News Scrapbook 1959-1962
Pioneer Nine· Faces Clash With Loyola Th Unive1·s1ty of San Diego'R explo iv" bn I ball team travels to Los Angeli's to meet 1..oyola Uni\'era,ty at 1 p.m. TuPsday, April JO. The Pioneers have stored 101 runs and h1tve bl11.4ted 19 homP. n>ns In th ir !Wit.
Paul Platz s As USD Grid Coach e I
EVENING TRIBUNE SAN DIEGO CALIFOIIHIA 31 0 'Jhur ., Apr, 11, 1960 8• Two Homers Help USO Romp, 12-1 Bob Key, and ave Cox hit home run l nd Uni• ver lty ot • n D o to a 2-1 wm O\ r Ph1bPnc-- yesterday h a ba <'b 11 game on t h e lo ·er· diamond.
I 1oneers
EVENING TRIBUNE SAil DIEGO. CALIFORNIA louda~, Aprl! l 8, 1060 b4 •
• • • I
7-Game Streak Against Loyola The strong-hitting i:itver- sity o! San Diego ba eball squad, oasting .311 tPam batting a\era wi!I travel to Los Ange I Tuesda to meet vi... oln '('fSit.). • The Pioneers. ho "co ed 113 :runs &'ld las !' 21 homer In their last eight game_, will be hooting ,for their eighth straight ictory. G "D 1Ja ,n't lost Spring rid Drills Open for Pioneers The srarch for a new foot.I ball . coach continues at u · ! ,M<'anwhlle, on the baseball :ver~1ty of San DiPgo whc~~ l~o~t lhA Pioneers go after today .spring grid pract1cP hp. "'~;~ ~~ghth traight victory gan. <'Y travel to Los A Paul Pl geles tomorrow t TI· roa h .• 1 atz, the oulgoing ola. 0 IT)f Pt Loy. . c . \' I l handle drllls until C , . lns succ·csso1· is namc-d Pl 1, b oae h ~•ke Morrow's club l(!Unt]~· rrsign<'d fo ;ake a; s~:s~s a ..l'.l batting average. position nPxt Jail with lhe E h . / egula, s are above 3()(1 condido school district s- ed by.Jim Fiorenza· a; P c t~n;ut of 2F. was PX- ~ec~rdsBattrng and pitching sta de · Bob keyes, who Planr rrc for the Pionec>rs in ~i'a~dord, • .... 1! 1~ HR RBI Av. i 957kf58, returns to bolster the o•_co"n~' 0 °,:, •i ·· f~ 2s 23 i Jl 'i~, f acf Ield attack after a year ,rx~m;:;: /,b .. :::: ,68 21 21 l 1~ :,oo o ootbal! for M . Hollldov If .. •• • 53 19 16 2 15 6 8 Recrui·t D t J. arine Corps lsoto, 2,; ....... 6500 217 1s • 16 •Hg epo an Ch Cox c .. ..... , o 17 1 10 • ac-e quarterb' k apman, ILorenz, rf ..... . 12 15 3 17 ill ac I a 1 s O is , KeYes, ct · • · · ·• · 1 2 • 1 s • 272 mong the returnees W •k,i•vden, tb : ::: : t 1~ 1; , 11 ·235 B o ll r q 1 . ayne c odden, c . . 10 2 o 2 ,232 lc>ads the 96-po.und guard, wi?io''u~aJ,b P :: . A J g g Jgg , 1 c>rans m the line Goudy, rf 6 1 IS , 10 18, -• ore depth t • Total, • s.s 2 o 1 166 t;'b.:~!baek ~~p}:~: 1 ~·0 e~! < 0 im1J;.;c'c:[t~)iij::rrfrr~;;:, 10 sh . 1ggcsl need. r~,r~ Lore Z, 3:); 8j"gk Gwodldl ord, 5-3; on '"hOPmon, 1-1. bur, 2-1; SPRING FOOTBALL 28 Will us epor Dril ls ends 2 pla~ er sih gu to morrow tor 1h openl'lg o! arch may soon he O\er ~hortstop Jim Fiorenza (.40:l), first baseman Dick W I J b u r (.368), 1ight. fielder Dave ~lelton (.358), left f I e 1 d e ;--~---~ - - --~~~-•John Holliday ( .340), second baseman Hugo Soto (.333) and catchf'r Dave Cox < .:\081. Fiorenza, a junior who led the team in hitting la~t year with a .358 average, leads the team this season in hits with 25, ,run, scored \\ith 23, home · It 'and run a3 "!w1., \ r,117. 1900 (D AN DIEGO, CALfl'OIINIA ":1------~--~ -"""-_,;;;.;;,;,.;;;,;,~;.:..;:::.;:::.:..::.:.:.:.::.._~:.:..JJruns with -· batted in with 1. Plaver Goddard, D , :tA FiortNO, SI , $;~~.or.,bc :~::• 1° Al H R HR RBI Av. ,sa 403 s- 1~! i~ 200 lt 111 ll 1 2 ll ., ~I 2S' 73 I 31 ' ~f l 1~ ~; :I Metton, ~,ido{.; COX, C If l 16 )~ . .••·•• 2 15 t l 1 7 ! 1 5 t :½'° 3 33,, '18 1 .. ." .. 611 '20 12 5 3 . • ••••. t c~' .:··::·: .u U 1; 21 Levden, lb .,....2 6 3 0 f i g g ~g::'0o ••.!::: C p l~ ~~:·'ff,.· ·:·'l t 1~ i 10 'Totals 'Team . . :' 563 175 171 2t 14, totas--woa. 1 , r~~~~P\t~onG~dord, 5-3; r:.yord: lost l~ho~~~• bur, 2-1, 1.(1' Dick
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