News Scrapbook 1970-1972
-Stott P~otos bY Tim W l5on at dieerleader rom
p nn 1lcader camp al f'niper- sih a( "an Dir.go (urni her! a dit1rr inn (or .~i~ler aledad, le{t, anrl Si ler ntherine, religious of the acreJ Heart.
'Cheer, Cheer, For ... '
Thursday, July 6, 1972
tcmro:~r~ 1 'rli1~ 1 u~r;:~~r.::cgg~
1O N!~'~·"'c,cJ;1~~~~~ 01
By JEA /NETTE BRANIN No longer do the boys at ten• ms camp c9me straggling dov. n to breakfast at II a.m. 'ow. sbov,ered and slePked, t!-)ey're in the cafeteria before 8
t 1on•~ttuli~j
r~ graduat
fro leg city schools Diego; Paulette Marta Pawoll ,cholarshio mont North Beauty college; ll'atrlcla '/Jo,, lo wls & Clark: C~lege; MYrlo L. Sel- r1sh, National Presbvterlan t.:dllege Schol• scholorshlp 10 University of Red• orshfp to Whitmore College; ¥ ichoel Cn• , ver- Wei.t 11, &cholor1hlp to Wlllemette Unlver• ;ogers, Conva r Management ~ ~c1·- ,ity; Bridget LeVon WIiiiams. >eholarshlo at1011 Kholorshlp to California Stat~ n to UCSD; Ellen Louise WIison, Regent, versJty, San Dle"o, Charissa Ruud, Pe er- ollo g S a J1st of 17 stu- scholarship to UCSDr· Kurt Steffan Wit- son Scholarship for Music to California Lu- A • .Jtl . tmayer, othletlc scho orshlp to Colifornla theran College· David Broce Sander, LU• 1.·.ents wuo received scholar- State Unlver!ity, Son Diego. thern scholarship to Collfornta Lutheran h Th d t . I d Palrlck tlltnry Hloh College; Mark Schmeling scholarshlo to 1ps. ey Ono 1nc Ue Na- Allon Carroll, op~lntment to West Electronic Technlcal Institute~ Dorothy Iona! Merit scholarships, Na- t,uern~1Jelt"o~e"se1~re~~~f;nafCD~t ~n~;d,~~~~ni·1c:i~~o~at~~~siiov~:~~rtt~ tional Achievement scholar.. ~~h~1~;sJ:•r~cl~orT~~er~ ic~l~~x AA~ 1 ~~~~i~ 1 re;.~~:~.,~~Ueg~ho1~rs~f~ut;-J hips state scholarships Bank sllY; Thomas James Cummins. freshman Clalremont North Beauty ~olloge: LYnne ' . , . sc:holorshlp to Whitman College; Marv F. Trammell, sc:holars1iip to UnlVerslty of of Amenca awards Savings Louise Ettel, scholarship to Cenlrol Col- Redlands; Neva Van Laton. scholorshl• to and Loan AssociaUo~ awards ~~ 9 ~e~~etc,l7~ 0 ~~~og~:~rp 1~"C 0 ~rut~r~ S}g/d~~ 0 ~h~l~~~hhl:e~'t1~~~:~t d th d Stale University, San Diego; John Thomas Beauty College;_ Gall Warren, scholarship an O er awar S. HomlUon, appointment to West Point; Po~ lo <;lalrem9nt North ~eouty College; Ro• 'The list 1 ·s by a S · mela Jean Howard, Callforn10 Scholarship denck William~, appointment to U.S. Air • no me n Ill· Federation scholars to central College; Force Academv. tended to a co I t Paul Jame, Jacob, man scholarship Lo Jolla High . . . mp e e one, to stanford, Sleven f" n~on, appoint• A.nn Bleecker Cumming:.{ American As- ScholarSblp nners according ment to Coast Guard emv; Mark sociatlon for Health, Phvscal Educallan, • ' Robert Laret, Clarence A. ykstro schol~, and Recreation sch9lanohlP to S!onford, to high sch ls are: o,shlp lo UCLA; Daolel Scott Leslie.I e,odlev /av Ducreon,, Air Force ROTC ' frtshmon icholorsh/p to Southern Utah scholarship to Un 1vers1tv of Oregon, R(?- Clalremont Hl1h State College; K neth 0. lv_'cCredy, ~~~ 1 !W/l~r"ee:orer T.ecl'ln1co1 In te, Jodi Ndncy Jo Rle-cft- minister College, Erin Rose O'Haver '-Cholar~hlp to Umled Sta1 lnternat1onal nver, Cult O . scholarshl~ to Coll- scholarshfp t&,Unlted States lriternationar Unlversltv Gregory Lynnwood Mavs. sc:ti• I rnlo lnstlt Technology, Jessica University; nno Morie Riccio, scholar- olorshlP to Prlnc~lon; ~onda Joyce Mane Rodrl;u• olarshtp to Unlver- ship to Marinello School of Beauty; Dru- McDanlel, sc.holor5h1p to USC; oavld Le• s tv of Collforrua at Santa Cruz; Anthonv'sr1to Ann Tavlor scholarship to Jamel. rov Murry, scholarshlp to United Stales ncent ~oss, -appointment to U.S. Naval