News Scrapbook 1959-1962
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Satur PUNCH IN PIONEERS' ATTACK • WRO 'G RIOOEl\'ER-Joe Loeschnig (21) gathers in New !11exico Western pass in first quarter to set up un·vers1ty of San Diego's second touchdown in DEFENSE IS DOWNFALL OF USD game at Balboa Stadium. Ed Heinsius (86) and other Mustangs are powerless to top interception. New Mexico Wes1ern came pack to win, 29-20. Pione rs Get Hot, But Mustangs H tter '.83 P rr, < ora l[ t e Tnh, r ity of San with a 39-yard pass lo ie the score at +'0-20 and Ed -5an DI..,. IJnlon Sllllf PbolO. 'ew Mexico Western at Balboa Stadium. This will be the Pioneers' second game of the young season. .M. Wester face Har,1-eharging J im Desantis will open nt fullback fo .· the University of San Di go Pion crs tonight when they h o t h clubs knuckl<'d down on d0f<'JllsP and prt-vPJii<'d a ny scoring r,•rords from being brokPn, The loss was th!' Sl'rond for the PionN'rs, Their next stRrt should be their tough- 1'S1 - against Humboldt State at Eureka nf'xt Satur- day night. •·we found out we could mow the- ball, but t h e y mo, d it, too. Defense is our big problem." i;aid Pc• carovich after the game. What the Plcln ers nPrdc-d was about 11 l 7.un!gas last night. The- rugged, 5- 1C, 1% - pound II kf'r llort- c i,:mted another Mustang touchdo n. But Zuniga or lus co!leagu Walt Joos, who also shone on defense, couldn't fill the gaps at tnekles where bruising Juan Vasq_u z made mo1 of CSD'.• aerial yardage on nine completions in 17 at- tempts. Total yardagc> ta• vored the Mustangs, :107 to 2:58. Vasque~ gavP the M us- tang.s a 6-0 lead with 9:22 to p 1a y in the first half when he culminated a 66- yard driv<' to score from " I g h t yards out. Zuniga s rPcovery a( a fumble on the Mustang :io S<"t up USD's first tally. G r a y romped yards lo scote. A pass Interception by Joe Loc•schnig g a \ I' the Pio• nr>ers their -econd ,~hance to score and they did with 2:37 to play in the first quarter. Gray went 11 yards th is time and Chapman passed to ~arry Tessary for the .two-point convernion and a 14-6 lead. Na HaJsome took a wide pitch o u t and ran through the USO defenses 62 yards for New Mex\co at the outset of the second quarter. Walt Winkows!tl's pass to Ray Kleindolph for two points tied the ·core. It was the Pioneers' turn again and Chapman pass1>d to freshman Dan Bodle in the flat for a 43-yard play for the TD. The pass far the extra points failed and USD led, 20-14. Winkowski hit Klelndo)ph Pio D ego Plonrcrs could ha\"! put their first-trnlf o!fensP with their S<'cond-half dc- fenst' last nl ht, tht re ;iJ•s mi ht have been d1!ferer:t Unfortunatdj for coach 11ke P!'earovlch a'ld his Pioneers, when th offense was good, the def<'nsc was bad. When th dcf<>nsc im prO\ ed the o nse tapcrl'd off. The ;e ul was a 29-20 Joss to •ew Mexico Western n Bal1'oa Stadium It was qu,te a track meet for th first half. The Mus- tangs we1 to tne drei;;sing roon- with a 21-20 }Pad and everyone exp rt Pd tl1e final s ore to be m or it. B u t 0 e • I irst 0 Joe Gray and Joe Loesch- n g n°ain wlll open a t the hahe,; a nd Jim Desantis grts th call a t fullback . The Mustangs, who have d ropped two games so far, \\ ill be lighter In the line d backfield. However, m l> cks , 'at Halsome (155l d Chris Voris (165) they'll h ve plenty a! speed Oscar Diaz will ope'1 at quarter and Vasquez, a two- time Frontier Confer nee se- lection, will be a t full. It may still be a Li I and error game with b th clubs trying to get as much use out of many frei;hmen on the •quad . USO has 25 fn•sh- men on t h~ t<'a'll white , 'cw , l\!cxlco We t rn ca co~ nt 18 on the roster ball combat t n ,Ibo Kickoff Is scheduled for 8 o'cloc . Although beaten twice, the tus tan •s cannot be taken lightly by the young Pioneer squad. It was just t\,·o years ago when a stron er t.; D r!uh had to hatt: back in the .second hair to gain a 13-10 drclslon. nd, too, one oC the boys who was n thorn In USD's sid that night Is back to give th, club trouble. He's fullback Juan Vasquez , a hard-plunging 200-pounder, who Is co-capt In \ ,th half- back Chr[s Vori a ,j center Bob Hatle• . Unlil:r the Pione s' irst opponent, Whittler, t , ·ew textcans rely heavily on a running 11ttack and u e pass- es spa ringly. Last week, \Yhlltler penct"rated SD's pornus pa de!ens !or 289 yards while gaining 132 yards on the ground. Jan Chapman. the \'Cter an signal-call r with the Pla- n ers, hope he can improve upon his Initial howing this ason. H,• is capable of coming up with some out- sta ndmg jobs and after this week's hard workouts he may be ready. It hl' should !alter, coach Mike Peca ro, !ch said he in- tend to sen,! freshma n Nel- son Murphy into the Impor- tant i;lot. Pos. IJSD 'H LE LT LG C RG RT RE QB LH RH FB 19 k, 185 217 215 180 190 190 (185 WESTERN WINS OPENER WESTERN WINS OPENER ew Mexi ew Mexico Tops 29-20 By JO •• ·y , leDO.