News Scrapbook 1970-1972

June 24, ll'/72 lar dee ares hristians arn muc I rom Hindus

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"This is the most magnificent vie, I ave ever i;een," exclaimed Mrs. L. Patrick Gray ru, wife of the acting director of the FBI, as . he entered, with her husband, the Point Loma quart of their long-time friends and hosts, Rear Adm. ;rm;eph W. Williams Jr., commandant o( the 11th aval Dis- trict, and Mrs. Williams. For Mr. and Mrs. Gray the view also had romantic significance, mce they

D·Z THE SAN DIEGO UNION 1- /u-7'2.. STRi\WS IN W . -- .(Continued from D·l) t.nrnmed with delica)e embroidery and appliqued in organza flowers. It. was fashioned with shoulder train worn nder • full-Jeng h 1llus1on veil. Her attendants wore pale lemon-color- ed c_hlffon, trimmed with cotton lace, and carr11'd ro es and dalSlcs. • ~rs. Hancock greeted guests m a flowered chiffon model in shades of aqua, powder and royal blue. The bridegroom's mother chose a floor-length lace and voile dress of onental design m ~trawberry pink and white. Simpson-Young Vows Announcement is being made of the approaching marriage of :'-!rs. Albert M. Young of San Diego. formerly of Spnngfield Ill.. to Robert P. Simpson. They will be m ned July 30 at i p.m m La Jolla Presbyterian Church. Dr Lout~ Evans will • officiate. A recepllon will follow m the Mi ion Room Bahia Hotel. ' Stan~mg with the bride and bridegroom will be Mrs. Youn., s three daughters and Mr. Simpson's thrPf' sons. They are :\!rs. Lincoln Arthur of Spnng Valley, Mrs. Kenneth Va- lenzano of San Diego anrl Mrs. Dennis Vice of Coronado also Jeffrey, BradlPy and :\lichaet Simpson. ' Aller a wedding tnp to the Pacific Northwest, the couple will make their home at 1111 Via Carolina, La Jolla. lV e'1rle -Whisenand Betrothal . and Mrs. James M Whisenand announced the engage- ment of their dauJlhler, Gretchen Mary, to Karl Frederick Wehr!P, ;on of Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wehrle of San Marino. ~1ss Whisenand was graduatl'd cum laude from The Bish- ops School She attended University of California at Santa Cruz for two year~ and was graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UC-Berkeley. She 1s a member of Zlac Rowing Club. The bridegroom-to-be _was graduated from UC-Berkeley and was Miss Marcia Leigh M. 11 arzwe I Sacred Heart Catholic Ch~ e~ ;hore her ~arriage July 1 at Miller home Mr T re · e reception followed at the Tarzwell of·Fuliert~~w;~~; Ire sin~ Mr. and Mrs. Willian attened by her si~ter ·Miss er Y O . oemx. The bride was Chen Tarzwell. Miss 'sonniei~ 0 kmillerMmatd of honor; Miss Miss Lisa Tarzwell flower g I J 1nf, rs. Peter Miller. and best man. ' ir · e ery Tarzwell served as Persons-Places-Pleasures Mr. and Mrs A w H J and '1rs. Jam~s Scripp:.'1fio:~eo~~~ IVeMgas hfave leased Mr. summer. e ar or most of the Mrs. James Robf.rt D .· - 11 . in honor of Mrs. Hora a,; w~ inve_ a lunche_on for 50 Aug. 8 Warden. The party wilf'.~er;! 1~ 11 • wife of retired Rear Adm. the transient mto the p~rm 8 ne relcome Mrs. Warden from Adm. anrl Mrs. Davis' son-in-la:anserV!ce set. Retired Rear. Mrs. Jonathan T. Tibbitts rec t/ daughter, Lt. Cmdr. and bought a house in the Ken~ingti~ ire~f ~rt Hhueneme, have Casey and Greg. · ey ave two sons, Dr. and Mrs. A. M Li · t . . July 20 at their horn~ w:g:oon, who will give a dinner party for 50_ guests. They 'presenteJ\~~~t;Y at a patio m~sci~le and his wife, a singer who returned age, 1 concert p1amst, Janel. ' recent Y from Switzer- Mrs. Henry G Fent •u • . town house in h~nor ~nE~wag{t/ dmner party J~ly 17 in her spend several days here golfing wlt~f'.!1 °[i Pfh~rux, who will Mr and Mrs. Paul Hoefl . 0 a nends. for Mr. Hoefler's dau hte/r gave a dmner party Friday night that day from HonoluTu with~~s~g~muelMTroyer, who returned Sant.a Maria and Miss Laurie T ers, Thrs. T~~y P~entice of lands with Mrs. Tro er's •· royer. ey vmted m the is- Mrs. Ronald Herrin/for t:i:~;i~~ and daughter, Mr, and Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bur h w tts dunng the weekend f~om a ~i;~ 1; . of "!-,a Jolla returned Mame. Th_ey enjoyed a reunion ~th 1~e~~t1ve city, Portl~n~, live maritime provinces in Canad d ~•. a tour of pnm1- D.C. Dr. Wat~s attendee! his clas:~~ni:n ~:11 t~ Wacshingto~, Le 1ston, Mame where h a es ollege 1n college. The Wat:tses spen[ t~:s..~!!~:;;u_steWPile 11!1eritbus of the Dr. and Harr A C . m . 1ams urg. Va. par to int i e !5r Aul~l~n1~a;e been giving a series of Mr . Hu~hP lo he co · 0 ig P~, nrrsident af IISQ. and un n a Lod mmumty. Mrs Collln~ was ho t at a and ~I . and Mrs Ha~~ for I s..Hughes. Dr. and Mr llins a trip to Kauai. . y R. Colhns Jr. recently returnl'd from .Mrs Dorothy C Golrl d • , turned Thursday f~om pen an Mr.~. K. Gavin Brennan re. vacaltonmg sincP ,Tune 27uerto Vallario, where they had been b f , • . rs. 1s now attending the dental school of the University of Southern California. A late August garden wedding is planned. Dr. Wehrle is assistant dean and professor of pediatrics at the USC medical school. Dr. Whisenand is a La Jolla urologist and assistant clinical professor of Surgery Urology at Uni- versity of California at San Diego school of medicine. To Live In Tempe Mr· and Mrs. Brice Edward Tar- zwell, who have been spending their honeymoon at Santa Barbara, plan to v1s1t Mrs. Tarzwell's parents, retired Rear Adm. and .Mrs. Edwin S. Miller of hCoronado, before establishing their ome m Tempe Ariz M T Miss Wlsenand . 1

