FBINAA - May 2022 catalog

cial and life planning will help an individual make a sound decision in preparing to retire with a purpose and lead a balanced life. Important to remember that life is a balance of having enough money to live on and a purpose to live for. Changing the DNA of Leadership in Policing Professor Anthony Schembri , Former Police Commissioner; FBINA Graduate Session 93 1.5 hours education credit The new millennium is an opportunity to place a mirror in front of senior police management and look at a word that is on the lips of the people you serve-leadership. This workshop is designed for the established as well as the new and future leaders. This seminar will enable participants to examine management and leadership styles and the most powerful tools available to managers and future leaders. Professor Schembri is a Former Police Commissioner, Corrections Commissioner, Secretary Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Led departments of 14,000 sworn with billion dollar budgets. Winner Harvard Innovations In Govern - ment Award. He is presently a Sir Leon Radzinowicz Professor of Policing, Criminal Law & Criminology Sheffield Hallam University, Adj. USF Tampa, Pace Law School. Revisiting Peel’s Principles: 19th Century Approach to 21st Century Policing Captain John Landfair , Chesapeake Police Department (VA); FBINA Graduate Session 243 1.5 hours education credit In 1829 Sir Robert Peel, considered by many to be the founder of modern policing, developed nine guiding prin- ciples for policing. Today these seminal doctrines are just as relevant as they were then. While the country takes a critical look at policing and communities are demanding reform of their departments, these “Peelian Principles” can provide a grounded and valid reminder of the basic function of law enforcement. Although seemingly counter - intuitive to revisit historical precepts of police functions from the 19th century, a closer examination reveals their timeless and effective lessons. This session will provide a brief review of the nine “principles of policing” and offer simple, common-sense lessons on their applicability in today’s challenging law enforcement environment. Real-world examples of the principles in action will be discussed along with methods for incorporating them into community-based policing initiatives. Attendees will come away with a new appreciation for these enduring principles. Captain John Landfair is a twenty-five-year officer with the Chesapeake (VA) Police Department. Captain Landfair has extensive experience in community-based policing initiatives. Throughout his career he has served in numerous posi- tions including; Commanding Officer of the Special Operations Section, Director of Training for the Chesapeake Law Enforcement Training Academy, Detective Sergeant in investigations as well as numerous assignments throughout patrol operations. He also served as the Investigator assigned to the Chesapeake Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office. He is a Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services certified General Instructor. In addition, Captain Landfair serves as an adjunct instructor with ECPI University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Captain Landfair possesses a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Old Dominion University, a Master Degree in Criminal Justice from Boston University, and a Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Education from the University of Virginia. He is a graduate of the 243rd Session of the FBI National Academy. Originally from the Washington, D.C. area, Captain Landfair currently resides in Chesapeake, Virginia with his wife and family. The Seven C’s of Organizational Change: Cultivating Deep Trust and Impactful Change in Public Service Captain William Young , PA State Police (Ret); FBINA Graduate Session 245 1.5 hours education credit Facilitating lasting and impactful change requires a proper mindset, a solid process that carries through to comple- tion, and high levels of trust among all stakeholders. This course describes how to enhance trust, human sensitiv - ity, and decision-making. It also presents a simple but comprehensive method for bringing about impactful change to your agency and community. William (Bill) Young ’s career in law enforcement and security operations spans over 32 years of service with the Pennsylvania State Police and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Throughout his career, he has developed and delivered

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