•. l To • 1oneers, (Conttm1,-d) t half was more ack meet, ti'e third The I g Juan Vasquez Ramr points 1n the second quarter1Nat Halsome sklrtc>d 64 yards to grab a 21-20 halftime lead. for the touchdown and a Wa1t The first half was more like, Winkowski to Ray Kleindolph a track meet. with each side pass added two points and getting off some Jong runs. It 1 tied the game at 14-all. certainly wasn't a battle of A Chapman pass to end Dan defenses. ,Bodle covered 43 ,yards for New Mexico marched easily I USD's third touchdown _but In 10 plays 10 score the first a1:other pass for two points touchdown with 5:38 gone in failed . USD led, 20-14. the fir •t p e r i O d. Fullback Af~er an exchange, New Juan Vasq«ez and halfback ~fex1co edge~ ah_ead by m?v- Glen Fic-ldl'r took turns slip- mg 65 yards m six plays with ping through the USO line. STATISTICS -- Vasquez found a big hole on ~~:i:in~ 0 ';~~a.. ,,: 22 ! the left be and went eight Passini yard••• il~ tj yards fo" the touchdown. ~g::; Intercepted by 1 2 Quarterback Oscar Diaz pass ~~:::ties 10.t • • 4-4g Hf for two points failed. Yanls penalized 45 45 USD eapitalized on t w a Klelndolph going over from breaks in the first period to the three. Ed Heinius added take a 14-6 advantage. the conversion point. First, Al Zuniga covered In the third period both a fumble on the Western 30 clubs forgot huw to get points. and four plays later Joe Gray Action was cpnducttld within went around the righl side the 35 yard stri cs. from the 26 for the score. The New Me.xicans i)Ut the l Gray was stopped in an at- game out of reach in the final tempt to get two point~ and period when Winkowsk, fooled the score ,·emained, 6-6. the Pioneers with a long Then, a few minute~ later, touchdown pass to Hclnsius. oe Loeschnlg intercepted a The Mustangs were on their Diaz pass on the 'Pw Mexico 33 when Winkowski ran to his ~1 and returned it to the 19. left and fired downfield to the Ecour pla)s later Gray went rangy end who gathered the o\·er from the 11. This time ball In on the USD 42 and out., Jan Chapman passed to Lai. sped the defenders. Vasquez y Tessary for two points and crashed through the two t was 14-6. extra points and it was 29-20. In the second period, it was,~t"j!; Mexico • : 1~ 1 f : :-l"ew Mexico's turn. Halfback fo~iJ' Me>ico-Vasouoz ca, run!. Poss ~:g::g~g~ Hf~ ~~~)). ri,ua~s ~- (Chap. man to Tessorv). riddled the \Jnlvers v at • an Ilk~ a Diego line last night io et up period v..a plagued \\1th mis- the cues and he fourth stanza ii- us- nally foWld the clubs settlmg The Ploneers still seem un. In Balboa certain at quarterback V.'lth Jan Chapman again having a touchdowns as :.texlco Western several • ·ew angs dealt the Pioneers their down to solid footl!all. _econd -tralght loss, 29-20, be- fore 1 500 tad fn. fans V z, a bull-like charg. bad night, cQnnecting on nine er ,, fio weigh.s 200 pounds, of 17 passes and being tossed plcy: ,,p 9~ yards in 8 car- back several times. Fre~lt- 1 • au ted for one man • "elson lurphy was m- hdo a two "cushion" serted briefly and had on!! bit e ro."po , of glory with a 19-ya1-d..1Ja,s l SD had trouble containing completion. _ . the two-time All-,Frontler Con- Fu I b a ck Jim DPsantis, fereee fullback. To keep the halfbaclc Joe Gray a d guard Pioneers loose, however, the Al Zuniga were the high spots :.Iu, angs made good use of for USO. Grar a ·counted f~r halfback • ·at IJalsome who cw a touchdo\\ ns, Desantis tallied on a 64-y ard run and picked up 65 ) tds in l..:= c-at- fre hman quarterback Walt rles and Zuniga made many Winkowski who connected on tackles on defense. _ three pa se · one for 67 yards The Mustangs picked up la and the Ja t touchdown. (Continued on a 20, Col, 4> FOOTBALL SCORES g~"fvmit~;,~kiH,ilsKJf:1~d~1~h)~un} Pass P~~~~g~~fet!~3, pai,s from Chapman). He~:ius~ff~co -... Kleindolph (3, run). New Mexico-Helnsius (67, oass from WlrkowSk.O. VaSQuez run. • THE SAN DIEGO UNION I., ~cpl. ~:;, 1960 1) SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
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