USD Football 2002

Strength & Conditioning -------18


J immy Goins, Assistant

Dean Aresco, Director


2000 Brian Luman, Football Susie Erpelding, W. Basketball Laura Duryea, W. Rowing Ty ler Field, M. Basketball

1999 Lukas Smart, Football Gina Borba, W. Rowing 1998 Buddy Brown, Football Susie E,pelding, W. Basketball

STRENGTH & CONDITIONING The Uni versity ofSan Diego Athl etic Department has made a commitment to increase the athl etic ability ofthe entire student- athlete popu lati on. Therefore, each student-athlete will be given a sport specific training program based on the metabolic demands of their position and sport. This is accompli shed by tra ining for the proper combination of power, strength , size, speed, ag ility, fl ex ibility, endurance, and foo twork . It is the responsibility of the strength and conditioing staff to des ign and implement workouts, teach and demonstrate proper lifting technique, and to monitor and eva luate each indi vidual athl ete 's progress, while maintaining a pos itive environment to train in . Along with increas ing athletic ability, the strength staff also has the goa l of decreas ing athl etic injuri es both in and out of the athl etic arena. Student-athl etes at the University of San Diego have two fac ilities in whi ch they are allowed to tra in . Both fac ilities contain olympic pl atfo rms, free weights, se lectorized machines, and cardi o-vascular equipment. The main fac ility is the 5,000 square foo t sports center we ight room, which is open exclusive ly to student-ath letes throughout the day. The second fac ility, a 3,000 square foot fitn ess center is located within the Jenny Crai g Pav ili on, USD's 5, 100-seat ath letic center. The goa l of the strength and conditi oning department is to educate and motivate each student-athl ete to max imize their genetic potential and create an environment where athl etes can deve lop into champions both mentally and physica ll y. USO FOOTBALL STRENGTH COACHES AWARD 2001 Josh Calista, LBIFB 2000 Matt Craig, DL 1999 Kaeo Gouveia, DB 1998 Vaheh Keshishian, DL 1997 Tim Roth, PIPK 1996 Evan Hla vacek, WR/RB 1995 Jeb Dougherty, DB 1994 Matt Taylor, OL 1993 John Lambert, RB 1992 Micheal Bennett, QB 1991 Brad Leonard, TE 1990 Ray Smith, OL 1989 Matt Scholl, LBIDL 1988 David Gilmore, DL 1987 Eric Peterson, DL 1986 Joe Muklevicz, DL

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