Holl College of e'eauty; Katherine Eliza. lnternatlo,nal Unlversltv; Diane Mvers: Academy, Chrl&fo er Ryland, scholar- beth True tuition scholarship to Unlver- scholarship to .... re1grnon univer~itv, f'tip to. Hor~rd College; Mlc:helle A. sitv of San'Francisco. Phyllis Poole, scholarship to ;.hapm~n Searle, sc~olarshlp to Brigham Young Keornv Hl!lh College· AnnJe Laura Sutton, scnol.::ir1.n1i:i University, An1hony Sto~onik, Regents Dana APPiing, Kholarshlp to Pomona 1o use.' Deborah Townsell, scholors~lp to • olar5hJp to UCSO; Leshe Jordan Ton- college; Rick A. Bog 9 ot, appointment to Centro( College; Brenda Wvnn, scnolor• ne-r, sch04ar 5hip to Wellesley College; Ste-. Nov~ Academy; Linda Baldwin, scholar- ship to Pacific Colleog~. ven Eu;e,:ie Vlgl!t D llln;ham Corp. Me,.-lt. ship to LYie's Clolr-Meso College of Beau• MADISON HIGH Sch01orsh1p to UL; SOnto Barbaro; Mlc;hoel ltv; cvnthlo Kav sutherus, scholarship to Madelyn AZor scholarship -to llC$0; t>ovid Vose, sch~orshlp to Brown Untver- UnlversJtv of Redlands; Samuel crane, R~er Alon carohe, ~holorshlP to Ottawa !Y Crawford Hlt h Tc'ri1~~g~g~f ~nh6t~,.5i~TJ to rsgf8~ G;gw~~dyne 0 f~~~~: .Oscar Daniel Amezcu~. scholarshlp to Beauty; Robert Franklin appaintment ta appointment to u.S. Naval Academ..,; r gh~m Young Untvers1tv1 Myron Wade U.S. Naval Academy; Rov Glbbem 111. Anne•Marle Fournier, scholarship to Po• Be elr scholorshlP to UCSO; Brenda Notional Marine Fl!>herles Service Junior mono College; Joseph J. Fuller, Armv J '((;9 BurM, bCholar5hfp to Son O\ego Fellowship to Stanford; Scott o. Gl!bert, ROTC !l>cholor.shlp ta Virginia Mllltarv In• C ty College; Velindo Ilene Clanton, schol• aJ?'PDintment to U.S. Air Force Acode~w; stltufe; Carol sue Harpin, scholarsnlp to shlp to rlorldo College; Lowrenc:e Har- V1rgink, Gor,talez, scholar,;hJp to Claire- Lyle's Ctalr•Me,o Beautv Co1lege, Mork old fortor, athletic scholar5hlp to Univer- mont North Beautv College; Debra Hull, o. Monroe, scholarship to BrlghJm Yt ung s 1 of New Mexico; Gregory Glenn Hein, scholarshlp to Clalremont North Beoutv university; wendv Sue Phorus, srhatar- P ro Medlcol seholarshlp to Grossmont College; Jerry Kaye Kersey, Navv ROTC shh> to c tolremont North B;xiutv Col'('ge; ~o Ke1!~v~ 0 :~~: to~reg~~g~:'th ~mias~~~ ~~:1~r:-;fy K~g:: l~~i 0 anrg~~~k ,RL~~~tt~h,~;~~~.- !~Woto~~ son, othletlc scholarshlp to University of lege; Kathleen Morrison Ufllversltv Chris• ship to Lyle's Beau~ College; Roruoll B. fo'IO°c'f6;E$~fr,~l~y !flan Church scholorshlp to Northwest: D~'1~~r~lfV1$%~~{~1e~t JranBJ1\T~d"',~~ci~ro",~ ~htp 10 UCSO; Roberto Irene Mvles, Wal~ ~hrlstlon Colleae,. Dwain Morse, scholar- thlp to North Clalremont eco1_ tv Col Ege; - - • • I I e ed mo rec \' 1mpres... bold. ps and tTay or Scholar lands: Brian Dovld Teacher, ~? 1 =1~/:h~C~L~f8"; 0 athletic: rlc:o Person, othle1ic schotorshlp to Ari d · · ~:~~s 0 i~x~ Ra nd f P~o1~f1b 1 ~aR~\v~ri war S Ues :varJOU O anizations an
dean to take offic~ D business school
memberships ..ln organizatil):t1~
trat1on, Marquette University from 1967 to the present. He was on leave from Marquette from 1970-71 as a visiting professor, lnstitut Supeneur des Affa1res in Paris, France, where he directed research in the areas of international business and developed and conducted a course in international business policies. MANAGEMENT His background includes teaching management courses in Iraq, Okl ahoma Ci ty Un1ver ity , Northeastern Univ e rsity in Boston , University of Wi sconsmand for the International Harvester Company He also served as personnel director for St , Luke's Ho p1tals m Milwaukee from 1953-58 and earlier m hi career was h ad translator for General tafl Intelhgence for the British Army.