could see aC"ross the 1 'harbor of the sun·• 10 Coropli,do where they were manied in 1!M6. Adm. and 2\1rs. Williams met the bride for the f11 time a short time later in 1946 in,Anna- polis. Howrver, the do;;e frirnd- ship of Adm. Williams and :11r. Gray began in 1944 when Mr. Gray served as thr admiral's executive officer ahoard the USS Bumper. The mC'n :-erved together at Pearl Harbor after World War II and 15 years ago iri New London, Conn. Adm, Williams is willing to wager that Mr. Gray, 56, who was made acting director of the

tr pt'oplc \\ ill u:e an) mode ot tl"anspo11at1on lr. and .:\lr . John Killea, leamed on the Fourth of Julv. Thev dmit the:, IM.'Ouraged the bizat·r traffic to tht' hm.' bay-shore La Plarn doo1 with theh ehal- ging invitations which sugges1ed how to get there i , . ail, 1-ow, walk. cycle or drive). heir guests responded with more verve lo to t ·r ial playgrounds. a. lr . William Boehm and . t.. r tir ,d C pt. and

than they expected and filled the Boehms' kitchen garden and sandy ~bore \\ith their ;travel gear. 1lr. and Mr . Jean Pie11·e- Paris arrived on a shining mo- torcycle from their Ken ington house. Mrs. Pad.- looking French, which she isn't, in a white jump suit. :\Ir. and lrs.

Eileen Jackson FBI ;\fay 3, will become the pern:ianen_t chief, basing his prediction on what he co?s1ders IS Mr. Gray's obvious fitne:,;s for the post. 'Beside:,;, he looks as though he :,;bould be- head of the FBI," one feminine guest said last night at a lawn reception n for Mr. and Mrs. Gray by Adm. and ;\lrs. Wj 1ams. Mr. Gray, who comes to his important respo iblities with success in two ca- reei:s and a rich academic background, has rugged stra1ghtf

Fleming par!'! L.TLi,h1' 1-t. t. Thomas J. Fleming held a seated dinner party for 60 guests June 3(). which included active and retired military as well as civilian friends. The "Fourth of July" theme was carried out in the floral cen- terpieces of red carnations, white mums and blue corn- flowers. Placecards and can- es in graceful candelabras again.,t a background of red linen tablecloths added color to the tables. Cocktails and a ariety of hors d'oeuvres were rved in the carpeted patio ·th miniature lights sparkling from the overhead awning and rounding trees. Guests in- cluded: RAdrn. Horace V. Bird, USN (ret (rel)and Mrs. Bird; RAdrn. John B. Davis,Jr., USN and Mrs. Davis; Maj. Gen. LowellE. English, USMC (rel) and Mrs. English; Capt. Linton Herndon, USN (rel) and Mrs. Herndon; RAdrn. Sheldon H. Kinney, USN, and Mrs. Kinney; Capt Robert W. Leeman, USN (rel} and Mrs. Kinney; Capt Robert W. Leeman, USN (rel) and Mrs. Leeman; Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp, USN (rel) and Mrs. Sharp; Capt A.B. Smith Jr., USN (rel) and Mrs. Smith; RAdm. Joseph W. Williams Jr., USN and Mrs. Williams; Dr. and Mrs. Dominic A. DeSanto; Dr. andMrs, Author E. Hu§he,§; Dr. and Mrs. Edmun L. Keeney; Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Love; Dr. and Mrs. George Lewis Phillips; Messrs. and Mmes. Paul J. Anderson; Eric Bass; Phillip R. Crippen Jr.; Ferdinand T. Fletcher; Frank Forward; L. Thomas Halverstadt; Everett Gee Jackson; Hunter M. Muir; Harper C. Olmstead; Jean-

