,y 1, use by 7 Purd e by 6 "'otre Dame v l by 22 Pomona Sy' .. bv 1 UC A DY. Notr Dome bv 17 W1sc~sin bv 2 lowo by 2 Bavier by I Go....ech bY J Oh,o Sta1e- bv 12 ,!J.M v\esl. y 1' Col Western by 2 use by 4 UCLA by 1 Notre Dome by 10 Whconsin by 6 Oregon ttn Ca We ea, ._ ,_.,f,.tn b( l USC by 3 UCLA y 7 Nott' Dame t.y 10 W concln bv 6 M ch19on by 6 V$ Pomo
i---;;;; --,-- by 7 use by 6 L. C by TCv by 7 U.,';.Lt use by 2 use by 3 I UCL~ by 6 Purdu;- by 6 Calft rnlo- vs. ~~Lt 1 Notre Dome by 12 Wisconsin by 18 ~re Dome- by 12 Notre Do=-i~e Dome .__.. by 12 by 7 l Slonford by' Michlggn bv wisio1sin Miclll!:ian by ' lowo by T Bcvlor by 6 Wl5consin by 2 Wisconsin bv 7 Crf'!gcn b 2 Michigan by 6 Michigan by 12 Michigan by 12 Iowa by 13 by 8 Iowa by 5 Boylor--,- bY 1 1. Ore _, Yo Iowa by I IOY..O bV I Bov1or by 6 Iowa by 6 --- Boyl or Iowa by 7 Bay 8ov c,-r by 2 Ga.T~ by 7 Ohio State by 7 bY 6 Go. Teel'; by 2 Ohio State by 6 Texas by 8 Tenne!sc-e by 6 ss)sslPot by 7 I l by 6 Savior by 6 Bovlor by .( Go Te h by 6 Oho Stole by '5 Morv!onct by 3 Aubur'l by 2 Mi1si~s1ppJ by 20 Woi.:e Fore:,t by 6 Northwe$tern by 5 Tech Go Go. Tech. ,,. 7 l ~G-a-.-Tech G~h. Ga. Tech-- - GobvT{fh by by 12 by 12 -=.t:L-- bY 6 I Ohio~ by 3 .,..... Oh;o State by 9 Te>::os by I Auburn by• MlsslsslppJ by 12 Woke Fortsr by > Northwestern by 2 Illinois by 8 Mich. Sr. by 6 - ,- Ohio State by 12 7e-xos Mal:iand --Te-;~:- vs. Aubur11 --KefUcl(y vs. __M 1Uipp1 Ohio State Ohio 5'ate '- I ,..exos by I by 13 Texas -- bY 13 - - -- 1----;ary;;,;--- Texas by 7 Maryland by " Aubu n by 6 l by --- by1~ Auburn by 6 Auburn by 3 I Missi.. ~iDPl by 12 Clemson by 6 Mlt~i'~OPI c•g~rn ~lppf Mississippi bY2l bY10 - Clem!on-- -~son by 6 by 8 Oklohama by 17 Oklahoma ___bl\6 llllnols by 4 Clemson by 6 Oklahoma by 8 Clem~on by 6 Oklahoma by 13 ltlinols by 7 Mith. SI, by 13 Clemson by 6 1 okloh~ - by 7 lllinols bv 11 Mich St. by 6 N. Ccrolina by 6 Indiana VS. Illinois Micr,foon st _ PHtIJiUre~ N, C0l'Ol1np SI vs, ~Carol/no ltlst Wee 1 ___ --..!!,_cord Carolina by 2 N. Carolina by 7 15 S 1"0 ' s ISO -I lH .700 TH '"' .700 10.10 .5CO .700
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