News Scrapbook 1970-1972





TELEPHONE 234-7111

;child Patients To Play By JEAN!'.ETI' RA~ ");lira, Sixto ! Mira, los cabal- litos !'' That was the excited ex- clamation by 5-year-old Ramon Viesca that really dedicated the new pla · therapy area at Chil- dren's Health Center yesterday. Ramon was not scheduled to speak. Nor was he listed on the dedication agenda. Listed were men of the cloth who blessed "our precious chil- dren in their search for health." Starred were Col. and Mrs. Irvmg Salomon who under- wrote the cost of constructing and cqu1ppi ng the playground. Introduced were Milton Che- verton, president of the board of trustees of the Children's Health Center; Richard John- ston, center administrative di- 1 rector, and Michael Jackson, But the real dedication came when Ramon tugged at his big brother's hand and said, "Look, Sixto ! Look at the little horses!' and pulled him over to ride on the merry-go-round. It was a bit of a miracle that Ramon wanted to play or could even speak. A few months ago, Ramon was so dreadfully in- jured m an automobile accident that he 11asn't expected to live. Ramon and other little chil- dren who are receiving therapy at the center acted as if they had discovered a magic king- dom when they entered tht! brilliantly colored and equipped play yard. Before the Salomons had even cut aper link chains to open the p area, little Sheril:,:nn, 5, had el her at- \ hospital administrator. SMALL '. fiRACLE'

Buys & Sells All Gold Coins

-Stoff Ptloto oy Thone McIntosh


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therapist caterpillar

tendant plastic agam·

run on new merry-go-roun




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UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO TENNIS CAMP Bovs 11nd girl-.: agos 10 11 1 2 ..J weN<- ~M~lons June 25 Auou•t A. Beglnntn to Adv11nct'd Pl11,ybac~ ne1s & TV, SupMvl<-td an • camous hvlng txcurslon 't os. si.;rtlna, s.w1mm ng, Bro- t~~,i &"~"o•r~•ji r,: ~=~1 S•n Diego, CA 9'110. 114/291-6480 •WetKends 71 4/291.Jon

And by the time Mary Ka- war, director of occupational therapv at the center, was ex- plaining the therapeutic use of the equipment, 11-year-old Ale- jandro was demonst:ating it br, pumping an "lnsh mail wheeled toy with his steel- braced legs. The new play area is located in an inner courtyard at the hospital, a sheltered patio ri_m- med with trees and flowering shrubs. Bricked-in areas for wheel toy-riding and little red wagon- pulling alternate with sand areas on which are located a teeter-totter, a double swan- seated swing under a large translucent plastic canopy and a sturdy slippery-slide. Other gardened portions of the area hold a swinging bench with barber-pole stanchions, horse-headed bouncers, a full- sized nonsailing sailboat and the merry-go-round. are invitations to plan-it-yourself play: giant balls for boy-type tumbling, dolls for girl-type cuddbng, toy tractors and earthmo, ers, a riding-sized plastic turtle, and steps up and steps down. The colors of all the play (Continued on D·3, Col. 5) Plav Area ls De ·cated (Continued from D-1)



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eritage Comm· ee


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undeveloped site of the Heritage Park off Juan Street in Old Town.

equipment, red, yellow, green and blue, give a circus atmos- phere to the hospital complex. Yet to be installed are a water table for toy boat sailing and a picnic table. Col. Salomon told those in the audience a e d his wife :ledica P!ax e to chil- lren needed to le

Dick Yale views the ShPrman-Gil- rs on the


Diocesan festival Z z scheduled at USD

SOCIAL LINES - Dr.s. Burt and Ethel Agmsky brought together members of the Town and Gown C'lrcles for a dinner party at their La Jolla apart- ment last night honoring Dr. Author E. Hughes, new lal". president of the University of San Diego, and Mrs. Hughes. Introduced at the black tie party was the Rev. , I r, John R. Portman, chairman of thf' rf'ligious . tudies department at USD, and Dr. Delwin B. Sclmeider, coordinator of the :Ecumenical Cent~r for th Study of World Religions recently f'stab)lshcd tbe'l'e. The center will have a. gue ·t pro[ess01· the Rev. Thomas Berrr, internationally-known <'holar in Asian religions.

The annua. San Diego Ro- man Catholic Dioce an music fcsti\'al will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m at the Camino Hall Theater at the University of San Diego. Participating will be choirs from diocesan schools and the San Diego Sympho le Chorale under·the directi I! of David Chssman. There will concelebrated High Mass sung at 5 p.m.

4 La J ollansc.;; get degrees Four La Jollans are among the 1972 graduates of tbe University of San Diego. Anne- Marie Glowak received her B S in nursing, Carlos Granados Herrera, Peter Howard Hill and Anita Jean Shoop received bachelor of arts degrees. A total of 249 undergraduates are receiving degrees lrom USO. USO is a private, Catholic University. It has an enrollment of 1400 undergraduates, 300 graduate students and 800 students in the School of Law. The graduation exercises are scheduled today rn the Civic Theater. Chancellor William McElroy of UCSD is commencement speaker.

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