Appointment of Dr. Clement J Nouri as dean of the Univer ity of San Diego's School of Bu siness Ad - min is tr at 1on has been announced by USO president Dr. Author E. Hughes Nouri is to assume his position m August Nouri brings to his new post an international background in both education and working experience BAGHDAD TRAINED II attended law school in Baghdad , Iraq before going to th Un1ver 1ty of Wisconsin Wh<'r(' he rl'Ceived his BBA m per onn I and industr ial manag<'ment He earned his MBA in commerce and his Ph.D. m management from the University of Wisconsin . Nouri wa associate protessor of management and director of Milwaukee lntcr• nation I Trade In titute , Collegt of Business Adminis-
professional include Education Business,
the Association
the World Affair! Council, the American Asso- ciation of University Pro- fessors , National Catholic Educahon Association and the Industrial Reial ons Research Association ..; Nouri is married and is !fle lather of three children. EFFECTIVE LEADERS .; Hughes, in announcing I.lie appointment, said , "We at U§.P recognize our speci111 responsibility as a.n independent institution 10 develop effective leaders for th ::business community who a 8 not only trained in muagement skills provided by the other educational institu- tion in our area, but whose edu ation includes a thorough understanding of their own capab1l1ties , .be free enterprise system :'and Judeo- Christian principles:•• · Hughes went on le sa School of Business ministr lion is plinned approximately SOIi full- equivalent students Of 400 undergraduate an MBA students are pl Maximum perso11al atte11tlon will be given to the individual student, graduate and under• graduate alike."
Mark Bradley Tucker, Air F~rce ROTC scholar!hlP 10 University 01 Arizona; Ed· word Deon WIHlamson, OPPOlntmcnt to U.S. Naval Academy MISSION BAY HIGH Anthonv Alan Houll<, scholorstiu, to Brown Unlver!>ltYi Doug101 Mron 1-tfnrv, Graphic Arts Tec:hnlcal Foundoflon ~r-'lol- orshlP to Rodl~ter lntl ltuto of TF-c.h• nologyi P.eneloi:,e Holden, tcholor~t,ip 101 Pepperdlne UnlverMIV; Oc,1 Rov ~ 1 r uv, scholon.h1p to UCS O· Flao rt J..,fl11 Lt>on- Guerrero, Kholon,ht' to Pepperd'i e 1J1 I• versitY. T MOIU IGH s~uort Dreher N "" ROTC •~holo1 ship to Unlven,ltv o1 Caftfornro c., e~, lo;.eleY; Thomas Tolman, Air orce QOTC s, ho or• shtp to LOYOia Unf ,ity; H.. "I.. ..,. \JC.CO, ~a~,~~:. \\a. POINT LOMA HIGH fo~~rjbe~ :.Ac:r1~ ~ ~~l~~i~:~!~t'1n ~0~t Air Force Acodemv; Robert Ernest Choate, schoJor1hlP to Llndenw.x,d Cot• leqe; Doug Jomes H.ogan, scholarship to USC; ModelelneCat ll• Kofat1e,., scholar- ship to UCLA; J h Martain O'Grodv, scholarship to Un ~•rsltv of S°IJ'n Fran• clsco; A.Ion Scott t terson, Navy ftOTC scholarshlp to Or State; Mark Nlch• alas Radovich ,ct;olorshlP to Arizona State Unlver.sitv; ~ rv Smith, Rohr In,. dustrles scholorshlp to Callfornlo State University, San Dl~go; Stuart TOdd Stolp, scholarship 10 Nortl)western; Christopher John Webb, scholat tfllp to Prlnch>IO COi• leQe, SAPf DIEGO HIGH Joel Bastida, sc.holorshla:i to Seattle Pa- cific ColleOf'; Ma~ C.cmpa, ..n:ilorshlp ~~tf :~, s~~~,~ ~t':~o~ h, t~?~:Yc!od~t Allon Osborn, aPPOlntment to West Pc.Int; John PlPklns, Jr., scholarship 10 Clare- mont MPn's Collece; ChrlstoPher Rauber, $CholarshlP to Brown Unlvarsttv,
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