News Scrapbook 1970-1972

PEO Sisterhood readies meet The San Diego Reciprocity Bureau. PE• Sisterhood, will meet for a luncheon program, under direction of Chapter IZ. at 11 a.m. Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church, 220 Date SI. Decorations and program both will have a Valenti1w love theme. :\Irs. James S. \\est and Mrs. John L. Spaf ford will read poetry and 1rs !<'red Robie will present a chalk demonstration. l ·naffiliated and visit ing PEO members are invited to attend. Re ervat ion mu~t b1• made by noon Saturday with ;\Ir H 11 Kerndt or Mr J I) W1 sun. Museum study due The Doctors' Wives Club of Scripps fomorial Hospital Au xilrar) 11 ill meet '.\farch 3 al the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Ari. Mrs J ames C. Jorda!' docent chainran will give a group uur or current exhib!ls.


San Diego, Thur5day, ,anuary 27, 1972




'Fun and Games' committee named

Inn, bt Ave. and Cedar St Guest speaker will be l\liss Yoshi Ito who will talk about her life in Japan and in the t:nited States. A lyric sopra- no, ~liss Ito will also sing. Re,ervatons for the dinner are being taken by Mi s '.\1ar guente Ea tin and :'>lr5. Nora Fi h. Doctors Hospital Au~iliary ts open ng membership to ,,omen intere~ed in helping provwe patient en ites at the hospital. Tralnin~ will be g•\en for work in the area5 of menu, baby picture , girt shop, reception . ger1atl'll'5, ward assistance and book• mobile !Vlrs. Carl •'eil on 1s membership chairman. and Mrs. Carl Lange, di rector of vo!Jnteer sen·1ces

Husbands will play aP im- portant role in the Clairdllont Woman's Club "Fun and Games Xight" Feb. 2 at llornblend Hall. p~ceds from the 8.30 p.m. affair, at which husbands will 1:,trve as committee rhairmell, will benefit the Poison Inf,rmation Center at University Hospital wluch 1s scheduled to bcgm operation at the eJd of this n•on h. Mr . Ger11ld Reid, ways and means chairman, has named the following com- mlltee chairmen: 11:rs. Donald W, rd ,md :\lrs. ~~chael J ud- ilz, general cochairmcn, with . Imes. 1.oureno Rodrigue·. George Hampton, Allan Her- ridge and :\iessrs. Donald Ward, Michael Juditz. Frank Cronin and Johr Rutkanskas, heading arrangemens com• mitte~ . Mrs. Arnold Mcloctie s in charge of tickets. T'1e deadline or re ervations is ' 7 Clairemont Woman 18th anm• ver

1,;, ·GAG.ED - Mr and Ir~. Walter A. Pietru- ,zka of Chula Vi~ta an- noun<'r the rngage- rnent of their daugh• •rr. Valrric. to Dr. Richard M. Greene, on of Dr . and 11rs. ~ohn E. Greene of Binghamton ,. T.Y . Miss Pietruszka is gradu- a ' of Cal Wester1 St

mmH;;..To.nt: - Hr and 1\11 •• 1 r• .Ta k Uy-

'I \HCII BRIDE-~:". and :,,rrs. Robrrt L. Kull of Palm Dest>1 anncunce the rngagr- ment of their daughter, Su an .i\dclle, to Rob- ert Earl ;\lcAndrews, :-;on of l\lr. and .:VIrs. E,u·l .McAndl'C'W.' of lilweuk1e, Ore. ::\Ii • I i..11 .s a an Dirgo State <'ulleg graduut< l r fi n, ttend d :an Diego Citv Col- Jr e. A l\Tarch 25 \\ d- d "lg 1s plann d.

nwanted Hair

., .;



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Writer goes west to watch television saqa bite the dust

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ir a l"illage, George ann of the hre, ties the not~ to Sas,1e s collar and .end· her to tor,n on the run to find ;\Ir. Doakes. 'rhe bo; s star behmd and try to control the fire. Sassie. with a smoking tw 1g in her mouth, runs mto town. past the City Fire Depart- ment and the County Sheriff's Office and the City Pollce De- partment and Stat PolicP Headquarters. Officer, at ead1 place get the signifi- cance of the burrung twig and try to catch Sassie to read the note tied to he" co!lar. She eludes them. and trots into the office of the District Fire Warden There is nobody there but a deputy Sass), re- fusing to do bu:ine~ · 11 ilh anybody except Mr Doakes, trots back to Billie for further instruction.:. The lorest burns up. So does :\Ir. Doakes "hen he 11- nal y gets w,nd or the fire and shows up on the scene 1111 his firefighters. too la•e to do any good. as:sie. bemg an intelhgen col!Ie. conceal:; her~elf m a

