News Scrapbook 1959-1962

The San Diego Union's Gridiron Selections


USD Frosh Earns Starting line erth at Long, a 205- Brophy Prep In earred a start- t w th the Un!- D!ego for Sat- s tu s 1 e with a e at reka . was one o lne• ere sing! out for ' praise In liu t week's loss to • ·ew Mex I c \Vestern, re- places Gray E o t. Apparently 1e stories trom Phoenix abou the 6-1, l!l• year-old are all true. H was named to two All-Conterence teams, one All-City cluh and an Al -Phoer.ix team la t ~ea. on as c a p t a I n at Brophy Prep. Otherwise, the USD lineup , ·will remain much the same as last week Mike 11cDehtt and Jim Gabriel are sh d to open at • ends, Wayn" Bourque will be the other t ckle, Mike Gur- rola a11d Wally Joos will be at guards and Jim O'Leary • at cent"r. I Jan Chapman, who is ex- pected to give contact lens a try, will open at quarterback with Joe Gray and Joe Loe- schnlg at halves and Jim D • Santis at fullback. Desantis a n d Loescbnig have the best running aver- • age but Gray has the on!) two touchdowns made on the grc:iund. Desantis has carried , for 115 yards and an average of 4.5 yards while Loeschnig has picked up 54 for 4.9. Gray has carried for 63 yards and 3.5 average. Chapman despite b e 1 o w par performances In the fir!'t t\~O games, Is not far from the .500 mark. He has com- pleted 17 o! 35 for 188 yards and .485. He has had only one Interception. The 32-rnan squad leaves Lindbergh Field by plane !or Arc at a, Calif., tomorrow night at 7:30.


31 Pioneer lea eTonig t For rid at

EVENING TRIBUNE S,_N DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 3 fl• at., Oct. t. 1960 •


Humboldt Eyes 12th Straight' Against USD SPtcigJ, t-, Thi Son Diego Unlon ARCATA, Sept. 30 Hurn- boldt State'· powerful football squad will be out to make the 1:ni\"ersity of San Diego its 12'h straight victim

THE SAN DIEGO uruoN Sat.. Oct. I, 19f.O ® SAN DIEGO,_~LIFORN~a Humboldt Eyes 12th Straight Against USD

2 f



tomor- against New MeJi'.ico


tlVO 'last wee~.

night when



The Pioneer hopes rest with

cJubs collide in Eureka

Jan Chapman,



O r halfback Joe Groy and full- , back Jim DeSantis.

::;cl edulcd

l{ickoff 8. o'clock.




On the o,thcr _han<'I Mi k arov1ch s P10ncera a r


loaded with 26 letter winners

.s~1ll in search of thE1lr first ,and can counter with quar- v1ctory aft<'r two etbacks. 1 tcrback Fred Whitmire and USO will lack depth at end! halfback Cecil Stephens in the :3-n_d at halfback because o! pro-type T. Whitmire h a 5 lllJUr1es, Dan Bodle, a 6-2, been at the helm while the 188-poun~ freshman from Ox- Lumberjacks tolled past 11 narct. will have to start at tc-ams. left, end because of the ab- "t J· sence of starter Mike McDe- •· ep :"t roll,•d up 200 yards vitt, who has the flu, and re. n! 'in ift~ur 25 t 6ou~h- ~e•ve u rry Tessary w h 1 0 s · v1c- ha·s a sprained a~kle ' 0 tot.) o~er East<'rn Washington Pat Ln g, who ~ill be at J:1,t; :~•ik. In two g~mes ~e right '.ackle, i· the oth<>r fresh-'::?':; canie~agcd 13.8 )ards m m:in m the starting unit for • · the Pion,.crs but he earned Fullback Ed White is the' that w th an impressive game b{~a and_-huttc_r pla;rer for (Continued on a-21, Col. S) 1 1 8 < acks. having_ p1qked up l d m 31 tries and two tou9 owns. > pr~ •(198) LT LG C RG

. Humboldt Sf. Sllno 1200) Flonna~an 2.41i Frakes 180 Pollotk 200 Corcino 215 Kuhlman 190 Roberts 190 Whitmer& 170 stei~~ros 1,~ White 195

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