News Scrapbook 1959-1962
S N DIE"O UNION Tl urs.. e11t.:?!,lOOO (1) '°'"N 01.00, CUIFOIINIA
EVENING TRIBUNE b-6 x $AN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA hursday, Sl'pt, 22 , 19 f)O
Frosh Get
ame USD Starters Get Another Chance
ChanceAgain In USD Tilt Jl'II be a balllc o! the fresh- men when University of San D i e g o meets New Mexico W P s t e r n Collrge tomorrow night in Ilalboa Stadium at 8. N<'w Mexico has 18 frosh on ts rostrr while the Pioneers 1ave :.!.,. Jnrxperiencc paid a major role In the two club's lo In~ ~tarts this season. The PI one er s made too many mistakes in losing to Whittier CollPge, 20-6, l a s t -,aturday night. Coach Mike J>ecarovich expects his "green kid " to prom from the ex- pcdrncc, however. New M e x I c o Western dropped its opent'r to Sul Ross (Texas) Statt' CollPge, 20-7, and last Saturday night bowed to Adams State (Colo.) Col- lege, 27-12. Mustang coach Al Johnson, a 10-yPar veteran with a 44.:15-3 record, h a s named nine lettermen to start tomorrow night. Three rrturnccs from last year's dub which won four, los t three and tied one from Lhe nucleus of the fast-im- proving Mustangs . Juan Vas- quc,z, 200 • pound fullback, Christ Voris, 165-pound half- back, and Bob Hatler, 185- pound <'l'nt!'r, are the experJ. cnced hands. The New Mex!. co linr ls good sized. USD will open with the same starting lineup used against Whittler,
Pioneers 1-lopeful Of Scoring Repeat :B5· rAUL CO'l:R The University of San Diego leleven laS t yeat". . Pioneers tonight hope to pre-. L B ent a sequC'l to a movie they·\at ong eac I Y s tormed ba ck from a 10-0 def- \ Juan Vasquez, ;\foxlco [ullback, is touted as the plny- Western, 1:l-10, in the fall of·er to stop In the New ~exico 1958. 1Western tack. . . Tonight' s game, ·which gels ' _Pecarov1ch said today the under way at 8 in Balboa Sta- l>1oneers probably would open dium !~ the second meeting 1p their attack and th r o \\ of th~ two schools. more against the Mustangs Both clubs will be looking han they dld against Whit- for their first victory of the tier. Jan Ch~pma_n occuple Tl Pioneers lost to \he key spot m this strategy. seaso~ . tc . . 'fhe veteran quarterback Wh1tllC'r, 30-6, m Mike Peraro- 't t h'. 1958 and 1959 vlch's drbut as USD roach wasn up O is 1 ·t wcPk . ThP Mustangs 1andards last wee~, but Is as . i:-eady to rt'deem h 1 m s e l f have been on thc> losmg end t th Mustangs Proba- for two weeks Adams Slat<' t\gai~ts e · Collc>ge, 27-12 and Sul Ross, hl<' luwups: · ' 20-7. "lio~e 1~lW" L.l°'· Mcoe~Jf')1ssl . k f . Klnij (190) T Bourque 98 Pecarov1ch loo S or 1m. 1 Wllhoms 0 mo> Lg g.r;g)~ m provement in the Pioneers. ti!l~~eda c 2001 RG Joos !1ss The first game gave him _an t(~~~ 1 J; 1 ~>, 851 ~1 G~J~1~'.' m opportunity to get acqua1~t- \ ~~~;.,,;,1:s\im ?~ Ch•P~~~ 1t% ed with hls pPrsonnel. He was \orls 11~1 RH Loeochnl• 190 'I/a ei (100) FB Desantis 185 pkas<>d with the play of !rl'sh- ~ •::,qu:;;;.::,~;;;:__;~ _;;.;.;.~---i,1 man tacklr Pat Long and de- 1 200-pound lcit to defeat , ·ew tram and the all-Ph Oen i X Hughrs played two seasons , h c·t c 11 O e~e • d. t a . brfore transferring to USO m ,·1cwe yes er a:,;. ing for USD, ThP. _ , . , Thr movie had a happy end- Hl,>8. Hes a W?-pound, t\\O• Pioneers I year letterman lmebarker.
/EN/NG TRIBUNE .. sr.N DIEGO, cr.LIFORNlr. Ht 1-'ridny, Sept. 23, 1960
fens1V<' captain Rob Hughes. Long may move Into Gray Elliott's starting berth. Th 6-1, QtJ;\-pound lineman came '. 10 l'SD from Phoenix, were he \\as named to two all-con- I feren<'c t,•ams, one all-cit y; \
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