News Scrapbook 1970-1972
Clairemont Girl Wins ch larshi 7 - IJ - 1~ l.,A.,\,<,u.•~ Cla1rcmont l!igh h I sr- nior won a $1,000 cholarship and her school a flag which flew o er the ile Hou e with her entry in the God Bless .American Week ssay contest. L, Judith Stevens of 4151 A nca Ave. She plans to use her cholarship attending the Unjvcrs11)•of $an Diego. -- Herbert G Kl m, White House communications direc- tor, repre entecl President Nix• on in making the presentations during God I s America 1ght al San Die,;o Stadium Saturd· y. Klein presented the flag to C1a1r ont High School Vice Prine pal Les Cas. e. OTHE WINNE 0th award winner were W11Uam :\liles of 7582 Radent Ave., of Kearny High School, $~ savings bond for second ptac ; Bcrnade Hernendez, 4691 Winona A\e.. Crawford High S<:hool, $250 savmgs bond, ml 1>lace, John S<:hn«:ider, 2111() Rowley Ave • Ramona, Ra• mona High School, $250 savings bontl, iourlh place. w· ners of $100 savings bond awa were Diane Farhat, 8681 ~elr tine Avf'., Christian High School; John LeWJS, 3405 Quince St,. Ch,rle$ inez, 4425 Bancroft S ., and Thomas Merritt, ~832 I.ancR•ter Dril·e, all of St. Augustine High &hon!: David Tlrhan, 1671 Dia- mond SI , and Carol White, 52~4 M•drlle\on Road, both of MIS· The c:ssay:s were hased on the tt em<', "God Bless America: Whal y Oounlry Means To Me" God B!Pss America Week run t ough Saturday and San D ega are urged to fly the fla,., th1uugbout the observance, said Charles Hopkins, president or the committ<'e • ponsoring the program here. sion Bay l11gh School. BA~ED ON THEME
the hill'
mto tlw Irr:r by RogC'r \\ , m
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Mix To Aid USD
said, l world.
Pnvat 1ns1Jtullons. he said, must offrr something unique in education - or they sene no purpose. "We must offer clear-cut alternatives to public education. " If we don ·t offer these alternatives. there 's no reason ro·r our existence. We can't compete with large pubhc 1,11· slitutions, like San Diego State or UCSD. ''We"re not trying to compete w1lh these schools, but rather lo com- plement their programs. ' Our curriculum has a definite value base. 1 think the private umversity must offer this." Rcllg1on also has a proper place m academia, Hug said. "We don ·t m.n11 ash students who come here" The"€ is a di Incl difference between academic study, of relig10n and t:ampus ministry, accor®J.& to the chairman of the Religious Sfoclies Deparfutent at USD. Courses 111 rel1R1on here are 1101 a secret way of co11lllng them (students) into religi(JJ1," aid the Rev. Msgr. John R. Portman. "We have no feq nirement for attend- mg church or anythmg like that. There is a difference between the Religious Studies Department • nd the pus mini~try. •·our concern - our prunary concern - JS the academic study ot religio . All religions. And I really' don·t think you have a llberally-educate head o' N ISCA P ER ITYOFSA D Coed JUNE 5-A 10- 8 G 4 5 1-2 -3 WEEK SESSIONS o. California's OU D • Playback TV, Rebound Nets • B lnner-lnterrn':ldiate- Advanced •12 La • • Chuc Kellogg Head Pro • Int national Var ity Staff W l -~upe rvi ed on-campus living XCURSION TRIPS, SURFING • 0 OF UNIV · SITY EN C 1 tlall, Alcala Park, San Di 3 0 , Calif rnia '12110 120 O $al kends 171 41 291 -5093 (7141 291 -6480 W
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