Richard W. Tullar and Mr. and Mr. . Fielder Lutes cheated a little by transporting their bi- cycles to Point Loma and riding in on them the last blocks. The Tullars, in dress hinting of the Gay • 'ineties, came on a flag- decorated bicycle built foi- two, which later wa wheeled by other guests up and down an Antonio treet. The skill of retired Capt. William D. Wideman and Mrs. George Hatch on the tandem caught the fancy of some young collegians on the beach who applauded them. ir. and Mrs. .John Cotton came by sea in their European pedal boat named "'Tis." which gained its name when friend insi ·ted: "Tisn't a boat." 1Irs. Anderson Borthwick did what comes daily and naturally to her - she jogged to the party in her ltttle red jog- ging suit wiU1 l\Ir, Borthwick following m his u -ual golf stride. Jay Killea arriYed on a unicycle. Retired Rear Adm. and '.\!rs. David Lambert. who walked from their yacht moored at the San Diego Yacht Club. arri at a similar party la -t year by Skiff. Retired Rear Adm. and '.\Irs. C. A. Karaberis walked do\\11 from Armada terrace arid ll!r. and '.\!rs.. tanford Steinbeck. who live in a neighboring high condomm1um, announced on the party bulletin board that they descended on the party b} elevator Thee. Temple '.\lur- phys, who are building a condominum a bloclt-away from the Boehm house. walked to the party. Bravest guest, Miss Mary Boehm. daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Boeh , arrived from Scripps Hospital on crutches (necessitated by a fall from a horse). Her brother Douglas, Dr. John Galbraith, formQr UC D chancellor. and Mi:s Galbraith of Los ngeles, accom- panied b,· Dr. Galbraith· mother, were among the fl~-ins, One wag expre,sed the transportation trauma of those who motored to the party through holiday tra ic when he wrote on the bulletin board that he came "in fear and rembling." The ho ·tesse thoughtfully dressed to comf :ruests who wanted to wear long summer dresses m ual togs, '.\!rs. Killea wor a fiesta cotton dress horizon banded in wide colorful ·n~~ and '.',lrs. Boehm cho. e a pants en- semble with ttfcolored accessories, I,, '(he -outh are of fried chicken. corn · cuits wa se with honey taken from Cap h \es an P. Loma. V Among he guests were Dr. Author Hughe , president of USD, and lllr . Hughes who are being enthusiastically absorbed in the "town'· community; . fr. a,ld' Mrs ward Hinkle and Mr. and Mr, Howard Chernofl. recent!; returned to the ~a, and '.\Ir. and '.\Ir~. Bruce R. Hazard. who have spent the 1a~t qu11rter of a century givihg Fourth of July galas therru Iv ;i d who expect to revive the tradition, ..



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1-2.0-1't. USD readies opera night n E, or Opera ,1 ill ;ir nted in the Camino eater t the University of Herrick and Brother James Tarantino, S.F.C.

lne JJ..M.., 14 • J,lyl ..A... 4

WHH,-llat•1 A"oiloble s.,.,.,11.4 o.c••,•• u,... 12la

Dolores Humes and :\liss Swaim will present a portion of Purcell's "Dido and Aeneas." , . loza11's "The Director and the Prima Donna" will be sung. by Charles Birkner. Jean Karlan, Regina Birkner '.\liss Deegan and Mi, Ht:r'. rick. Ilana Iy ·or \ 11 be the pi- ano

an Dtego on SaturJay at 8 p.m. The program b open to the public without charge. ' enes from "The Magic Flut~ · by .'llo:z:art \I ill be per- formed b Laura Schane , Dora- t Sv.a1m, i ter Cqlumb Tierney S.H F., '.\lar u D egan, Dan Gnc !!Ta 'R tt) Lou1 t•

hlt,rMtleHt Vanity Stofl



,., htf•nMtion write

U11lversltr of S•n Diego Tennis <••P


120 Dt Selt1 Moll, Aini • hrti

Dlttt, CA. '2110/114-291-64'8

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