News Scrapbook 1959-1962

SPORTS ••• General

SAN DIEGO , CALIFORNIA MONDAY , APRIL 4, 1960 Goddard Pitches, Bats USD to Victory Tom Goddard pltchC'd ev n I\ tt r nnd h t a three- run homer aturday to pace t.:nl\'crslty of San Diego's 13-1 al We ern at


US H Arizona t. ThC' Unh e1 ity of San Di- e o ha e II e, m shoots for Its filth s tra ght vic tory o. d y when ii nt rtain Arl- zon · t t c nlver ity of Tempi• t orrow Field. The game w 1 nrt nt 3 p .rn. T rr y sophomore rl hthandc record 1s tour vt or tw lo 1;, w I be on und for the Pioneers Thi' Pi r rs, who have won nlnr of 16, will oppose zu a CollC' on the same amond aturday, tarting t 1 :30 p 1'1, UD'sHomers Win, 9-8, Over Ar"zona State d John Holll- ack home to lead the Diego to a ts


IIlT THE DffiT-Roger Tomlinson, of Arizona State, slides safely into

thl rd base after hitting a triple yes- terday against Pioneers. USD won.

Homers Help Pioneers Top Arizona State Back-to-back home runs by Dave Cox and J ohn Holliday sparked a 9-8 University of San Diego victory over Ari- zona S t a t e yesterday on Mike Morrow Field. Cox, a catcher, drove in three runs during the after- noon, and Holiday, an out- fielder , also hit a single and a double. The victory gives USD a 10-7 r ecord. The Pioneers play Azusa College at Mor- i·ow F ield at 1:30 p.m. to- morrow. Score · USO .......... 021 1 20x- , 11 l Kovfgan, Bronson (3), Janel<. (7), Ro. ai 0 e:Jzc 6 \9~n3"8ox~lnthcum, LOrenz, God- Arizona sraro .. ooo 1oi 12- 7 4 1



ry over Ari- r slty at Ml e r, al o collect- drove In threC' , 1vho played a Ingle anll

PL TZ u sPoRrs ibt ia




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D Grid s Escondido Post

AREA SPORTS BRIEFS Pioneers Eye Successor To Platz as Grid Coach University ot San Diego to- ball League. The speedy half. eighths mile course off the day had its eye on "a man back was the Cards' Ko. 4 Fifth Ave. pier. Results: "·erv weil known in Southern dra!t choice, Lcir~it M'o~~';t~8]e e:'cJ~~°;g~t r{t California football" as its Morty Reutlnger, 6:o0; Don Murphy, next head football C'oa ch to Sports Car Races ~',5.;j ~~~ra'ii"" 1 f;'.·. 8 J,.k 5j~~~d l~,7~ SUCC'ecd Paul Platz, who re- Billed for Del Mar rn: bfti:'\Fa;r,~'•s,k° 5~t.~~C\c~~~,r,: 11ignC'd Saturday. . . . liJck Tt,' 0 ~~ds~!'utl~g!~: Rev. Russell Wilson, pres1- Spot ls ear r a rl's are sched- • :JS; Stretch K,mble, 1.,s, Ken O1,on, d Pnt of the College for Men ulcd a t the Del Mar County 9 ,oo. of USO, accepted Platz' res- Fairgrounds May 14-1:5 and Sisk Double Victor ignation "with regrC'I." Platz Sept. 24-25. The r aces will be will bl'come athletic director held on the parking lot under In Quartermidgets Junior golf play is heavy Bob llkCutcheon, will conduct Chuln Vista. Palomar moved this week with three tourna- ~fprtihng drills stahrhn Atpril ~18 into St>cond by downing High. ments on the agenda. 1 e nC'w coac i no ava, · land 22-10 and Balboa tied . 3 Meets Slated For Junior Golfers a_ble to take _over ~t that Higl;land f; r third with a 18 . . Circlc-R course and Pre- : time, Fath~r Wilson said . . 14 victory over Sao Diego. s1d10 were the scenes of to- · Platz said he was mv1ted day's junior test. The '"Fu.I 1o rem a j n as hPad usn Cal Western Shares ture JU n j 0 r Champions" <'Oach, "but couldn' i refuse • M the Escondido offer." He will 7th ,n Track eet meet, sponsored by the San remain at USO for the re. Cal Western picked up 24 Diego Advertising Golf Asso- mamder of his contra c l, points to tie for s e v en th ciation, at Mission B a y which runs through July 31. place h, the San Fernando course Wednesday will at. Valley Invitational tr a c k . USD Downs Azusa mePt Saturday at San F er- tract_ entries who have not 'f • nando. won m tou rney play . C h u I a For Ft th tn Row ThP Westerners' Bill P orter Vista Kiwanis Club's Invita- Univei:sity of San Diego ~x- won the 880 in 1:59.3 and took tional win be played Friday! tended its bnsPball wmmng second in t he milC' in 4 :27.8. at San Diego Country Club. streak 10 five games Satur- Harvey Hall was sixth in t.hc P,airine!S· da ·. Ilom" runs by John IIol- jav!'lin and discus, and Larry liday, Bo Py<' and Tim Kane placed fifth in the javc- Wilbur and relief pltC'hing by Jin. Tom Goddard sparked U1P Nror-fillpd 13-8 ('OllqU!'St of Azusa at Mike Monow Field. at Po, ay High in the Escon- th e sponsorship of th e Los Mike Sisk won the trophy a n mam even o yes- quartermidget pro. gram at the Gillespie Field Speedway oval. dido chool district when it Angeles region o! Sports Car d h d . t f Club of Americ~ as opens nC'xt Fc-bruary. · terday' s Father Wilson said he PX• pects to naml' the successor 1o Platz within the next two La Mesa Retains Shuffleboard Lead wc-eks. La Mesa continues to pace Platz, who \\ 1as head coach the San Diego County Shur. last yl'ar after servmg two fleboard Association r a c e, years as an assist_ant under following its 19-13 conquest of


h , 1




Dll!'CO. t'A~,... OitN,. '!\Jon., April ll, 1960 ti

USD Snares 5th In w Uri ersit)' scored Jts 1i1th tralght base- ball victory )esterday at Hke Morrow FIP d by rall:yrng to beat Azusa Col!ege, l~-8, in a game marred by l 1 errc s, nine bv Azui;a. Tom· C:oddard s re 1!'( pitch- ing and hom<>1 s by Jorn I ol- lida) , Bob KeyC's and 'l'im Wilbur pulled th<> game out of the fire for the P10ncer, after Azusa t;ad !01 ged a 4·0 lead in the first two rnnings •1t the 11th \ictory against seven defeats for the Pioneer , \\ho have a 7-3 teC'- ord in col!egla I' compPtlt on Goddard, wno fanned 1 ba - lel'S in thP last C\"l'n irnlni:::s scored hi~ thlrrt straight v c- tor_ ·. Aru,a 22.0 000 022- I 7 , USO 001 3<1 t?•-ll 1l ! G Ntlson and T. Nelson Choo an, Goddora (3~ ond O·Co!J'or C'JX (4) , a11 Di e go

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