News Scrapbook 1970-1972

NEW USD PRESIDENT Hughes sees problems more as challenge By JOHN McLEAN governments merged in 1969)

teaching in

while education


said sec~ndar


DATED FOUR YEARS He and his wife, Marge, dated for four years at Eastern

Hughes served as a teac _er

and the economic savings in installed as mer~ing, for example, to avoid duplication of classes offered

When Author Hughes, who is president of the University of officially to be

earning his

a~ NF! th er~~riz~~:~m;ts;~~ Colorado ywhile



nes s masters.



" I don 't have the patience to be a high school teacher," he Of USO Hughes said . • ';l believe very strongly in tlR! choice offered by a private institution (as opposed t6 a said succeed m,presen mg a c ear As for the proble~ h~ fa~es as.r~~,ten~ufJ re u~us~f1 ~~!re wer:n't any problems. The challeng s wouldn't be cut choice. ,1 state-supported _schoo_ll ..



Illinois University where _they Coll _e~et

San Diego Hughes did not initiate the ceremony tonight, went to open merger plans for the merger the door to the private entrance nor the solutions to financ1.-l of his office Tuesday for our problems. For example. interview, he found it wouldn 't business manager was broug ope~. in two years ago to match Ev1dentally someone had school 's expenditures with changed locks and failed to income, a beginning s give the new president a key to toward sound fiqancia match. planning. But now that he 1 If the key he was president , the 42-year-old holding-and which failed to former teacher consi s it hi~ open the door-were the same job to "put the pieces ether as the key to success, the new and move the uni versit in the president would have direct10n the community wants problems it to go." His job is to manage, TEACHING BACKGROUND to make decisions , to motivate, He does-though he might in short, to provide leadership, prefer to call them challenges he said . rather than problems. Z,SOOSTUDENTS Challenges, problems, or both , At present USO has 2.500 they are basically, though not students. Long range plans call solely, financial ones for for a maximum of 3,500 to 4,000 Hughes, who brings a teaching students, the present building background in business capacity, Hughes said. No new administration to his new job. buildings are planned at USO is a Catholic liberal arts present, he said. The school college open to students of all plans to expand its academic denominations but it lost its program in the fields of pnmary base of financial business administration , support two years ago when spec I a I education , the archbishop decided it was international affairs, and the too much of a financial burden paralegal and paramedical for the diocese to contmue fields . underwriting. Though not directly tied So just as Hughes overcame financially to the San Diego his ·'problem" getting into his diocese, the university and the office by going through the only diocese are still tied spiritually other doorway, the public and in spint to each other. entrance, he will attempt to "The university is here overcome USO 's financial because the Catholic church problems by going the most wanted us to be here,'' Hughes feas ible wa , requesting sa id. ' We are the product of financial support from the the RomanCatholic Church. Its public, just as other non-state- heritage is to be maintained.·· supported schools do, by Hughes talks of a "value- seeking money gifts in the form based " education, one which of endowments, etc. stresses that the solutions to Hughes. a convert to problems should have a right- Catholicism, said the h1ghe w on~ value orienta ion pnonty challenge for him at conceived in terms of man 's the moment, however, 1s not so relationship to man and man 's much financial as it ill to relationship to GQd . :rhe study preside over the final stages of of philosophy and religion are the merger between the important aspects of this value Co 11 eg e for Women orientation. Hughes said. (established in 1949 by the VERY EVIDENT Society of the Sacred Heart ) In one aspect, the connection with the other branches of between USDand the diocese is USD the College for Men very evident. Bishop Leo T (established in 1954 ), the Maher, the same man who cut School of Law, and the off the diocese's financial Gradu ate Di vision. Also support of the university, is located on USD's 200-acre hill chairman of the board of top camp_us in ~earny Mesa is trustees of the College for Men. St. Francis Seminary. It was the board that hired COORDINATED COLLEGES Hughes and it is the board that _,,,_, eolleires • h f' l th ·1 Of h · • called the Coordinated Colle es 3'S ma .tu on Y- . t e1r of the University of San Di: go ~elationship, Hugh~,s said the and Hughes is USD's f'r t ishop had been extremely lavman president I s coopera tiye informally" in Hughes said . the f I making him feel a part of the ina commumty merger, which began between · the colleges approximately And what about the new four years ago, is complete pres1den~, who was s~lected except that there are still two from a field of 238 applicants, boards of trustees and that following a 12-month search? financial arrangements, such F'or one thing, he 's 6 foot 4, as debts, have to be settled. He :weighs 200 pounds.and was born hopes the merger will be final in Hoopeston, Ill . within three or four months. The Hughes offered two in an 8 o'clock


business Adm~m\ ra iodn , p ovost

both majored administration. Hughes in





presi en before 1 f in June O


went away to the University of Northe~n Ariz1na tU~~eeUS~

tte ec wn o is year.

