News Scrapbook 1970-1972

Rise to leadership scores USD first 20 /12.. yESTE ANRUYALCABA

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cial Tr At U11ivcr 1tv ,I 1-lou e Is Hcav~' By EILEEI\ .JACKSON The fme Spani h hacienda floors of University House have never o more social traffic. Yesterday Mr • William McElroy, wife of UCSD Chancellor McElroy, gave another one of her coffees for members of the "town" community. Mrs. Jo eph Wa n, wife of the Third College provost and Mrs. Herbert York presided at the coffee urns. Tomor row Chancel- lor and !rs. '.\lci':lroy will ho t a cocktail party at Umver 1ty Hou for 75 member. of the Amencan Academy of rts and Sciences, which will hold 11 Western meeting . A dinner wl follow in the North Dining Room, Re lie Col-

The University o'f San Diego is a predommantly white and Catholic in• stitutlon with a new undergraduate stu- dent president - a 29-year-old Baptist who is black and a woman. Dorothy Florence, a history and pre• law maior, describes herself as a strong woman She said that her color and sex were hardships during tre annual campus election, and that she had to change her phone number because of crank calls. But r e dds that her h[e has made her strong "Mom worked when I was small and so I ha d to r,me myself. I had to establ1 h mJself \1hen I was 19," ;l,llss Floren said. "l'\'e ah1ays had to rely on m el!. Being self-reliant ga \'e me strength durm~ the elections." Mi lorrnce' victory was certified after a run-off election, in which she defea ted her male opponent. It asn't the first battle fought by the native oE V1Tgmia. M1 s Florence was graduated second in her high school class of 98 in her home state. She had to give up her scholarship to , ·orfolk State College because she needed money. She went to work as a model on the East Coast, and then moved to Cali- fornia. A brief mama!?e ended l!1 an annulment, but :'-hss Florence adopted her son, llchael. who 1s now 3. Miss Florence began a career working in banks, then moved here and became a member of the San Diego Board of Realtors. She received a scholarship to USD, where she's worked m the history department aod completed three )'ears' work in tv.o years before running for student of(lce. "In some ays, USD is back in 1954," she said. "The campus has a lot of growl.Ilg to do, but the elections did mark some basic changes." Miss Florence 1s already making some changes l!1 her role of president. One change is that she's rejected the Sl ,500 Associated Students scholarship given to student presidents. •·r alre dy have a USO scholarship and an Educational Opportunities Pro• gram grant. I m not here to exploit the students by taking thelf money," she said. "ln past, too much student money has gone mto paymg AS scholarships. We haven't worked out the details, but I hope to limit AS scholarships in the future." Miss Florence plans to go to classes three hours a day. then devote a full six hours, daily, to being the student leader. "I want to help make USD an excellent institution for students" she said. "I want good students and a good in• stltutton - they go hand-in-hand. I want to let the people in the San Diego community know that USD exists and that 1t 1s not UCSD. "I want to try to get a Phl Beta Kappa chapter on campus to heighten the university' s claims to academic ex- cellence. I'm planning to have informal rap sess ions with several professors from each of the departments, and their "ll'i\ es, to help build a feelmg of commu- nity." Miss Florence al


lege. Dr. Roy Harvey Pearce. mem- ber of the department of lit ature I facult} at UCSD I the only local member of the executive committee of the Academy On June 2 the UCSD Hospital~ Aux- iliary will entertain at a luncheon for 150 at Umver ity Hou e. which em-1 brace an olive tree-c ntered 'Days- of•the•Don " courtyard Mrs. Jexan- der will be chairman , 'ew officers will be installed. Or McElro)' will give the com• mencement address Sunday at 3 p.m. \ to 248 m mbers of the University of I J. San Diego graduation class at the Civ-

EilPen Jaci.son ic Theater. He and Mr Mc!-:lroy will be honored after commencement at a dinner to be given by Dr uthor ~.rnc-t Hughe , president of University of San Diego, nncl \lrs. Hugh , who will entertain at Founder:' Hall on the USO campu Dr. and Mrs. Hughes' other guests will be i ter t Aimee Rossi, profe ,or emeritus, Bishop Leo T. Maher, Rt. Rev. "-1 gr. I. Brent Eagen, Dr. and ~!rs. Henry , Iartm nnd "ister ally Furay. Chancellor 1cElroy will re- ceive a doctor if laws honorary degree at commencement. Dr. and i\lrs. Hugh wer honored at a "town and gown" 1 hlack t dmner Tue day night by Dr. and Mrs. Burt Aginsky, who ohtertu 1led m their hand ome La Jolla apartment. ,\t this time the ,\gmskys introduced Rt. Rev. ~!sgr. John R. P rt!T' , <'I: rman of the religious •tud1es department at l' D, 1 Dr Dew, R. chne1der, coordinator of the Ecume- mca C er I re udv of World Religion , recent!} ll hed on th D campus. The ~nter will have as ::ue t profe sor Rev Thomas Berry, an ,nternationall~ known schol- ar or ian rehg10n


sion and my career i:;oals, I hope I never lose my softness and femmm1ty. "If I lose my fcmmmlly, I w1ll lose my o erall goal - which 1s to be a beautiful woman, a woman people respect. Other thmgs, like bemg black and poor, are mcidental." If Miss Florence isn't taking "no" for an answer to her career j!oals, she also 1sn 't lelllng cnllc1sm sour her tenure as a student leader. There are some campus detractors.

Paa Psal Church T


w long way towar s ep dialogue" betweer: faiths. "WE RECOGN IZE the values of which you are the custodians, and we share the the

"pr oba y , reaching out of a hand in greeting and collaboration that the P ope has ever done to members of another faith ." e

OF ICK through fo 1r year • ,e~o St~te a, ,J

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,I u11e - -9. Fritz 21 and a iunior. had 11 :!U-1 ,:111glt•s 1·p ,·0J'd thie- s,-•ason RaP l!J-y,,:, 1'-0ld lreshma11,' l\lh .21-1. .\~ rlul1bles p.:11·\ner.·, the? \Vf'l"t' al,-;o ' ( •1 "SD ht d a tPa 11 llll\l'k o( 22-1 for th. pa,-;t s(',,son

Ullh,t>r~it:v tenms ,·uaell Cuit Sparns, left, d1ah witli Guy r'r itz, center. and And1·e\\' Rat> "ho \\'ill le.1\t> toda~ lo reprPSl'll1 Tni• 0 •'0s in :'\C'AA C'ollegf' Dh i. ion pionships al Kalamazoo. :\li< h , o! 'an Diego

Poisoning kills 'eyes' of law graduate Gretchen, PhT, is dead. The seeing-eye dog, who was "graduated" from the USD Law School in May with a Ph'!' "putting him through" - leads blind student Robert Deems no more. She w s p<>isoned with sttydtmne one night recently whil oulside alone . The dog received the PhT for gu1ding Deems a round th USD campus while he was studying for his law degree.

Drs. A.M. ~ivlngston, Left, were host and hostess


e nd ing th e re ption were Mrs. Clarence Steber Msgr. John R. Portman, shown with the d

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at a recept Author E H h ion a

eir home for Dr. and Mrs.


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