News Scrapbook 1970-1972

USDto Ecumenical Center University of San Diego officials Wednesday announced· the establishment of an Ecumenical Center for World Religions on mpus. The purpos of the center will be first to understand other religion then to appreciate them, l)en to 'build bridges where po nts of Hinduism June 19 to June 29, the two men said. In Jaunary of 1973. the center 1s to make an on-site study of Japans religions. OfhC'f Chnstian religions. non Clmst1an religions. and athe1 m arc to be studied, Msgr Portman said.

contemporary relat10nship to it. a seminar brochure on the seminar states. Course parllc1pants are to meet six hours a day for lectures, discussion groups and workshops Evening sessions may be devoted to visiting Hindu centers in San Diego and vicinity . Cost of the course 1s $150 for credit or $75 to audit. The Rev. Thomas Berry. an internationally known scholar of Asian religions, is to serve as guest professor Schneider, a Lutheran and associate prolessor of Religious Studies al USD. is to serve as resident professor.

Party Pace Will Slow At Sta1t Of New Year By !!;ILEEN JACKSO~ 1 I Entertaining m the new year may run at a slower pace than the holiday tempo but it has a quality of its own. ~!rs Leo _D. I Hermie, wile of retired Lt. Gen. Hermie, o El Caion foothills has set Jan. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the sizable drop-in luncheon she w111 give in honor of ;'tlrs Anthgr E ttn"bl: 5 ,Jr,, I wile of the first lay president of University of San Diego. The guest will be more "town" than •·gown." giving Mrs. Hughes an opportunity to meet representative members of the community.


The cent r is an outgrowth of the eC'umemcal proclamations of atican II in 1964, the monsignor said The seminar in Hinduism is to be offered as an undergraduate three-credit course Its purpose is to ,stemati allv and historically stud~ the tenets of Hinduism with. emphasis on Christianity's

convergence exist" between the Catholic religion and other religions, Msgr. John R Portman, chairman, and Dr Delwin Byron Schneider, coordinator.' said al a campus news conference Wednesday The center's first project will be a 10-day seminar in

Gen . Hermie has been 011 the law fac- ulty at UCSD for 12 years. He and the late Judge de Witt H l\lerr!am, in or- der to help establi ·t'. the university's law school, served as $1 a year men until the department as '!I redited. Each year a dinner wa givl)n at which they would be pres tea tlieir $1 with appropriate cererrony RatT1moor Party



1ion 11 bi hop of the Oki, homa C'ity- Tu'sa Roman Cathoht· Dloni·c uinn Installed oma Diocese

Bishop John Head Of Okla


coordinator. Msgr. Portland is also chairman of the USD Department of Religious Studies while Schneider, an expert in Asian religions, is an associate professor of religious studies. The center will offer a 10-day seminar in

Dr. Delwin Byron Schneider and Msgr. John


talk with newsmen as

R. Portman

announce the formation of an Ecumemcal Center for World Religions at the University of San Diego. Msgr. Portman is chairman of the new center and Prof. Schneider is

Hinduism in June.

Regulations Fence landWith Many Restrictions

La Jollan Barry Lyons, recently elected secretary of communications for the University of San Diego Associated Student Body, talks with student body President John

Murphy, Hart, secretary of finance. Lyons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ill of 7813 Via Capri, is a sophomore at USD. right, and Bob


Fete \Vill Mark C~n!~r Ol}.~1l~P-~ A r(ce~ at the La .Rilla home of Dr. and Mrs. A. :vi. Livingston al 7 p.m. Saturday will celebrate the e tablishment of the Ecumenical Center for World Religions on the campus of the l'niversity of San Diego. Honored guests will be Dr. Author E. Hughes, president of the universitv. and Mrs. Hughes; Rev. ·Msgr. John R Portman. chairman of the cen- ter, and Dr. Delwin Byron Sch- neider, coordinator of the cen- ter, and Mrs. Schneider.

Al\ religion Center at USD gstablishment of 8cume01cal Center_

World Religions at USD De Sales Hall will be announced t 3 reception Saturda), Jan. a the home of Dr. and 29 in . La ;,, 1 ~s. A :,t Livingston in Jolla Reception also will honor M John ll Portman, gr. th Dioce an chairman of e . 1 cornm1 10n, Ecumen1ca I Mrs Delwin and Dr an< · coor- Byron Schneider, world 010 tor of the UC"' re1tg1ons program

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