Northern Colorado where he obtained a master of arts degree in education in 1954. He then returned to Eastern Illinois University to teach or two years. A year and a half he and Marge were mar~ied. They now have four later John, 7, and Susan, 3.. Hughes received his PhD m business administration from the University of Iowa in 19?°, the Hughes family moved to Arizona where theyd have spent the past 10 years. . In 1961


in La

The Hughes reside

. Jolla, and "We really love it would hke to see tht,5 insht~~

here" said Hughes, especially the bovs " who really like the water. r, Though he too likes the ind1ca~ed his ma11'. enthusiasm was tenms. As for future plans, Hug es said he would hke to Teturn fo teaching some day. t! me h hneted !ftrtea~~~ga 1senc a , sporting h

children : Greg, 14, Tim, 12, water and snow ski_ing, Hughes




is perhaps why he


he on Y seemed un erturbed when the

key to his orfice wouldn 't work.

Or. selected from a field of 238 applicants for the tbf flr • t layman president of tbe 'nlverslty of post. The ceremony In USO's Camino Theater Saa Diego Ibis evenln,r. Or. luirbes was begins at 8. -Sentmel photo by John McLean utbor E. Hughes, ~z. will be laatalled as

go, Tuesday, December 7, 1971 New pre ident lists prioritie of USD

Pni,ersit, of an Diego Madi igal Singers sPre- nade Dr. Author E Hughes, new universit:1, pres-

Stoff l'loto idmt, and Bishop Leo T. Ma her, righ t, befon• Ilughc>s' Jorm;il instull;ition in Cammo Thea ter.

Hughes Installed As USO President C::(~ /.:l ·b-·7/ . . Dr Author E. Hughes was in-· order to " present a umfled 1m- stalled as president of the Uni- age uf this wonderful institution versity of San Diego in a for- of learning." ma! ceremony at Alcala Park In his brief address, Hughes last night. · told the audience of 300 me:n- Formerlv vice president of hers of the school community Northern Anzona State Umver- that he plans to pursue a sit~ at Flagstaff, Hughes be- blend of priorities. ' came the fir • !av president m Intellectual development, t;SD"s 22-Jear histoi,. moral conc-£>rn _and a com . d m1tmen to .oc1ety are 1 he HP dl~n s the first pres1 e~\ goab the school must puruic of the ·coordmate~ 01 col~g~~r for its students, he said. s1,nce USO the C , leg He reaffirmed the roll' of the Women and th e SD _La\\ university as a Catholic in- School began a slow meigmgj sWution dedicated to help stu process four years ago. . . dents develop "strong moral He assumed the position mlplulosophies ba ed on a day-to- September alter bemg norru- day belief in Christ's 1£>a('h- nated b~ a committee of stu- ings·• instead nf on distrust and dents. faculty, administration cynirism and ti ustec, Al o 11elcoming the nt>w pr s- 'l'he .:\Jwt Rev. Leo T :\laher, ident were John Murphy, LlSD bishop o the San Diego Roman ·tudent hod) µresidl'nt .Jam,, Catholic Diocese; Gilbert Fox Wilson, law school student bod) chairman C1f the V:-iD College president and Jacult} spnate for Women, and Joseph S. chairman Dr. Ernest . Monn. Brock, dean of tile t,SO La" Performing bclure and .,ltt•r School. presentl'd Hughes the the t·crcmnny were the USO ribbon ,ind medal of o lice. :\ladngal Smgers, Concert Before mtroduc;ng Hughes Choir and hamber OrC'hestra. Bishop 1 her lq rtt f tru tee . r Id n were hooorcd by urged stude ' ttle u c 1•y at a trusteP. fo lend th . 1- re epti on Found: !all on dent t e1r complete loyalty in campus fol owing the program.


Lutheran ady who decision CatholJCJsm says, he began the

for tlie merger pressu men and women studen coeducational classes began in 1967 respec:ive s


pr w hout her knowledge and before they were engaged.


Bishop Stre Needs of Aged

Tunney to c for y po I 11'"1~ D-C~lif , will be in San D,cgo next week for discussp3ns on San D eg'l Bay pollution by Sen. John V. Tunney.


University of San Diego. and as Jeech at noon in !\lore Hall at the 1.JSD Law Schoo . Tunney wm arpear a• a re- ception at D 0 morratic parly h~adquarters on Hotel C1rrlc at 5:30 p.m., and will speak at 8 p.m. to the E,c

the Navy.

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