dump of corched bushe at the edge of the burn while she sun eys the damage and lis- tens lo the comments of the warden and his firefighters Instinct tells her she'd better trot off mlo the sunset II hich she doe: . .\nd. being a mar• colhe, she keeps right 6n go- ing. ;1!unroe Fleagle. a ,;oph- Ol!'ore at Everton High. 1· a ,tar halfback on the football te"m but not much ol a scholar Mr. Smurr, the math teacher. tells him he will have to impro\'e his marks or fall below the scholastic aver• al!e required to play ball. In fact, he wi"I have to score 92 r better on an exam the da) before the game with Tech, Eve11or's arch rival. if he ex- pect to pla} . Monroe bones up like mad and 1 · domg prettJ well Them a cute corned) ·pot vl'en nT()('' at er w t":nks he know cven1hmg because he i, a certified pub- lic accountant. insists on i'elping him cram. Monroe takes the exam, and knocks of' a 97. '·;'>;aturally he passed it " Ji s father savs. "I wouldn't be much of an accountant i I couldn't coaeh m own son in sophomore ma•h, now 11ould It\'' But the main thing 1s that ~lonroe gets to pla~ for good old Everton in its game with haled Tech. and all the stu- dents are overjoyed. For a little while. anyway. Tech 26, Everton 0 Sale will bene fit mental health center Mrs John :llcKee of La ;1!e,:a has been named chair- man of the San Diego . lental Health Assn. ':llinds in :\1o- l1on" Auxiliary's garage sale to be held from IO a.m to 3 p.m tomorrow and Saturday at the Friendship Center, 3956 3rd Ave Proceeds w II be used to contmue refurbishing of the Ce ter, a social rehabilitation center, sponsc~ed by tt,e lental Health A·sn The pub C IS inv1 ell.

H} H IJ'll Rt:P l'1',R1' SPe<:101 to EVENING TRIBUNE uome realistic tel •vision plots I just ean t seem to sell A11ywherc. .MJr1el Pfennigcr an at- tractive outdoors} gu-1, 1 graduated from a fa. hlonable f1nl hing school in the East and returns to Wyoming 11 here, since the d ath of her father, the big Pfenmger r,rnch has been operated by Tue on Pringle, the shift}• eyed foreman Muriel delves mto the ranch's busmp.s: records and lhl're 111 the books, .. s plain as a brand on a steer, are a nJ.mber of glaring!) un ·th1cal irrrgularitle including wholesale ru 11mg and some shady 1and deals Angnl), she cnnrronts the forman w lh he1· findings imd he adm all Mtlffi' ire th him-<') e11 foremn11. ':'h n she hll'cs 'l hrft)-e) ed attorney and h1fty-eved bookkeeper. ' I'm not adverse tu turmtg a fast dollar," she tells her new emplo}ees. "but ther a right way and a stupid W l\,} u! covering l ourself in the records. I didn't maJor m business aclmin· ;tration ana corporation law" he ex• plams w1th an attracuve out- doorsy wink, ' for nothing " George Toothmai, a hand- some young agent, is offered a dangerou · espionage as- s gnment which will take him behind lhe Iron Curtain. He accepts only becau e it calls for him to rendezvous 1n a certain interna.onal city wllh Z-1. an operative he kno11s only by reputation but ad- mires greall} On a night tram, he bum- bles into a compartment oc- cupied by a beautiful but mysterious young lady, and they strike up a pleasant con- versation. By coincidence. he sees her again. sitting at a table near his own at a :side- walk cafe m Pais. lmagme h1:; s· rpnse when he runs mto her once again m a hotel lobb> in Budapest There is no time for th two to renew their acau~mtanceship now, 1C'wewr ro~ he receives word that his cl11el has set up a cantac 1 "1th Z-1 o a DAR sets talk on Washington '.l;!'ss Elsie Trac} wi' speak on "Georg Washington in :11s Life We Lillie Know" for L.1 .Jolla chapter. Daughter, o t'w lmrican R_volution. at I 30 p.m. Tuesday in La Jolla Woman's Clubhcu,c• \!rs . Qu:mb) Ountle,·, chall ma I ot tea 1~te,sr ",II be assisted b} :\Imes Cwries H Clark Bryan !lines, Ebenezer "cpperman, Ira A Rader Ham E Wal- ton nd Wil on V.ca1er. Conference planned by district members 1he Yuung Ladies In- • l e District 17. will hold 1e 25th d "tr1ct con- erence SundlY b ginmng , 1 rna s at 9 a m at the 1mmac lata ,tlcalu Park There " II b-' a breakfast at JO l\lrs. /\ob<>rt K Smit! o Oceans1do \I ill preside at t co111ent1,m.

iC 1910

S-T-R-E-T-C-H & SEWcrt




I:l'l irt•d Hear \ !1111. and I rs. \l nltl-r II . Pril'e "ill J.:1\ I' a etl<'kl iii part) nl their Imme on l'eb. 10 in I onor or r •tirt'd HPar ,\d111. and :\Jr-,. II . 11. Hender• so11 or \ 'iq,:111 a lie. c•h, \ "a. fh lknd ons wtll p rnl a month in the Coro- 1do partn •nt of Mr J. D. Zi.l,n,t..chlPn, who i,, ·lmg. I'h Pr1 , w1'l rill 1, in <1gam on Fl'IJ 17




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